The Angband Ladder: AndyDruadandy, DrĂşadan Warrior by Sphara

  [FAangband  Character Dump]

 Name    : AndyDruadandy   Age                    12 Str     18/133   18/148
 Sex     : Male            Height                 67 Int          7        8
 Race    : Drúadan         Weight                208 WIS      18/10
 Class   : Warrior         Social Class            4 DEX      18/54
                                                     CON      18/30
                                                     CHR          9

 Max Hit Points      391   Level                31   Max SP (Mana)         0
 Cur Hit Points      391   Experience       158807   Cur SP (Mana)         0
                           Max Exp          159839
        (Fighting)         Exp to Adv.      183000          (Shooting)
 Blows/Round           3   Gold              48757   Shots/Round         1.2
 + to Skill           36   Score             32425   + to Skill           34
 Deadliness (%)      129   Base AC/+ To AC  23/ 58   Deadliness (%)      132
                           Game Turn        458770

 Fighting   :Superb(128)   Stealth    :Excellent(9)  Disarming  :Very Good(51)
 Bows/Throw :Excellent(103)Perception :Mediocre(20)  MagicDevice:Fair(34)
 SavingThrow:Excellent(59) Searching  :Poor(16)      Infravision:40 feet

                            (Character Background)
          You are one of several children of a Drrradan Warrior.  You
          have black eyes, unkempt black hair, and darkly-tanned skin.

  [Recent locations]

 Current Location : Tol-In-Gaurhoth Level 43
 Previous Location: Tol-In-Gaurhoth Level 40
 Recall Point 1   : Tol-In-Gaurhoth Level 40
 Recall Point 2   : Amon Rûdh Level 30

  [Resistances, Powers and Bonuses]

      abcdefghijkl@            abcdefghijkl@
 Acid:......+.+....  63% Confu:.............   0%
 Elec:......+.+....  62% Sound:.............   0%
 Fire:......+.+....  69% Shard:.............   0%
 Cold:+.+...+.+....  88% Nexus:.............   0%
 Pois:.............   0% Nethr:.............   0%
 Lght:+.......++...  78% Chaos:......+......  41%
 Dark:........+....  40% Disen:.............   0%

      abcdefghijkl@            abcdefghijkl@
S.Dig:.............      M-Mas:.............
Feath:.............      Stea.:.1....1....3.
PLght:+.+......+...      Sear.:.............
Regen:++...........      Infra:4............
Telep:............+      Tunn.:.............
Invis:.............      Speed:.............
FrAct:..........+..      Shots:.............
HLife:.............      Might:.1...........

  [Specialty Abilities]

Mighty Throw 
Fast Attacking 

  [Stat Breakdown]

Stat Intrnl Rce Cls Oth Actual Currnt     abcdefghijkl
Str:  18/68   2   5   1 18/148 18/133     ....1.......
Int:     12  -2  -2   0      8      7     ............
Wis:     14   2  -2   5  18/10            4...1.......
Dex:  18/14  -1   2   3  18/54            .21.........
Con:     17   2   2   0  18/30            ............
Chr:     14  -4  -1   0      9            ............

  [Character Equipment]

a) The Lead-Filled Mace 'Turmil' (4d4) (+10,+7) <+4 to infravision>
Found in a chest from Sirion Vale Level 28.
4 wisdom. 
4 infravision. 
It slays orcs. 
Branded with cold. 
Provides resistance to frost(50%), light(40%). 
Powers:  Provides permanent light. Speeds regeneration. 
Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. When aimed, it
drains life for 90 damage.
Takes 70 turns to recharge.
Your chance of success is 85.7%
3 blows av. dam. 64 against orcs, 53 against non cold resistant
creatures, 27 against other monsters.  + 36 to skill. 
Radius 1 light forever.
Clears rubble in 2.4 turns, magma veins in 5.4 turns, quartz veins in
13 turns, and granite in 37 turns.

b) The Short Bow of Daurin (x3) (+8,+8) <+2, +1>
Found in a vault in Talath Dirnen Level 20.
2 dexterity. 
1 stealth, 1 shooting power. 

Powers:  Speeds regeneration. 

c) a Pewter Ring of Combat (+0,+12) <+1>
Dropped by an Algroth in Amon Rûdh Level 28.
1 dexterity. 
Provides resistance to frost(30%). 
Powers:  Renders you fearless. Provides permanent light. 
Cannot be harmed by cold. Radius 1 light.

d) a Galvorn Ring of Combat (+14,+0)
Dropped by a Cave ogre in Sirion Vale Level 28.

Powers:  Renders you fearless. 
When activated, it confuses monsters.
Takes 300 turns to recharge.
Your chance of success is 77.7%

e) a Chalcedony Amulet of Mental Strength <+1>
Dropped by a Black ogre in Amon Rûdh Level 28.
1 strength, 1 wisdom. 
Sustains wisdom. When activated, it grants protection from evil for
24+d24 turns.
Takes 250 turns to recharge.
Your chance of success is 93.1%

f) The Lamp of Gwindor
Found in a vault in Talath Dirnen Level 20.
Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. When activated, it
illuminates the surrounding area, dealing 2d15 damage to
light-sensitive monsters.
Takes 11 to 20 turns to recharge.
Your chance of success is 93.9%
Radius 3 light forever.

g) Hard Leather Armour of Elvenkind (-1) [6,+7] <+1 to stealth>
Found lying on the ground in Amon Rûdh Level 24.
1 stealth. 
Provides resistance to acid(38%), electricity(36%), fire(47%),
frost(38%), chaos(41%). Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire,

h) a Cloak [1,+4]
Dropped by a Berserker in Sirion Vale Level 28.

i) The Large Leather Shield of Haleth [6,+20]
Dropped by a Mummified human in Tol-In-Gaurhoth Level 40.
Provides resistance to acid(40%), electricity(40%), fire(40%),
frost(40%), light(40%), darkness(40%). Cannot be harmed by acid,

j) an Iron Helm of Light [5,+9]
Found in a chest from Amon Rûdh Level 28.
Provides resistance to light(37%). 
Powers:  Provides permanent light. 
Radius 1 light.

k) The Set of Mail Gauntlets of the Last Day (+8,+8) [2,+10]
Found lying on the ground in Talath Dirnen Level 20.

Powers:  Provides resistance to blindness. Prevents paralysis. 

l) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Stealth [3,+5] <+3 to stealth>
Found in a chest from Amon Rûdh Level 26.
3 stealth. 

n) The Dart of Eöl (2d5) (+8,+8)
Dropped by Draebor, the Imp in Tol-In-Gaurhoth Level 40.
Branded with poison. 
Provides resistance to poison(50%). Makes you vulnerable to
light(30%). Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. 4
blows av. dam. 40 against non poison resistant creatures, 19 against
other monsters.  + 34 to skill. Av. throwing dam. 228 against non
poison resistant creatures, 130 against other monsters. 
Clears rubble in 2.8 turns, magma veins in 6.5 turns, quartz veins in
16 turns, and granite in 52 turns.

o) 37 Arrows of the Noldor (2d4) (+2,+2)
Dropped by a Giant Paladin in Tol-In-Gaurhoth Level 40.
It slays orcs, trolls and giants. 
Av shooting dam. 88 against orcs, 88 against trolls, 88 against
giants, 39 against other monsters. 

p) 41 Arrows (2d4) (+2,+2)
Dropped by a Petty-Dwarven mage in Tol-In-Gaurhoth Level 40.
Av shooting dam. 39 against all monsters. 

q) 49 Arrows of Acid (2d4) (+3,+3)
Branded with acid. 
Av shooting dam. 74 against non acid resistant creatures, 39 against
other monsters. 

  [Character Inventory]

a) 3 Rations of Food
Bought from a store in Gondolin Town.
Nourishes for around 2500 turns.

b) 8 Metallic Red Potions of Speed
c) 18 Gold Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
Nourishes for around 50 turns.

d) 21 Scrolls titled "uncio bo quae" of Phase Door
e) 5 Scrolls titled "quor ado apio" of Teleportation
f) 11 Scrolls titled "equat lacero" of Teleport Level {25% off}
g) 4 Scrolls titled "leculum leo" of Word of Recall
h) 10 Scrolls titled "sanus ingus" of Recharging {25% off}
i) 3 Wrought Iron Rods of Trap Location
j) 3 Zinc Rods of Door/Stair Location
k) 2 Cobalt Wands of Teleport Away (6 charges)
l) a Lithium Wand of Disarming (3 charges)
Dropped by a Black knight in Tol-In-Gaurhoth Level 40.

m) 4 Brass Wands of Stone to Mud (10 charges)
n) a Steel Wand of Fire Bolts (9 charges)
Dropped by a Spectre in Tol-In-Gaurhoth Level 43.

o) 2 Uridium Wands of Shrapnel (5 charges)
p) a Cherry Staff of Perception (7 charges)
Dropped by a Bat of Utumno in Tol-In-Gaurhoth Level 40.

q) 3 Sycamore Staves of Dungeon Mapping (25 charges)
r) 4 Spruce Staves of Object Location (123 charges)
s) a Galvorn Ring of Utility <+2 to stealth>
Dropped by a Half-troll in Tol-In-Gaurhoth Level 40.
2 stealth. 
Provides resistance to confusion(45%). 
Powers:  Makes you fall lightly. 
When activated, it returns you to a recall point or takes you to a
recall point after a short delay.
Takes 350 turns to recharge.
Your chance of success is 77.7%

t) a Short Bow of Extra Shots (x2) (+10,+12) <+1>
Dropped by a Frost giant in Tol-In-Gaurhoth Level 40.
1 shooting speed. 

  [Home Inventory]

a) a Green Mushroom of Restore Strength
Found in a vault in Amon Rûdh Level 20.
Nourishes for around 250 turns.

b) a Pink Mushroom of Restore Constitution
Dropped by a Quasit in Amon Rûdh Level 26.
Nourishes for around 250 turns.

c) a Black Spotted Mushroom of Restoring
Found in a vault in Amon Rûdh Level 28.
Nourishes for around 250 turns.

d) 10 Shining Potions of Cure Serious Wounds
Bought from a store in Ephel Brandir Town.
Nourishes for around 50 turns.

e) 5 Auburn Potions of Healing
Nourishes for around 100 turns.

f) a Myrtle Green Potion of Restore Strength
Dropped by an Ogre shaman in Amon Rûdh Level 26.

g) 2 Tawny Potions of Restore Dexterity
h) a Scroll titled "demor patium" of *Destruction*
Found lying on the ground in Amon Rûdh Level 26.

i) 3 Titanium Wands of Stinking Cloud (22 charges)
j) 2 Cherry Staves of Perception (14 charges)
k) 2 Sycamore Staves of Dungeon Mapping (21 charges)
l) a Dogwood Staff of Cure Medium Wounds (18 charges)
m) a Pewter Ring of Mobility
Found lying on the ground in Amon Rûdh Level 20.

Powers:  Prevents paralysis. 
When activated, it dispels undead for 100 damage.
Takes 300 turns to recharge.
Your chance of success is 89.4%

n) a Set of Leather Gloves of Power (+8,+4) [1,+3] <+4>
Dropped by a Black ooze in Talath Dirnen Level 20.
4 strength. 

o) 3 Well-balanced Spears of the Drûgs (1d6) (+8,+4) <-2 to speed>
Found lying on the ground in West Beleriand Level 19.
-2 speed. 
It slays orcs. 

Powers:  Renders you fearless. 
4 blows av. dam. 37 against orcs, 13 against other monsters.  + 34 to
skill. Av. throwing dam. 165 against orcs, 77 against other monsters.

Clears rubble in 2.8 turns, magma veins in 6.6 turns, quartz veins in
16 turns, and granite in 53 turns.

p) a Dart (2d5) (+6,+2)
Found in a chest from Amon Rûdh Level 20.
4 blows av. dam. 18 against all monsters.  + 32 to skill. Av.
throwing dam. 65 against all monsters. 
Clears rubble in 2.9 turns, magma veins in 7.0 turns, quartz veins in
17 turns, and granite in 59 turns.

q) 5 Darts (1d5) (+0,+0) {squelch}
4 blows av. dam. 11 against all monsters.  + 26 to skill. Av.
throwing dam. 36 against all monsters. 
Clears rubble in 2.9 turns, magma veins in 7.0 turns, quartz veins in
17 turns, and granite in 59 turns.

r) 44 Bolts of Poison (2d5) (+4,+6)
Found lying on the ground in Amon Rûdh Level 24.
Branded with poison. 

AndyDruadandy the Drúadan Warrior

|   TURN  |      LOCATION        |LEVEL| EVENT
         1    Ephel Brandir Town    4    Gained the Mighty Throw specialty.
      2192    Ephel Brandir Town    4    Killed The Complainer
      2302   West Beleriand  19     4    Gained the Regeneration specialty.
      3993          Brethil  20     5    Reached level 5
      5184          Brethil  20    10    Reached level 10
     17436       Amon Rûdh  15    15     Reached level 15
     41828       Amon Rûdh  16    16     Killed Mughâsh the Kobold Lord
     80099       Amon Rûdh  20    19     Destroyed Medhel III, the Spirit
     83103       Amon Rûdh  20    19     Killed Balcmeg, the Cave Orc
     83205       Amon Rûdh  20    20     Reached level 20
     85550       Amon Rûdh  20    20     Killed Pongo the Devious
    102527       Amon Rûdh  24    20     Destroyed Thalath, the Mummy
    120476    Talath Dirnen  20    21    Found The Lamp of Gwindor
    129132    Talath Dirnen  20    21    Killed Orfax, Son of Boldor
    168468    Talath Dirnen  20    23    Found The Set of Mail Gauntlets of
                                         the Last Day
    184960    Talath Dirnen  20    24    Found The Short Bow of Daurin
    186368    Talath Dirnen  20    24    Killed Lug, the Hill Orc
    200240       Amon Rûdh  26    25     Reached level 25
    202176       Amon Rûdh  28    25     Killed Ulfast, son of Ulfang
    215090         Gondolin Town   25    Moved house to Gondolin.
    229570       Amon Rûdh  28    25     Killed Brodda, the Easterling
    247762       Amon Rûdh  24    26     Killed Boldor, King of the Yeeks
    270160       Amon Rûdh  28    26     Killed Orcogar, Son of Orcobal
    283147       Amon Rûdh  26    27     Destroyed Fros, the Mummy
    286580       Amon Rûdh  26    27     Killed Othrod, Lord of the Orcs
    350789       Amon Rûdh  26    28     Destroyed Lath, the Mummy
    355804       Amon Rûdh  28    28     Killed Ulwarth, son of Ulfang
    374379       Amon Rûdh  28    29     Destroyed Dwurak, the Mummy
    374821       Amon Rûdh  28    29     Found The Iron Helm of Gorlim
    390056       Amon Rûdh  28    29     Killed Khîm, Son of Mîm
    396232       Amon Rûdh  28    30     Reached level 30
    401509       Amon Rûdh  30    30     Killed Mîm, Betrayer of Turin
    401531       Amon Rûdh  30    30     Gained the Fast Attacking
    408329      Sirion Vale  28    30    Found The Lead-Filled Mace 'Turmil'
    414200      Sirion Vale  32    30    Killed Orcobal the Mighty
    420991  Tol-In-Gaurhoth  40    30    Found The Large Leather Shield of
    430425  Tol-In-Gaurhoth  40    30    Destroyed Draebor, the Imp
    430585  Tol-In-Gaurhoth  40    30    Found The Dart of Eöl
    456471  Tol-In-Gaurhoth  40    31    Killed Ulfang the Black
    458770  Tol-In-Gaurhoth  43    31    Still alive

  [Map and modes]

Standard wilderness


Score: Peek into object creation                 : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation                : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation                : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else                  : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info                : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death               : no  (score_live)

Posted on 28.9.2020 21:24
Last updated on 1.10.2020 14:34

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11623. on the Ladder (of 19032)
252. on the FAangband Ladder (of 498)
98. for this player (


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