The Angband Ladder: Marlz, British Naturalist by Donald Jonker

  [Steamband 0.4.1 Character Dump]

 Name   Marlz                                    Self  abcdefghijkl@   Best
 Sex    Male           Age            16  MUS:    208  ............0   208
 Race   British        Height         71  AGI:    179  ............1   189
 Class  Naturalist     Weight        159  Vig:    236  .............   251
 Title  Naturalist     Status         28  SCH:    270  .............   270
 WP     -2/26          MaxDepth  Lev  41  EGO:    325  .............   325
 SP     63/84          Preserve        Y  CHR:    194  .............   194

 Level           19       Armor     [40,+13]     Saving Throw           Poor
 Cur Exp       8187       Blows       1/turn     Stealth                Fair
 Max Exp       8187       Shots       7/turn     Fighting          Legendary
 Adv Exp       9165       Infra        70 ft     Shooting                Bad
                                                 Disarming               Bad
          Stat     Skill     Equip.    Total     Magic Device           Poor
 Melee   (+0,+2)   (+1,+9)   (+4,+4)  (+5,+15)   Perception    Legendary[5+]
 Shoot   (+0,+0)   (+0,+0)  (-5,+19)  (-5,+19)   Searching     Legendary[5+]

     You are the first child of a Laborer. You are a credit to
     the family. You have blue eyes, wavy brown hair, and an
     average complexion.

  [Resists & Abilities]

   Critical:.............   Fthr Fall:.............   Hvy Curse:.............
   Vampiric:.............   Telepathy:.............    Mutation:.............
      Throw:.............   See Invis:.........+...    No Magic:.............
     Vorpal:.............    Free Act:.++..........   No Teleprt.............
     Return:.............   Wraithfrm:.............    Drain SP:.............
  Frce Brnd:.............   Hold Life:.............    Drain HP:.............
  Fire Brnd:.............     Reflect:.............     Disrupt:.............
  Elec Brnd:.............   Invisible:.............   Drn Items:.............
  Ice Brand:.............   Res Confu:.........+...   Drn   Exp:.............
  Acid Brnd:.............   Res Blind:.........+...    Teleport:.............
  Psn. Brnd:.............    Res Fear:............+   Aggravate:.............
  Fire :28% ...+........+.  Acid :11% ...+........+.
  Erth :12% ...+........+.  Poisn:11% ...+........+.
  Air  :12% ...+........+.  Light:10% .........+....
  Water:12% ...+........+.  Dark :10% .........+....
  Elec :11% ...+........+.
  Ice  :21% ...+...+....+.
            abcdefghijkl@*            abcdefghijkl@*            abcdefghijkl@*
            \}=="~[()]]]              \}=="~[()]]]              \}=="~[()]]]

  [Last Messages]

> The Sabre-tooth Tiger misses you.
> The Sabre-tooth Tiger claws you!
> * low hitpoint warning! 8/185 *
> The Sabre-tooth Tiger bites you!
> * low hitpoint warning! 0/185 *
> You weakly crush the Sabre-tooth Tiger.
> The Sabre-tooth Tiger misses you.
> The Sabre-tooth Tiger bites you!
> * low hitpoint warning! 0/185 *
> The Sabre-tooth Tiger claws you!
> * low hitpoint warning! 0/185 *
> The Sabre-tooth Tiger bites you!
> You die.


   Disarming Traps  1
           Stealth  4
         Searching  1
   Neophyte Combat 18
   Standard Combat 16
   Advanced Combat  7
   Accurate Strike  1
    Vicious Strike  9
      Martial Arts  1
 Neophyte Firearms  6
          Throwing  1
    Hafted Weapons  1
     Blunt Weapons  1
             Flora 13
             Fauna  1
         Elemental  8
    Earth's Hearth  2
         Latin {*}  1
   Occult Lore {O}  1
  Ritual Magic {O}  1
  Spirituality {S}  6
Lesser Warding {S}  4
 Tempered Will {*}  1
     Using Devices 10
         Fire Lore 20
      Fire Mastery  4
 Elemental Defense  1
         Toughness  5
         Athletics  1

  [Steamware & Mutations]

 You can shoot bolts of fire. 
 You can shoot balls of fire. 

  [Character Equipment]

a) a Whip of Slay Evil (1d6|0) (+6,+4)
b) a .41 Revolver of the Gunslinger (x2) (-3,+19) <+3, +1>
c) a Bone Ring of Freedom of Mobility
d) an Opal Ring of Protection [+12]
e) a Jade Amulet of Perception <+5>
f) a Wooden Torch [2] <Fuel: 7513>
g) a Prince Albert Suit (-2) [22,+0]
h) a Fur Cloak [3,+0]
i) a Pair of Trousers [2,+0]
j) The Green-tinted Glasses of Auguste Dupin [8,+1] <+8>
k) a Set of Leather Gloves [2,+0]
l) a Pair of Square Toe Shoes [3,+0]
n) 7 Hollow-point pistol bullets (4d11|0) (+0,+0) (+86/602) {@w0}

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Holy Book of Prayers [Treatise on the Resurrection] <+1> {@m1}
b) 6 Kidney Puddings
c) 6 "Bitter Apple" Tonics of Cure Light Wounds
d) 3 "Ferro China Milano" Tonics of Cure Serious Wounds {25% off}
e) 9 "Primley's Iron & Wahoo" Tonics of Cure Critical Wounds
f) 2 "Highland's Bitters and Scotch" Tonics of Light Refresh Spirit
g) The Book [The Woman in White]
h) 17 Whizzing Aethercid Mechanisms of Phase Door {@r5, 10% off}
i) 4 Ringing Heliometer Mechanisms of Etheric Travel
j) 2 Silver Quadraphone Mechanisms of Returning {25% off}
k) a Platinum Ray Gun of Fire (10 charges)
l) 3 Rusty Ray Guns of Earth (42 charges)
m) a Nickel Ray Gun of Soporific Ray (14 charges)
n) a Cavorite Tool of Object Analysis (3 charges) {@u1}
o) a Slim Tool of Structural Analysis (10 charges)
p) a Jet Ring of Resist Water
q) a Wooden Torch [2] <Fuel: 4000> {10% off}
r) a Brass Lantern [3] <Fuel: 7074>
s) a Dagger (1d4|0) (+2,+5)
t) a Pike (2d5|4) (+3,+6) [6,+0]
u) a Hammer (2d3|1) (+4,+6)
v) 43 Pistol bullets (2d11|0) (+0,+0) (+62/434)
w) 58 Pistol bullets (2d11|0) (+2,+3) (+68/476)

  [Home Inventory]

a Holy Book of Prayers [Odes of Solomon] <+1> {10% off}
a Holy Book of Prayers [Khorda Avesta (Book of Common Prayer)] <+2>
an Opal Ring of Protection [+10]
a Malachite Ring of Resist Poison
a Copper Ring of Resist Bewilderment
a Gas Mask [0,+0]
a Quarterstaff (1d9|5) (+0,+0) [9,+0]
a 16 Gauge Shotgun (x4) (+0,+0)
a .32 Revolver (x2) (+3,+8)
35 Shotgun buckshot (3d12|0) (+3,+7)
37 Shotgun buckshot (3d12|0) (+5,+1)

  [Current Quest]

To fulfill your task, you must destroy 14 Arcane Automatas on dungeon level 41.


Adult: Preserve artifacts when leaving level : yes (adult_preserve)
Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall     : no  (adult_ironman)
Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home       : no  (adult_no_stores)
Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts        : no  (adult_no_artifacts)
Adult: Randomize some of the artifacts (beta): no  (adult_rand_artifacts)
Score: Peek into object creation             : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation            : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation            : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else              : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info            : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death           : no  (score_live)

Posted on 3.5.2009 23:29
Last updated on 4.5.2009 17:20

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9. on the Competition No.68 Ladder (of 14)


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On 3.5.2009 23:35 Donald Jonker wrote:
[16, 44]

Forgot how fun this variant is.

Taking things insanely slow.. humans are fragile in Steamband. Apparently Naturalists make good fighters, so I've been treating him like one - been pumping basically only the melee skills, along with the Flora talents as utilty and some basic prayers. Gonna probably need firearms before long, though.

I've put some effort into elemental powers but they're kinda useless unless the fail rate goes down. I hope it does at some point - I don't think skill level has anything to do with it. I have a feeling that by the time they approach reliability, the damage will be too low to be useful.

Also I'm not totally sure that the Fire skill is doing its job. But it sounds good, so I've been following it under the assumption that it adds fire damage to melee and that it boosts muscle... although these benefits are difficult to notice. None of the other elemental specialties seemed very attractive.

On 4.5.2009 03:48 buzzkill wrote:
I took the Fire spec with my last (now deceased) character. At skill level 10 you will gain a Fire Ball or something like that, however by the time I got to that point it was mostly useless against any enemy, and since you're already up to DL43 I suspect you'll think so too. That's a sweet weapon, have you noticed their overall rarity, or is it just me.

On 4.5.2009 04:13 Donald Jonker wrote:
Fireball's my best distance attack for now, since the fail rate is only 4%, the mana consumption isn't bad, and I have no firearm skill. But it probably won't last. I hope I'll survive long enough to boost Fire Spec to 20 to see if it's worth using in future chars.. I'm holding out for a grand finale.

Good weapons are notoriously difficult to come by in Steam; I've spent a decent amount of time playing it and never seen an artifact weapon. The best ever found was a sort of analogue to a spear of gondolin. Not really a problem, though, given the general rebalancing. Browsing the winners on the ladder, it seems most folks end up using a big ole shotgun and neglect the melee slot altogether.

But yeah, the whip of slay evil is working out very nicely for now.

On 4.5.2009 17:23 Donald Jonker wrote:
[19, 41]

Well that sucked. Happened all in a flash. At least I got to max out Fire Lore.. it did get more powerful (obviously not powerful enough against Sabre-tooth Tigers), and I unlocked fire mastery. So it might be feasible to use it in lieu of firearms.

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