The Angband Ladder: Aelindra, Dunadan Ranger by <>

  [Angband 3.0.1 Character Dump]

 Name   Aelindra                                 Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
 Sex    Female            Age        58   STR! 18/100  +1  +2  +6 18/190
 Race   Dunadan           Height     88   INT! 18/100  +2  +2  +0 18/140
 Class  Ranger            Weight    205   WIS! 18/100  +2  +0  +0 18/120
 Title  Pathfinder        Status     18   DEX! 18/100  +2  +1  +3 18/160
 HP     767/767           Maximize    Y   CON! 18/100  +3  +1  +5 18/190
 SP     229/229           Preserve    Y   CHR! 18/100  +2  +1  +4 18/170

 Level           40       Armor     [33,+79]     Saving Throw     Superb
 Cur Exp    2372698       Fight    (+25,+15)     Stealth          Superb
 Max Exp    2372698       Melee    (+37,+31)     Fighting      Legendary
 Adv Exp    2625000       Shoot    (+45,+22)     Shooting      Legendary
                          Blows       5/turn     Disarming        Superb
 Gold       1379676       Shots       4/turn     Magic Device     Heroic
                                                 Perception         Good
 Burden   163.8 lbs       Infra         0 ft     Searching          Good

 You are one of several children of a Serf.  You are a credit to the
 family.  You have dark brown eyes, wavy brown hair, and a very dark

  [Character Equipment]

a) The Bastard Sword of Eowyn (4d4) (+12,+16) (+4 to stealth)
   It affects your strength.
   It affects your charisma.
   It affects your stealth.
   It affects your speed.
   It is especially deadly against natural creatures.
   It fights against evil with holy fury.
   It is especially deadly against giants.
   It is a great bane of the undead.
   It provides resistance to cold.
   It provides resistance to fear.
   It provides resistance to dark.
   It provides resistance to nether.
b) The Long Bow 'Belthronding' (x3) (+20,+22) (+1)
   It affects your dexterity.
   It affects your stealth.
   It affects your speed.
   It affects your shooting speed.
   It provides resistance to disenchantment.
c) a Lapis Lazuli Ring of Resist Poison
d) an Engagement Ring of Constitution (+5)
e) a Coral Amulet of Regeneration
f) The Phial of Galadriel
   It can be activated for illumination every 10+d10 turns if it is being
g) The Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [19,+15] (+2)
   It affects your strength.
   It affects your dexterity.
   It provides resistance to acid.
   It provides resistance to electricity.
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It provides resistance to cold.
   It provides resistance to fear.
   It provides resistance to confusion.
   It provides resistance to sound.
h) a Cloak of Protection [1,+14]
i) a Small Metal Shield of Resist Acid [3,+12]
j) a Steel Helm of Seeing [6,+9] (+1 to searching)
k) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim' [1,+10]
   It can be activated for magic missile (2d6) every 2 turns if it is being
   It sustains your constitution.
   It provides resistance to light.
   It provides permanent light.
   It provides immunity to paralysis.
l) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Stability [3,+8] {10% off}

  [Character Inventory]

a) 3 Books of Magic Spells [Magic for Beginners] {25% off}
b) 3 Books of Magic Spells [Conjurings and Tricks] {40% off}
c) 3 Books of Magic Spells [Incantations and Illusions] {40% off}
d) 3 Books of Magic Spells [Sorcery and Evocations]
e) a Book of Magic Spells [Resistances of Scarabtarices]
f) a Book of Magic Spells [Mordenkainen's Escapes]
g) a Book of Magic Spells [Tenser's Transformations]
h) 15 Pieces of Elvish Waybread {25% off}
i) 11 Brown Speckled Potions of Speed {50% off}
j) 10 Pink Potions of Healing {25% off}
k) 2 Black Potions of *Healing*
l) 10 Azure Potions of Restore Life Levels {90% off}
m) 2 Scrolls titled "er io rhov gre" of Teleportation
n) 7 Scrolls titled "snikmi ood" of Word of Recall {90% off}
o) 4 Tin-Plated Rods of Recall
p) a Mithril-Plated Rod of Speed
q) an Ivory Wand of Teleport Other (11 charges)
r) a Steel Wand of Annihilation (3 charges)
s) 70 Arrows of Venom (1d4) (+10,+10)
t) 77 Arrows of Flame (1d4) (+10,+10)

  [Home Inventory]

a) 21 Books of Magic Spells [Magic for Beginners] {25% off}
b) 33 Books of Magic Spells [Conjurings and Tricks] {40% off}
c) 34 Books of Magic Spells [Incantations and Illusions] {40% off}
d) 11 Books of Magic Spells [Sorcery and Evocations]
e) 32 White Mushrooms of Cure Confusion {10% off}
f) 9 Black Spotted Mushrooms of Restoring {25% off}
g) 12 Pink Potions of Healing {25% off}
h) a Dark Red Potion of Life
i) 21 Hazy Potions of Restore Mana {50% off}
j) 86 Azure Potions of Restore Life Levels {90% off}
k) a Scroll titled "valip umturs" of Rune of Protection
l) Bronze Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [30,+16]
m) The Chain Mail of Arvedui (-2) [14,+15] (+2)
   It affects your strength.
   It affects your charisma.
   It provides resistance to acid.
   It provides resistance to electricity.
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It provides resistance to cold.
   It provides resistance to shards.
   It provides resistance to nexus.
n) The Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth' (-1) [11,+25] (+3)
   It affects your dexterity.
   It affects your speed.
   It provides resistance to acid.
   It provides resistance to shards.
o) The Metal Cap of Thengel [3,+12] (+3)
   It affects your wisdom.
   It affects your charisma.
   It provides resistance to confusion.
p) The Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Thror [6,+20] (+3)
   It affects your strength.
   It affects your constitution.
   It affects your speed.
   It provides resistance to fear.
q) The Broad Sword 'Glamdring' (2d5) (+10,+15) (+1)
   It affects your searching.
   It fights against evil with holy fury.
   It strikes at demons with holy wrath.
   It is especially deadly against orcs.
   It does extra damage from fire.
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It provides resistance to light.
   It slows your metabolism.
   It provides permanent light.
   It has been blessed by the gods.
r) The Long Sword 'Anguirel' (2d5) (+8,+12) (+2)
   It affects your strength.
   It affects your constitution.
   It affects your speed.
   It fights against evil with holy fury.
   It strikes at demons with holy wrath.
   It does extra damage from poison.
   It provides resistance to electricity.
   It provides resistance to light.
   It provides resistance to dark.
   It provides permanent light.
   It allows you to see invisible monsters.
   It provides immunity to paralysis.
   It aggravates nearby creatures.
s) The Beaked Axe of Hurin (3d6) (+12,+15) (+2)
   It can be activated for berserk rage (50+d50 turns) every 80+d80 turns
   if it is being worn.
   It affects your strength.
   It affects your constitution.
   It is especially deadly against trolls.
   It is especially deadly against dragons.
   It is a great bane of demons.
   It does extra damage from acid.
   It provides resistance to acid.
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It provides resistance to dark.
   It provides permanent light.
t) The Quarterstaff 'Nar-i-vagil' (1d9) (+10,+20) (+3)
   It affects your intelligence.
   It is especially deadly against natural creatures.
   It does extra damage from fire.
   It provides resistance to fire.
u) The Flail 'Totila' (3d6) (+6,+8) (+2 to stealth)
   It can be activated for confuse monster every 15 turns if it is being
   It affects your stealth.
   It fights against evil with holy fury.
   It does extra damage from fire.
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It provides resistance to confusion.
v) The Short Bow of Amrod (x2) (+12,+15) (+2)
   It affects your strength.
   It affects your constitution.
   It affects your shooting power.
   It provides resistance to electricity.
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It provides resistance to cold.
   It speeds your regenerative powers.
w) 54 Arrows of Flame (1d4) (+10,+10)
x) 46 Seeker Arrows of Flame (4d4) (+10,+10)


Adult: Allow purchase of stats using points  : no  (adult_point_based)
Adult: Allow specification of minimal stats  : no  (adult_auto_roller)
Adult: Maximize effect of race/class bonuses : yes (adult_maximize)
Adult: Preserve artifacts when leaving level : yes (adult_preserve)
Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall     : no  (adult_ironman)
Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home       : no  (adult_no_stores)
Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts        : no  (adult_no_artifacts)
Adult: Randomize some of the artifacts (beta): no  (adult_rand_artifacts)
Adult: Don't stack objects on the floor      : no  (adult_no_stacking)
Score: Peek into object creation             : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation            : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation            : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else              : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info            : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death           : no  (score_live)

Posted on 27.9.2003 20:55

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8200. on the Ladder (of 18953)
3504. on the Angband Ladder (of 6492)


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On 27.9.2003 20:55 wrote:
My first char to ever get far enough that I feel like asking for advice. I've survived 3 drolems handily and have no problem with Ringwraiths (I love my sword), but I'm scared stiff of what's to come. Any pointers?

On 27.9.2003 22:49 wrote:
very nice weapon :) I suggest wearing thengel as +1 searching isn't very handy, also that will let you switch to arvedui and only loose sound resist. That in turn will let you switch to the metal boots of thror which has fear resist, speed, and will bring both your str and con to 18/200 which is very important.

Make sure you check your resists and stats after this as I might be wrong ;)

On 28.9.2003 06:31 wrote:
Kinda Rohirrim-themed. That's cool. :)

On 28.9.2003 06:32 wrote:
Kinda Rohirrim-themed. That's cool. :)

On 5.10.2003 06:33 wrote:
Well, I tried swapping as outlined above and also lost see invis and blindness resist. Swapping in Anguirel would put back see invis at the cost of nether, but that's not a problem due to a Cloak of Aman I recently picked up. Losing blindness resist would be a real bugger though, as I've got rid of the mushroom stash I used to keep and I don't find enough Healing to justify downing them to fix blindness. So, staying with my current kit and crossing my fingers.

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