The Angband Ladder: Krug II, Demon Spellsword by <>

  [EyAngband 0.4.4 Character Dump]

 Name   Krug II                                CB  Base  RB  EB  Stat
 Sex    Male         Age            107  STR: (+2)  17   +0  +0   17
 Race   Bodak        Height         276  INT: (+1)  13   +0  +0   13
 Class  Spellsword   Weight         481  WIS: (-1)   6   -5  +3    4
 Title  Warrior-Mage Status           3  DEX: (+0)  11   +0  +0   11
 HP     -17/175                          CON: (+0)   9   +0  +0    9
 SP     20/22        Max Depth   900 Ft  CHR: (+0)   8   -6  +3    5

 Level           21  Armor      [19,+0]  Infra     0 ft  Saving Throw      Good
 Cur Exp      14907  Fight    (+13,+25)                  Stealth           Fair
 Max Exp      17816  Melee    (+14,+23)  Racial Ability  Fighting        Heroic
 Adv Exp      15300  Shoot    (+17,+10)  Fire Bolt       Shooting        Superb
                                         (dam. 10d8)     Throwing        Superb
 Gold         18605  Blows       2/turn  Every 20 Turns  Disarming         Good
 Burden   131.4 lbs  Shots       1/turn                  Bypass Trap       Poor
                                                         Magic Device Excellent
 You are of the accursed spawn of hell. You have been    Searching         Poor
 cast out by the whim of the greater demons, and now     Search Freq.      Poor
 you seek revenge.                                       Digging           Fair
                                                         Alchemy      Very Good

  [Resists & Abilities]

  No  Blind:.....+......+.      Light:.....*........      Blows:..............
  Free Actn:...+..........      Regen:..............      Shots:..............
  Hold Life:..............  Telepathy:..............       Mana:..............
    Bravery:............++  See Invis:.....+........     Health:..............
  No Dsease:..............  Invisible:..............      Might:..............
  No   Stun:..............       Luck:..............      Taint:............++
  No Poison:..............    Stealth:.......+......    Disrupt:.............+
  No    Cut:..............     Search:..............  Drn Items:..............
  No   Conf:..............  Infra-vsn:..............  Drn   Exp:..............
  S. Digest:..............  Tunneling:..............   Teleport:..............
  Fthr Fall:..............      Speed:.............+  Aggravate:..............

  Acid :55% ....+...+...+.  Dises:18% ............+.  Nexus:13% ............+.
  Elec :35% +...........+.  Light:2%  ............+.  Nethr:13% ............+.
  Fire :47% ............+.  Dark :23% ............+.  Chaos:14% ............+.
  Cold :20% ............+.  Confu:16% ............+.  Disen:2%  ............+.
  Water:39% ......+.....+.  Sound:39% .......+....+.  Mana :2%  ............+.
  Poisn:18% ............+.  Shard:14% ............+.
            abcdefghijkl@*            abcdefghijkl@*            abcdefghijkl@*
            \}=="~[()]                \}=="~[()]                \}=="~[()]

  [Last Messages]

> You feel your life draining away!
> Low hitpoint warning!
> The Shadow drake shrugs off the attack.
> You feel yourself moving faster!
> You have no more Smoky Potions of Speed (h).
> The Shadow drake breathes nether.
> You feel your life draining away!
> You regain 20 hp.
> You feel like a killing machine!
> You have no more Dark Red Potions of Berserk Strength (h).
> The Shadow drake breathes nether.
> You feel your life draining away!
> You die.

  [Character Equipment]

a) a Mace of Shocking (2d4) (+1,-2) {cursed}
   It was dropped by Smeagol at a depth of 500 ft
b) a Long Bow of Power (x3) (+4,+10) {cursed}
c) a Platinum Ring of Damage (+7)
d) a Ruby Ring of Free Action
e) a Pewter Amulet of Resist Acid
f) a Tin Lantern of Sight <2439>
g) Brigandine Armour of Resist Water (-3) [14,+4]
   It was lying on the floor at a depth of 350 ft
h) a Cloak of Aman [1,+10] (+2 stealth)
   It increases resistances: +25% sound.  
   It was dropped by Wormtongue, agent of Saruman at a depth of 600 ft
i) a Small Leather Shield of Resist Acid [2,-1] {cursed}
j) The Metal Cap of Thengel [2,+7] (+3)
   It was a reward for your exploits at a depth of 600 ft
k) (nothing)
l) (nothing)

  [Character Inventory]

a) 3 Books of Magic Spells [Elementary Incantations] {!k!d@m1@b1@G1}
b) 2 Books of Magic Spells [Sorcerous Adjurations] {!k!d@m2@b2@G2}
c) a Book of Magic Spells [Thaumaturgic Conjurations] {!k!d@m3@b3@G3}
d) a Book of Magic Spells [Evocations of Power] {!k!d@m4@b4@G4}
e) 2 Lantern Oils
f) 6 Pink Powder vials of Blinding flash
g) a Violet Potion of Stealth
h) 4 Pink Potions of Cure Disease
i) 2 Scrolls titled "heblu eepag" of Word of Recall {40% off}
j) a Scroll titled "biepo bieri he" of Light
k) a Mahogany Staff of Trap Location (10 charges)
l) a Sycamore Staff of Sleep Monsters (9 charges)
m) an Adamantite Ring of Searching (+1)
n) a Pewter Amulet of Resist Acid
o) a Rapier (1d6) (+2,+2)
p) a Tulwar (2d4) (+5,+4)
q) a Long Sword (2d6) (+3,+3)
r) a Long Sword (2d6) (+5,+1)
s) a Shovel (1d2) (+0,+2) (+1)

  [Home Inventory]

a) The Phial of Galadriel
   It was lying on the floor at a depth of 350 ft
b) a Gold Lantern of Intelligence <0> (+3)

  [Current Quest]

To fulfill your task, you must retrieve the fabled treasure at a depth of 900

  [Discarded/Sold Artifacts]

No artifacts have been discarded or sold


Farmer Maggot                        has been killed in the town
Snarl, the small kobold              has been killed at a depth of 50 ft
Squish                               has been killed at a depth of 50 ft
Fang, Farmer Maggot's dog            has been killed at a depth of 50 ft
Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog            has been killed at a depth of 50 ft
Smeagol                              has been killed at a depth of 500 ft
Mughash the kobold lord              has been killed at a depth of 500 ft
Brodda, the Easterling               has been killed at a depth of 500 ft
Wormtongue, agent of Saruman         has been killed at a depth of 600 ft
Ufthak of Cirith Ungol               has been killed at a depth of 900 ft
Total: 10 uniques killed


Birth options:
Allow purchase of stats using points         : yes (birth_point_based)
Allow specification of minimal stats         : no  (birth_auto_roller)
Preserve artifacts when leaving level        : yes (birth_preserve)
Restrict the use of stairs/recall            : no  (birth_ironman)
Restrict the use of stores/home              : no  (birth_no_stores)
Restrict creation of artifacts               : no  (birth_no_artifacts)
Generate better (harder) levels              : no  (birth_autoscum)
No level feelings                            : no  (birth_no_feelings)
Pre-shop for some basic items                : yes (birth_start_kit)
Monsters act smarter in groups               : no  (birth_smart_packs)
Monsters exploit players weaknesses          : no  (birth_smart_cheat)
Monsters chase current location              : yes (birth_flow_by_sound)
Monsters chase recent locations              : yes (birth_flow_by_smell)
Generate hitpoints randomly                  : no  (birth_random_hp)
All levels will be generated as small        : no  (birth_force_small_lev)
Easy mode                                    : no  (birth_easy_mode)
Nightmare mode                               : no  (birth_nightmare_mode)
Retain squelch settings                      : yes (birth_retain_squelch)
Cheat options:
Peek into object creation                    : no  (cheat_peek)
Peek into monster creation                   : no  (cheat_hear)
Peek into dungeon creation                   : no  (cheat_room)
Know complete monster info                   : no  (cheat_know)
Allow player to avoid death                  : no  (cheat_live)
No automatic saves upon death                : no  (cheat_no_save)
Allow access to debug mode                   : no  (cheat_debug)
Activate wizard mode                         : no  (cheat_wizard)
No respawning monsters                       : no  (cheat_no_respawn)

Posted on 8.5.2002 07:44
Last updated on 8.5.2002 20:03

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15711. on the Ladder (of 18953)
223. on the EyAngband Ladder (of 302)
11. for this player (

Related screenshots:
Quest vault - before
Quest vault - after
Chimaera quest on small level


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On 8.5.2002 07:44 wrote:
I was on a quest for blue icky things at 50', when, after killing 5 in a row without much trouble, I got slightly overconfident and attacked one while wounded. Suddenly, I find myself poisoned with only 5 HP left and no healing... So I drink a random potion; salt water - makes me weak with hunger and paralyzes me, but cures the poison. First time that ever happened to me.

And now I got a cool scimitar as my quest reward, and I hope this Krug will do better than the previous one.

On 8.5.2002 09:03 wrote:
Just completed a special quest (see attached screenshots), which brought me up to level 15, gaining Tengu powers, as well as giving me lots of nice treasure (of which I kept the phial and the armor of resist water).

On 8.5.2002 19:31 wrote:
Doing well... Now about to go on my second special quest (see screenshots for first one). I need the lantern of sight for see invisible, but if I could use the lantern of intelligence, I'd double my mana and lower my fail rate by 3%.

Haven't found a scroll of *ID* to determine the resist on my cloak yet.

On 8.5.2002 20:03 wrote:
Well, vault item was guarded by a vampire, a 4-headed hydra, and a shadow drake. I could handle the first two, but I ran out of cure critical wounds potions in the process, and the drake got me. Could have survived, of course, if I would have been willing to fail the quest.

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