
Competition No.192

Starts:August 25th, 2016 11:00
Ends:September 15th, 2016 11:00 (ended)
Variant:Sangband 1.0.1 build 129
Save file:Download starting save file
Garden is a Gnome with a home to call her own. She's highly intelligent, which is good because you probably need an IQ of 120 to figure out the order of operations required to learn your first spell in Sangband.

Winner is the fastest game winner, or failing that the deepest completed quest (in fewest turns if a tiebreak is needed).

Sangband 1.0.1 build 129 is available from the Sangband variant page.


Current standings (personal best) [toggle]

 namebyrace classlevelexperienceturncountmax depth updated
1GardenellipticGnome987,0131,427,2671007 comments31.8.2016 16:22
2Garden IIhjklyubnGnome891,4172,429,9758810 comments15.9.2016 07:30
5Garden IIIt4nkGnome51387519,8303510 comments2.9.2016 17:32
6Garden IIIwobblyGnome51327410,501265 comments4.9.2016 14:58
8Garden IIIt4nkGnome27114266,893102 comments30.8.2016 12:48 updated

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