
Competition No.199

Starts:December 26th, 2016 11:00
Ends:January 1st, 2017 11:00 (ended)
Variant:Sil 1.3.0
Save file:Download starting save file
Sam X is sure that the present her boss got her is woefully insufficient (she hasn't opened it yet), so she's decided to go get herself something she's always wanted -- a Silmarell or three.

This is a short competition. Hurry up!

You can download Sil 1.3 here.

Winner is entry with highest score.


Current standings (all entries) [toggle]

 namebyrace classlevelexperienceturncountmax depth updated
1Sam XwobblyNoldor Finarfin141,378,88091,30321,120010 comments27.12.2016 16:28
2Sam XPsiNoldor Finarfin20,086,40076,41713,600204 comments30.12.2016 19:27
3Sam XletslaughNoldor Finarfin20,074,23773,28225,763207 comments29.12.2016 15:30
4Sam YPsiNoldor Finarfin15,093,17541,2886,825152 comments31.12.2016 13:09
5Sam XwobblyNoldor Finarfin13,092,79331,5637,207132 comments26.12.2016 16:05 updated
6Sam XkrazyhadesNoldor Finarfin12,090,88224,3819,118124 comments27.12.2016 04:19
7Sam XdeboNoldor Finarfin8,094,17915,8815,82182 comments29.12.2016 13:03 updated
8Sam XkrazyhadesNoldor Finarfin6,097,8308,6092,1706 27.12.2016 00:53 updated
9Sam XdeboNoldor Finarfin6,097,05510,2622,94561 comment29.12.2016 05:35 updated
10Sam XdeboNoldor Finarfin5,097,4768,9482,52451 comment28.12.2016 12:05 updated
11Sam XdeboNoldor Finarfin5,097,2209,0062,78051 comment27.12.2016 08:15 updated
12Sam XkrazyhadesNoldor Finarfin2,099,6145,67438621 comment27.12.2016 01:01 updated

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