
Competition No.243

Starts:February 19th, 2022 13:00
Ends:February 20th, 2022 13:00 (ended)
Variant:Angband 4.2.3
Save file:Download starting save file
This is a 24-hour competition, see or download the 4.2.3 here.

Rules are:
- points-based stat generation
- connected stairs off, monster learning on, know runes/flavours off, persistent levels off and percentage dice off

There is no savefile (the one provided is a dummy to satisfy the page), just pick your favourite race/class combination and go!

UPDATE: It looks like we can't post characters here while there's another competition going on, so just post your character dump in the competition thread.

Current standings (personal best) [toggle]

 namebyrace classlevelexperienceturncountmax depth updated
1VinaEstieHigh-Elf Mage401,690,20689,8411008 comments20.2.2022 02:21 updated
2FEB19TH2NDSpharaDwarf Warrior32217,31215,70357 20.2.2022 09:59
3Twofour_IImalcontentHigh-Elf Rogue32253,03225,995526 comments20.2.2022 05:36
4BarmorSelkieHigh-Elf Mage32229,83734,864304 comments19.2.2022 15:48 updated

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