The Angband Ladder: Orodael, Gnome High-Mage by Mangojuice

  [Z+Angband 0.3.1 Character Dump]

Name     : Orodael              Age             64     STR:   11.8
Sex      : Female               Height          39     INT:   25.2
Race     : Gnome                Weight          75     WIS:   14.4
Class    : High-Mage            Social Class     6     DEX:   16.8
Magic    : Illusion                                    CON:   16.3
Title    : Evoker                                      CHR:   12.2

+ Skill          1     Level                24     Max Hit Points     138
% Deadliness   100     Experience        20230     Cur Hit Points     138
+ To AC          8     Max Exp           20230     Max SP (Mana)       81
  Base AC       20     Exp to Adv.         395     Cur SP (Mana)       81
                       Gold              15254

                         (Miscellaneous Abilities)
Fighting    : Bad            Perception  : Good           Blows/Round : 2
Bows/Throw  : Poor           Sensing     : Fair           Shots/Round : 1.50
Saving Throw: Superb         Disarming   : Excellent      Avg.Dam./Rnd: 2
Stealth     : Very Good      Magic Device: Chaos Rank     Infra-Vision: 40'

  [Miscellaneous information]

 Preserve Mode:      ON
 Small Levels:       ON
 Maximum Level Reached:    49 (2450')

Stat Intrnl Rce Cls Mod Actual Currnt  abcdefghijkl@
Str:   17.8  -1  -5   0   11.8         ..s..........
Int:   19.2   2   4   0   25.2         ..s..........
Wis:   13.4   0   0   1   14.4         ..s......1...
Dex:   12.8   2   0   2   16.8         .2s..........
Con:   17.3   1  -2   0   16.3         ..s..........
Chr:   13.2  -2   1   0   12.2         ..s..........

Skill     abcdefghijkl@ 
BonusSP:  ............. 
Stealth:  ............. 
Search :  ............. 
Infra  :  ............. 
Tunnel :  ............. 
Speed  :  ............. 
Blows  :  ............. 

Acid  : ....+........
Elec  : ....+........
Fire  : ....+........
Cold  : ....+.+.+....
Poison: ....+........
Fear  : .............
Light : .............
Dark  : .............
Shard : .............
Blind : .............
Conf  : ...+.........
Sound : .............
Nether: .............
Nexus : .............
Chaos : .............
Disnch: .............

Reflect  : .............
Aura Acid: .............
Aura Fire: .............
Aura Elec: .............
Aura Cold: .............
No Magic : .............
Free Actn: ............+
SeeInvis.: .............
Hold Life: ..+..........
Telepathy: .............
SlwDigstn: .............
Regen.   : .............
Levitate : .............
PermLite : .............
Mutate   : .............
Patron   : .............
Good Luck: .............
WeirdLuck: .............
Pass Wall: .............
GhulTouch: .............

Pr Animal: .............
Pr Evil  : .............
Pr Undead: .............
Pr Demon : .............
Pr Orc   : .............
Pr Troll : .............
Pr Giant : .............
Pr Dragon: .............
Cursed   : .............
AutoCurse: .............
Teleport : .............
NoTeleprt: .............
Aggravate: .............
DrainStat: .............
Drain Exp: .............
Slow Heal: .............
Can't Eat: .............
EvilCurse: .............

 You have defeated 851 enemies.

  [Top 10 deepest kills]

 1 Air elemental                        Level 49 (2450')
23 Noxious fume                         Level 32 (1600')
 2 Hardened warrior                     Level 31 (1550')
 1 Cold hound                           Level 28 (1400')
 1 Giant bronze dragon fly              Level 27 (1350')
 1 Ranger                               Level 24 (1200')
 1 Frost giant                          Level 24 (1200')
 1 Quasit                               Level 24 (1200')
 1 Half-orc                             Level 20 (1000')
 1 Skeleton                             Level 19 (950')

  [Character Equipment]

a) (nothing)
b) a Short Bow of Buckland (x3) (+9,+30%) (+2)
   It increases your dexterity by +2.  It provides 1 extra shots per turn. 
   It fires missiles with extra might.  It cannot be harmed by acid or fire. 
   You bought it in a Temple in Ithon Town.  
c) a Wire Ring of Permanence
   It sustains all your stats.  It provides resistance to life draining.  You
   bought it in a Copper Jeweler in Badmaz Town.  
d) a Tanzanite Ring of Confusion Resistance
   It provides resistance to confusion.  You found it on the floor in a quest
   (level 49).  
e) a Rosetted Amulet of Resistance
   You have full knowledge of this item.  It provides resistance to acid,
   electricity, fire, cold and poison.  It cannot be harmed by the elements. 
   You bought it in a Copper Jeweler in Badmaz Town.  
f) a Brass Lantern (with 3472 turns of light)
   It cannot be harmed by fire.  You found it on the floor on dungeon level
g) a Leather Scale Mail of Resist Cold (-1) [11,+6]
   It provides resistance to cold.  It cannot be harmed by cold.  It was
   dropped by Farmer Maggot in Badmaz Town.  
h) a Cloak [1]
i) a Buckler of Resist Cold [3,+0]
   It provides resistance to cold.  It cannot be harmed by cold.  It was
   given to you as a reward for killing a local enemy in Badmaz Town.  
j) an Iron Helm of Wisdom [5,+1] (+1)
   It increases your wisdom by +1.  It sustains your wisdom.  It cannot be
   harmed by acid.  You bought it in a Milliner in Qualith.  
k) (nothing)
l) (nothing)

  [Character Inventory]

a) an Illusion Spellbook [Sleight of Hand] {@m1@b1@G1!k!K!d!v=g3!{}
b) an Illusion Spellbook [Smoke and Mirrors] {@m2@b2@G2!K!k!d!v!{=g3}
c) 5 Black Mushrooms of Cure Critical Wounds
d) 3 Brown Mushrooms of Plenty
e) 3 Flasks of oil
f) 4 Crimson Potions of Cure Serious Wounds
g) a Copper Speckled Potion of Cure Critical Wounds
h) 12 Scrolls titled "dokglen barit" of Teleportation
i) 46 Scrolls titled "erk itnag" of Alchemy {@r1=g}
j) a Titanium Rod of Door/Stair Location
k) a Copper Rod of Recall
l) a Crystal Rod of Light
m) a Quiver
n) 2 Willow Staffs of Perception (2x 21 charges)
o) a Shining Ring of Blindness Resistance
   It provides resistance to blindness.  You found it on the floor in a quest
   (level 24).  

  [Home Inventory - Ithon Town]

a) a Manly Potion of Restore Life Levels


You have learned 18 spells and/or improvements.

You have 1 tier-1 slot (levels 1-10) remaining.
You have 2 tier-2 slots (levels 1-20) remaining.
You have 6 tier-3 slots (levels 1-30) remaining.
You have 7 tier-4 slots (levels 1-40) remaining.
You have 6 tier-5 slots (levels 1-50) remaining.

Illusion Magic:

Book 1:                        Cost    Fail%   Power%
Light                             1       4%       0%  
Phantom Arrow                     1       3%     +10%  improved
Invisibility                      2       4%       0%  
Detect Traps                      3       4%       0%  
Detect Magic                      4       4%       0%  
See Invisible                     5       4%       0%  
Mirror Image                      6       4%       0%  
Ray of Light                      6       4%       0%  

Book 2:                        Cost    Fail%   Power%
Hypnotic Pattern                  7       4%       0%  
Phantasmal Horror                 9       4%       0%  
Horrid Visage                    10       4%       0%  
Magic Mapping                    11       4%       0%  
Globe of Darkness                11       3%     +10%  improved
Sense Minds                      14      14%       0%  
Scream                           14      18%       0%  
Phantom Fire                     18      36%       0%  


====Active quests==== 

From a Courier in Ithon Town (Danger level 0):
   Carry a message to Pugnacious the Luminous in Dainala.  

From a Courier in Badmaz Town (Danger level 0):
   Carry a message to Ellis the Suave in Sirtel.  

From a Courier in Falheru Watch (Danger level 0):
   Carry a message to Ossein the Wrinkled in Dainala.  

From a Castle in Dinuz City (Danger level 3):
   Kill 5 Novice magi.  You have killed 0.

From a Thieves' Guild in Dainala (Danger level 5):
   Many raiders have been spreading evil in the area west of Dainala.  Discover
their hideout and exterminate them all.  

From a Thieves' Guild in Falheru Watch (Danger level 9):
   Several spirits have been running amok in the area near Falheru Watch. 
Discover their den and terminate them all.  

From a Keep in Dainala (Danger level 13):
   Kill the 5 Owlbears that are guarding dungeon level 13. You have killed 0.

From a Castle in Qualith (Danger level 23):
   Kill Ulfast, Son of Ulfang.  

From a Keep in Falheru Watch (Danger level 25):
   An Uruk and his gang have been seen in the area north-east of Falheru Watch. 
Find their lair and destroy them.  

From a Cathedral in Badmaz Town (Danger level 28):
   Lots of elves have been rampaging the area near Echos.  Discover their hole
and slay them all.  

From a Mages' Guild in Dinuz City (Danger level 29):
   We have heard that a number of living dead have been troubling the area near
Melilm Town.  Discover their den and kill them

From a Castle in Badmaz Town (Danger level 33):
   Clear 2 levels of a certain underground city north-west of Badmaz Town.  

From a Thieves' Guild in Dinuz City (Danger level 36):
   Clear 2 levels of a certain underground city south-west of Dinuz City.  

From a Town Hall in Melilm Town (Danger level 39):
   A Mind flayer and its legion have been seen in the area south-west of
Dainala.  Find their stronghold and slay them.  

From a Keep in Ithon Town (Danger level 41):
   A Young white dragon and its minions have been spotted in the area west of
Sirtel.  Find their lair and terminate them.  

From a Keep in Annamel Watch (Danger level 46):
   A Half-troll and his minions have been killing people in the area north-east
of Annamel Watch.  Find their stronghold and kill them.  

From a Mages' Guild in Melilm Town (Danger level 52):
   An Ancient black dragon has been terrorizing the area south-east of Dainala. 
Track it to its lair and terminate it.  

From a Warriors' Guild in Badmaz Town (Danger level 63):
   Lots of terrors of the deep have been spotted in the area north-east of
Badmaz Town.  Discover their den and slay them all.  

====Finished quests==== 

(Danger level 6):  Several swarming insects have been killing people in the area
south-west of Dinuz City.  Discover their hole and destroy
them all.  (Finished)

(Danger level 7):  It seems that some orcs have been troubling the area west of
Melilm Town.  Discover their den and slay them all.  (Finished)

(Danger level 7):  Lots of strange substances have been troubling the area
north-west of Uzfun.  Discover their home and destroy them all.  (3
levels)  (Finished)

(Danger level 10):  An Orc shaman has been discovered in the area north-east of
Badmaz Town.  Track him to his lair and destroy him.  (Finished)

(Danger level 12):  A Swordsman has been rampaging the area north-west of
Annamel Watch.  Track him to his abode and slay him.  (Finished)

(Danger level 14):  A Skeleton has been terrorizing the area south of Dainala. 
Track it to its stronghold and kill it.  (Finished)

(Danger level 16):  Some wolves have been hiding in the area south-east of Ithon
Town.  Discover their hideout and
kill them all.  (Finished)

(Danger level 19):  A Frost giant has been terrorizing the area north-west of
Falheru Watch.  Track him to his home and kill him.  (Finished)

(Danger level 19):  A Quasit has been discovered in the area south-west of
Melilm Town.  Track it to its hideout and destroy it.  (Finished)

(Danger level 44):  An Air elemental has been lurking in the area near Annamel
Watch.  Track it to its den and slay it.  (Finished)

  [Message Log (last 50 messages)]

You receive 220 gold for your services.
You receive experience!
You feel more cute.
A Mind flayer and its legion have been seen in the area south-west of Dainala. 
Find their stronghold and slay them.
There is a wall blocking your way. <2x>
You cannot run in that direction.
An Ancient black dragon has been terrorizing the area south-east of Dainala. 
Track it to its lair and terminate it.
The Chaffinch dies.
A Willow Staff of Perception (16 charges) was recharged for 38 gold.
You combine some items in your pack.
2 Willow Staffs of Perception (2x 21 charges) were recharged for 380 gold.
The Sparrow misses you.
The Sparrow bites you.
The Sparrow misses you.
The Sparrow bites you.
You hit the Sparrow.
You have slain the Sparrow.
The Blubbering idiot drools on you.
You hit the Blubbering idiot.
You have slain the Blubbering idiot.
You miss the Mean looking mercenary.
The Mean looking mercenary misses you.
The Mean looking mercenary hits you.
You failed to get the spell off!
The Mean looking mercenary hits you. <2x>
The Mean looking mercenary dies.
You have found 19 gold pieces worth of copper.
There is a wall blocking your way.
You sold a Mallorn Staff of Door/Stair Location (13 charges) for 151 gold.
There are no more Mallorn Staffs of Door/Stair Location (13 charges).
You sold 4 Rations of Food for 8 gold.
There are no more Rations of Food.
Entire inventory is shown. <2x>
You cannot run in that direction.
You were wielding a Mace (2d4) (+4,+25%) (a).
Illegal object choice (bounds)!
You drop a Mace (2d4) (+4,+25%) (p).
There are no more Maces (2d4) (+4,+25%).
You find a Mace (2d4) (+4,+25%).
In your pack: a Mace (2d4) (+4,+25%) (p).
You sold a Mace (2d4) (+4,+25%) for 258 gold.
There are no more Maces (2d4) (+4,+25%).
You were wearing a Leather Scale Mail of Resist Cold (-1) [11,+6] (g).
You drop a Leather Scale Mail of Resist Cold (-1) [11,+6] (p).
There are no more Leather Scale Mails of Resist Cold (-1) [11,+6].
You find a Leather Scale Mail of Resist Cold (-1) [11,+6].
You are wearing a Leather Scale Mail of Resist Cold (-1) [11,+6] (g).

Posted on 16.11.2008 06:32

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15182. on the Ladder (of 19032)
80. on the Z+Angband Ladder (of 120)
7. for this player (


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On 16.11.2008 06:32 Mangojuice wrote:
New character, about the 10th in a line of ill-fated Gnome High Mages of Illusion. This one is the first to make it past about 10th level. FINALLY got the 2nd spellbook; when I did, I was able to learn all but the last spell in it right away. Phantom Arrow is an MVP spell but it has its problems; there are certain monsters who are very good at disbelieving the illusion. I've focused it but don't intend to go beyond that.

My first thoughts on playing with Horrid Visage are that it's really good... but will probably be less good later. It feels a bit like Glyph of Warding, because it outright prevents attacks.

Orb of Darkness is the most reliable attack spell; few things resist it (and those that do, I can hit them hard with Ray of Light) but it is tiresome to be darkening everything with it.

On 14.12.2008 06:38 Jungle_Boy wrote:
The high mage class appeals to me and I've been trying out a couple. Still trying to decide what school of magic I should use. Some of them don't have an attack spell until the second book.

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