The Angband Ladder: Dead Again, High-Elf Alchemist by budswell

  [ToME 2.3.5(CVS) Character Sheet]

 Name  : Dead Again             Age                112       STR!     33       
 Sex   : Female                 Height              88       INT!     38       
 Race  : High-Elf               Weight             220       WIS!     34       
 Class : Alchemist              Social Class        49       DEX!     35       
 Body  : Player                                              CON!     30       
 God   : Manwe Sulimo                                        CHR:     33       
 + To Melee Hit          44 Level             38    Hit Points     -699/   422 
 + To Melee Damage       47 Experience   1648711    Spell Points    270/   270 
 + To Ranged Hit         47 Max Exp      1648711    Sanity          499/   499 
 + To Ranged Damage      12 Exp to Adv.  1955000    Piety                74609 
   AC                 50+66 Gold         3865937    Speed           Fast (+37) 
                         (Miscellaneous Abilities)                             
 Fighting    : Legendary[20]Perception  : Bad          Blows/Round:  9         
 Bows/Throw  : Heroic       Searching   : Bad          Shots/Round:  1         
 Saving Throw: Fair         Disarming   : Bad          Mel.dmg/Rnd:  9d6+423   
 Stealth     : Bad          Magic Device: Legendary[15]Infra-Vision: 40 feet   
                                                       Tactic:       berserker 
                                                       Explor:       running   
                         (Character Background)                                
          You are yet another in a loooooonnnnnnggggg line of dead             
          alchemists. The pundits are all saying "this time". But I            
          reckon you're just going to die fast like the rest of the            
          stupid glove wearing gits.                                           

  [Miscellaneous information]

 Joke monsters:        OFF
 Maximize mode:        ON
 Preserve Mode:        ON
 Autoscum:             ON
 Small Levels:         ON
 Arena Levels:         ON
 Always unusual rooms: OFF
 Persistent Dungeons:  OFF

 Recall Depth:
        Mirkwood: Level 33 (1650')
        Barrow-Downs: Level 10 (500')
        Orc Cave: Level 22 (1100')
        The Old Forest: Level 25 (1250')
        Moria: Level 30 (1500')
        The Sacred Land Of Mountains: Level 47 (2350')
        The Sandworm lair: Level 30 (1500')
        A lost temple: Level 19 (950')

 You have done something experimental.
 Your body was a Player.
 You have defeated 14018 enemies.
 The sword that was broken is now reforged.
 You have completed 26 princess quests.
 You have completed seven lost sword quests.
 You found 3 of the relic pieces.

 You started your adventure the 43rd Yavie of the 2890th year of the third age.
 You ended your adventure the 18th Quelle of the 2890th year of the third age.
 Your adventure lasted 32 days.

     Your Attributes:
You are dead, killed by a Great Storm Wyrm on level 47 of The Sacred Land Of
You can cause mold to grow near you.
Your eyes are sensitive to infrared light.
You can see invisible creatures.
You levitate just over the ground.
You have free action.
You can sense the presence of orcs.
You can sense the presence of trolls.
You can sense the presence of evil beings.
You are lucky.
You reflect arrows and bolts.
You are resistant to acid.
You are resistant to fire.
You are resistant to cold.
You are resistant to poison.
You are resistant to bright light.
You are resistant to darkness.
You are resistant to confusion.
You are resistant to disenchantment.
You are resistant to chaos.
You are resistant to blasts of shards.
You are completely fearless.
Your eyes are resistant to blindness.
Your strength is sustained.
Your constitution is sustained.
Your strength is affected by your equipment.
Your intelligence is affected by your equipment.
Your wisdom is affected by your equipment.
Your dexterity is affected by your equipment.
Your constitution is affected by your equipment.
Your stealth is affected by your equipment.
Your searching ability is affected by your equipment.
Your digging ability is affected by your equipment.
Your speed is affected by your equipment.
Your attack speed is affected by your equipment.
Your weapon is very sharp.
Your weapon poisons your foes.
Your weapon strikes at animals with extra force.
Your weapon is especially deadly against orcs.

        Add Str   : ....3.....6.....            
        Add Int   : .......2.2......            
        Add Wis   : .......2.2......            
        Add Dex   : 3...............            
        Add Con   : ....3...........            
        Add Stea. : .......2........            
        Add Sear. : .....4..........            
        Add Tun.. : ..............5.            
        Add Speed : ..*8...2...6...+            
        Add Blows : 3...............            
        Slay Anim.: ++..............            
        Slay Evil : .+..............            
        Slay Orc  : +...............            
        Slay Troll: .+..............            
        Sharpness : +...............            
        Poison Brd: ++..............            
        Elec Brand: .+..............            
        Cold Brand: .+..............            
        Sust Str  : ....+...........            
        Sust Int  : ................            
        Sust Wis  : ................            
        Sust Dex  : ................            
        Sust Con  : ....+...........            
        Sust Chr  : ................            
        Invisible : ................            
        Mul life  : ...............+            
        Sens Fire : ................            
        Reflect   : ......+.........            
        Free Act  : +...+..........+            
        Hold Life : ................            
        Res Acid  : ......++........            
        Res Elec  : ................            
        Res Fire  : ......+.+.......            
        Res Cold  : ......+.........            
        Res Pois  : +...............            
        Res Fear  : ....+...........            
        Res Light : ......+........+            
        Res Dark  : ......+.........            
        Res Blind : .........+......            
        Res Conf  : ..........+.....            
        Res Sound : ................            
        Res Shard : ......+..+......            
        Res Neth  : ................            
        Res Nexus : ................            
        Res Chaos : ..........+.....            
        Res Disen : ....+...........            
        Levitate  : ...............+            
        See Invis : ...............+            
        Activate  : .....+++........            
        Fly       : ......+........+            
        Orc.ESP   : +........+......            
        Troll.ESP : .........+......            
        Evil.ESP  : .........+......            

Skills (points left: 17)
 - Combat                                        19.200 [0.700]
          . Weaponmastery                        42.300 [0.700]
          . Archery                              03.800 [0.400]
 - Sneakiness                                    01.300 [0.900]
          . Stealth                              04.000 [0.400]
          . Disarming                            00.400 [0.000]
 - Magic                                         04.953 [0.900]
          . Magic-Device                         41.750 [1.250]
                   . Fire                        00.000 [0.100]
                   . Water                       00.000 [0.100]
                   . Air                         00.000 [0.100]
                   . Earth                       00.000 [0.100]
          . Meta                                 00.000 [0.500]
          . Conveyance                           00.000 [0.100]
          . Divination                           00.000 [0.500]
          . Temporal                             00.000 [0.100]
          . Mind                                 00.000 [0.100]
          . Nature                               00.000 [0.100]
          . Necromancy                           00.000 [0.100]
          . Runecraft                            00.000 [0.700]
          . Thaumaturgy                          00.000 [0.100]
          . Alchemy                              42.600 [0.800]
 - Spirituality                                  11.000 [0.800]
          . Prayer                               07.500 [0.500]
 - Monster-lore                                  00.500 [0.500]
          . Corpse-preservation                  00.800 [0.800]
          . Mimicry                              01.700 [0.500]

 * Artifact Creation
 * Perfect casting


You are fated to find a Potion of Cure Light Insanity on level 1.
You may meet a Giant spider on level 27.
You are fated to meet a Jackal on level 2.
You may find a Broken Sword on level 8.

  [Character Equipment]

a) The Whip Becoming (Exp:183752) (1d6) (+12,+15) (+3)
    It increases your dexterity and attack speed by 3.  It poisons your
    foes.  It is very sharp and can cut your foes.  It is especially
    deadly against orcs.  It is especially deadly against natural
    creatures.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It provides resistance 
    to poison.  It allows you to sense the presence of orcs.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Cave ogre Priest on level 44 of Moria.
d) The Small Wooden Boomerang 'Turiorth' (1d4) (+15,+12)
    It does extra damage from electricity and frost.  It poisons your foes
    .  It is especially deadly against trolls.  It is a great bane of
    undead.  It fights against evil with holy fury.  It is especially
    deadly against natural creatures.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You made it yourself.
e) an Indestructible Ring of Speed (+10)
    It increases your speed by 10.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You made it yourself.
f) an Indestructible Ring of Speed (+8)
    It increases your speed by 8.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You made it yourself.
k) an Indestructible Amulet of Weaponmastery (+4,+4) [+5] (+3)
    It increases your strength and constitution by 3.  It sustains your 
    strength and constitution.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It
    makes you completely fearless.  It provides resistance to 
    disenchantment.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
    You made it yourself.
m) The Phial Becoming (Exp:183752) (+4) {@A8}
    It can be activated for light area (dam 2d15) every 10+d10 turns if it
    is being worn. It provides light (radius 3) forever.  It increases 
    your searching and luck by 4.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying in a vault on level 25 of The Sandworm lair.
n) The Pseudo Dragon Scale Mail 'Olimros' (-2 to accuracy) [30,+29]
    It can be activated for breathe light/darkness (200) every 60+d90 turns
     if it is being worn. It provides resistance to acid, fire, cold, 
    light, dark and shards.  It allows you to fly.  It reflects bolts and
    arrows.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You bought it from the Dragon Hunter.
o) The Cloak 'Holcolleth' [1,+8] (+2)
    It can be activated for sleep nearby monsters every 55 turns if it is
    being worn. It increases your intelligence, wisdom, stealth and speed
     by 2.  It provides resistance to acid.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
p) a Shield of Deflection of Resist Fire [10,+13]
    It provides resistance to fire.  It cannot be harmed by acid.  It
    cannot be harmed by fire.  
    You made it yourself.
s) The Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+10] (+2)
    It increases your intelligence and wisdom by 2.  It provides
    resistance to blindness and shards.  It allows you to sense the
    presence of orcs, trolls and evil beings.  It cannot be harmed by
    acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 24 of Mirkwood.
u) a Set of Leather Gloves of Power (+0,+2) [1,+8] (+6)
    It increases your strength by 6.  It provides resistance to chaos.  
    You made it yourself.
x) The Pair of Metal Shod Boots Becoming (Exp:23881) [6,+6] (+6)
    It increases your speed by 6.  
    You bought it from the Footwear Shop.
z) (nothing)
{) (nothing)
|) a Shovel of Digging (+5)
    It increases your ability to tunnel by 5.  It cannot be harmed by
    acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You bought it from the General Store.

  [Character Inventory]

a) The Eye of Vecna (charging) {@A1 Restore !k!d!v!s!y}
    It can be activated for restore stats and life levels every 200 turns.
    You found it lying on the ground on level 38 of Moria.
b) Olive's Omnipotent Ostrich {LightAbsorb}
    It can be activated for light absorption every 80 turns.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 45 of The Sacred Land Of
c) 39 Potions of Speed {@q0 !k!d!v!s!y}
d) 33 Potions of Healing {@q1 !k!d!v!s!y}
e) a Potion of *Healing*
f) 21 Scrolls of Teleportation {@r9 !k!d!v!s!y}
g) 21 Scrolls of *Identify* {@r3}
h) 19 Scrolls of Satisfy Hunger {@r1 !k!d!v!s!y}
i) 24 Scrolls of Nothing
j) a Copper Rod of Charging of Trap Location (20/20) {@z9 !k!d!v!s!y}
    It regenerates its mana faster.  
    You made it yourself.
k) a Silver Rod of Capacity of Recall (200/200) {@z0 !*}
    It can hold more mana.  
    You made it yourself.
l) an Adamantite Rod of Charging of Disarming (200/200) {@z7 !k!d!v!s!y}
    It regenerates its mana faster.  
    You made it yourself.
m) a Wand of Noxious Cloud[4|33] (164 charges) {@a4 !k!d!v!s!y}
n) a Fireproof Staff of Reveal Ways[1|26] (108 charges)
    It cannot be harmed by fire.  
    You made it yourself.
o) a Ring of Nexus Resistance {!*}
p) The Heavy Crossbow of Rhuar (x7) (+10,+13) (+3)
    It increases your intelligence and constitution by 3.  It fires
    missiles with extra might.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient black dragon on level 46 of The
    Sacred Land Of Mountains.
q) 80 Essences of Magic
r) 4 Essences of Lightning
s) 20 Empty Bottles
t) (nothing)
u) (nothing)
v) (nothing)
w) (nothing)

  [Home Inventory - Bree ]

a) 2 Sprigs of Athelas
b) 2 Potions of *Healing*
c) 3 Potions of Life
d) 2 Scrolls of Identify {25% off}
e) 30 Scrolls of *Identify* {@r3}
f) a Scroll of Mass Genocide
g) a Wand of Manathrust[1|15] (33 charges)
h) a Wand of Dig[1|1] (303 charges)
i) a Wand of Teleport Away[1|21] (89 charges)
j) a Wand of Confuse[1|20] (246 charges)
k) a Fireproof Staff of Recovery[1|15] (616 charges)
    It cannot be harmed by fire.  
    You made it yourself.
l) The Star of Elendil (+1)
    It can be activated for light (dam 2d15) & map area every 50+d50 turns
     if it is being worn. It grants you the power of detect curses if it
    is being worn.  It provides light (radius 4) forever.  It increases 
    your speed by 1.  It provides resistance to life draining.  It allows
    you to see invisible monsters.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Durin's Bane on level 50 of Moria.
m) 46 Essences of Time
n) an Essence of Force
o) 35 Essences of Mana

  [Home Inventory - Gondolin ]

a) a Wand of Fireflash[4|16] of Plenty (268 charges)
b) a Fireproof Staff of Globe of Light[3|11] (115 charges)
    It cannot be harmed by fire.  
    You made it yourself.
c) 99 Essences of Explosion
d) 83 Essences of Explosion
e) 99 Essences of Cold
f) 65 Essences of Cold
g) 99 Essences of Acid
h) 99 Essences of Acid
i) 18 Essences of Acid
j) 15 Essences of Light
k) 99 Essences of Chaos
l) 99 Essences of Chaos
m) 4 Essences of Chaos
n) 31 Essences of Darkness
o) 16 Essences of Force
p) 99 Essences of Lightning
q) 21 Essences of Lightning
r) 13 Essences of Mana

  [Home Inventory - Minas Anor ]

a) Lloth's Ceremonial Dagger {Genocide}
    It can be activated for genocide every 500 turns.  
    You found it in the remains of a Monastic lich in the town of Minas Anor .

  [Home Inventory - Lothlorien ]

a) The Crystal Ball of Godly Sights {AbsorbLight}
    It can be activated for light absorption every 80 turns.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 34 of Moria.
b) a Parchment titled ``Planar Travel Made Easy'' {Light}
    It can be activated for light area (dam 2d15) every 100 turns.  
    You found it in the remains of a Black wraith on level 42 of Moria.
c) The Skull of Vecna {Curing}
    It can be activated for curing every 110 turns.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 29 of The Sandworm lair.
d) 2 Potions of Cure Critical Insanity
e) a Rod Tip of Polymorph (25 Mana to cast)
f) The Wand of Digging of Thrain (17 charges)
    You found it in the remains of Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai on level 22 of
    Orc Cave.
g) a Fireproof Staff of Probability Travel[1|8] (1 charge)
    It cannot be harmed by fire.  
    You made it yourself.
h) The Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [19,+15] (+2)
    It increases your strength, dexterity and speed by 2.  It makes you
    completely fearless.  It provides resistance to acid, electricity, 
    fire, cold, confusion and sound.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Mature red dragon on level 36 of Moria.
i) The Soft Leather Armour of the Sandworm [30,+0] (+5 to stealth)
    It increases your strength, stealth, infravision and ability to tunnel
     by 5.  It provides resistance to acid, electricity, fire and poison.  
    It allows you to sense the presence of animals.  It cannot be harmed
    by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of The Sandworm Queen on level 30 of The
    Sandworm lair.
j) The Dagger 'Belangil' (2d4) (+8,+10) (+2)
    It can be activated for frost ball (48) every 5+d5 turns if it is
    being worn. It increases your dexterity, speed and attack speed by 2.  
    It does extra damage from frost.  It poisons your foes.  It provides
    resistance to cold.  It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It
    slows your metabolism.  It speeds your regenerative powers.  It cannot
    be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
k) The Main Gauche of Maedhros (2d5) (+12,+15) (+3)
    It increases your intelligence, dexterity and speed by 3.  It is
    especially deadly against trolls.  It is especially deadly against
    giants.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It allows you to see
    invisible monsters.  It speeds your regenerative powers.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the floor of a special level.
l) The Short Sword 'Gilettar' (1d7) (+3,+7) (+2)
    It increases your attack speed by 2.  It is especially deadly against
    natural creatures.  It provides resistance to disenchantment.  It
    allows you to see invisible monsters.  It slows your metabolism.  It
    speeds your regenerative powers.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient green dragon on level 44 of
m) The Long Sword 'Ringil' (4d5) (+22,+25) (+10)
    It can be activated for ball of cold (100) every 300 turns if it is
    being worn. It provides light (radius 1) forever.  It increases your 
    speed by 10.  It does extra damage from frost.  It is especially
    deadly against trolls.  It is a great bane of demons.  It strikes at
    undead with holy wrath.  It fights against evil with holy fury.  It
    provides immunity to paralysis.  It makes you completely fearless.  It
    provides resistance to cold and light.  It allows you to see invisible
    monsters.  It slows your metabolism.  It speeds your regenerative
    powers.  It has been blessed by the gods.  It cannot be harmed by
    acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Forest troll on level 21 of Orc Cave.
n) The Long Sword 'Anduril' (3d5) (+11,+15) [+5] (+4)
    It can be activated for ball of fire (72) every 400 turns if it is
    being worn. It provides light (radius 1) forever.  It increases your 
    strength, dexterity and luck by 4.  It does extra damage from fire.  
    It is especially deadly against orcs.  It is especially deadly against
    trolls.  It fights against evil with holy fury.  It sustains your 
    dexterity.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It makes you
    completely fearless.  It provides resistance to fire and 
    disenchantment.  It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It has been
    blessed by the gods.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
o) an Elemental Shadow Blade of Aman (4d4) (+18,+25) [+2] (+5 to stealth)
    It increases your wisdom and stealth by 5.  It does extra damage from 
    acid, electricity, fire and frost.  It poisons your foes.  It strikes
    at demons with holy wrath.  It strikes at undead with holy wrath.  It
    fights against evil with holy fury.  It sustains your wisdom.  It
    makes you completely fearless.  It provides resistance to acid, 
    electricity, fire, cold, poison and dark.  It allows you to see
    invisible monsters.  It allows you to sense the presence of evil beings
    .  It drains mana.  It has been blessed by the gods.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You made it yourself.
p) The Short Bow of Amras (x3) (+12,+15) (+1 to speed)
    It increases your intelligence, wisdom, dexterity and speed by 1.  It
    provides resistance to electricity, fire and cold.  It slows your
    metabolism.  It fires missiles with extra might.  It fires missiles
    excessively fast.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    It was given to you as a reward.
q) The Short Bow of Amrod (x4) (+12,+15) (+2)
    It increases your strength and constitution by 2.  It provides
    resistance to electricity, fire and cold.  It speeds your regenerative
    powers.  It fires missiles with extra might.  It cannot be harmed by
    acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ogre on level 17 of Mirkwood.

Posted on 27.2.2010 05:56

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8731. on the Ladder (of 19032)
1536. on the ToME Ladder (of 3154)
18. for this player (


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