The Angband Ladder: Kimba II, Dark-Elf no-class by Roch

                 [Sangband 1.0.1 Character Dump]

       Kimba II          Age    :            150  STR:   18/30
    the Hammersmith      Height :     5 ft, 0 in  INT:   18/10
                         Weight :          93 lb  WIS:      17
Gender : Female                                   DEX:   18/20
Race   : Dark-Elf         Slayer of a level 40    CON:      18
                              Monadic Deva        CHR:      12

Max Hitpoints       275  Power                57  Max Mana            0
Cur Hitpoints       -13  Score               579  Cur Mana            0

       (Melee)           Unspent Exp          26         (Missile)
Blows per round       3  Gold              37634  Shots per round   1.5
Hit Rate             61  Turns           1097539  + to Skill         10
Average Damage       16  Max Depth        Lev 37  Deadliness (%)    124

                          (Character Abilities)
Melee     : Superb     Saving Throw: Excellent  Magic Device: Excellent
Shooting  : Superb     Stealth     : Good       Dodging     : Very Bad
Throwing  : Poor       Perception  : Excellent  Fame        : Respected
Digging   : Very Good  Disarming   : Excellent  Infra-Vision: 60 feet

   Speed       : normal
   Armor      : 68
   Kills       : 2352
   Time Elapsed: 10 days, 23 hours, 24 minutes   (1097539 turns)

  [Character Attributes]

      abcdefghijkl@        Stat Intrnl abcdefghijkl@ Adjust
Stlth:.....2.......        STR:     16 1.........3.1  18/30
Invis:.............        INT:     16 ............3  18/10
Aware:.............        WIS:     15 ....2........     17
Disar:.............        DEX:     15 1...........4  18/20
Devic:.............        CON:     18 1...........1     18
Speed:.............        CHR:     13 ............1     12

      abcdefghijkl@                           abcdefghijkl@
Infra:.....2......4                     NFuel:.....+.......
Tunnl:...........3.                     Steal:.............
Save :.............                     NoMag:.............
Mana :.............                     Telep:.............
Light:.....4.......                     Aggra:.............


      abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
Acid :........+.... Light:........+.... Food :.............
Elec :........+.... Dark :........+.... Feath:.............
Fire :........+.... Sound:............. Shine:.............
Cold :........+.... Shard:............. Regen:.............
Pois :............. Nexus:............. ESP  :.............
Fear :............. Nethr:............. SeeIn:+............
Blind:............. Chaos:............. FrAct:+............
Confu:............. Disen:............. HLife:.............

  [Last Messages]

It butts you.
You feel bolder now.
It gazes at you.
You are terrified!
It hits you. <2x>
It gazes at you.
It hits you.
You failed to use the staff properly.
It tramples you! <3x>
It gazes at you!
It hits you!
You die.
Do you want to quit?  n
Replace existing file C:\Documents and
Settings\Thea\Desktop\Sangband\lib\user\Kimba II.txt?  y


Swordsmanship     :  56%
Archery - Bows    :  55%
Magical Device    :  50%
Perception        :  30%
Stealth           :  11%
Disarming         :  25%
Dodging           :  58%
Spell Resistance  :  58%
Weaponsmithing    :  57%
Bowmaking         :  57%
Magical Infusion  :  56%

You have taken the Oath of Iron.


   To fulfill your task, you must kill 11 Monadic Devas on dungeon level
   Defeated 7 Skeleton kobolds on level 3
   Defeated 9 Baby blue dragons on level 6
   Defeated 4 Giant tarantulas on level 8
   Failed to defeat 7 Giant pink scorpions on level 13
   Defeated 9 Death watch beetles on level 17
   Defeated 8 Dark elven druids on level 21
   Defeated 11 Young multi-hued dragons on level 26
   Defeated 10 Black knights on level 29
   Failed to defeat 15 Ninjas on level 33

  [Character Equipment]

A Sacrificial Dagger of Westernesse (2d4) (+9,+12) (+1)
     +1 STR, DEX, CON.  Slay Orc, Troll, Giant.
     See Invisible; Free Action; Blessed Blade.
A Long Bow (x3) (+10,+8)
A Sapphire Ring of Deadliness (+13) {10% off}
A Sapphire Ring of Deadliness (+13)
A Faceted Amulet of Wisdom (+2)
A Brass Lantern of Shadows (lit) [-4] (+2 to stealth)
     +2 Stealth, Infravision.
Leather Scale Mail (-1) [10,+8]
A Cloak [1,+7]
The Large Leather Shield of Celegorm [6,+20] {Sangahyando}
     Resist Acid, Lightning, Fire, Cold, Light, Dark.
A Barbut [4,+0]
A Set of Leather Gloves of Power (+4,+6) [1,+4] (+3)
A Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Earthquakes [2,-2] (+3) (charging)
A Pouch (holding 25 essences of 12 types)
2 Arrows (2d2) (+3,+3)
28 Arrows (2d2) (+6,+5)
An Arrow (2d2) (+6,+6)
12 Arrows (Poisoned) (2d2) (+3,+6) {Lagduf}

  [Character Inventory]

7 Smelly Mushrooms of Curing
2 Blue Mushrooms of Heroism
2 Carnation Potions of Invisibility
10 Scrolls titled "u aspun" of Phase Door {25% off}
7 Scrolls titled "darnun nun lokgop" of Teleportation {50% off}
5 Scrolls titled "nuthtol" of Word of Recall {25% off}
7 Scrolls titled "kaklud worgwurm" of Monster Confusion
an Iron Rod of Door/Stair Location
a Silver Rod of Illumination
2 Corkscrew Rods of Light
a Chromium Rod of Blinking (charging)
a Feathered Rod of Frost Bolts
a Gleaming Wand of Fire Bolts (14 charges)
4 Stubby Wands of Frost Bolts (31 charges)
a Chromium Wand of Cold Balls (7 charges)
a Runed Staff of Teleportation (8 charges)
     Unusually durable
a Banyan Staff of Perception (9 charges)
     Unusually durable
a Butternut Staff of Object Location (4 charges)
     Unusually durable
an Aspen Staff of Detect Evil (30 charges)
     Unusually durable
a Mahogany Staff of Slow Monsters (11 charges)
     Unusually durable

  [Home Inventory]

12 Red Mushrooms of Cure Poison
33 Luminescent Mushrooms of Cure Confusion
2 Scrolls titled "wu-mu ast othnuth" of Teleport Level
6 Scrolls titled "darun" of Recharging
2 Silver Rods of Illumination
a Nickel Rod of Summon Hither
a Tungsten Wand of Disarming (13 charges)
4 Lead Wands of Stone to Mud (61 charges)
4 Ivory Wands of Sleep Monster (39 charges)
a Nickel Wand of Slow Monster (1 charge)
2 Iridescent Wands of Acid Bolts (2 charges)
4 Glass Wands of Lightning Bolts (0 charges)
a Runed Staff of Teleportation (11 charges)
     Unusually durable
a Banyan Staff of Perception (11 charges)
     Unusually durable
a Butternut Staff of Object Location (32 charges)
     Unusually durable
an Elm Staff of Cure Medium Wounds (20 charges)
     Unusually durable
an Elm Staff of Cure Medium Wounds (13 charges)
     Unusually durable
a Mahogany Staff of Slow Monsters (14 charges)
     Unusually durable
a Mahogany Staff of Slow Monsters (11 charges)
     Unusually durable
an Amethyst Ring of Free Action {Ufthak}
a Bloodstone Ring of Dexterity (+2)
a Metal Cap of Light [3,-3]
     Resist Light.  Permanent Light.
a Set of Leather Gloves of Free Action [1,+8] {Orfax}
the Dagger 'Aethanc' (1d4) (+8,+8) {Wormtongue}
     Brand Lightning.  Well-Balanced.  Resist Lightning.
     Permanent Light (radius 1)

  [Special Advantages and Disadvantages]


         0      0'    1   Tries to figure out what all the fuss is about down
the stairs.
     31391    100'    5   Killed Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog.
     59510    150'    8   Killed Fang, Farmer Maggot's dog.
     68586    150'   10   Reached power 10
    104471      0'   12   Killed Bill Ferny.
    216579      0'   20   Reached power 20
    219670    300'   20   Killed Feldisham, the Guard.
    296986    400'   25   Killed Mugh�sh the Kobold Lord.
    328607    450'   27   Destroyed Kimba, the Skeleton.
    389579    550'   30   Reached power 30
    477303    750'   33   Killed Orfax, Son of Boldor.
    507886    800'   35   Killed Brodda, the Easterling.
    510745    800'   35   Killed Ufthak of Cirith Ungol.
    528395    800'   37   Killed Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief.
    568243    850'   39   Reached power 40
    582260    850'   39   Killed Lagduf, the Snaga.
    610085    900'   41   Killed N�r, the Dwarf.
    663241    900'   43   Killed Shagrat, the Orc Captain.
    732865   1050'   46   Killed Ulfast, Son of Ulfang.
    795618   1250'   48   Killed Gorbag, the Orc Captain.
    836650      0'   50   Reached power 50
    852861   1250'   50   Killed Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman.
    852939   1250'   50   Found the Dagger 'Aethanc'
    958578   1450'   53   Killed Angamaite of Umbar.
   1009294   1450'   54   Killed Ugl�k, the Uruk.
   1052824   1650'   55   Killed Ibun, Son of M�m.
   1067229   1800'   56   Killed Sangahyando of Umbar.
   1067258   1800'   56   Found the Large Leather Shield of Celegorm
   1097539   1850'   57   Killed by a Monadic Deva

Posted on 30.10.2010 12:50
Last updated on 6.11.2010 07:51

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9. on the Competition No.93 Ladder (of 18)


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On 31.10.2010 09:57 Roch wrote:
Made my first sword -- not too bad. No luck with longbows yet. They keep exploding.

On 31.10.2010 16:37 UniqueName wrote:
Are you trying to infuse them? I find for armor forging at least it works better to just let rng pick especially if you don't have anything to compare against. Without much potential failure rates go up if you try to specify everything.

On 1.11.2010 07:32 Roch wrote:
Thanks, yes, not knowing any better I tried to get some desirable resists. I wonder what % you need to get a reasonable chance with specified infusion of essences.

On 1.11.2010 14:57 UniqueName wrote:
Each essence has a chance of influencing the outcome. Using more essences on a flag increases the chance of that outcome to 90%. Essenses don't affect overall potential. So if you already have ESP, FA and SI from other sources and the rng crafts something with those attributes it's comparatively useless.

Min chance to avoid corrupted or blown up items is 15%. Using high level base objects increases that chance. Using essences to specify every outcome of a max potential object increases the chance of failure from 10-100% based on infusion skill. It's not linear though so infusion 50 means a 25% increase in failure using max potential.

On 1.11.2010 18:06 Bostock wrote:
Kind of off-topic, but In practice I find that the number one and two uses of infusion are:
- getting FA or (a single point of) Dex onto (primarily early-midgame) gloves so a mage/necro can actually wear them - in a sense Infusion raises a mage/necro's forging's effectiveness by 33%, as it raises the slots it can affect from 3 back up to 4 :-)

- infusing rConf/rBlind into something in games where these two just... won't... come in drops/random forgings.

I find the real bottleneck is essences... the essences for ability x in the quantity that that ability demands tend to come just after you've gotten ability x!

I've got a blade-wielding priest going who I hope will be infusing a bluesteel blade or two with Blessed... but that's an oddball case. :-)

On 1.11.2010 19:51 UniqueName wrote:
Yeah, I need something with rConf but only have 1 confusion essence. Searching out every bronze dragon hasn't helped. Objects on ground with rConf would probably come with confusion essences but like you said you wouldn't need it anymore.

On 6.11.2010 07:51 Roch wrote:
Three consecutive fails of the teleport staff. Three strikes and I'm out of here.

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