
Competition No.185

Starts:February 8th, 2016 11:00
Ends:February 29th, 2016 11:00 (ended)
Variant:Halls of Mist 1.3.2
Save file:Download starting save file
Ziggy really sang, screwed up eyes and screwed down hairdo
Like some cat from Japan, he could lick 'em by smiling
He could leave 'em to hang
Here came on so loaded man, well hung and snow white tan.

Ziggy is a Gnome Rogue. He has recently discovered that he is a figment of the imagination of the Thin White Duke, and has laid aside his guitar to seek him out.

This competition is held in memorial of David Bowie. Hit hit hit the Thin White Duke.

Competition winner is the highest score.

You can download Halls of Mist 1.3.2 from its variant page.

Current standings (personal best) [toggle]

 namebyrace classlevelexperienceturncountmax depth updated
1ZiggyhjklyubnGnome Rogue2573,299001 comment13.2.2016 02:02
2Ziggy IIIwobblyGnome Rogue2562,973006 comments19.2.2016 18:30
3ZiggykrazyhadesGnome Rogue2232,802002 comments19.2.2016 22:38
7ZiggynikheizenGnome Rogue1915,316001 comment13.2.2016 06:20 updated
8ZiggybdgamerGnome Rogue1810,570001 comment15.2.2016 04:08 updated
9ZiggydeboGnome Rogue178,391003 comments12.2.2016 04:08
10ZiggyGadeonGnome Rogue165,952004 comments20.2.2016 01:19
11MajorTom 36darkdroneGnome Rogue165,772008 comments16.2.2016 16:40 updated

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