The Angband Ladder: Armsman, Longbeard Warrior by <HallucinationMushroom@Yahoo.egg>

  [FAangband 0.2.2 Character Dump]

 Name    : Armsman         Age                  29   STR!    18/***          
 Sex     : Male            Height               84   INT!     18/90          
 Race    : Longbeard       Weight              274   WIS!     18/80          
 Class   : Warrior         Social Class         47   DEX!    18/160          
                                                     CON!    18/***          
                                                     CHR!    18/110          

 Max Hit Points     1015   Level                46   Max SP (Mana)         0
 Cur Hit Points     -384   Experience      3296287   Cur SP (Mana)         0
                           Max Exp         3502869
        (Fighting)         Exp to Adv.     3500000          (Shooting)    
 Blows/Round           5   Gold             306763   Shots/Round         1.8
 + to Skill           70                             + to Skill           60
 Deadliness (%)      182   Base AC/+ To AC  22/ 94   Deadliness (%)      169

                            (Character Abilities)
 Fighting    : Legendary   Stealth     : Very Good   Disarming   : Excellent
 Bows/Throw  : Heroic      Perception  : Poor        Magic Device: Very Good
 Saving Throw: Superb      Searching   : Poor        Infra-Vision: 50 feet

                            (Character Background)
          You are the only child of a Dwarven Miner.  You are a
          credit to the family.  You have dark brown eyes, straight
          black hair, a three foot beard, and a dark complexion.

  [Recent locations]

Current Location : Angband Level 100
Recall Point 1   : Angband Level 98
Recall Point 2   : Angband Level 100
Recall Point 3   : Eriador Level 0
Recall Point 4   : Ossiriand Level 0

  [Resistances and Powers]

      abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
 Acid:......+.++... Blind:............+
 Elec:.+....+.+.... Confu:.........+...
 Fire:++..+.+.+.... Sound:.........+...
 Cold:.+....+.+.... Shard:......+......
 Pois:....+........ Nexus:......+......
 Fear:....+....+..+ Nethr:.............
 Lite:............. Chaos:.......+.....
 Dark:.........+... Disen:.............

      abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
S.Dig:............. M-Mas:.............
Feath:.........+... Stea.:.......+...+.
PLite:............. Sear.:.............
Regen:.+..........+ Infra:.............
Telep:............. Tunn.:.............
Invis:.....+....... Speed:..+++....+...
FrAct:......+...+.. Might:.*...........
HLife:............. Shots:.............

  [Specialty Abilities]

Fast Attacking 

  [Last Messages]

> You feel your life draining away!
> Low hitpoint warning!
> You feel very good.
> You have 4 Moldy Potions of Healing (e).
> Morgoth, Lord of Darkness invokes a storm of Night.
> You are poisoned!
> You feel your life draining away!
> You have 38 Scrolls titled "bytfin mono" of Phase Door {50% off} (f).
> Morgoth, Lord of Darkness calls up a storm of nether magics.
> You feel your life draining away!
> You die.
> Dump saved.

  [Character Equipment]

a) a Two-Handed Sword of Burning (3d11) (+16,+14)
b) The Short Bow of Amrod (x4) (+6,+8) (+2)
c) a Granite Ring of Warfare (+8,+5) (+6 to speed)
d) a Granite Ring of Warfare (+7,+9) (+5 to speed)
e) The Elfstone 'Elessar' [+10] (+2)
f) The Pearl 'Nimphelos' (charging)
g) The Chain Mail (Dwarven) of the Mormegil (-2) [14,+13] (+2)
h) The Cloak 'Colannon' [1,+13] (+3 to stealth)
i) The Small Leather Shield of the Elements [3,+11] (charging)
j) The Iron Crown of Eldamar [0,+12] (+2 to speed)
k) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg' (+7,+6) [1,+10] (+2)
l) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Stealth [3,+9] (+3 to stealth)

  [Character Inventory]

a) 8 Brown Mushrooms of Restoring
b) 10 Rations of Food
c) 6 Umber Potions of Speed {25% off}
d) 32 Vermilion Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {50% off}
e) 4 Moldy Potions of Healing
f) 38 Scrolls titled "bytfin mono" of Phase Door {50% off}
g) 6 Scrolls titled "comp cos nej" of Teleportation {50% off}
h) 12 Scrolls titled "ipsol zunseh" of Teleport Level {50% off}
i) 24 Scrolls titled "iarze mur jo" of Identify
j) a Scroll titled "derbek dantem" of *Recharging*
k) 9 Scrolls titled "sunsan unflit" of Recharging
l) 5 Scrolls titled "ornmik martri" of Rune of Protection
m) 2 Scrolls titled "itehe itetrol" of *Destruction* {25% off}
n) a Scroll titled "potdan jo" of Mass Genocide
o) 4 Brass Rods of Recall
p) a Carbonized Rod of Healing
q) 6 Silver Wands of Stone to Mud (12 charges) {25% off}
r) a Teak Staff of Healing (1 charge)
s) The Necklace of the Dwarves (+3) (charging)

  [Home Inventory]

a) 6 Scrolls titled "umhe baning" of *Identify*
b) 38 Scrolls titled "valsef rhov el" of Enchant Weapon (Skill)
c) 40 Scrolls titled "heseh ero" of Enchant Weapon (Deadliness)
d) 4 Uridium Rods of Trap Location
e) The Ring of Barahir (+1)
f) a Topaz Ring of Eregion (+4 to speed)
g) The Torque of Boromir (+0,+18) (+2)
h) Green Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [30,+24]
i) Metal Scale Mail of Elvenkind (-2) [13,+16] (+3 to stealth)
j) The Cloak of Gilos [1,+20]
k) The Cloak of Thingol [1,+18] (+3) (charging)
l) an Elven Cloak of Aman [2,+19] (+5 to stealth)
m) a Large Metal Shield of Night and Day [8,+10]
n) The Hard Leather Cap of Mablung [2,+10] (+2)
o) The Iron Helm of Vinyamar [5,+15] (+3)
p) The Steel Helm of Ecthelion [6,+20] (+3)
q) a Set of Leather Gloves of Agility [1,+5] (+3)
r) a Set of Leather Gloves of Free Action [1,+7]
s) The Set of Cesti of Fingolfin (+10,+10) [4,+15] (+4)
t) a Broken Sword (1d3) (-9,-16) {cursed}

Armsman the Longbeard Warrior
Began the quest to kill Morgoth on 03/04/2007 at 03:01 PM
|   TURN  |      LOCATION        |LEVEL| EVENT
|       10|      Khazad Dum Town |  1  | Gained the Armsman specialty.
|       10|      Khazad Dum Town |  1  | Gained the Fury specialty.
|     6484|      Underworld   4  |  5  | Reached level 5
|    14568|         Eriador   4  |  6  | Killed Pongo the Devious
|    20464|         Eriador   6  |  8  | Destroyed Ben Harrison, the 
|  continued...                  |     |  Skeleton 
|    26239|         Eriador   8  | 10  | Reached level 10
|    32093|         Eriador   8  | 12  | Killed Ulfast, son of Ulfang
|    35948|         Eriador   9  | 13  | Killed Balcmeg, the Cave Orc
|    44088|         Eriador   9  | 14  | Killed Mughash the Kobold Lord
|    44761|         Eriador   9  | 15  | Reached level 15
|    44761|         Eriador   9  | 15  | Killed Brodda, the Easterling
|    56771|        Belegost Town | 15  | Killed The Complainer
|    57033|         Eriador   9  | 15  | Found The Lamp of Gwindor
|    96607|  East Beleriand   6  | 16  | Killed The Thief of the Mountains
|   134542|  West Beleriand  12  | 18  | Killed Boldor, King of the Yeeks
|   139852|  West Beleriand  12  | 18  | Killed Orfax, Son of Boldor
|   149687|  West Beleriand  12  | 19  | Destroyed Nick, the Zombie
|   173183|  West Beleriand  14  | 19  | Killed Ulwarth, son of Ulfang
|   183896|       Amon Rudh  15  | 20  | Reached level 20
|   184673|       Amon Rudh  15  | 20  | Killed Othrod, Lord of the Orcs
|   316181|       Amon Rudh  15  | 21  | Killed Lug, the Hill Orc
|   421495|   Talath Dirnen  27  | 25  | Reached level 25
|   428796|   Talath Dirnen  28  | 25  | Killed Khim, Son of Mim
|   431696|   Talath Dirnen  29  | 25  | Found The Short Bow of Amrod
|   496295|       Amon Rudh  30  | 26  | Found The Robe 'Aegis'
|   498858|       Amon Rudh  30  | 27  | Killed Mim, Betrayer of Turin
|   499541|       Amon Rudh  30  | 27  | Gained the Fast Attacking 
|  continued...                  |     |  specialty. 
|   510434|       Amon Rudh  30  | 27  | Killed Orcobal the Mighty
|   565730|     Nargothrond  37  | 28  | Destroyed Draebor, the Imp
|   579710|     Nargothrond  40  | 29  | Destroyed Robert Koeneke, the Ghost 
|   582841|     Nargothrond  41  | 29  | Killed Ibun, Son of Mim
|   600505|     Nargothrond  42  | 30  | Reached level 30
|   661595|     Nargothrond  45  | 32  | Killed Orcogar, Son of Orcobal
|   664703|     Nargothrond  45  | 31  | Destroyed Andy Astrand, the Vampire 
|   665695|     Nargothrond  45  | 31  | Found The Mace 'Taratol'
|   686625|     Nargothrond  44  | 32  | Found The Battle Axe of Eregilwe
|   688741|     Nargothrond  44  | 32  | Killed Ulfang the Black
|   736793|     Nargothrond  45  | 33  | Found The Hard Leather Cap of 
|  continued...                  |     |  Mablung 
|   737582|     Nargothrond  45  | 33  | Found The Lead-Filled Mace of 
|  continued...                  |     |  Amlach 
|   784309|     Nargothrond  47  | 34  | Killed Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain
|   800005|     Nargothrond  50  | 35  | Reached level 35
|   800005|     Nargothrond  50  | 35  | Killed Shelob, Spider of Darkness
|   804338|     Nargothrond  48  | 35  | Reached level 35
|   804455|      Khazad Dum Town | 35  | Reached level 35
|   833922|     Nargothrond  52  | 37  | Found The Chain Mail (Dwarven) of 
|  continued...                  |     |  the Mormegil 
|   834305|     Nargothrond  52  | 37  | Killed Rogrog the Black Troll
|   838002|     Nargothrond  52  | 37  | Found The Lead-Filled Mace of Rog
|   853325|     Nargothrond  52  | 38  | Killed Kavlax the Many-Headed
|   856246|     Nargothrond  52  | 38  | Found The Ring of Barahir
|   856709|     Nargothrond  52  | 38  | Found The Amulet of Carlammas
|   879237|     Nargothrond  51  | 38  | Found The Cloak of Thingol
|   899276|     Nargothrond  52  | 40  | Reached level 40
|   899489|     Nargothrond  52  | 40  | Reached level 40
|   926579|     Nargothrond  52  | 39  | Destroyed Limbchaser, the Nether 
|  continued...                  |     |  Wraith 
|   926616|     Nargothrond  52  | 39  | Destroyed The Phantom of Eilenel
|   926953|     Nargothrond  52  | 40  | Reached level 40
|   929519|     Nargothrond  54  | 40  | Killed The Queen Ant
|   937274|     Nargothrond  54  | 40  | Killed Erotars, Lord of Gaverone
|   937317|     Nargothrond  54  | 40  | Found The Staff of the Kelvar
|   938159|     Nargothrond  55  | 40  | Killed Itangast the Fire Drake
|   938803|     Nargothrond  55  | 40  | Destroyed Vargo, Tyrant of Fire
|   941593|     Nargothrond  55  | 40  | Killed Glaurung, Father of the 
|  continued...                  |     |  Dragons 
|   941992|     Nargothrond  55  | 40  | Found The Double Chain Mail 
|  continued...                  |     |  'Staunch Defender' 
|   942680|     Nargothrond  55  | 40  | Found The Broad Sword 'Orcrist'
|   943213|     Nargothrond  55  | 40  | Found The Battle Axe of Balli 
|  continued...                  |     |  Stonehand 
|   986798|      Dorthonion  32  | 40  | Destroyed Limbchaser, the Mummy
|   995153|  Nan Dungortheb  44  | 40  | Gained the Athletics specialty.
|   997893|  Nan Dungortheb  46  | 40  | Killed Uldor the Accursed
|  1001321|  Nan Dungortheb  47  | 40  | Found The Cloak of Gilos
|  1012112|  Nan Dungortheb  54  | 40  | Destroyed Waldern, King of Water
|  1014576|  Nan Dungortheb  59  | 40  | Destroyed Greg Wooledge, the Lich
|  1019760|  Nan Dungortheb  60  | 40  | Destroyed Greg Wooledge, the 
|  continued...                  |     |  Phantom 
|  1027856|  Nan Dungortheb  66  | 41  | Destroyed Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw
|  1031666|  Nan Dungortheb  68  | 41  | Killed Evil Iggy
|  1032670|  Nan Dungortheb  68  | 41  | Found The Cloak 'Colannon'
|  1033067|  Nan Dungortheb  68  | 41  | Destroyed Ji Indur Dawndeath
|  1033080|  Nan Dungortheb  68  | 41  | Found The Torque of Boromir
|  1033572|  Nan Dungortheb  68  | 42  | Destroyed Ren the Unclean
|  1033938|  Nan Dungortheb  68  | 42  | Destroyed Uvatha the Horseman
|  1109130|  Nan Dungortheb  70  | 42  | Killed Errata the Mage
|  1109298|  Nan Dungortheb  70  | 42  | Found The Ring of Tulkas
|  1109605|  Nan Dungortheb  70  | 42  | Destroyed Ariel, Queen of Air
|  1110605|  Nan Dungortheb  70  | 42  | Killed Baphomet the Minotaur Lord
|  1113904|  Nan Dungortheb  70  | 42  | Killed The Phoenix
|  1116240|  Nan Dungortheb  70  | 42  | Killed Lorgan, Chief of the 
|  continued...                  |     |  Easterlings 
|  1117903|  Nan Dungortheb  70  | 42  | Killed Harowen the Black Hand
|  1180740|       Ered Luin  22  | 42  | Destroyed Alex Cutler, the Spirit
|  1223759|        Lothlann  52  | 42  | Killed Eol, the Dark Elven Smith
|  1223838|        Lothlann  52  | 42  | Found The Katana of Giloth
|  1233538|        Lothlann  52  | 42  | Found The Iron Crown of Eldamar
|  1260441|         Angband  63  | 43  | Destroyed Adunaphel the Quiet
|  1260499|         Angband  63  | 43  | Found The Main Gauche 'Joyeuse'
|  1262179|         Angband  64  | 43  | Found The Dagger 'Nimthanc'
|  1269153|         Angband  70  | 43  | Killed Draugluin, Sire of All 
|  continued...                  |     |  Werewolves 
|  1288155|  Nan Dungortheb  70  | 43  | Found The Set of Leather Gloves 
|  continued...                  |     |  'Cambeleg' 
|  1288654|  Nan Dungortheb  70  | 43  | Destroyed Thuringwethil
|  1292288|  Nan Dungortheb  70  | 44  | Found The Steel Helm of Ecthelion
|  1301065|  Nan Dungortheb  70  | 44  | Killed Ungoliant, the Unlight
|  1305054|         Angband  73  | 44  | Killed Smaug the Golden
|  1320387|         Angband  98  | 44  | Killed Scatha the Worm
|  1320595|         Angband  98  | 44  | Found The Wand of Beguiling
|  1320851|         Angband  98  | 44  | Found The Staff of Winds
|  1323262|         Angband  98  | 44  | Found The Pearl 'Nimphelos'
|  1363318|         Angband  98  | 45  | Reached level 45
|  1363318|         Angband  98  | 45  | Destroyed Gothmog, the High Captain 
|  continued...                  |     |  of Balrogs 
|  1363574|         Angband  98  | 45  | Found The Set of Mail Gauntlets 
|  continued...                  |     |  'Paurnen' 
|  1363753|         Angband  98  | 45  | Found The Dagger 'Dethanc'
|  1364812|         Angband  98  | 45  | Found The Long Sword 'Anguirel'
|  1452213|         Angband  98  | 45  | Found The Amulet of Ingwe
|  1455308|         Angband  98  | 45  | Found The Sabre 'Careth Asdriag'
|  1462095|         Angband  98  | 45  | Destroyed Tselakus, the Dreadlord
|  1497609|         Angband  97  | 45  | Destroyed Akhorahil the Blind
|  1611943|         Angband  99  | 45  | Destroyed Tevildo, Prince of Cats
|  1612613|         Angband  99  | 44  | Killed The Defiler
|  1612635|         Angband  99  | 45  | Reached level 45
|  1612635|         Angband  99  | 45  | Killed Omarax the Eye Tyrant
|  1612742|         Angband  99  | 45  | Killed Carcharoth, the Jaws of 
|  continued...                  |     |  Thirst 
|  1613400|         Angband  99  | 45  | Destroyed Hoarmurath of Dir
|  1621496|         Angband  98  | 45  | Destroyed Wiruin, the Maelstrom
|  1633761|         Angband  98  | 44  | Found The Elfstone 'Elessar'
|  1634482|         Angband  98  | 44  | Found The Short Sword 'Dagmor'
|  1642326|      Khazad Dum Town | 45  | Reached level 45
|  1652668|         Angband  99  | 45  | Killed Calcollo Greencloak
|  1660118|         Angband  98  | 45  | Found The Long Sword 'Narsil'
|  1660170|         Angband  98  | 45  | Found The Iron Helm of Vinyamar
|  1665052|         Angband  97  | 46  | Found The Necklace of the Dwarves
|  1666950|         Angband  97  | 46  | Found The Shield of Deflection of 
|  continued...                  |     |  Gil-Galad 
|  1687322|         Angband  98  | 47  | Destroyed Lungorthin, the Balrog of 
|  continued...                  |     |  White Fire 
|  1824232|         Angband 100  | 46  | Killed by Morgoth, Lord of 
|  continued...                  |     |  Darkness. 
|  1824232|         Angband 100  | 46  | Killed on 03/10/2007 at 05:40 PM.

  [Birth and Cheat Options]

Adult: Use point based character generation      : yes (adult_point_based)
Adult: Use Autoroller if rolling for stats       : no  (adult_auto_roller)
Adult: Have notes written to a file              : yes (adult_take_notes)
Adult: Artifacts preserved & no special feelings : yes (adult_preserve)
Adult: Write notes file in savefile directory    : yes (adult_notes_save)
Score: Peek into object creation                 : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation                : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation                : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else                  : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info                : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death               : no  (score_live)

Posted on 5.3.2007 02:59
Last updated on 11.3.2007 00:38

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6852. on the Ladder (of 19032)
141. on the FAangband Ladder (of 498)
13. for this player (


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On 5.3.2007 03:19 HallucinationMushroom@Yahoo.egg wrote:
** Some spoilers about the new Fa in the second paragraph, so don't read if you want to find them out on your own **

In 0.2.1 I was having fun with grey elves looting Nan Dungortheb spiderweb vaults and all my archerless rangers died horrible horrible deaths. When 0.2.2 came out I grabbed my favorite instant gratification character... the Longbeard Warrior.

Having an awesome time in the new Faangband. Found a cap of serenity on a mountaintop! Found my lance in the underworld! No more circumventing the wilderness with TL scrolls! More complaints! Even a Nick ghost! ( Thanks for the quarterstaff of poisoning, by the way ). The mountaintops and underworlds are really cool. If you're tired of the wilderness, then TL for a change of pace. You can even get a level 1 underworld if you TL from town... having a dungeon handy for a new character is real nice. Armsman has been having a grand ole time severing heads and impaling stuff. He couldn't, however, find the entrance to Amod Rudh after several attempts. I even dungeon mapped the whole level and couldn't find the staircase. I left a recall point so when I come across my first potion of enlightenment I will see if a staircase pops up then. At least I made it to Nargothrond. Splashing through the river with packs of brigands and hounds chasing me was a fun sight. Thanks for all the cool new changes, I'm having a blast.


On 5.3.2007 10:28 wrote:
Hmm, I'm a bit concerned about Amon Rudh - did you teleport level or fall through a trapdoor at AR15? It's just possible that the dungeon's gone now...although it should probably come back if you save and reload...I guess I don't really know. Let me know what happens. At least I think I've kept you out of Nowhere Town - it only appeared once in development.

On 5.3.2007 11:46 wrote:
I often find the AR staircase surrounded by rock. Detect stairs and stone-to-mud help a lot...

On 5.3.2007 15:32 HallucinationMushroom@Yahoo.egg wrote:
I purposefully fell through a trap door one time to see if it would land me in Amod Rudh 16... but instead it sent me to Underworld 16. I'm at work right now but I'll monkey around with it more later. I'm hoping enlightenment will show that I was just really unlucky. One of the potions should turn up soon.

On 5.3.2007 23:11 HallucinationMushroom@Yahoo.egg wrote:
Loaded my game up and tried Amod Rudh again and voila!, the staircase. I don't think the game was creating the staircase in my previous session. The reloading my game may have re-calibrated like you suggested.

Since I had the Short bow of Amrod I actually bought some arrows and enchanted them up. After consulting the help menu to figure out that 'f' fires missiles...Mim dropped ridiculously easy. The arrows indicated ~57 damage per hit. I lost maybe 80 hit points and he didn't drop anything useful as usual. Mim the stingyness of Turin.

On 5.3.2007 23:41 wrote:
Yeah, so that's a bug. I didn't consider what happens if you tlevel or fell through a trapdoor where there was supposed to be a dungeon - and what happens is an Underworld level is created, and that dungeon level is temporarily wiped, until you quit and reload. I'll be doing an update at some point (the release was a little premature, because I got too excited by successfully compiling for CE for the first time :/), so I'll include a fix then.

On 6.3.2007 09:26 wrote:
Glad I read that! I've just fallen through a trap door in AR15 too... Is it me or are drops in the Underworld a little tastier than usual? I've just cleared a cavern of ogres (by mistake - it was dark and I'd seen one so cast dispel evil and then they all started dropping like flies) and I found a randart whip and armour of resistance amongst only a handful of items.

Anyway, I'm overloaded now so am contemplating recalling - but does that mean my recall point will be below AR15 and if so when I find a way up there won't be a dungeon for me to come back down again? Seems I should find some stairs then recall once I'm out, then reload and recall again to find the dungeon... hmmmmm.

On 6.3.2007 11:50 wrote:
IIRC recalling from underworld or mountaintop sets the recall pt at the original level, so yours would go to AR15. That's if you trust my memory :)

This is quite an amusing bug, but it really needs fixing. Unless anyone thinks it should become a permanent feature...

On 6.3.2007 17:05 HallucinationMushroom@Yahoo.egg wrote:
I always vote yes for keeping amusing bugs.

As a sort of related side note to dungeon staircases... I really like that the Nargothrond staircase is the same (or roughly the same) every time. And that I know I'll be sliding down some kind of steep cliff to get to Nan Dungortheb. It makes the world seem so much more... tangible. Maybe Amod Rudh could get some kind of perma-staircase-thing treatment like that... maybe with lava? or a lake? or whatever Amod Rudh is known for. It's been so long since I've been Tal-in-Guarhoth or Angband so I forget of their staircases are random or kinda permanent like. Just thinking out loud. (psst a legit staircase to Nowhere Town hidden in some random out of the way wilderness level would be cool too... I'm sure the Silmarillion touched on Nowhere Town portals)

On 6.3.2007 17:27 wrote:
T-I-G is a gated community in the middle of the river. I've not ventured to Angband yet...

On 6.3.2007 20:52 HallucinationMushroom@Yahoo.egg wrote:
Cool about TIG. I just remembered that Nick sent us all a postcard from scenic TIG.

Armsman's beard is a lot shorter after foolishly attempting to do the Dire Wolves themed level. I was lulled into thinking I could slowly clear the level when I stepped over this invisible aggro line and 300,000 hell hounds jumped out from behind trees and proceeded to melt me. I probably should have retreated on foot but I decide on the randomness of teleport... and land from one bad situation to the next. I found swarms of all kind of nasties, and even startled the queen ant. I recalled and began the amusing bounce bounce teleport blink blink phase door till I finally came to rest near a defensible spot in the northeast corner till I got sent home. It's always cool when you decide you don't need teleport level scrolls anymore when you come across a themed level and realize this is the first time you haven't brought them, and it's the only time you really really need them.

On 6.3.2007 23:55 HallucinationMushroom@Yahoo.egg wrote:
Found another Dungeon City, but unfortunately too packed with stuff that would slice me open with a flick of the wrist.

The second I downed Andy Astrand a hellhound popped out and melted his steel chest. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was looking forward to all the yummy stuff within.

Taratol is nice, and I noticed that Barukeled didn't create a note. Perhaps I will find a pit of Blue Dragons... :)

On 8.3.2007 03:36 wrote:
That's odd about Barukkheled. Ever noticed that before?

On 8.3.2007 04:11 HallucinationMushroom@Yahoo.egg wrote:
No, I don't think so. I usually don't pay much attention to the notes but for some reason it caught my eye.

Came across two (terrible) randarts that weren't so bad. Both were cursed and one had an amusing -2 to tunneling, but otherwise decent artifacts on par with the likes of the 'thanc daggers.

I just googled WinCE to find out what it is you're up to. You can play faangband on a cell phone, or something ridiculously small?! Rock rock on.

On 8.3.2007 07:04 wrote:
Well, a big cell phone :) My last posted char was on a PDA with a 320x240 pixel screen.

On 9.3.2007 01:59 HallucinationMushroom@Yahoo.egg wrote:
Time to go to Nan Dungortheb.

On 9.3.2007 05:51 wrote:
Good to see you finally remembered to take another specialty :)

On 9.3.2007 05:51 HallucinationMushroom@Yahoo.egg wrote:
If you chase the White Rabbit down the steep cliffs off of Nan Dungortheb, he will lead you to a deeper part of the forest. Should you jump down the inky black chasm from there, you immerse yourself within the Nowhere Void. If you read the scroll that says, READ ME, you rise underneath Nowhere Town. Say hello to the friendly denizens while you climb the stairs and you can see the town, but will be within the rock. Read another READ ME and you can mingle with the citizens proper. Getting inside the shops is another matter entirely.

On 9.3.2007 06:28 wrote:
So have you actually got there, or are you just on the mushrooms again ;)

On 9.3.2007 14:17 HallucinationMushroom@Yahoo.egg wrote:
Heh! I've actually gotten there. I was able to teleport level from Nan Dungortheb 70 to Nowhere 71, a Dungortheb level. From there I tried TL'ing again, either back to Dungortheb 70 or Nowhere 72. I thought I was stumped, but then I tried jumping down the chasm. That landed me in Nowhere. A void. Then I tried TL again and that sent me to Underworld 1, right beneath Nowhere Town. Taking stairs from underneath Nowhere Town to get there is a nice touch, and a new strange way to get to my favorite place of all time! I was soo happy! Armsman has been kinda acting crazy ever since he found Nowhere Town, but that's to be expected. Hee hee.

On 9.3.2007 14:35 wrote:

Speechless. Again.

On 9.3.2007 23:57 HallucinationMushroom@Yahoo.egg wrote:
Finding Nowhere Town has really thrown me for a loop. It was my main goal, and now completed... I'm kinda at a loss. I've had all day to sort of mull it over and I've decided I'm going to try to win without reaching character level 50 and either die trying, or promptly forget when I see a pit of Ancient Come-Kill-Me Drakes.

Set out on foot from Khazad Dhum to Belegost. From Belegost, on a whimsy I decided to take a path I've never considered before... North to Lothlann then to Angband. I guess Armsman was trying to get to his dwarven roots, since the first half of the way shocases scenic mountains. He's now reached the beginning of the desert which will be interesting to really explore. The last time I came across a desert I just blasted it to hell with *destruction* because I was in a hurry. I'd like to actually experience some desert. Anyhows this is a sort of self-serving trip as well, because every few screens or so I recall back and check up on my favorite travelling merchants which are grabbing runes of protection, *destruction*, healing and *identify*.

On 10.3.2007 03:46 HallucinationMushroom@Yahoo.egg wrote:
Man, this desert stuff is rough! Eol dropped an awesome randart Katana. 4d6, +14 +14, blindness and confusion resist, nether resist, hold life, slay evil and giant, and boosts my wisdom and charisma by 2 pts. It aggravates all the creatures around me, which makes me even happier. :) Nice and heavy at 21 pounds. This sucker is gratifying. Did I mention it slays evil? It slays evil. I know there are other better artifacts, but this is a pretty cool one. The helmet grants me +2 to speed and covers up resistance holes so that I can put on Colannon and Mormegil to get chaos resist up, among others. The desert has been plodding and tedious, but very lucrative.

On 10.3.2007 03:59 wrote:
Yeah, that's a nice sword. Have you run across many of the "vaults"?

On 10.3.2007 04:12 HallucinationMushroom@Yahoo.egg wrote:
No, I haven't seen anything like that. However, I was assaulted by an abnormally large number of Ghosts at one of the desert levels, so I assumed there must be a graveyard or something special like that around but I didn't investigate. I magic mapped a lot of the terrain on my way and noticed little small places of nothing where there could be some treasure but I didn't notice any monsters guarding it with the telepathy I had at the time. I've been sticking very close to the "road", dodging in and out of the rubble since they lead to the exits.

I did see something new in the mountains.. I came across an orc pit. Nice and square, it looked so odd among all the windy passages. I also came across a lava feature at Amod Rudh 15 while looking for the entrance. It was maybe 10 x 10 squares with treasure hugged up next to it.

On 10.3.2007 04:27 wrote:
Cool, those are all examples. The small empty areas in desert might have just been, um, small empty areas, but the ghosts were probably a graveyardy thing.

On 10.3.2007 07:39 HallucinationMushroom@Yahoo.egg wrote:
I usually enjoy the teaming hordes all racing to rip my wig out, but since I'm trying to keep my experience low I've traded out Gilmoth for Taratol. Dropping down to Angband 99 to fish for Power Dragons and Sky Drakes and other really cool sounding dragons in the hopes that a tasty speed ring will show up soon. A *healing* or life potion would be awesome too, so I can get my shopkeeps grabbing them. Already downed 2 power drakes and 1 sky drake. Nimphelos is awesome, finally giving me a convenient source of see invisible. I tried a few combat rounds with Morgoth while standing on a rune of protection. I lived, but he eventually summoned up hellfire which scorched me pretty bad. He was easily double or triple my speed or I would have stayed and fought it out. Either the runes of protection are really powerful or the monsters get confused by them, but either way they are a huge advantage.

On 10.3.2007 18:16 HallucinationMushroom@Yahoo.egg wrote:
Downed another power drake and about 5 other great dragons. A sorceror scared me pretty bad when he transformed into Carcharoth. Tselakus dropped my first speed ring, of warfare to boot. The green dragon scale mail will come in handy if I find another speed ring. The detection staff is proving invaluable, I hope it doesn't burn up soon.

On 10.3.2007 23:01 HallucinationMushroom@Yahoo.egg wrote:
The RNG had a guffaw at this one... first time I trade out Taratol the very next thing I come across is a pit of Great Storm Wyrms and Ancient Blues. I had the last laugh though, cause I found a super nifty ego two handed sword of melt-your-face-off. Only 5 attacks a round, but 3d11, currently 97 damage per blow against everything, and 172 if you don't resist fire. I immediately sold Gilmoth, Narsil and Taratol. Also found my free enlightenment necklace, which penetrates vaults.

I've come across about 3 jail vaults, but the Tarrasque has been a brick wall, always generating within the first 15 prison cells. I saw what was probably Calris, the palantir for sure among other strange damage die weapons and a new ring type, probably eregion or a plain old ring of speed.

Still teleporting down to 98 and looking for juicy targets among favorable terrain. Life drainers have helped me keep my experience down, which makes me feel kind of cheesy, but whatever. I saw my first Quyltyhtuthug pit, and I declare 1,000,000 bonus points to the first FAangbander to clear a Quylthythllulug pit.

On 11.3.2007 00:38 HallucinationMushroom@Yahoo.egg wrote:
Heh, thought I'd try Morgoth again and got burninated. I certainly wasn't surprised, but if I had pulled it off it I'd still be dancing around the house. I gambled with phase door taking me somewhere out of his line of sight and came up short. I've got to hand it to Morgy, it was really quite a skill shot, since the whole area was destructed. Quite a curveball hes got! I didn't have enough healing anyway, or nether resist, tsk tsk. I think I brought 6 regular healing and never found *healing* or Life, but was hoping I could survive the spells and then slice him up while standing on a rune of protection and maybe recharge the staff of healing up over and over again. Face-Melter dropped 2 stars off of him rather quickly, if only I could have healed up oh man... haha.

I've never wanted a PDA before, but now that you can play FAangband on one I'm really interested. I have a long plane trip coming up and no laptop... If you know of a ridiculously cheap one that's compatible please let me know.

I think after a break I will try some Dark Elf warriors. Limbchaser and Limbclimber were some first attempts and were kinda fun and I think I'll try again in 0.2.2 with them now that the underworld would be a great place to start them out.

The mountaintops and underworld are great new additions. If there is anything I would say about game balance I would recommend maybe 70% less monsterage in the wilderness levels. Man, I love the wilderness levels because they make the world feel so tangible. I even took a scenic route this go around... but even with an overpowering character just plowing through the horde detracts from the beautiful scenery. I guess I just prefer a casual stroll and I think it would make the game more approachable to new players.

On 11.3.2007 00:56 wrote:
Sorry, don't know much about PDAs really. I'd be interested to see how you found the playability on one, though.

Thanks for the comments on difficulty - maybe you're right about that. After I get the couple of bugfixes done and up for 0.2.2 (should be today) I'll be right on to 0.2.3. My main plan for it at this stage is a lot of UI changes (unifiied menu screens, for example), but I'll have a good think about the monster concentrations in wilderness. It really needs a rethink, actually, because it was guess work when I started and there have only been a few tweaks since.

I'm impressed that you got 2 stars of Morgoth before he fried you at L46 ... also disappointed he didn't summon Sauron. That would have made for some negative HP :)

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