The Angband Ladder: Caskaph, Human Warrior-Mage by EricCamp

  [Z+Angband 0.3.1 Character Dump]

Name     : Caskaph              Age             17     Str:   15.5   16.4
Sex      : Male                 Height          78     INT:   19.4
Race     : Human                Weight         196     WIS:   16.3
Class    : Warrior-Mage         Social Class     5     DEX:   19.9
Magic    : Arcane, Sorcery                             Con:   15.9   16.6
Title    : Enchanter                                   CHR:   10.8

+ Skill         14     Level                22     Max Hit Points     206
% Deadliness   135     Experience        12541     Cur Hit Points      -9
+ To AC         43     Max Exp           12541     Max SP (Mana)       35
  Base AC       25     Exp to Adv.          59     Cur SP (Mana)       31
                       Gold              17215

                         (Miscellaneous Abilities)
Fighting    : Excellent      Perception  : Excellent      Blows/Round : 2
Bows/Throw  : Fair           Sensing     : Excellent      Shots/Round : 1.0
Saving Throw: Superb         Disarming   : Very Good      Avg.Dam./Rnd: 25
Stealth     : Fair           Magic Device: Superb         Infra-Vision: 50'

  [Miscellaneous information]

 Preserve Mode:      ON
 Small Levels:       ON
 Maximum Level Reached:    27 (1350')

Stat Intrnl Rce Cls Mod Actual Currnt  abcdefghijkl@
Str:   14.4   0   2   0   16.4   15.5  .............
Int:   17.4   0   2   0   19.4         .............
Wis:   16.3   0   0   0   16.3         .............
Dex:   18.9   0   1   0   19.9         .............
Con:   16.6   0   0   0   16.6   15.9  .............
Chr:    9.8   0   1   0   10.8         .............

Skill     abcdefghijkl@ 
BonusSP:  ............. 
Stealth:  ............. 
Search :  .........5... 
Infra  :  .........5... 
Tunnel :  ............. 
Speed  :  ...........1. 
Blows  :  ............. 

Acid  : ..+..........
Elec  : ..+..........
Fire  : ..+...+......
Cold  : ..+..+.......
Poison: .............
Fear  : .............
Light : .............
Dark  : .............
Shard : .............
Blind : .........+...
Conf  : .............
Sound : .............
Nether: .............
Nexus : .............
Chaos : .............
Disnch: .............

Reflect  : .............
Aura Acid: .............
Aura Fire: .............
Aura Elec: .............
Aura Cold: .............
No Magic : .............
Free Actn: ..........+..
SeeInvis.: .........+...
Hold Life: .............
Telepathy: .............
SlwDigstn: .............
Regen.   : .............
Levitate : .............
PermLite : .....+.......
Mutate   : .............
Patron   : .............
Good Luck: .............
WeirdLuck: .............
Pass Wall: .............
GhulTouch: .............

Pr Animal: ....+........
Pr Evil  : .............
Pr Undead: ....+........
Pr Demon : ....+........
Pr Orc   : ....+........
Pr Troll : ....+........
Pr Giant : ....+........
Pr Dragon: ....+........
Cursed   : .............
AutoCurse: .............
Teleport : .............
NoTeleprt: .............
Aggravate: .............
DrainStat: .............
Drain Exp: .............
Slow Heal: .............
Can't Eat: .............
EvilCurse: .............

 You have defeated 1628 enemies.

  [Top 10 deepest kills]

 1 Mature white dragon                  Level 54 (2700')
 1 Mind flayer                          Level 39 (1950')
 1 Giant red tick                       Level 38 (1900')
 1 Weretiger                            Level 34 (1700')
 1 Wyvern                               Level 33 (1650')
 1 Hardened warrior                     Level 31 (1550')
 1 Sabre-tooth tiger                    Level 30 (1500')
 1 Chimera                              Level 30 (1500')
 1 Giant yellow scorpion                Level 30 (1500')
 9 Blink dog                            Level 25 (1250')


You can run for your life after hitting something.

  [Character Equipment]

a) a Bullwhip of Keenness (5d3) (+13,+35%)
b) (nothing)
c) a Corundum Ring of Elemental Protection [+9]
   It can be activated for resist the elements (20+ turns) if it is being
   worn.  It provides resistance to acid, electricity, fire and cold.  It
   cannot be harmed by the elements.  You bought it in a High Temple in
   Nazgun Town.  
d) a Plain Ring of Protection [+11]
e) a Twisted Amulet of Greater Warding [+9]
   It provides protection from natural creatures, the undead, demons, orcs,
   trolls, giants and dragons.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  You
   bought it in a High Temple in Nazgun Town.  
f) a Brass Lantern of Warmth
   It provides resistance to cold.  It provides permanent light.  It cannot
   be harmed by fire.  You found it on the floor on dungeon level 7.  
g) a Double Chain Mail of Resist Fire (-2) [16,+5]
   It provides resistance to fire.  It cannot be harmed by fire.  It was
   dropped by a Mature white dragon in the wilderness.  
h) a Cloak [1,+1]
i) (nothing)
j) a Metal Cap of Seeing [3,+0] (+5)
   You have full knowledge of this item.  It increases your perception by +5. 
   It increases your infravision by 50 feet.  It provides resistance to
   blindness.  It allows you to see invisible monsters.  You bought it in a
   Advanced Armoury in Bandthor View.  
k) a Set of Gauntlets of Free Action [2,+6]
   It provides immunity to paralysis.  You bought it in a Advanced Armoury in
   Ranttaur View.  
l) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Speed [3,+0] (+1)
   It increases your speed by +1.  It was dropped by Mughash the Kobold Lord
   on dungeon level 12.  

  [Character Inventory]

a) 3 Arcane Spellbooks [Cantrips for Beginners]
b) an Arcane Spellbook [Minor Arcana]
c) an Arcane Spellbook [Major Arcana] {50% off}
d) a Sorcery Spellbook [Beginner's Handbook]
e) a Sorcery Spellbook [Master Sorcerer's Handbook]
f) 6 Indigo Mushrooms of Resist Poison
g) 9 Grey Mushrooms of Resist Confusion
h) 12 Dried Mushrooms of Plenty
i) 4 Pieces of Elvish Waybread
j) a Thick Red Potion of Neutralize Poison
k) a Pink Speckled Potion of Speed
l) 5 Brownish Potions of Berserk Strength
m) 5 Ichor Potions of Cure Light Wounds
n) 2 Thick Blue Potions of Cure Serious Wounds
o) a Clear Green Potion of Restore Intelligence
p) 2 Manly Potions of Preservation
q) 3 Scrolls titled "viviv tue den" of Word of Recall
r) a Scroll titled "trol umala" of Enchant Armor
s) a Scroll titled "joviv fuglen" of Detection
t) an Adamantite Wand of Lightning Bolts (8 charges)
u) a Hemlock Staff of Enlightenment (5 charges)
v) a Dagger (1d4) (+5,+10%)
   It is perfectly balanced for throwing.  It was dropped by a Novice ranger
   on dungeon level 12.  
w) a Dagger (1d4) (+6,+5%)
   It is perfectly balanced for throwing.  It was dropped by a Novice ranger
   on dungeon level 15.  

  [Home Inventory - Ranttaur View]

a) a Tangerine Potion of Restore Dexterity
b) a Thick Green Potion of Restore Constitution


You have learned 20 spells and/or improvements.

You have 0 tier-1 slots (levels 1-10) remaining.
You have 6 tier-2 slots (levels 1-20) remaining.
You have 12 tier-3 slots (levels 1-30) remaining.
You have 13 tier-4 slots (levels 1-40) remaining.
You have 13 tier-5 slots (levels 1-50) remaining.

Arcane Magic:

Book 1:                        Cost    Fail%   Power%
Zap                               1       5%     +40%  specialized
Detect Monsters                   1       6%     +10%  
Blink                             1       6%     +10%  
Light Area                        1       6%     +10%  
Fuel                              2       6%       0%  
Cure Poison and Fear              6       6%       0%  
Cure Medium Wounds                7       6%       0%  
Resist Cold and Fire              9       6%       0%  

Book 2:                        Cost    Fail%   Power%
Lore                              9       6%       0%  
Stone to Mud                     13       6%       0%  
Satisfy Hunger                   13      11%       0%  
Teleport                         13      15%     +10%  

Book 3:                        Cost    Fail%   Power%
Resist Poison                    17      27%       0%  
Magic Mapping                    16      35%     +10%  

Sorcery Magic:

Book 1:                        Cost    Fail%   Power%
Detect Monsters                   1       6%     +10%  
Phase Door                        2       6%     +10%  
Detect Doors and Traps            4       6%       0%  
Light Area                        4       6%     +10%  
Teleport                          5       6%     +10%  
Magic Mapping                     9       6%     +10%  

Book 2:                        Cost    Fail%   Power%
Charm Monster                    10       6%       0%  
Identify                         11      28%     +10%  
Teleport Away                    14      41%     +10%  


====Active quests==== 

Defeat the troll camp south-east of Daimaz Town.  

Defeat the orc camp south-west of Iluen Watch.  

Defeat the orc camp south-east of Nazgun Town.  

Defeat the troll camp south-east of Daimaz Town.  

Defeat the giant camp north-west of Bandthor View.  

Defeat the giant camp north-east of Pelval.  

Defeat the troll camp north-west of Illin Town.  

Defeat the orc camp south of Pelval.  

Defeat the troll camp south of Bandthor View.  

Defeat the orc camp east of Hinur Keep.  

Defeat the orc camp south-east of Illin Town.  

Defeat the troll camp north of Pelval.  

From a Courier in Pelval (Danger level 0):
   Carry a message to Xarillus the Dumb in The Grey Pig.  

From a Courier in Bandthor View (Danger level 0):
   Carry a message to Waowenth the Faint in Iluen Watch.  

From a Castle in Bandthor View (Danger level 6):
   Kill Freesia.  

From a Keep in Gondeth (Danger level 8):
   A Novice warrior and his minions have been spreading evil in the area north
of Gondeth.  Find their stronghold and destroy them.  

From a Mages' Guild in Gondeth (Danger level 15):
   Many terrors of the deep have been spreading evil in the area near Gondeth. 
Discover their home and destroy them all.  

From a Keep in Ainaeg (Danger level 15):
   An Orc shaman and his followers have been running amok in the area north of
Ainaeg.  Find their den and destroy them.  

From a Castle in Bundgun Town (Danger level 15):
   Kill Bloodfang the Wolf, who is guarding dungeon level 15. 

From a Cathedral in Delmor Town (Danger level 15):
   A Dark elven priest and his minions have been seen in the area north of
Delmor Town.  Find their lair and terminate them.  

From a Rangers' Guild in Ranttaur View (Danger level 16):
   Too many strange substances have been spotted in the area south-east of Hinur
Keep.  Discover their lair and kill them all.  (2 levels)  

From a Keep in Illin Town (Danger level 16):
   A Dark elven mage and his legion have been killing people in the area
south-west of Illin Town.  Find their abode and exterminate them.  

From a Keep in Iluen Watch (Danger level 16):
   Clear 1 level of a certain mine near Iluen Watch.  

From a Keep in Daimaz Town (Danger level 17):
   Some terrors of the deep have been troubling the area near Nazgfur Town. 
Discover their hole and kill them all.  

From a Castle in Ranttaur View (Danger level 20):
   Find the relic of Thengel, which is hidden in a mine, north-east of Mothrond.

From a Thieves' Guild in Malilm (Danger level 23):
   Find the relic of Galadriel, which is hidden in a sewer, east of Delmor Town.

From a Keep in Pelval (Danger level 23):
   Some cats have been killing people in the area near Pelval.  Discover their
hideout and slay them all.  

From a Keep in Mothrond (Danger level 25):
   An Orc captain and his followers have been running amok in the area
south-east of Mothrond.  Find their den and destroy them.  

From a Castle in Hinur Keep (Danger level 27):
   A bunch of women have been lurking in the area north-east of Ranttaur View. 
Discover their den and destroy them all.  

From a Warriors' Guild in Ranttaur View (Danger level 29):
   Clear 2 levels of a certain underground city near Ninglish.  

From a Castle in Delmor Town (Danger level 30):
   Kill the 5 Paladins that are guarding dungeon level 30. You have killed 0.

From a Castle in Nazgun Town (Danger level 34):
   Kill Mime, the Nibelung.  

From a Keep in Malilm (Danger level 35):
   Hagen, son of Alberich and his minions have been troubling the area
south-west of Hinur Keep.  Find his lair and
destroy him.  

From a Castle in Nazgfur Town (Danger level 35):
   Uldor the Accursed and his gang have been spreading evil in the area
north-west of Nazgfur Town.  Find his stronghold and slay him.  

From a Town Hall in Ninglish (Danger level 37):
   A Dark elven warlock and his followers have been spotted in the area west of
Daimaz Town.  Find their hideout and kill them.  

From a Rangers' Guild in Delmor Town (Danger level 37):
   Some arctic monsters have been running amok in the area north-east of Delmor
Town.  Discover their den and slay them all.  

From a Mages' Guild in Ninglish (Danger level 38):
   Find the relic 'Soulsword', which is hidden in a tower dungeon, south-east of
Daimaz Town.  

From a Cathedral in Ranttaur View (Danger level 62):
   Clear 4 levels of a certain underground city near Ranttaur View.  

====Completed/failed quests==== 

From a Courier in Malilm (Danger level 0):
   Carry a message to Wyrana War-Dancer in Iluen Watch.  (Delivered)

====Finished quests==== 

A Novice rogue has been terrorizing the area east of Daimaz Town.  Track him to
his hideout and kill him.  (Finished)

Kill 5 Eagles by Day 2, 1:05 PM.  (Finished)

Kill 8 Rattlesnakes by Day 2, 1:42 PM.  (Finished)

Kill 9 White harpies by Day 2, 5:20 PM.  (Finished, Failed)

Kill 11 Large grey snakes by Day 2, 6:31 PM.  (Finished)

Kill 4 Hunting hawks of Julian by Day 3, 4:38 PM.  (Finished)

Kill 8 Salamanders by Day 3, 4:40 PM.  (Finished)

Carry a message to Rilin the Chaste in Mothrond.  (Finished)

(Danger level 5):  A Zombified kobold has been troubling the area north-west of
Malilm.  Track it to its den and terminate it.  (Finished)

(Danger level 5):  Many kobolds have been seen in the area near Hinur Keep. 
Discover their lair and slay them all.  (2 levels)  (Finished)

(Danger level 5):  The wounded bear has been terrorizing the area north-east of
Hinur Keep.  Track it to its hideout and terminate
it.  (Finished)

(Danger level 5):  Too many strange substances have been running amok in the
area near Ninglish.  Discover their stronghold and destroy them all.  (3 levels)

(Danger level 7):  Clear 1 level of a certain mine north-east of Ninglish. 

(Danger level 7):  A Novice warrior and his gang have been hiding in the area
near Pelval.  Find their hideout and kill them.  (Finished)

(Danger level 7):  Many rogue druids have been terrorizing the area north-east
of Bundgun Town.  Discover their den and kill them all. 

(Danger level 8):  A Baby gold dragon has been lurking in the area east of
Ninglish.  Track it to its den and destroy it.  (Finished)

(Danger level 8):  A Baby white dragon has been discovered in the area south of
Ranttaur View.  Track it to its home and kill it.  (Finished)

(Danger level 11):  A Novice ranger and his legion have been spreading evil in
the area north-west of Ninglish.  Find their home and kill them. 

(Danger level 11):  A Panther has been hiding in the area north-east of
Mothrond.  Track it to its lair and slay it.  (Finished)

(Danger level 16):  A number of terrors of the deep have been spotted in the
area near Mothrond.  Discover their stronghold and kill them all.  (Finished)

(Danger level 21):  A bunch of women have been running amok in the area
south-west of Nazgun Town.  Discover their den and destroy them all. 

  [Message Log (last 50 messages)]

You have slain the Creeping silver coins.
You have found 63 gold pieces worth of silver.
You have found 20 gold pieces worth of silver.
The door is unlocked.
There is a pillar blocking your way.
You have found 24 gold pieces worth of silver.
You enter a maze of down staircases.
Autosaving the game...
The Dark elven priest tries to cast a spell, but fails.
It points at you and curses horribly.
You resist the effects!
It tries to cast a spell, but fails. <2x>
It points at you and curses horribly.
You resist the effects!
It concentrates on its body.
It starts moving faster.
It casts a stinking cloud.
You are poisoned!
The Dark elven priest hits you. <2x>
It concentrates on its body.
It starts moving faster.
It tries to cast a spell, but fails.
It casts a stinking cloud.
It tries to cast a spell, but fails.
It casts a stinking cloud. <3x>
It points at you and curses horribly.
You resist the effects!
It gestures in shadow.
Darkness surrounds you.
It casts a stinking cloud.
It points at you and curses horribly.
You resist the effects!
It creates a mesmerising illusion.
You are confused!
It casts a stinking cloud.
You feel a little better.
You feel less confused now.
Your mind feels very steady.
In your pack: 9 Grey Mushrooms of Resist Confusion (g).
The Dark elven priest concentrates on his wounds.
The Dark elven priest looks completely healed!
It casts a stinking cloud.
Low hitpoint warning!
It points at you and curses horribly.
It casts a stinking cloud.
It casts a stinking cloud.
Never happy endings on these dark sets.  You die.

Posted on 7.12.2008 18:19
Last updated on 16.12.2008 16:22

Download this dump

15662. on the Ladder (of 19032)
85. on the Z+Angband Ladder (of 120)
Second best for this player (


Jump to latest

On 7.12.2008 18:19 EricCamp wrote:
My latest and greatest to attempt this new version. Mind you this is the 29th char I've attempted with, so I'm still got a long way to go before I get good at these.

On 7.12.2008 19:05 EricCamp wrote:
Any advice would be much appreciated.

On 7.12.2008 19:06 EricCamp wrote:
OOO just noticed I'm the only human on the ladder.. whoop whoop!!

On 8.12.2008 13:08 EricCamp wrote:
Survived a brush with a Mature white dragon and got some decent loot off him. It was close. Had to run when a rat thing and a bunch of his buddies showed up afterward. Still looking for the two towns that are mentioned in the Artifact quests I have..... I'm trying not to die while I search for them.

On 8.12.2008 18:10 Mangojuice wrote:
BTW, thanks for posting this. I see now that the feature I tried to add a while back that made sure artifact lites were never quest items has a bug. That you are questing for the Phial explains why you are so concerned with finding that town!


On 9.12.2008 12:58 EricCamp wrote:
:-) Glad I could help.

On 9.12.2008 13:41 EricCamp wrote:
Found one of the towns. Lost a lvl while tangling with a creature I shouldn't have. Earned it back after killing alot. (couldn't afford the potion). Still alive somehow. Currently working my way down a mine to retrieve an artifact from a quest, Recalling up when I need to restock.

On 16.12.2008 16:22 EricCamp wrote:

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