The Angband Ladder: Garrett, Dwarf Adventurer by <>

  [Steamband 0.4.1 Character Dump]

 Name   Garrett                                  Self  abcdefghijkl@   Best
 Sex    Male           Age            53  Mus:    526  ..*...2......   529
 Race   Dwarf          Height         47  AGI:    298  ....7.2......   388
 Class  Adventurer     Weight        150  VIG:    431  ......2......   451
 Title  Swordsman      Status         17  SCH:    228  ......2......   248
 WP     70/71          MaxDepth  Lev  40  EGO:    151  .............   151
 SP     131/131        Preserve        Y  CHR:    154  .............   154

 Level           25       Armor     [40,+66]     Saving Throw      Tolerable
 Cur Exp      29354       Blows     4+1/turn     Stealth          First-rate
 Max Exp      29354       Shots       4/turn     Fighting      Legendary[5+]
 Adv Exp      36750       Infra        70 ft     Shooting       Legendary[2]
                                                 Disarming              Fair
          Stat     Skill     Equip.    Total     Magic Device           Fair
 Melee  (+8,+10)  (+10,+4)  (+37,+5) (+55,+19)   Perception     Legendary[1]
 Shoot   (+8,+0)   (+0,+0) (+47,+13) (+55,+13)   Searching     Legendary[5+]

     You were born in a hearth. You are a creative Fae. You have
     blue eyes, straight white hair, and a dark complexion.

  [Resists & Abilities]

   Critical:.............   Fthr Fall:.............   Hvy Curse:.............
   Vampiric:.............   Telepathy:.............    Mutation:.............
      Throw:.............   See Invis:.........+...    No Magic:.............
     Vorpal:.............    Free Act:..........+..   No Teleprt.............
     Return:.............   Wraithfrm:.............    Drain SP:.............
  Frce Brnd:.............   Hold Life:.............    Drain HP:.............
  Fire Brnd:.............     Reflect:.............     Disrupt:.............
  Elec Brnd:.............   Invisible:.............   Drn Items:.............
  Ice Brand:.............   Res Confu:.........+...   Drn   Exp:.............
  Acid Brnd:+............   Res Blind:.......+.+...    Teleport:.............
  Psn. Brnd:.............    Res Fear:.............   Aggravate:.............
  Fire :33% ......+.......  Light:43% .......+.+....
  Erth :33% ......+.......  Dark :43% .......+.+....
  Air  :33% ......+.......
  Water:33% ......+.......
  Elec :33% ........+.....
  Acid :66% +.............
            abcdefghijkl@*            abcdefghijkl@*            abcdefghijkl@*
            |}=="~(()]]]              |}=="~(()]]]              |}=="~(()]]]


   Disarming Traps  1
           Stealth 10
         Searching  7
       Trailblazer 20
         Keen Eyes  1
    Pain Tolerance  5
         Stonelore 15
   Neophyte Combat 20
   Standard Combat 20
   Advanced Combat  2
      Power Strike 13
   Accurate Strike 10
    Vicious Strike  4
        Swift Blow  4
      Martial Arts  1
 Neophyte Firearms 13
           Pistols  1
            Rifles  1
          Shotguns  1
        Swift Shot 10
          Throwing  1
    Hafted Weapons  1
          Polearms  1
            Swords  1
           Daggers  1
              Axes  1
     Blunt Weapons  1
Survival Technique 13
         Latin {*}  1
   Occult Lore {O}  1
  Ritual Magic {O}  1
  Spirituality {S}  1
 Tempered Will {*}  1
     Using Devices  2
         Toughness 18

  [Steamware & Mutations]

 You have alpha level spurs (3d6).
 You are telepathic.
 You have alpha level wired reflexes (+ 3 speed).
 You have alpha level dermal plating (+10 ac).

  [Character Equipment]

a) The Sabre of Clubs (1d7|1) (+8,+5) <+1>
b) a .303 Lee-Enfield (x3) (+16,+9) {75% off}
c) a Sapphire Ring of Muscle <+10>
d) a Viridigen Ring of Accuracy (+29,+0)
e) an Oak Amulet of Agility <+7>
f) a Brass Lantern [3] <Fuel: 10755>
g) The Leather Waistcoat of Gideon Barr [20,+25] <+2>
h) a Shadow Cloak of the Night [5,+12] <+2>
i) a Pair of Trousers of Inviolability to Electricity [2,+7]
j) The Green-tinted Glasses of Auguste Dupin [8,+1] <+8>
k) a Set of Silk Gloves of Free Action [1,+4]
l) a Pair of Buttoned Boots [4,+4]
n) 4 Rifle bullets (4d11|0) (+2,+4) (+111/444)

  [Character Inventory]

a) 3 Flasks of oil
b) 14 "Balyeat's Fig" Tonics of Speed {25% off}
c) 42 "Old Sachem Bitters & Wigwam" Tonics of Cure Critical Wounds {50% off
d) The Book [Alice's Adventures in Wonderland]
e) 33 Humming Heliocid Mechanisms of Etheric Travel {25% off}
f) 10 Gold-Plated Aeroton Mechanisms of Returning {25% off}
g) 3 Aluminum-Plated Ray Guns of Vaporize Solid (44 charges) {10% off}
h) a Platinum Amulet of Schooling <+2>
i) a Leather Waistcoat of Inviolability to Earth [3,+5]
j) a Bowler (Plumed) [5,+6] <+4, +2>
k) a Trident of Electrocution (1d8|2) (+9,+14) [1,+0] <+4>
l) a War Hammer of Venom (3d3|7) (+15,+10) <+4>
m) 38 Rifle bullets (4d11|0) (+2,+4) (+111/444)
n) 18 Hollow-point rifle bullets (4d33|0) (+0,+0) (+231/924)

  [Home Inventory]

a Keyring of the Claus
a Diamond Ring of Agility <+9>
a Fluorite Ring of Freedom of Mobility
a Ruby Ring of See Invisible
a Malachite Ring of Resist Bewilderment
an Opal Amulet of Vigor <+6>
a Deerstalker (Gem Studded) [4,+5] <+3, +8>
The Bowler of Inspector Bucket [4,+10] <+6>
a Set of Work Gloves (Smoldering) [3,+3] <+2>
The Pair of Ruby Red Slippers of Dorthy [0,+0]

  [Current Quest]

To fulfill your task, you must kill 13 Selenite Elite Guards on dungeon level


Adult: Preserve artifacts when leaving level : yes (adult_preserve)
Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall     : no  (adult_ironman)
Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home       : no  (adult_no_stores)
Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts        : no  (adult_no_artifacts)
Adult: Randomize some of the artifacts (beta): no  (adult_rand_artifacts)
Score: Peek into object creation             : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation            : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation            : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else              : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info            : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death           : no  (score_live)

Posted on 7.12.2007 16:00

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14759. on the Ladder (of 19032)
198. on the Steamband Ladder (of 319)
83. for this player (


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On 8.12.2007 00:23 AnonymousHero wrote:
Apologies for being stupid, but where exactly do you find 0.4.1?

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