
Competition No.65

Starts:February 22nd, 2009 00:00
Ends:March 22nd, 2009 00:00 (ended)
Variant:FAangband 0.3.6
Save file:Download starting save file
First Age Angband refocuses on Tolkien's most developed work: The Silmarillion, great saga of the First Age of Middle-Earth. You adventure in the vast continent of Beleriand, journeying through towns, wildernesses, and multiple dungeons all linked together in your quest to reach Angband, home of Morgoth. Version 0.3.6 has just been released by Psi, FA's most successful player.

Splinter is an Ent Rogue who has specialised in Unlight. He is currently in his home town of Taur-Im-Duinath in the south, but has set one of his four recall points in the dungeon of Amon Rudh.

Tips: Set monster traps with '+'; check Splinter's special abilities with 'O'; see a map of Middle Earth with '?', '5', '5'. The dungeon guardians are Mim (Amon Rudh), Glaurung (Nargothrond), Ungoliant (Nan Dungortheb), Sauron (Tol-In-Gaurhoth) and Morgoth (Angband).

The winner of this competition will be the least turns to kill Morgoth, or failing that the least turns to kill the deepest dungeon guardian killed.

FAangband 0.3.6 can be downloaded from

Savefile submitted by Psi.

Current standings (personal best) [toggle]

 namebyrace classlevelexperienceturncount updated
1Splinter IIevaristeEnt Rogue442,056,33297,9706 comments6.3.2009 15:03
2Speedy3Cave ManEnt Rogue421,491,018126,4332 comments4.3.2009 07:58 updated
3SplinterPsiEnt Rogue411,324,373130,35710 comments3.3.2009 07:51
6Splinter IVNickEnt Rogue507,569,590861,81821 comments2.3.2009 22:03
8LastSplintthapperEnt Rogue39895,530311,1014 comments18.3.2009 19:56
9TrunkPowerDiverEnt Rogue33230,15195,2176 comments10.3.2009 22:43
10LintbuzzkillEnt Rogue32188,545341,03616 comments14.3.2009 21:49
13CarnivoreAtrielEnt Rogue2760,214255,8551 comment13.3.2009 10:00 updated
18WinterDonald JonkerEnt Rogue208,231222,6293 comments25.2.2009 03:25
21SplinterRochEnt Rogue184,187183,5241 comment8.3.2009 06:43 updated

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