The Angband Ladder: Clever Hans, German Engineer by <>

  [Steamband 0.4.0 Character Dump]

 Name   Clever Hans                              Self  abcdefghijkl@   Best
 Sex    Female         Age            17  MUS:    422  .............   422
 Race   German         Height         65  AGI:    446  .2....s...6..   526
 Class  Engineer       Weight        166  VIG:    320  ...9.........   410
 Title  Chief WO-3     Status         34  SCH:    646  ..8..8s...6..   866
 WP     81/81          MaxDepth  Lev  15  EGO:    642  ..8...s......   722
 SP     591/671        Preserve        Y  CHR:    362  .............   362

 Level           40       Armor    [20,+145]     Saving Throw      Very Good
 Cur Exp    2398697       Blows       4/turn     Stealth          First-rate
 Max Exp    2398697       Shots       5/turn     Fighting      Legendary[5+]
 Adv Exp    2812500       Infra         0 ft     Shooting      Legendary[5+]
                                                 Disarming        First-rate
          Stat     Skill     Weap.     Total     Magic Device         Superb
 Melee   (+9,+7) (+11,+11) (+11,+15) (+56,+66)   Perception           Heroic
 Shoot   (+9,+0) (+20,+10)  (+24,+9) (+78,+39)   Searching     Legendary[5+]

     You are the first child of a Clerk. You are a credit to the
     family. You have green eyes, wavy auburn hair, and an
     average complexion.

  [Resists & Abilities]

   Critical:.............   Fthr Fall:..........++.   Hvy Curse:.............
   Vampiric:.............   Telepathy:.............    Mutation:.............
      Throw:.............   See Invis:..+......+...    No Magic:.............
     Vorpal:.............    Free Act:..+...+...+..   No Teleprt.............
     Return:.............   Wraithfrm:.............    Drain SP:.............
  Frce Brnd:.............   Hold Life:.............    Drain HP:.............
  Fire Brnd:.............     Reflect:.............     Disrupt:.............
  Elec Brnd:.............   Invisible:.............   Drn Items:.............
  Ice Brand:.............   Res Confu:..+...+......   Drn   Exp:.............
  Acid Brnd:.............   Res Blind:.........+...    Teleport:......+......
  Psn. Brnd:.............    Res Fear:..+..........   Aggravate:.............
  Fire :100%+.-..+..++...+  Acid :35% ..-..++......+  Light:125%..-..+...+....
  Erth :60% +.-..+...+...+  Poisn:45% ..-..++..+...+  Dark :25% ..-..+........
  Air  :60% +.-..+...+...+  Time :68% ..+..+........  Psi  :92% ..+..+........
  Water:60% +.-..+...+...+  Ether:118%..+..++.......  Tk   :92% ..+..+........
  Elec :35% ..-..++......+  Sound:-7% ..-..+........  Spirt:142%..+..+...+....
  Ice  :70% ..-..+++.+...+  Nethr:83% ..+..+...+....
            abcdefghijkl@*            abcdefghijkl@*            abcdefghijkl@*
            |}=="~(()"]]              |}=="~(()"]]              |}=="~(()"]]


   Disarming Traps  7
           Stealth 20
         Searching  1
 Ransack & Plunder  1
   Neophyte Combat 11
   Standard Combat 11
   Accurate Strike 11
    Vicious Strike 11
        Swift Blow  8
    Weapon Finesse  7
      Martial Arts  1
 Neophyte Firearms 20
 Standard Firearms 15
 Advanced Firearms  1
     Critical Shot 16
     Accurate Shot 20
      Vicious Shot 20
        Swift Shot 16
          Throwing  1
             Latin  2
       Occult Lore  1
      Ritual Magic  1
      Spirituality 20
            Prayer 20
    Lesser Warding 20
     Tempered Will  8
         Gadgeteer 20
 Utility Bandolier  1
 Clockwork Chassis 15
 Clockwork Carbine 20
        Velocipede  1
   Analytic Engine 20
      Pyrokinetics 20
     Using Devices  5
  Advanced Devices  1
  Device Power Amp  3
         Toughness 20

  [Character Equipment]

a) a Broad Sword (Defender) (2d5|3) (+11,+15) [+14] <+3>
b) a 16 Gauge Shotgun of Precision (x4) (+24,+9) <+2>
c) The Ring of Dr. Materialismus <+8, +5>
d) a Calcite Ring of Vigor <+9>
e) a Silver Amulet of *Regeneration*
f) The Pocket Lantern of Sherlock Holmes [4] <+8, +4>
g) a Heavy Jacket (Etheric) (-1,+0) [6,+11] <+3>
h) a Fur Cloak of Inviolability to Ice [3,+14]
i) a Pair of Pantaloons of Inviolability to Fire [4,+14]
j) The Eye of Ra [0,+32] <+10> {Floor, dl 34}
k) The Set of Gloves of Phileas Fogg (+2,+3) [2,+5] <+6, +2>
l) a Pair of Buttoned Boots of Slow Descent [5,+10]

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Holy Book of Prayers [Odes of Solomon] <+1>
b) 2 Holy Books of Prayers [The Pnakotic Manuscripts] <+2>
c) a Holy Book of Prayers [Khorda Avesta (Book of Common Prayer)] <+2>
d) an Enigmatic Device [Utility Bandolier]
e) 2 Enigmatic Devices [Detective's Kit]
f) 2 Enigmatic Devices [Clockwork Chassis]
g) 2 Enigmatic Devices [Clockwork Carbine]
h) 2 Enigmatic Devices [Analytic Engine]
i) 6 "Kress Fever" Tonics of Cure Critical Wounds
j) a "Addington's Phos Ferrone Iron" Tonic of Healing
k) 11 Moaning Aethernet Mechanisms of Teleport Level
l) a Shotgun Ammunition Generator
m) a Complex Tool of Area Disintegration (2 charges)
n) a Malachite Ring of Resist Poison
o) a Leather Waistcoat of Inviolability to Acid [4,+7]
p) a Set of Petticoats of Inviolability to Ice [5,+22]
q) 38 Shotgun buckshot of Hurt Evil (1d12|0) (+12,+15) (400/2000)
r) 41 Shotgun buckshot (1d12|0) (+9,+12) (388/1940)
s) 11 Steel shotgun slugs (4d22|0) (+9,+8) (532/2660)
t) 43 Rifle bullets of Hurt Dinosaur (2d11|0) (+14,+11)

  [Home Inventory]

a Holy Book of Prayers [Trimorphic Protennoia (Nag Hammadi)] <+3>
7 "Highland's Bitters and Scotch" Tonics of Speed
2 "Lillybeck's Tasteless Chill" Tonics of Cure Mortal Wounds
a Rifle Ammunition Generator
a Complex Tool of Area Disintegration (3 charges)
a Zircon Ring of Agility <+10>
a Brass Amulet of Shadow <+6>
The Pectoral of the Kheper (Scarab) [+22] <+5>
The Locket of Madame Defarge <+8, +2, -4>
The Electric Lamp of Edison [3]
a Prince Albert Suit of Inviolability to Earth (-2,+0) [24,+11]
a Robe of Inviolability to Ice [2,+10]
a Robe of the Chemist [2,+20] <+10, -2>
The Mask 'Le Loup Blanc' [0,+12] <+12, +5, +1>
The Green-tinted Glasses of Auguste Dupin [8,+8] <+8, +4>
a Sabre (Defender) (1d7|1) (+7,+7) [+8] <+3>
a Scimitar of Poisoning (2d5|2) (+6,+3)
a Cavalry Sabre of Exigency (1d6|3) (+14,+15) <+5>
a Trident (Obsidian) (1d8|2) (+15,+19) [1,+16] <+5>
a .30 Lever-Action Carbine of Precision (x3) (+17,+11) <+1>
a .303 Lee-Enfield (x3) (+25,+13)


Adult: Preserve artifacts when leaving level : yes (adult_preserve)
Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall     : no  (adult_ironman)
Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home       : no  (adult_no_stores)
Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts        : no  (adult_no_artifacts)
Adult: Randomize some of the artifacts (beta): no  (adult_rand_artifacts)
Score: Peek into object creation             : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation            : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation            : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else              : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info            : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death           : no  (score_live)

Posted on 8.2.2006 08:33
Last updated on 9.2.2006 09:14

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8197. on the Ladder (of 18953)
104. on the Steamband Ladder (of 319)
20. for this player (


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On 8.2.2006 08:33 wrote:
Here's my second real attempt at steam. (Not counting the laughable Steam Mecha- what a silly race.)

On 8.2.2006 08:43 wrote:
I'm not real happy with the long-term random teleportation from the Etheric Jacket. +3 speed is nice, and it's my only source of RBlind+SI., so I have to wear it.

With "Excellent" stealth it's not as dangerous as it might be otherwise.

Also: "Pyrokinetics" were a waste of Skill points.

On 8.2.2006 15:06 wrote:
I've used level20, it fires a second spray of something if you use buckshot.

Of course, I've never won, either.

On 8.2.2006 15:19 wrote:
I've never gotten very far with a Gadgeteering character, but supposedly pryokinetics is one of those skills that seems useless until you get it to 20, at which point its finally worthwhile.

On 9.2.2006 04:19 wrote:
Well, I found the Bull's tail when I was playing last night. Then I activated it and the game crashed. I sure could use it now!
If I had it, I could lose the Eye, and wear the Glasses for +4 more speed.

On 9.2.2006 08:28 wrote:
Well, that's one way to solve the 'endless-piles-of-crap' problem. .... No bloody loot at all.

What uttely pathetic equipment this guy has. That early crash really, really hurt.

On 9.2.2006 09:14 wrote:
Updated dump, with temporary resists. (I spend all the time with full resists and hasted+Hero+Blessed)

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