The Angband Ladder: Steamy III, American Steam Enginee by <>

  [Steamband 0.3.7 Character Dump]

 Name   Steamy III                                Self  abcdefghijkl@   Best
 Sex    Female            Age       145   MUS:    238  .............   238
 Race   American          Height     63   AGI:    222  .............   222
 Class  Steam Engineer    Weight    121   VIG:    270  .............   270
 Title  Ch. Engineer      Status     13   SCH:    314  .............   314
 HP     -62/288                           EGO:    125  .............   125
 SP     28/64             Preserve    Y   CHR:    159  .............   159

 Level           17       Armor     [15,+12]     Saving Throw      Very Good
 Cur Exp       7250       Blows       2/turn     Stealth                Fair
 Max Exp       7250       Shots       1/turn     Fighting         First-rate
 Adv Exp       8160       Infra         0 ft     Shooting               Fair
                                                 Disarming              Poor
          Stat     Skill     Weap.     Total     Magic Device           Fair
 Melee   (+0,+2)   (+0,+0)   (+8,+4)   (+8,+6)   Perception              Bad
 Shoot   (+0,+2)   (+0,+0)   (+5,+4)   (+5,+4)   Searching               Bad

     You are the first child of a Clerk. You are a credit to the
     family. You have green eyes, straight brown hair, and a
     fair complexion.

   Disarming Traps  1
      Saving Throw 19
           Stealth  8
         Searching  3
        Tunnelling  1
   Neophyte Combat 19
   Standard Combat  5
 Neophyte Firearms  7
          Throwing  1
             Latin  1
       Occult Lore  1
      Ritual Magic  1
      Spirituality  1
         Gadgeteer 19
 Utility Bandolier 19
    Detectives Kit 19
 Clockwork Chassis 19
 Clockwork Carbine 19
        Velocipede  3
   Analytic Engine  2
     Using Devices  2
      Resist Water  1

  [Last Messages]

> You hear noise. <11x>
> Target Selected.
> Tsi-puff, Selenite Professor concentrates on its body.
> Tsi-puff, Selenite Professor starts moving faster.
> Tsi-puff, Selenite Professor gestures in shadow.
> Darkness surrounds you.
> You hear noise.
> Target Selected.
> The missile misses.
> Tsi-puff, Selenite Professor grunts with pain.
> You hear noise.
> Tsi-puff, Selenite Professor casts an ice ball.
> Low hitpoint warning!
> Tsi-puff, Selenite Professor casts an ice ball.
> You die.

  [Character Equipment]

a Walking Stick (1d3|1) (+8,+4)
a .22 Bolt Action Rifle (x2) (+5,+4)
a Quartz Ring of Protection [+14] {!*}
a Mithril Amulet of Hunger Deterrent {!*}
a Brass Lantern [4] <Fuel: 8641>
a Robe [2,-1]
a Cloak [1,+0]
a Pair of Breeches [3,+0]
a Deerstalker [5,+0]
a Set of Leather Gloves [2,-1]
a Pair of Pointed Toe Shoes [2,+0]

  [Character Inventory]

2 Enigmatic Devices [Utility Bandolier] {!k!d!v}
an Enigmatic Device [Detective's Kit] {!k!d!v}
2 Enigmatic Devices [Clockwork Chassis] {!k!d!v}
2 Enigmatic Devices [Clockwork Carbine] {!k!d!v}
4 Flasks of oil
12 Vin-O-Sula Cuban Tonics of Cure Serious Wounds {@q1, 10% off}
2 "Tin Photoscope" Mechanisms of Teleportation {!*, 10% off}
2 "Magnesium Seismograph" Mechanisms of Word of Recall {!*}

  [Home Inventory]

4 "Tin Hydrocopter" Mechanisms of Detailed Object Analysis {!*, 50% off}


Adult: Preserve artifacts when leaving level : yes (adult_preserve)
Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall     : no  (adult_ironman)
Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home       : no  (adult_no_stores)
Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts        : no  (adult_no_artifacts)
Adult: Randomize some of the artifacts (beta): no  (adult_rand_artifacts)
Score: Peek into object creation             : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation            : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation            : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else              : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info            : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death           : no  (score_live)

Posted on 19.4.2004 06:16

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16763. on the Ladder (of 19032)
252. on the Steamband Ladder (of 319)
65. for this player (


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On 19.4.2004 06:16 wrote:
Steam Engineers are quite nice. Vaults are also nice. Survival would have been nice.

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