The Angband Ladder: Mirindor, the Mage of Mastery, Man of Bree Mage by andrewdoull

  [Unangband 0.6.2 Character Dump]

 Name   Mirindor, the Mage of Mastery            Self  SB  EB  TB   Best   Curr
 Sex    Female             Age       18  STR:      12  +0  +0  +0     12
 Race   Man of Bree        Height    58  INT:   18/15  +0  +0  +0  18/15
 Class  Mage               Status     1  WIS:      16  +0  +0  +0     16
 Style  Mastery                          DEX:      12  +0  +0  +0     12
 Title  Novice                           CON:      11  +0  +0  +0     11
 Home   'Bag End' in Hobbiton            CHR:      12  +0  +0  +0     12
 Target Farmer Maggot's farm             AGI:      11  +0  +0  +0     11
                                         SIZ:      10  +0  +0  +0     10
 Level            5  HP          -1/34  Fight     (+1,+0)  Fighting       Awful
 Curr Exp       108  Spell-Pts    2/15  WShld     (+1,+0)  Shooting    Very Bad
 Max Exp        108  Hit die        10  Bash       [2,+0]  Throwing         Bad
 Adv Exp         32  Armor      [4,+2]  Blows  1/turn(x1)  Stealth         Iffy
 Depth      Lev   3  Infravis     0 ft  Shoot     (+1,+0)  Save Throw Very Good
 MaxDepth   Lev   3  Gold          152  Shots  0/turn(x0)  Disarming       Fair
 Game Turn   143298  Burden     66 lbs  Throw     (+1,+0)  Devices    Excellent
 Plr Turn      5934  % Burden      47%  Hurls  1/turn(x1)  Searching       Iffy
 Act Turn      3648  Speed      Normal  Weight    105 lbs  Digging          Bad

 You are the illegitimate and unacknowledged child of a Serf.  You are a
 credit to the family.  You have hazel eyes, straight black hair, and an
 average complexion.
 This is 2nd Tuile of the 2890th year of the third age.  You are on level
1 of Farmer Maggot's farm.

  [Last Messages]

> You have a Scroll titled "val con xlech" of Phase Door (h).
> The Cave lizard wakes up.
> The Cave lizard bites you!
> You have entered a curtained antechamber.
> You have no more Scrolls titled "val con xlech" of Phase Door (h).
> You lack the skill to fire a weapon.
> You have 25 Iron Spikes (l).
> You failed to cast the spell!
> Wolf, Farmer Maggot's dog nips you.
> Wolf, Farmer Maggot's dog bites you.
> Fang, Farmer Maggot's dog bites you!
> In your pack: a Yellow Potion {Antidotes} (g).
> You have no more Scrolls titled "xflit sneden" of Sense Magic (h).
> Wolf, Farmer Maggot's dog bites you!
> You die.

  [Character Equipment]

a) a Locust Staff of Light (1d6) (+0,+0) (10 charges)
b) (nothing)
c) (nothing)
d) (nothing)
e) (nothing)
f) a Wooden Torch (with 3115 turns of light left)
g) (nothing)
h) (nothing)
i) a Small Leather Shield [2,+0]
j) (nothing)
k) (nothing)
l) a Pair of Soft Leather Boots [2,+0]

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Magic Book of Curses
b) a Magic Book of Summoning
c) 2 Spotted Mushrooms of Poison
   It is broken, having been blasted by powerful magic.  
d) 5 Rations of Food
e) 4 Slime Molds
f) 2 Brown Mushrooms of Disease
g) a Yellow Potion of Cure Light Wounds
h) 4 Wooden Torches (with 2500 turns of light)
i) 2 large Noxious mushroom patch Spores
   It is broken, having been blasted by powerful magic.  
j) 2 large Spotted mushroom patch Spores
   It is broken, having been blasted by powerful magic.  
k) 25 Iron Spikes

  [Dungeons Explored]

You have reached level 1 of Farmer Maggot's farm.


You suffer from no afflictions.  You can learn some spells/prayers.  

  [Spells Learnt]

Chill                    Shadowstep               Magic Missile
Stinking Cloud           Blood Binding            

  [Character Equipment Stat Modifiers, Sustains and Flags]

      _    ~  )  ]               _    ~  )  ]
      abcdefghijkl@              abcdefghijkl@
 Str: .............        Str:  .............
 Int: .............        Int:  .............
 Wis: .............        Wis:  .............
 Dex: .............        Dex:  .............
 Con: .............        Con:  .............
 Chr: .............        Chr:  .............
 Agi: .............        Agi:  .............
 Siz: .............        Siz:  .............
 Acid:.............        Disea:............. 
 Elec:.............        Blind:............. 
 Fire:.............        Confu:............. 
 Cold:.............        Sound:............. 
 Pois:.............        Shard:............. 
 Fear:.............        Nexus:............. 
 Lite:.............        Nethr:............. 
 Dark:.............        Chaos:............. 
Water:.............        Disen:............. 
      abcdefghijkl@              abcdefghijkl@ 
 Food:.............         Save:.............
Feath:.............        Devic:.............
 Glow:1............        Steal:.............
Regen:.............        Sear.:.............
Telep:.............        Infra:.............
Invis:.............        Tunn.:.............
FrAct:.............        Speed:.............
HLife:.............        Blows:.............
Activ:.............        Shots:.............
Throw:.............        Might:.............
Undea:.............        Healt:............. 
Demon:.............         Mana:............. 
  Orc:.............        Exper:............. 
Troll:.............        Telep:............. 
Giant:.............        Spell:............. 
Dragn:.............         Evil:............. 
  Man:............+              abcdefghijkl@ 
Dwarf:.............              _    ~  )  ]  
      _    ~  )  ]                             

  [Your Home Is Empty]

Game: Expand the power of the look command   : yes (expand_look)
Game: Expand the power of the list commands  : yes (expand_list)
Game: Map remembers all perma-lit grids      : yes (view_perma_grids)
Game: Map remembers all torch-lit grids      : no  (view_torch_grids)
Game: Generate dungeons with aligned rooms   : yes (dungeon_align)
Game: Generate dungeons with connected stairs: yes (dungeon_stair)
Game: Mark where you have detected traps     : yes (view_unsafe_grids)
Game: Mark where you have detected monsters  : yes (view_detect_grids)
Game: When running, ignore interesting floors: yes (run_ignore_floors)
Adult: Allow purchase of stats using points  : no  (adult_point_based)
Adult: Allow specification of minimal stats  : no  (adult_auto_roller)
Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall     : no  (adult_ironman)
Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home       : no  (adult_no_stores)
Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts        : no  (adult_no_artifacts)
Adult: Randomize all of the artifacts        : no  (adult_rand_artifacts)
Adult: Play in Lord of the Rings campaign    : yes (adult_campaign)
Adult: Don't stack objects on the floor      : no  (adult_no_stacking)
Adult: Haggle in stores                      : no  (adult_haggle)
Adult: Scum for good levels                  : no  (adult_scum)
Score: Peek into object creation             : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation            : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation            : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else              : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info            : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death           : no  (score_live)
Score: Know complete artifact/ego info       : no  (score_lore)
Score: Auto-inscribe items as if known       : no  (score_auto)

Posted on 2.7.2007 00:05

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18510. on the Ladder (of 18953)
175. on the Unangband Ladder (of 189)
6. for this player (


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On 2.7.2007 00:05 andrewdoull wrote:
The phase door in the book of Tricks only works in darkness and I was in the middle of a lit room and had exhausted my last phase doors after forgetting to restock.

Could have tried using the staff of light to blind the dogs; instead risked reading an unknown scroll - was dead anyways.

Shame, as next level would have had access to lots of fun summoning spells (Animate Dead, Animate Object etc).

On 2.7.2007 01:27 Matthias wrote:
Something I really miss from wip6a Mages is the range 3 lightning spell. That one was really nice early on, especially angainst those dogs. It allowed me to go a bit deeper in Maggot almost from the start, even with a 3hp shadow ferry.

Now summoning, I guess if it does work now it will likely be really overpowered as long as it isn't controlled by the player's mana like in other variants.

On 2.7.2007 17:21 andrewdoull wrote:
The range 3 lightning bolt is in the druidic magic book. So its not gone - just not available to 'wizardry' mages.

As far as my playtesting of summoning goes, its really useful when you get the spell, and you quickly power through about 5-10 levels. Then the things you summon end up just waking up the enemy and little else...

Which is 'balancing' to a degree. I'm still deciding how else to balance it - reducing overall player mana is one option. Having a periodic 'upkeep' cost is another - where you have to sacrifice gold, hp or mana to keep a monster in play.

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