The Angband Ladder: Dandor, Half-Orc Mage by Rhuannas

  [Angband 3.4.1 Character Dump]

 Name   Dandor                                   Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
 Sex    Male         Age             13   STR:     15  +2  -3  +0     14
 Race   Half-Orc     Height          66   INT:     14  -1  +3  +0     16
 Class  Mage         Weight         143   WIS:     12  +0  +0  +0     12
 Title  Novice       Social      Pariah   DEX:     13  +0  +0  +0     13
 HP     -1/10        Maximize         Y   CON:     13  +1  -2  +0     12
 SP     2/2                               CHR:     15  -4  +1  +0     12

 Level                1   Armor      [0,+0]     Saving Throw         28%
 Cur Exp             10   Fight     (+0,+0)     Stealth              Bad
 Max Exp             10   Melee     (+0,+0)     Fighting            Fair
 Adv Exp             14   Shoot     (+0,+0)     Shooting             Bad
 MaxDepth      50' (L1)   Blows    1.0/turn     Disarming            25%
 Game Turns        7621   Shots      0/turn     Magic Device          36
 Standard Turns     763   Infra       30 ft     Perception       1 in 23
 Resting Turns       45   Speed      Normal     Searching            16%
 Gold                14   Burden   24.8 lbs

 Your mother was an Orc, but it is unacknowledged. You are the adopted
 child of a Serf.  You are a credit to the family.  You have brown
 eyes, straight brown hair, and a very fair complexion.

rAcid:............. Nexus:.............
rElec:............. Nethr:.............
rFire:............. Chaos:.............
rCold:............. Disen:.............
rPois:............. Feath:.............
rLite:............. pFear:.............
rDark:............+ pBlnd:.............
Sound:............. pConf:.............
Shard:............. pStun:.............

Light:.....+....... Tunn.:.............
Regen:............. Speed:.............
  ESP:............. Blows:.............
Invis:............. Shots:.............
FrAct:............. Might:.............
HLife:............. S.Dig:.............
Stea.:............. ImpHP:.............
Sear.:.............  Fear:.............
Infra:............+ Aggrv:.............

  [Last Messages]

> the Floating eye gazes at you.
> You are paralysed!
> the Floating eye gazes at you.
> You resist the effects!
> the Floating eye gazes at you.
> You can move again.
> the Floating eye gazes at you.
> You are paralysed!
> the Floating eye gazes at you.
> the Floating eye gazes at you.
> You die.

Killed by a Floating eye.

  [Character Equipment]

a) a Dagger (1d4) (+0,+0)
     An inheritance from your family.
     Can be destroyed by acid.
     Combat info:
     1.0 blow/round.
     With +4 STR and +0 DEX you would attack a bit faster
     With +6 STR and +0 DEX you would get 1.1 blows
     With +0 STR and +4 DEX you would attack a bit faster
     With +4 STR and +4 DEX you would get 1.1 blows
     With +0 STR and +7 DEX you would get 1.1 blows
     Average damage/round: 2.5.
b) (nothing)
c) (nothing)
d) (nothing)
e) (nothing)
f) a Wooden Torch (4270 turns) <+1>
     An inheritance from your family.
     Can be destroyed by fire.
     Radius 1 light.
g) (nothing)
h) (nothing)
i) (nothing)
j) (nothing)
k) (nothing)
l) (nothing)

  [Character Quiver]

n) (nothing)
o) (nothing)
p) (nothing)
q) (nothing)
r) (nothing)
s) (nothing)
t) (nothing)
u) (nothing)
v) (nothing)
w) (nothing)

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Book of Magic Spells [Magic for Beginners]
     An inheritance from your family.
     Can be destroyed by fire.
b) 6 Rations of Food
     An inheritance from your family.
c) a Potion of Boldness
     Bought from a store.
     Can be destroyed by cold.
d) a Potion of Resist Cold
     Bought from a store.
     Can be destroyed by cold.
e) a Potion of Heroism
     Found lying on the floor at 50 feet (level 1).
     Can be destroyed by cold.
f) a Scroll of Phase Door
     Bought from a store.
     Can be destroyed by acid, fire.
g) a Scroll of Detect Invisible
     Bought from a store.
     Can be destroyed by acid, fire.
h) a Scroll of Satisfy Hunger
     Bought from a store.
     Can be destroyed by acid, fire.
i) 6 Scrolls of Light
     Found lying on the floor at 50 feet (level 1).
     Can be destroyed by acid, fire.
j) a Scroll of Word of Recall
     An inheritance from your family.
     Can be destroyed by acid, fire.
k) 2 Wooden Torches (5000 turns) <+1>
     An inheritance from your family.
     Can be destroyed by fire.
     Radius 1 light.
l) a Short Bow (x2) (+1,+5)
     Found lying on the floor at 50 feet (level 1).
     Can be destroyed by acid, fire.

         1      0'    1   Began the quest to destroy Morgoth.


Maximise effect of race/class bonuses        : yes (birth_maximize)
Randomise the artifacts (except a very few)  : no  (birth_randarts)
Restrict the use of stairs/recall            : no  (birth_ironman)
Halve view and spell distances               : no  (birth_small_range)
Restrict creation of artifacts               : no  (birth_no_artifacts)
Don't stack objects on the floor             : no  (birth_no_stacking)
Lose artifacts when leaving level            : no  (birth_no_preserve)
Don't generate connected stairs              : no  (birth_no_stairs)
Don't show level feelings                    : no  (birth_no_feelings)
Items always sell for 0 gold                 : no  (birth_no_selling)
Use previous set of randarts                 : yes (birth_keep_randarts)
Monsters chase recent locations              : yes (birth_ai_smell)
Monsters act smarter in groups               : yes (birth_ai_packs)
Monsters learn from their mistakes           : no  (birth_ai_learn)
Monsters exploit player's weaknesses         : no  (birth_ai_cheat)
Monsters behave more intelligently (broken)  : no  (birth_ai_smart)

Posted on 25.4.2013 10:43

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18972. on the Ladder (of 19132)
6532. on the Angband Ladder (of 6579)
Third best for this player (


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On 25.4.2013 10:43 Rhuannas wrote:
Hmpff, Half-Orc Mage. Once and never again

On 25.4.2013 16:46 Raajaton wrote:
As a low level mage you pretty much never want to be in melee range of anything - especially not a floating eye that can paralyze you. Basically if you can't kill it with magic missles before it gets on you, it's time to gtfo.

Mages definitely are the most challenging early game, so don't be discouraged.

On 25.4.2013 17:55 Philip wrote:
Two hints. Autoroller and bad race/class combinations are hard early, tolerable late. Two, their combination is somewhat of a disaster.

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