The Angband Ladder: Onon, Mindflayer High-Mage by AtingtonIV

  [Z+Angband 0.3.2 Character Dump]

Name     : Onon                 Age            104     STR:    6.2
Sex      : Male                 Height          75     INT:   25.8
Race     : Mindflayer           Weight         153     WIS:   14.8
Class    : High-Mage            Social Class    59     DEX:   11.8
Magic    : Chaos                                       CON:   11.6
Title    : Evoker                                      CHR:   11.8

+ Skill          0     Level                21     Max Hit Points      82
% Deadliness    95     Experience         9442     Cur Hit Points      -2
+ To AC          0     Max Exp            9442     Max SP (Mana)       71
  Base AC        8     Exp to Adv.        2118     Cur SP (Mana)       70
                       Gold               4100

                         (Miscellaneous Abilities)
Fighting    : Bad            Perception  : Good           Blows/Round : 1
Bows/Throw  : Bad            Sensing     : Fair           Shots/Round : 1.0
Saving Throw: Superb         Disarming   : Excellent      Avg.Dam./Rnd: 2
Stealth     : Very Good      Magic Device: Chaos Rank     Infra-Vision: 40'

  [Miscellaneous information]

 Preserve Mode:      ON
 Small Levels:       ON
 Maximum Level Reached:    13 (650')

Stat Intrnl Rce Cls Mod Actual Currnt  abcdefghijkl@
Str:   14.2  -3  -5   0    6.2         .............
Int:   17.8   4   4   0   25.8         ............s
Wis:   10.8   4   0   0   14.8         ............s
Dex:   11.8   0   0   0   11.8         .............
Con:   15.6  -2  -2   0   11.6         .............
Chr:   15.8  -5   1   0   11.8         .............

Skill     abcdefghijkl@ 
BonusSP:  ............. 
Stealth:  ..1.......... 
Search :  ............. 
Infra  :  ............. 
Tunnel :  ............. 
Speed  :  ............. 
Blows  :  ............. 

Acid  : .............
Elec  : .............
Fire  : .............
Cold  : .............
Poison: .............
Fear  : .............
Light : .............
Dark  : .............
Shard : .............
Blind : .............
Conf  : .............
Sound : .............
Nether: .............
Nexus : .............
Chaos : .............
Disnch: .............

Reflect  : .............
Aura Acid: .............
Aura Fire: .............
Aura Elec: .............
Aura Cold: .............
No Magic : .............
Free Actn: .............
SeeInvis.: ............+
Hold Life: .............
Telepathy: .............
SlwDigstn: ...+.........
Regen.   : .............
Levitate : .............
PermLite : .....+.......
Mutate   : .............
Patron   : .............
Good Luck: .............
WeirdLuck: .............
Pass Wall: .............
GhulTouch: .............

Pr Animal: .............
Pr Evil  : .............
Pr Undead: .............
Pr Demon : .............
Pr Orc   : .............
Pr Troll : .............
Pr Giant : .............
Pr Dragon: .............
Cursed   : .............
AutoCurse: .............
Teleport : .............
NoTeleprt: .............
Aggravate: .............
DrainStat: .............
Drain Exp: .............
Slow Heal: .............
Can't Eat: .............
EvilCurse: .............

 You have defeated 683 enemies.

  [Top 10 deepest kills]

 1 Cave troll                           Level 50 (2500')
 1 Water troll                          Level 50 (2500')
 1 Ethereal drake                       Level 48 (2400')
 8 Ice troll                            Level 44 (2200')
 1 4-headed hydra                       Level 34 (1700')
 1 Ranger                               Level 30 (1500')
 1 Werebear                             Level 29 (1450')
 1 Thief                                Level 25 (1250')
 1 Orc captain                          Level 25 (1250')
 2 Giant red scorpion                   Level 25 (1250')

  [Character Equipment]

a) a Dagger (1d4) (+0,+0%)
   It is perfectly balanced for throwing.  You've had it from the beginning. 
b) (nothing)
c) a Ruby Ring of Invisibility (+1)
   It increases your stealth by +1.  You bought it in a Temple in Nenruin
d) an Emerald Ring of Slow Digestion
   It slows your metabolism.  It was dropped by a Poltergeist in a quest at
e) (nothing)
f) a Wooden Torch of Everburning
   It provides permanent light.  It was dropped by a Blubbering icky thing at
g) a Robe [2,+0]
h) a Cloak [1,+0]
i) (nothing)
j) a Hard Leather Cap [2,+0]
k) (nothing)
l) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots [3,+0]

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Chaos Spellbook [Sign of Chaos]
b) a Chaos Spellbook [Chaos Mastery]
c) 8 Rations of Food
d) 6 Flasks of oil
e) 5 Sweet Potions of Heroism
f) 2 Ivory White Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
g) a Thick White Potion of Healing
h) 6 Scrolls titled "erbyt sanblaa" of Teleportation
i) 2 Scrolls titled "sri readan" of Teleport Level
j) a Scroll titled "pot ornkho a" of Word of Recall
k) 14 Scrolls titled "jonag relech" of Identify
l) a Magnesium Rod of Trap Location {@z1}
m) a Bone Rod of Sleep Monster
n) a Zinc-Plated Wand of Teleport Other (10 charges)
o) a Quiver
p) a Brass Lantern (with 5 turns of light)
   It cannot be harmed by fire.  You bought it in a Supplies Store in Glineth

  [Home Inventory - Glineth Keep]

a) a Slime Mold {Concus}

  [Home Inventory - Falfur]

a) a Chaos Spellbook [Sign of Chaos]
b) a Chaos Spellbook [Chaos Mastery]


You have learned 19 spells and/or improvements.

You have 0 tier-1 slots (levels 1-10) remaining.
You have 0 tier-2 slots (levels 1-20) remaining.
You have 8 tier-3 slots (levels 1-30) remaining.
You have 7 tier-4 slots (levels 1-40) remaining.
You have 6 tier-5 slots (levels 1-50) remaining.

Chaos Magic:

Book 1:                        Cost    Fail%   Power%
Magic Missile                     1       3%     +40%  specialized
Trap / Door Destruction           2       4%       0%  
Flash of Light                    2       3%     +10%  improved
Blink                             1       3%     +40%  specialized
Static Field                      3       3%     +10%  improved
Mana Burst                        4       3%     +10%  improved
Immolation                        6       4%       0%  
Fire Bolt                         6       3%     +10%  improved

Book 2:                        Cost    Fail%   Power%
Fist of Force                     8       4%       0%  
Teleport Self                     8       5%       0%  
Chain Lightning                  14       5%       0%  


====Active quests==== 

Defeat the troll camp north-east of Falfur.  

From a Courier in Nenruin Town (Danger level 0):
   Carry a message to Atal the Pure in Narzar.  

From a Town Hall in Glineth Keep (Danger level 14):
   Clear 1 level of a certain sewer near Glineth Keep.  

From a Mages' Guild in Glineth Keep (Danger level 16):
   A Tengu has been troubling the area south of Glineth Keep.  Track it to its
den and
exterminate it.  

From a Keep in Nenruin Town (Danger level 29):
   A Plaguebearer of Nurgle and its followers have been troubling the area
north-west of Nenruin
Town.  Find their hole and kill them.  

From a Warriors' Guild in Falfur (Danger level 41):
   A Cave ogre and its minions have been terrorizing the area south-west of
Falfur.  Find their
home and kill them.  

From a Keep in Falfur (Danger level 52):
   A Chaos spawn has been spotted in the area south-west of Falfur.  Track it to
its lair and slay

====Completed/failed quests==== 

Kill 6 piles of Creeping silver coins by Day 4, 5:16 PM.  (Failed)

====Finished quests==== 

Kill Fang, Farmer Maggot's dog by Day 1, 9:16 AM.  (Finished)

Kill 5 Giant white centipedes by Day 1, 10:10 AM.  (Finished)

Kill 6 White harpies by Day 1, 10:56 AM.  (Finished)

Kill 7 Salamanders by Day 1, 11:18 AM.  (Finished)

Kill 2 Giant pink frogs by Day 1, 11:47 AM.  (Finished)

Kill 5 Large grey snakes by Day 1, 12:22 PM.  (Finished)

Kill 3 Hunting hawks of Julian by Day 1, 1:07 PM.  (Finished)

Kill 3 Crows by Day 1, 1:18 PM.  (Finished)

Kill 6 Large yellow snakes by Day 1, 1:27 PM.  (Finished)

Kill 7 Brown yeeks by Day 1, 2:23 PM.  (Finished)

Carry a message to Grumbleworth Spiderfriend in Falfur.  (Finished)

Kill 5 Fruit bats by Day 4, 7:41 AM.  (Finished)

Kill 5 Metallic blue centipedes by Day 4, 7:57 AM.  (Finished)

Kill 8 Metallic green centipedes by Day 4, 8:14 AM.  (Finished)

Kill 2 Eagles by Day 4, 8:39 AM.  (Finished)

Kill Wolf, Farmer Maggot's dog by Day 4, 8:44 AM.  (Finished)

Kill 11 Giant black ants by Day 4, 9:08 AM.  (Finished)

Kill 11 Blue yeeks by Day 4, 9:42 AM.  (Finished)

Kill 5 Insect swarms by Day 4, 10:27 AM.  (Finished)

Kill 5 Copperhead snakes by Day 4, 11:04 AM.  (Finished)

Kill 7 Rock lizards by Day 4, 11:50 AM.  (Finished)

Kill 10 Cave lizards by Day 4, 12:26 PM.  (Finished)

Kill 5 Black harpies by Day 4, 1:06 PM.  (Finished)

Kill Bloodfang the Wolf by Day 4, 1:35 PM.  (Finished)

Kill Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog by Day 4, 2:09 PM.  (Finished)

Kill 5 piles of Creeping copper coins by Day 4, 2:27 PM.  (Finished)

Kill 5 Giant slugs by Day 4, 2:58 PM.  (Finished)

Kill 5 Ravens by Day 4, 3:31 PM.  (Finished)

Kill 10 Giant brown bats by Day 4, 4:12 PM.  (Finished)

(Danger level 13):  A bunch of spirits have been terrorizing the area north of
Glineth Keep.  Discover
their hole and exterminate them all.  (Finished)

  [Message Log (last 913 messages)]

The Mangy looking leper begs you for money.
The Mangy looking leper misses you.
The Mangy looking leper begs you for money.
The Mangy looking leper misses you.
The Mangy looking leper begs you for money.
The Mangy looking leper misses you.
You hit the Mangy looking leper.
You have slain the Mangy looking leper.
In your pack: a Shovel (1d2) (w).
Illegal choice!
Illegal command for window options!
You failed to get the spell off!
You produce a chaotic effect!
The Novice paladin points at you and curses.
You resist the effects!
The Novice paladin cries out feebly.
The Novice paladin flees in terror!
The Jackal dies.
The Novice paladin dies.
The Jackal dies.
The Copperhead snake dies.
The Soldier ant dies.
The Griffon grunts with pain.
The Griffon cries out in pain.
The Griffon hits you.
The Griffon bites you.
The Griffon misses you.
The Griffon bites you.
The Griffon cries out in pain.
The Griffon screams in pain.
The Griffon flees in terror!
The Hobo dies.
You failed to unlock the door.
The Griffon writhes in agony.
The Griffon flees in terror!
The door is unlocked.
The Singing, happy drunk dies.
You have found 32 gold pieces worth of copper.
The Raving lunatic drools on you. <4x>
The Raving lunatic dies.
In your pack: a Hard Leather Armor (-1) [6,+0] (r).
In your pack: 5 Scrolls titled "jonag relech" of Identify (l).
In your pack: a Rapier (1d6) (+0,+0%) (s).
In your pack: 4 Scrolls titled "jonag relech" of Identify (l).
In your pack: a Club (2d2) (+0,+0%) (t).
In your pack: 3 Scrolls titled "jonag relech" of Identify (l).
In your pack: a Mace (2d4) (+0,+0%) (u).
In your pack: 2 Scrolls titled "jonag relech" of Identify (l).
In your pack: a Mace (2d4) (+0,+0%) (v).
In your pack: a Scroll titled "jonag relech" of Identify (l).
In your pack: a Shovel (1d2) (+0,+0%) (+1) (v).
There are no more Scrolls titled "jonag relech" of Identify.
You have nothing that I want.
You bought a Ruby Ring of Invisibility (+1) for 103 gold.
You have a Ruby Ring of Invisibility (+1) (o).
You are wearing a Ruby Ring of Invisibility (+1) (c).
Your equipment is repaired.
Your equipment was in fine shape already.
You were wearing a Cloak [1,+0] (h).
You are wearing a Cloak [1,+0] (h).
There is a wall blocking your way. <3x>
You sold a Rapier (1d6) (+0,+0%) for 29 gold.
There are no more Rapiers (1d6) (+0,+0%).
You sold a Club (2d2) (+0,+0%) for 2 gold.
There are no more Clubs (2d2) (+0,+0%).
You sold a Mace (2d4) (+0,+0%) for 91 gold.
There are no more Maces (2d4) (+0,+0%).
You sold a Mace (2d4) (+0,+0%) for 91 gold.
There are no more Maces (2d4) (+0,+0%).
There is a wall blocking your way. <3x>
You have nothing that I want.
You sold a Soft Studded Leather [5,+0] for 23 gold.
There are no more Soft Studded Leathers [5,+0].
Illegal object choice (default)!
You sold a Hard Leather Armor (-1) [6,+0] for 101 gold.
There are no more Hard Leather Armors (-1) [6,+0].
You bought a Buckler [3,+0] for 40 gold.
You have a Buckler [3,+0] (p).
You are wearing a Buckler [3,+0] (i).
There is a wall blocking your way. <5x>
The Mean looking mercenary cries out feebly.
The Mean looking mercenary flees in terror!
The Mean looking mercenary dies.
That command does not work in buildings. <2x>
You have found 34 gold pieces worth of copper.
The portal keeper notes your aura.
You do not know any other towns to teleport to.
Autosaving the game...
There is a wall blocking your way. <2x>
You bought a Willow Rod of Pesticide for 650 gold.
You have a Willow Rod of Pesticide (m).
You sold 2 Gold-Plated Wands of Stinking Cloud (26 charges) for 400 gold.
There are no more Gold-Plated Wands of Stinking Cloud (26 charges).
You bought a Chaos Spellbook [Chaos Mastery] for 1330 gold.
You have 2 Chaos Spellbooks [Chaos Mastery] (b).
That command does not work in stores. <2x>
A Plaguebearer of Nurgle and its followers have been troubling the area
north-west of Nenruin Town.  Find their hole and kill them.
Carry a message to Atal the Pure in Narzar.
Please deliver the message as soon as possible!
You awake refreshed for the new day.
Autosaving the game...
The sun has risen.
The Pitiful looking beggar begs you for money.
The Pitiful looking beggar dies.
You cannot run in that direction.
There is a wall blocking your way.
You bought 2 Willow Rods of Pesticide for 1330 gold.
You have 3 Willow Rods of Pesticide (m).
The Battle scarred veteran dies.
You cannot run in that direction.
Cancelled. <3x>
The door is unlocked.
You failed to get the spell off!
The Scrawny cat dies.
The Griffon grunts with pain. <2x>
The Griffon recovers its courage.
The Griffon cries out in pain.
The Griffon screams in pain.
The Griffon flees in terror!
The Griffon dies.
The Griffon grunts with pain.
The Griffon cries out in pain.
The Griffon grunts with pain.
The Griffon cries out in pain. <2x>
The Griffon screams in pain.
The Griffon dies.
Cancelled. <5x>
The Sand-dweller roars with pain.
The Sand-dweller flees in terror!
The Sand-dweller dies.
The Giant red scorpion scuttles about.
The Giant red scorpion twitters.
The Giant red scorpion flees in terror!
The Giant red scorpion dies.
In your pack: a Scroll titled "roapp marnis" (l).
The Ice troll grunts with pain. <5x>
The Ice troll cries out in pain.
The Ice troll screams in pain.
The Ice troll flees in terror!
The Ice troll grunts with pain. <3x>
The Ice troll cries out in pain.
The Ice troll writhes in agony.
The Ice troll flees in terror!
The Ice troll dies.
Autosaving the game...
You failed to get the spell off!
The Ice troll recovers his courage.
The Ice troll dies.
Welcome to level 17.
The Ice troll grunts with pain. <5x>
The Ice troll cries out in pain. <2x>
The Ice troll screams in pain.
The Ice troll flees in terror!
The Ice troll grunts with pain. <2x>
The Ice troll cries out in pain. <2x>
The Ice troll screams in agony.
The Ice troll flees in terror!
The Ice troll dies. <2x>
The Ice troll grunts with pain. <2x>
The Ice troll cries out in pain. <2x>
The Ice troll screams in agony.
The Ice troll flees in terror!
The Ice troll dies.
You discover something unusual in the wilderness.
The Ice troll grunts with pain. <5x>
The Ice troll cries out in pain. <2x>
The Ice troll screams in pain.
The Ice troll flees in terror!
The Raven dies.
The Ice troll dies.
Welcome to level 18.
In your pack: a Glaive (2d6) (q).
The Ice troll grunts with pain.
The Ice troll cries out in pain. <2x>
The Ice troll screams in pain.
The Ice troll flees in terror!
The Ice troll screams in pain.
The Ice troll dies.
The Rattlesnake jerks limply.
The Rattlesnake flees in terror!
The Rattlesnake dies.
You can learn 8 new spells.
You have specialized the spell of Magic Missile.
You can learn 7 more spells.
You can learn 7 new spells.
Illegal spell choice!
You may not study that spell.
You can learn 7 new spells.
You have found 28 gold pieces worth of copper.
You have found 204 gold pieces worth of diamonds.
You have found 212 gold pieces worth of diamonds.
The Cave troll grunts with pain.
The Cave troll cries out in pain. <3x>
The Cave troll screams in pain.
The Cave troll flees in terror!
The Cave troll dies.
The Cave troll grunts with pain. <2x>
The Cave troll cries out in pain. <2x>
The Cave troll screams in pain.
The Cave troll flees in terror!
The Cave troll cries out in pain. <2x>
The Cave troll screams in pain.
The Cave troll flees in terror!
The Ice troll cries out in pain. <2x>
The Cave troll recovers his courage.
The Ice troll cries out in pain.
The Ice troll hits you. <3x>
The Ice troll bites you.
You are covered with frost!
You have no staff to use.
In your pack: a Scroll titled "erbyt sanblaa" of Teleportation (i).
The Water troll grunts with pain. <10x>
You failed to get the spell off!
The Water troll grunts with pain.
The Water troll cries out in pain.
The Water troll hits you. <4x>
The Woodsman dies.
Illegal aim direction!
The Water troll screams in pain.
The Water troll flees in terror!
The Water troll screams in agony.
The Water troll dies.
Welcome to level 19.
The Orc shaman screams in pain.
You failed to get the spell off! <2x>
The Orc shaman dies.
You destroy a Shovel (1d2) (+0,+0%) (+1).
There are no more Shovels (1d2) (+0,+0%) (+1).
The Snotling dies. <3x>
Illegal aim direction!
In your pack: a Gold Potion (i).
The Snotling dies.
In your pack: 12 Flasks of oil (e).
You have found 41 gold pieces worth of copper.
You have found 21 gold pieces worth of copper.
The Grizzly bear squeals in pain. <2x>
The Grizzly bear writhes in agony.
The Grizzly bear flees in terror!
The Grizzly bear dies.
You failed to get the spell off!
The Frost giant cries out in pain. <2x>
The Frost giant screams in agony.
The Frost giant flees in terror!
The Frost giant dies.
You have found 61 gold pieces worth of garnets.
The Ice troll grunts with pain.
The Ice troll cries out in pain. <3x>
The Ice troll screams in agony.
The Ice troll flees in terror!
The Ice troll dies.
You have found 53 gold pieces worth of gold.
Cancelled. <3x>
You failed to unlock the door. <2x>
The door is unlocked.
You sold a Glaive (2d6) (+0,+0%) for 232 gold.
There are no more Glaives (2d6) (+0,+0%).
You were wearing a Buckler [3,+0] (i).
There is a wall blocking your way. <2x>
You have nothing that I want.
That command does not work in stores. <2x>
There is a wall blocking your way. <3x>
The Aimless looking merchant dies.
The Woodsman dies.
There is a wall blocking your way.
A Chaos spawn has been spotted in the area south-west of Falfur.  Track it to
its lair and slay it.
That command does not work in stores.
You have nothing that I want.
There is a wall blocking your way.
Autosaving the game...
You sold a Buckler [3,+0] for 17 gold.
There are no more Bucklers [3,+0].
You drop 6 Flasks of oil (e).
In your pack: 6 Flasks of oil (e).
There is a wall blocking your way.
You sold 3 Willow Rods of Pesticide for 435 gold.
There are no more Willow Rods of Pesticide.
Illegal object choice (normal)!
There is a wall blocking your way. <11x>
You sold a Conjuration Spellbook [Tricks for Beginners] for 68 gold.
There are no more Conjuration Spellbooks [Tricks for Beginners].
There is a wall blocking your way. <2x>
You failed to unlock the door.
The door is unlocked.
The Ethereal drake flinches. <3x>
You are surrounded with flames!
You don't know any spells in that book.
The Ethereal drake flinches. <6x>
There are no more Scrolls titled "erbyt sanblaa" of Teleportation.
The flames die down.
The Ethereal drake flinches.
You failed to get the spell off!
The Ethereal drake flinches.
You failed to get the spell off!
You produce a chaotic effect!
The 4-headed hydra hisses.
The 4-headed hydra casts a fearful illusion.
You are terrified!
The 4-headed hydra hisses.
The 4-headed hydra casts a fearful illusion.
The 4-headed hydra hisses.
The 4-headed hydra bites you. <4x>
The 4-headed hydra casts a fearful illusion.
The 4-headed hydra hisses. <4x>
The 4-headed hydra bites you. <2x>
Low hitpoint warning!
The 4-headed hydra bites you.
The 4-headed hydra bites you.
The 4-headed hydra hisses. <3x>
The 4-headed hydra casts a fearful illusion.
You refuse to be frightened.
The 4-headed hydra rears up in anger. <2x>
You feel bolder now.
The 4-headed hydra writhes about.
The 4-headed hydra flees in terror!
The 4-headed hydra dies.
You have found 301 gold pieces worth of mithril.
You have found 188 gold pieces worth of diamonds.
You have found 62 gold pieces worth of opals.
You have found 362 gold pieces worth of mithril.
You have found 265 gold pieces worth of emeralds.
The Ethereal drake flinches. <2x>
The Ethereal drake hisses in pain. <2x>
The Ethereal drake snarls with pain.
The Ethereal drake flees in terror!
The Ethereal drake dies.
Welcome to level 20.
In your pack: a Scroll titled "agseh fuorg an" (k).
In your pack: a Copper Statue of a Whale (p).
You can learn 7 new spells.
Illegal spell choice!
You may not study that spell.
You have specialized the spell of Blink.
You can learn 6 more spells.
You can learn 6 new spells.
You have learned the spell of Fire Bolt.
You can learn 5 more spells.
You can learn 5 new spells.
You have improved the spell of Fire Bolt.
You can learn 4 more spells.
You can learn 4 new spells.
Illegal spell choice!
You may not study that spell.
You can learn 4 new spells.
You have learned the spell of Teleport Self.
You can learn 3 more spells.
You can learn 3 new spells.
Illegal spell choice!
You may not study that spell.
You have learned the spell of Fist of Force.
You can learn 2 more spells.
You can learn 2 new spells.
You have learned the spell of Chain Lightning.
You can learn 1 more spell.
You can learn 1 new spell.
You have improved the spell of Mana Burst.
The Hobo dies.
There is a wall blocking your way.
The door is unlocked.
There is a wall blocking your way.
The Filthy street urchin begs you for money.
The Filthy street urchin misses you.
The Filthy street urchin begs you for money.
The Filthy street urchin misses you.
Illegal object choice (normal)!
Illegal object choice (default)!
The Filthy street urchin dies. <5x>
You strike the Filthy street urchin.
You have slain the Filthy street urchin.
The Filthy street urchin begs you for money.
The Filthy street urchin misses you.
The Filthy street urchin dies. <3x>
You sold a Copper Statue of a Whale for 365 gold.
There are no more Copper Statues of a Whale.
The Filthy street urchin begs you for money.
The Filthy street urchin misses you.
The Filthy street urchin dies.
You sold a Scroll titled "agseh fuorg an" of Holy Prayer for 15 gold.
The shopkeeper jumps for joy.
There are no more Scrolls titled "agseh fuorg an" of Holy Prayer.
You sold a Scroll titled "roapp marnis" of Detection for 15 gold.
You've made my day!
There are no more Scrolls titled "roapp marnis" of Detection.
There is a wall blocking your way.
Illegal object choice (bounds)!
You sold a Fizzy Yellow Potion of Booze for 1 gold.
There are no more Fizzy Yellow Potions of Booze.
You sold a Gold Potion of Restore Constitution for 15 gold.
I think I'll retire!
There are no more Gold Potions of Restore Constitution.
Autosaving the game...
The Mangy looking leper dies.
There is a wall blocking your way. <11x>
You drop a Chaos Spellbook [Sign of Chaos].
In your pack: a Chaos Spellbook [Sign of Chaos] (a).
You drop a Chaos Spellbook [Sign of Chaos].
There are no more Chaos Spellbooks [Sign of Chaos].
You drop a Chaos Spellbook [Chaos Mastery].
In your pack: a Chaos Spellbook [Chaos Mastery] (a).
You have a Chaos Spellbook [Sign of Chaos] (a).
In the shop: a Chaos Spellbook [Sign of Chaos]
The Mean looking mercenary shrieks in agony.
The Mean looking mercenary flees in terror!
The Mean looking mercenary dies.
You have found 30 gold pieces worth of copper.
You bought a Thick White Potion of Healing for 924 gold.
You have a Thick White Potion of Healing (g).
There is a wall blocking your way. <2x>
Cancelled. <2x>
There is a wall blocking your way. <2x>
There is a wall blocking your way.
You cannot run in that direction.
Entire inventory is shown.
That command does not work in stores. <2x>
The door is unlocked.
The Aimless looking merchant dies.
The Battle scarred veteran writhes in agony.
The Battle scarred veteran flees in terror!
The Battle scarred veteran dies.
In your pack: a Green Potion (h).
You fall asleep.
You are paralyzed!
There are no more Green Potions of Sleep.
You can move again.
The Chaffinch dies.
The Mean looking mercenary shrieks in agony.
The Mean looking mercenary dies.
The door is unlocked.
There is a wall blocking your way.
The Agent of the black market dies.
You failed to get the spell off!
The Wild rabbit dies.
You bought 6 Scrolls titled "erbyt sanblaa" of Teleportation for 324 gold.
You have 6 Scrolls titled "erbyt sanblaa" of Teleportation (h).
The Raving lunatic dies.
There is a wall blocking your way. <4x>
That command does not work in stores. <2x>
You cannot run in that direction. <2x>
The door is unlocked.
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Half-orc screams in pain.
The Half-orc writhes in agony.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Half-orc dies.
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Snaga sapper screams in agony.
The Snaga sapper screams in pain.
The Half-orc screams in pain.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Snaga sapper dies.
The Snaga dies.
The Half-orc screams in agony.
The Snaga sapper screams in agony.
The Snaga cries out feebly.
The Snaga flees in terror!
You failed to get the spell off!
The Snaga sapper dies.
The Snaga dies.
It says, 'I shall have my way with your women!'
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Orc shaman points at you and curses.
You resist the effects!
The Half-orc screams in pain.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Half-orc recovers his courage.
The Orc shaman points at you and curses.
You resist the effects!
The Orc captain says, 'Orcs don't get no respect... I'm gonna change that!'
The Orc shaman points at you and curses.
You resist the effects!
The Half-orc screams in pain.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Snaga screams in agony.
The Snaga flees in terror!
The Snaga dies.
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Snaga cries out in pain.
The Half-orc dies.
The Orc shaman screams in pain.
The Half-orc grunts with pain.
The Snaga cries out in pain.
The Snaga sapper screams in pain.
The Snaga sapper flees in terror!
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Orc shaman points at you and curses.
You resist the effects!
The Orc shaman points at you and curses.
You resist the effects!
The Half-orc screams in pain.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Orc shaman points at you and curses.
You resist the effects!
The Half-orc misses you.
The Half-orc hits you.
The Snaga sapper turns to fight!
The Orc shaman casts a magic missile.
The Orc shaman points at you and curses.
You resist the effects!
In your pack: 5 Scrolls titled "erbyt sanblaa" of Teleportation (h).
The Giant slug squelches.
The Werebear grunts with pain. <3x>
Illegal spell choice!
You may not cast that spell.
The Werebear grunts with pain. <4x>
The Werebear squeals in pain. <2x>
The Werebear cries out feebly.
The Werebear flees in terror!
The Giant slug quivers in pain.
The Giant slug dies.
The Werebear dies.
Autosaving the game...
You have found 86 gold pieces worth of garnets.
You have found 131 gold pieces worth of gold.
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Half-orc screams in agony.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Half-orc cries out in pain. <2x>
The Half-orc screams in pain.
The Half-orc writhes in agony.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Half-orc dies.
The Half-orc screams in agony.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Snaga screams in agony.
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Half-orc dies.
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Half-orc screams in agony.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Snaga dies.
The Half-orc dies.
Illegal aim direction!
The Half-orc screams in pain.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Orc shaman cries out feebly.
The Orc shaman flees in terror!
The Orc shaman writhes in agony.
The Orc shaman flees in terror!
The Snaga screams in agony.
The Snaga flees in terror!
The Orc shaman blinks away.
The Orc shaman points at you and curses.
You resist the effects!
The Orc shaman dies.
The Orc captain says, 'I shall torture you slowly.'
The Half-orc screams in pain.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Snaga dies.
The Half-orc cries out in pain. <2x>
The Snaga screams in agony.
The Snaga flees in terror!
The Orc captain cries out in pain.
The Orc shaman dies.
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Half-orc screams in agony.
The Orc shaman screams in pain.
The Orc shaman flees in terror!
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Orc shaman screams in agony.
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Half-orc grunts with pain. <2x>
The Snaga sapper cries out in pain.
The Half-orc grunts with pain. <2x>
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Half-orc grunts with pain.
The Orc captain cries out in pain.
The Half-orc grunts with pain.
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Half-orc grunts with pain.
The Half-orc dies.
The Orc shaman dies.
The Half-orc writhes in agony.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Half-orc cries out in pain. <2x>
The Half-orc grunts with pain. <4x>
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Half-orc grunts with pain.
The Orc shaman dies.
The Half-orc grunts with pain.
The Snaga dies.
The Half-orc cries out in pain. <2x>
The Half-orc screams in agony.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Orc captain scratches his armpits.
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Half-orc dies.
The Orc shaman points at you and curses.
You resist the effects!
The Half-orc screams in pain.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Half-orc recovers his courage.
The Snaga sapper writhes in agony.
The Snaga sapper flees in terror!
The Orc shaman tries to cast a spell, but fails. <2x>
The Half-orc dies.
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Half-orc screams in pain.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Half-orc screams in agony.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Orc shaman points at you and curses.
You resist the effects!
The Half-orc screams in agony.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Half-orc screams in agony.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Orc captain says, 'Orcs don't get no respect... I'm gonna change that!'
The Half-orc grunts with pain.
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Orc shaman points at you and curses.
You resist the effects!
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Orc shaman points at you and curses.
You resist the effects!
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Snaga recovers his courage.
The Half-orc dies.
The Half-orc cries out in pain. <2x>
The Half-orc screams in pain.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Half-orc grunts with pain.
The Half-orc screams in agony.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Half-orc screams in pain.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Half-orc cries out in pain. <2x>
The Half-orc grunts with pain. <3x>
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Half-orc turns to fight!
The Orc shaman casts a magic missile.
The Half-orc recovers his courage.
The Orc shaman points at you and curses.
You resist the effects!
The Half-orc recovers his courage.
The Orc shaman tries to cast a spell, but fails.
The Orc shaman points at you and curses.
You resist the effects!
Illegal aim direction!
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Snaga screams in pain.
The Snaga flees in terror!
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Half-orc grunts with pain.
The Half-orc screams in pain.
The Half-orc cries out in pain. <2x>
The Orc captain cries out in pain.
The Orc shaman cries out in pain.
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Half-orc grunts with pain.
The Orc shaman cries out in pain.
The Half-orc screams in pain.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Half-orc recovers his courage.
The Half-orc screams in pain.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Half-orc screams in agony.
The Half-orc dies.
The Half-orc screams in agony.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Half-orc cries out feebly.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Half-orc screams in pain.
The Orc shaman dies.
The Half-orc dies. <2x>
The Half-orc turns to fight!
The Half-orc dies.
The Half-orc writhes in agony.
The Half-orc screams in pain.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Half-orc dies.
The Orc captain screams in agony.
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Half-orc dies. <2x>
The Snaga dies.
The Orc shaman cries out feebly.
The Orc shaman flees in terror!
The Half-orc dies.
The Half-orc screams in pain.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Half-orc dies.
The Half-orc recovers his courage.
The Half-orc screams in pain.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Half-orc recovers his courage.
The Half-orc screams in pain.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Half-orc screams in pain.
The Half-orc dies. <2x>
The Orc captain says: 'Somehow, I have a bad feeling about this...'
The Orc captain dies.
The Half-orc dies. <2x>
The Half-orc cries out feebly.
The Half-orc dies. <2x>
The Half-orc recovers his courage.
The Half-orc dies.
It dies.
The Snaga dies.
The Half-orc dies. <2x>
Welcome to level 21.
You can learn 8 more spells.
In your pack: a Scroll titled "jonag relech" of Identify (k).
The Half-orc dies. <2x>
In your pack: a Gold Potion of Restore Constitution (h).
In your pack: a Brown Speckled Potion (i).
You have found 37 gold pieces worth of copper.
In your pack: a Copper-Plated Wand (p).
The Half-orc falls asleep!
You have found 41 gold pieces worth of garnets.
You have found 87 gold pieces worth of gold.
The Snaga sapper dies.
The Half-orc writhes in agony.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Half-orc dies.
You have found 55 gold pieces worth of garnets.
In your pack: a Flail (2d6) (r).
In your pack: 17 Orcish Arrows (1d8) (s).
The Half-orc cries out in pain. <2x>
You failed to get the spell off!
The Half-orc screams in agony.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Half-orc dies.
In your pack: a Quiver (q).
The Half-orc cries out in pain.
The Half-orc writhes in agony.
The Half-orc flees in terror!
The Half-orc dies.
In your pack: an Arcane Spellbook [Cantrips for Beginners] (c).
Illegal object choice (normal)!
In your pack: a Sorcery Spellbook [Beginner's Handbook] (d).
You have found 12 gold pieces worth of copper.
You have found 44 gold pieces worth of gold.
The Snotling dies.
You have found 37 gold pieces worth of copper.
You have found 61 gold pieces worth of gold.
You have found 25 gold pieces worth of copper.
In your pack: a Scimitar (2d5) (u).
You have found 65 gold pieces worth of garnets.
You feel the Orcish Arrows (w) in your pack are good...
In your pack: a Scimitar (2d5) (+0,+0%) {cursed} (t).
There are no more Scrolls titled "jonag relech" of Identify.
You destroy a Scimitar (2d5) (+0,+0%) {cursed}.
There are no more Scimitars (2d5) (+0,+0%) {cursed}.
There are no more Brown Speckled Potions {tried}.
In your Quiver (q): 19 Iron Shots (4d2).
You have found 98 gold pieces worth of gold.
You have found 79 gold pieces worth of opals.
In your pack: a Coagulated Crimson Potion (k).
You drop 17 Orcish Arrows (1d8) {good$R} (u).
There are no more Orcish Arrows (1d8) {good$R}.
In your Quiver (r): 17 Orcish Arrows (1d8) {good$R}.
In your pack: a Thick Yellow Potion (k).
In your pack: 6 Scrolls titled "erbyt sanblaa" of Teleportation (m).
In your pack: a Sandalwood Staff (t).
In your pack: a Violet Potion (k).
You have found 45 gold pieces worth of copper.
You have found 38 gold pieces worth of silver.
You have found 29 gold pieces worth of copper.
You have found 49 gold pieces worth of opals.
Cancelled. <2x>
You have no room for a Manly Potion of Salt Water.
The Mean looking mercenary dies.
The Battle scarred veteran shrieks in agony.
The Battle scarred veteran flees in terror!
The Battle scarred veteran dies.
You have found 13 gold pieces worth of copper.
You sold a Gold Potion of Restore Constitution for 213 gold.
There are no more Gold Potions of Restore Constitution.
You bought 22 Scrolls titled "jonag relech" of Identify for 1430 gold.
You have 22 Scrolls titled "jonag relech" of Identify (p).
In your pack: a Violet Potion of Restore Intelligence (j).
In your pack: 21 Scrolls titled "jonag relech" of Identify (p).
In your pack: a Thick Yellow Potion of Preservation (k).
In your pack: 20 Scrolls titled "jonag relech" of Identify (p).
In your pack: a Coagulated Crimson Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (h).
In your pack: 19 Scrolls titled "jonag relech" of Identify (p).
In your pack: a Copper-Plated Wand of Sleep Monster (19 charges) (s).
In your pack: 18 Scrolls titled "jonag relech" of Identify (p).
In your Quiver (t): 17 Orcish Arrows (1d8) (+3,+20%).
In your pack: 17 Scrolls titled "jonag relech" of Identify (p).
In your Quiver (t): 19 Iron Shots of Shocking (4d2) (+10,+20%).
In your pack: 16 Scrolls titled "jonag relech" of Identify (p).
In your pack: a Sandalwood Staff of Sleep Monsters (7 charges) (u).
In your pack: 15 Scrolls titled "jonag relech" of Identify (p).
In your pack: a Flail (2d6) (+0,+0%) (w).
In your pack: 14 Scrolls titled "jonag relech" of Identify (p).
There is a wall blocking your way. <2x>
You sold a Coagulated Crimson Potion of Cure Serious Wounds for 53 gold.
There are no more Coagulated Crimson Potions of Cure Serious Wounds.
You sold a Violet Potion of Restore Intelligence for 213 gold.
There are no more Violet Potions of Restore Intelligence.
You sold a Thick Yellow Potion of Preservation for 142 gold.
There are no more Thick Yellow Potions of Preservation.
There is a wall blocking your way. <4x>
You sold a Copper-Plated Wand of Sleep Monster (19 charges) for 233 gold.
There are no more Copper-Plated Wands of Sleep Monster (19 charges).
You sold a Sandalwood Staff of Sleep Monsters (7 charges) for 346 gold.
There are no more Sandalwood Staffs of Sleep Monsters (7 charges).
There is a wall blocking your way.
You slash the Hobo.
You have slain the Hobo.
You sold an Arcane Spellbook [Cantrips for Beginners] for 66 gold.
There are no more Arcane Spellbooks [Cantrips for Beginners].
You sold a Sorcery Spellbook [Beginner's Handbook] for 66 gold.
There are no more Sorcery Spellbooks [Beginner's Handbook].
You sold a Flail (2d6) (+0,+0%) for 224 gold.
There are no more Flails (2d6) (+0,+0%).
You sold 17 Orcish Arrows (1d8) (+3,+20%) for 238 gold.
In your Quiver (n): no more Orcish Arrows (1d8) (+3,+20%).
You sold 19 Iron Shots of Shocking (4d2) (+10,+20%) for 931 gold.
In your Quiver (n): no more Iron Shots of Shocking (4d2) (+10,+20%).
That command does not work in buildings.
You cannot run in that direction.
Autosaving the game...
The sun has fallen.
The Raven dies.
The Hunting hawk of Julian dies.
The Ranger grunts with pain.
The Ranger cries out in pain.
The Ranger screams in agony.
The Ranger flees in terror!
It blinks away.
It tries to cast a spell, but fails.
It blinks away.
The Ranger dies.
In your pack: a Bone Rod (m).
The Large yellow snake falls asleep!
You miss the Large yellow snake.
The Large yellow snake bites you.
The Large yellow snake crushes you.
You miss the Large yellow snake. <2x>
The Large yellow snake dies.
The Singing, happy drunk begs you for money.
The Singing, happy drunk dies.
You have found 29 gold pieces worth of copper.
The Sabre-tooth tiger claws you. <2x>
The Sabre-tooth tiger bites you. <2x>
The Sabre-tooth tiger misses you.
The Sabre-tooth tiger claws you.
The Sabre-tooth tiger bites you. <2x>
The Sabre-tooth tiger roars.
The Sabre-tooth tiger claws you. <2x>
Low hitpoint warning!
The Sabre-tooth tiger bites you.
The Sabre-tooth tiger bites you.
The Sabre-tooth tiger claws you.
The Sabre-tooth tiger claws you.
The Sabre-tooth tiger bites you.
The Sabre-tooth tiger bites you.
The Sabre-tooth tiger claws you.
The Sabre-tooth tiger claws you.
What ho! Help!  You die.

Posted on 22.11.2010 15:13
Last updated on 22.11.2010 17:50

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9. on the Competition No.94 Ladder (of 14)


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On 22.11.2010 15:13 AtingtonIV wrote:
Ok well havent quite decided what spells to get yet but some very nice quests from this farm have got me levaling quite fast without any hassle- Im planning to go back to town and *hope* for some ?tele soon as thats getting to be a worry.
Very new varient for me which is essentially why Im going omg a wilderness to explore and completely ignoreing the dungions :3, screw you morgoth i have a farm.

On 22.11.2010 17:50 AtingtonIV wrote:
well the sun went down while i was running through a woodland and what do you know i get hit by a saber tooth tigher who appears to be wearing one of the ToME +29 attacks randart rings, slightly unfair imho, as i whouldent have been out of town if i knew it was going to reduce me to light radius 1.

On 22.11.2010 23:47 Mangojuice wrote:
Yeah, Sabre-tooth tigers get about 12 attacks per one of yours at normal speed. They're dangerous. But if I do pick up development again perhaps I will introduce a dawn/dusk feature so you don't go straight from full light to full dark.

BTW, how did you like Static Field? You must have liked it pretty well if you improved it.

I suggest you wander further afield next time. Farm quests are decent for easy XP early on but there's better ones out there that are easy XP and also give you nice treasure and quest rewards.

On 23.11.2010 02:03 AtingtonIV wrote:
the upgrade on static field was mostly a nessesity in the quest i did with a lot of spirits (i thought that !seeInvis whould see them) however in a group of orcs i found later it turned into a complete lifesaver- in futuer i may even skip one of the intermidate ranged attack speels in favour of it, not just in part because vanilla has nothing like it.

Also is there any point in improveing the non damage based spells, as i don't really see the need?

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