The Angband Ladder: Jack the Ripper II, Half-Troll no-class by <Bandobras>

                 [Sangband 0.9.9, beta 20d Character Dump]

  Jack the Ripper II     Age    :             58  STR:   18/80
     the Champion        Height :    6 ft, 10 in  Int:       6        7
                         Weight :         436 lb  Wis:       8        9
Gender : Male                                     DEX:      15
Race   : Half-Troll       Slayer of a level 37    CON:   18/50
                               Cave troll         CHR:      10

Max Hitpoints       351  Power                56  Max Mana            0
Cur Hitpoints       349  Score               234  Cur Mana            0

       (Melee)           Unspent Exp         361         (Missile)
Blows per round       2  Gold              23790  Shots per round     1
+ to Skill            9                           + to Skill          0
Deadliness (%)       45  Max Depth        Lev 26  Deadliness (%)     39

                          (Character Abilities)
Melee     : Excellent  Saving Throw: Very Good  Magic Device: Awful
Shooting  : Very Bad   Stealth     : Very Bad   Dodging     : Very Bad
Throwing  : Heroic     Perception  : Superb     Fame        : Praised
Digging   : Fair       Disarming   : Superb     Infra-Vision: 30 feet

   Speed       : normal
   Armour      : 104
   Kills       : 2276
   Time Elapsed: 9 days, 21 hours, 54 minutes   (991304 turns)

  [Character Attributes]

      abcdefghijkl@        Stat Intrnl abcdefghijkl@ Adjust Currnt
Stlth:.............        STR:     17 ...2........7  18/80
Invis:.............        Int:     12 ............4      7      6
Aware:.....1.......        Wis:     10 ............1      9      8
Disar:.............        DEX:     15 .............     15
Devic:.............        CON:     18 ............5  18/50
Speed:.............        CHR:     14 ............4     10

      abcdefghijkl@                           abcdefghijkl@
Infra:............3                     NFuel:.............
Tunnl:............1                     Steal:.............
Save :.............                     NoMag:.............
Mana :.............                     Telep:.............
Light:.....2.......                     Aggra:.............


      abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
Acid :............. Light:............. Food :.............
Elec :............. Dark :............. Feath:...........+.
Fire :............. Sound:............. Shine:.............
Cold :............. Shard:............. Regen:.............
Pois :..........+.. Nexus:............. ESP  :.............
Fear :............. Nethr:............. SeeIn:.............
Blind:............. Chaos:............. FrAct:..+..........
Confu:............. Disen:............. HLife:.............

  [Last Messages]

You drop a Spiked Club (1d17) (-3,+2) {@w1} (t).
You have no more Spiked Clubs (1d17) (-3,+2) {@w1} (t).
You were wielding the Cutlass 'Gondricam' (1d11) (+10,+12) (+3) {@w1} (p).
You drop the Cutlass 'Gondricam' (1d11) (+10,+12) (+3) {@w1} (p).
You no longer have the Cutlasses 'Gondricam' (1d11) (+10,+12) (+3) {@w1} (p).
You were wearing Leather Scale Mail of Resist Fire (-1) [10,+8] {Lagduf} (n).
You drop Leather Scale Mail of Resist Fire (-1) [10,+8] {Lagduf} (n).
You have no more Leather Scale Mails of Resist Fire (-1) [10,+8] {Lagduf} (n).
Cannot choose a default item.
You are wearing Segmented Plate Mail (-2) [19,+4] (g).
You are wielding a Bastard Sword (2d7) (+9,+2) (a).
Target Aborted.
You were wielding a Bastard Sword (2d7) (+9,+2) (p).
You kick the Uruk.
You miss the Uruk.
The Uruk misses you.
The Uruk hits you.
You miss the Uruk.
You punch the Uruk.
The Uruk misses you.
The Uruk hits you.
You hit the Uruk.
You have killed the Uruk.
You are wielding a Bastard Sword (2d7) (+9,+2) (a).
You sink through the floor.
You realize that you have read a Scroll of Teleport Level.  Your experience
You see no more Scrolls of Teleport Level.
You feel something roll beneath your feet.
Saving game...


Swordsmanship     :  50%
Clubbing          :  50%
Jousting          :  50%
Throwing          :  49%
Wrestling         :  49%
Karate            :  49%
Wizardry          :  49%
Holy Alliance     :  49%
Nature Lore       :  49%
Perception        :  49%
Disarming         :  49%
Spell Resistance  :  49%
Weaponsmithing    :  49%
Armor Forging     :  48%
Alchemy           :  48%
Magical Infusion  :  48%

You have taken the Oath of Iron.


To fulfill your task, you must kill 17 Cave trolls on dungeon level 25.

Defeated 6 Metallic red centipedes on level 3
Defeated 12 Giant blue ants on level 5
Defeated 8 Baby red dragons on level 7
Defeated 20 Cold hounds on level 9
Defeated 13 Stone giants on level 12
Defeated 24 Giant army ants on level 14
Defeated 10 Vampires on level 17
Defeated 19 Ogre mages on level 19
Defeated 34 Mountain ogres on level 21
Defeated 15 Gorgimeras on level 23

  [Character Equipment]

a Bastard Sword (2d7) (+9,+2)
a Sling (x2) (+0,+0)
a Ring of Free Action {Golfimbul}
a Ring of Strength (+2)
a Shark's Tooth Amulet {cursed}
a Brass Lantern of Acuity (lit) [2] (+1 to awareness) {Zombie}
     +1 Awareness.
Segmented Plate Mail (-2) [19,+4]
a Cloak of Protection [1,+14] {Golfimbul}
a Large Metal Shield [8,+8]
a Metal Cap [3,+8]
a Set of Leather Gloves (bronze) [1,+9]
     Resist Poison.
a Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Slow Descent [2,+8]
a Pouch (holding 69 essences of 16 types)
6 Throwing Axes of Flame (2d3) (+9,+9) {@v5 =g}
     Permanent Light (radius 1)

  [Character Inventory]

a Book of Magic Spells [Elemental Sorcery]
     Does 5d11 thrown damage
10 Mushrooms of Sickness
6 Rations of Food
a Potion of Speed
9 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {25% off}
9 Scrolls of Phase Door
10 Scrolls of Teleportation
4 Scrolls of Word of Recall {90% off}
4 Scrolls of Magic Mapping
a Rod of Lightning Bolts
a Rusty Rod
an Obsidian Ring
an Amulet of Intelligence
a Cloak of Protection [1,+12] {Bolg}
a Hard Leather Cap [2,+8]
a Trident (1d7) (+5,+1) [4,+0]
a Pike of Slay Orc (1d13) (+3,+8) [5,+0] {Bolg}
a War Hammer (3d3) (+5,+4)

  [Home Inventory]

10 Mushrooms of Mana
19 Mushrooms of Cure Poison
5 Mushrooms of Mending
19 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {25% off}
6 Scrolls of Teleportation
93 Scrolls of Identify {75% off}
7 Scrolls of *Identify*
37 Scrolls of Remove Curse {75% off}
16 Scrolls of Enchant Weapon (Deadliness) {25% off}
75 Scrolls of Trap Location
a Ring of Nether Resistance
a Ring of Dexterity (+2)
a Ring of Constitution (+2)
an Amulet of Feather Falling {trap doors!}
an Amulet of Charisma (+3)
the Scimitar 'Haradekket' (2d5) (+9,+11) (+4, +1) {Wormtongue, @w1}
     +4 DEX; +1 Blows.
a Warspike of Slay Evil (1d5) (+9,+9)
a Warspike (1d5) (+2,+6)
a Warspike (1d5) (+4,+2)
a Battle Axe of Dragon Slaying (2d8) (+8,+6)
5 empty Bottles (Crystal)
     Unusually durable
a blank Parchment (Vellum)
25 boulders {@v6 =g}
47 boulders {@v7 =g}
     Does 4d17 thrown damage

  [Special Advantages and Disadvantages]

You were rolled up 584455 times before being accepted.
You are playing without connected stairs.

Posted on 7.12.2005 21:58
Last updated on 15.12.2005 23:03

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160. on the Sangband Ladder (of 287)


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On 8.12.2005 05:34 wrote:
(not the owner of this character)

Why are you wielding the whip? The spear is strictly better. If you find a really cool blunt weapon, it's not too hard to increase your skill with it pretty fast.

Going to test out that ring?

On 8.12.2005 05:51 Bandobras wrote:
> That's still 16 skills? What's the use of most of those??

Talents. With no magic devices, talents are quite important. E.g., the detection talents...

> Why are you wielding the whip? The spear is strictly better.

I have 3 blows with that whip and 2 with the spear.

> If you find a really cool blunt weapon, it's not too hard to increase your skill with it pretty fast.

There is a problem. If I lag with increasing Blunt Weapons skill, minimal skill costs will be triggered. With so many skills, you are forced to learn everything equally fast.

> Going to test out that ring?

Yes. I test everything, except ?Phase Door, !CCW, _Perception and ?WOR. I'm just waiting with rings until I have two of them, or until I wear some cursed armor... And not testing them during quests... :)

On 8.12.2005 15:29 wrote:
Fair enough wrt blows. You'd still be doing better with a 2-dice weapon (long sword, mace, axe), though.

Yes, minimal skill cost will be invoked, but I've never found it to be much of a pain. You'll pay over-cost, but it will hardly matter in the grand scheme of things. The wasted xp will be quite minimal.

Similarly, I usually wait until midgame to raise forging skills much. What you can make then actually starts to become worthwhile.

I imagine that most of the talents are similar; not much effect until raised to 30 or so. Thus, wait until your other skills are around 30, then raise them up quickly (if you're still interested in them). In the early game, concentrate on the killing skills, and raise support skills later. Also, try to pump "staying alive" skills.

In case you're worried about "wasted" xp counting toward your power (and thus minimal skill costs), don't. That's not how the calculation is done.

Now, I feel like trying out random potions and scrolls on myself as much as the next guy, but sometimes it's just handy to buy stuff from the store. Teleport comes to my mind, sd well as CSW and possibly CLW.

On 9.12.2005 00:17 Bandobras wrote:
I've found a broken Warspike (a vorpal weapon!), but unfortunately it turned out broken beyond repair... The last dump was at 10%, this is at 20% each skill.

> You'd still be doing better with a 2-dice weapon (long sword, mace, axe), though.

Sure, but I still use mostly what I find, to pseudoidentify... And throwing and wrestling are still the best damage-dealers.

> Yes, minimal skill cost will be invoked, but I've never found it to be much of a pain.

You are sure. From the point of view of survival probabilities, as well as turn count, the waste of XP is not a problem. But I just have this conduct: never waste XP: never pay over the odds almost never identify anything you can test. At lest nobody can tell me: hey, you got too much skills and so you loose XP. ;> And I hope for a better system of XP penalties, where the price for too many skills will not be tedium/slight loss of XP, but something more serious, enabling meaningful trade-offs.

> Teleport comes to my mind, sd well as CSW and possibly CLW.

I always go for the first trip with ?Phase Door only, and for the second with !CCW (with the money from the quest reward). ?Teleport has to wait for quite a while, but anyway, the quests preclude fast diving (I always take maximum quests with maximal rewards), so I'm never deep enough so that boulders + phase door + !CCW would not save me.

Thank you for you advice. A winner, I suppose?

On 9.12.2005 02:17 wrote:
Check the ladder; I've got 3 winners posted (including the power 94 one).

I've generaly thought that trying out items to pseudo-identify them is something of a waste of time. Sell them, and move on. Sure, you'll waste some money, and a good (or excellent) item or two, but otherwise gameplay slows down too much.

I generally find the weapon that gives me the most damage (in general), and stick with it until I find something better. Brands and big dice are really good in the early game, as blows almost never increase until stat gain.

Teleport scrolls cost around 100. Surely you can afford a couple. Also, you could get a csw and a ?tele, which in the early game is probably more important.

I don't see what the point of playing challenge characters is before you've won. Pump a single combat stat and a ranged form of damage (ranged weap or magic devices), and give up on most of the rest, until you find you need or want them. Feel free to ignore this advice if you want, if you have fun the way you are playing.

Also, I approve of your spiked club (1d10). Until you find something with a brand or bigger dice, keep it, and pump clubbing. I think you'll find it does pretty good damage compared to wrestling and karate if you give it a chance.

On 10.12.2005 00:31 Bandobras wrote:
> Also, I approve of your spiked club (1d10).

And what would you say about the club I wield now? :)

a Spiked Club (1d17) {broken}

Third dump. All skills 30%. No wasted XP, no unprobed stuff. Pure fun.

> Check the ladder; I've got 3 winners posted (including the power 94 one).

impressibe. But I see most of them have quite a lot of skills. :P

> Pump a single combat stat and a ranged form of damage (ranged weap or magic devices), and give up on most of the rest, until you find you need or want them. Feel free to ignore this advice if you want, if you have fun the way you are playing.

I guess I will consider playing the next incarnation of that Troll with only clubbing, throwing, disarming and saving throw. I wonder if that is possible...

> I don't see what the point of playing challenge characters is before you've won.

A good question, actually... :)

On 10.12.2005 00:45 wrote:
Well, they were my first 2 winners, and everything was so new and neat :)

The power 94 elf was post-beta18, and a more enlightened character :)

There's no reason to limit your skills to just a few. Splashing some skills at low levels is useful. Grab a little perception and a bit of magic device, and you could really win with that (magic devices are *really* good in S).

I would totally use the spiked club (1d17) {brokem}, but I might just store it in town until I found enough scrolls to make it worthwhile (esp enchant toHit).

Of course, Haradekket is better than the spiked club. Wield it, and never bother switching until something better shows up.

On 10.12.2005 04:14 wrote:
And because I thought about it for a second, here's why you should use haradekket:

Assuming you had a (+0,+0) spiked club (1d17), you'd deal 18 damage round (assuming you hit, 2 blows). With haradekket (assuming (+0, +0) and you hit), you'd deal 18 points of damage assuming 3 blows.

Haradekket is (+9,+11), which is better than whatever you're likely to get the club up to, and has other nice bonuses. Might keep the club around for *enchant weapon*, though.

On 13.12.2005 00:13 Bandobras wrote:
OK. Haradekket worn.

On 13.12.2005 00:21 Bandobras wrote:
Quite a diffcult quest: very small level: 2x2 panels, an animal pit and 10 vampires.

Around level 40 in all skills, but unfortunately I soon discovered tha vampires drain XP. :( From distance they are even worse, with their spells...

Anyway, I managed to clear that level and back in the town I bought the potion of restore xp (1000 potential XP lost, because now I have no chance to identify this potions by testing). Then the first unidentified potion I find and drink back in the dungeon is the potion of Lose Memories. :)

Anyway, I really like the feature of S that if I'm drained I may hold back advancement until I restore experience and so I, effectively, do not permanently loose XP by draining.

On 13.12.2005 00:36 Bandobras wrote:
That Quarterstaff (3d2) [8] {excellent} turned out to be of Heroism [86% fail]. :< I guess rings of Acid, ego weapons with activation, etc. are beyond my use. ;( I wonder about artifact activations...

On 15.12.2005 23:14 Bandobras wrote:
That's it. Scared that the unknown scroll can be Curse Weapons or Curse Armor, I dropped my best weapon (an artifact with resist base, SI and lots of other nice things) on the floor before reading the scroll.

'You realize that you have read a Scroll of Teleport Level. Your experience rises.'

Oh yeah.

That was a quest level, BTW. That does it, I quit. Only in beta 20d you cannot quit; 'Q' does not work. :) Another stupid thing: I stocked lots of ID scrolls, only to learn that I automatically id weapons and armour now that my skills are high enough (perception and perhaps also weapon skills).

Another thing: only now I realized that I waste some XP, thus violating my conduct, by raising weapon skill trough investing in polearms, while investing in Clubs would result in the same increase. This is because Clubbing is much cheaper for a Half-Troll. The calculations were much easier with a Human...

Now what? I would like a charater with only clubbling for melee and no spells nor magic devices. But swords and polearms will increse automatically so the score will suffer...

On 15.12.2005 23:49 wrote:
You'll find better than Gondricam; trust me. Keep at it, and you'll be fine. And curse armor and curse weapon are both pretty deep items. Don't worry about them for a long time.

Haradekket is also a pretty good sword. It'll do nicely for the time being.

On 15.12.2005 23:58 Bandobras wrote:
Thank you for your support, but I already got the character killed. It wasn't easy with the Half-Troll regeneration, but one Sabre-Tooth Tiger managed after several dozens of turns. It only shows how shallow I was for my power... :)

The quests are slowing the game so much and they lower score, because you get XP mostly for OOD quest monsters and you kill uniqes when you are already very skilled for their level.

I guess I will now play Clubs+Throwing only char for a high score. ;) I wonder about Perception --- do I need it?

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