The Angband Ladder: Santa 455, Possessor Monster by HugoTheGreat2011

  [PosChengband 4.0.0 Character Dump]

 Name       : Santa 455                    ========== Stats ==========         

 Sex        : Male                               STR  :    18/148              

 Personality: Lazy                               INT  :     18/69              

 Race       : Possessor                          WIS  :     18/50              

 Subrace    : Santa Claus                        Dex  :     18/95              

 Class      : Monster                            CON  :    18/103              

                                                 Chr  :        14              


 Level      :       35                           HP   :   -76/482              

 Cur Exp    :   922348                           SP   :     98/98              

 Max Exp    :   922348                           AC   :       132              

 Adv Exp    :  1125000                           Speed:        +7              


                                           ========== Skills =========         

 Gold       :    62641                     Melee      : Superb                 

 Kills      :     8036                     Ranged     : Heroic                 

 Uniques    :       80                     SavingThrow: Heroic                 

 Artifacts  :    38+17                     Stealth    : Heroic                 

                                           Perception : Superb                 

 Game Day   :       22                     Searching  : Heroic                 

 Game Time  :    23:21                     Disarming  : Superb                 

 Play Time  :    12:30                     Device     : Heroic                 


============================= Character Equipment =============================

 a) The Broad Sword 'Tailbiter' (2d5) (+18,+9) (+3)
 b) The Small Leather Shield of Marinera [3,+17] (+4) [-20%] 
 c) a Light Crossbow of Extra Might (x4.45) (+9,+7) {Nt}
 d) a Ring of Combat (+0,+18) {Clvl 32, Zul " store}
 e) a Ring of Protection {LiNtNxSo;FaWr}
 f) a Barbarian Talisman [+7] (+2) {Dx;Fe[M, Clvl 34, Zul " shop}
 g) The Stone of Lore {Clvl 26, Angband: L38 quest}
 h) The Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth' (-1) [11,+25] (+3) {Bl}
 i) The Cloak of Jack of Shadows [1,+19] (+7) {Clvl 25, Angband: L38, ?monster}
 j) The Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+10] (+2) [+10%] {Ca, Clvl 18, Mimic 
 k) The Set of Leather Gloves of Helldiver [1,+19] {ElDkNtDi, Clvl 33, Morivant

 l) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of The Multi-hued Centipede (+2,+3) [2,+10] 
      (+1) {Clvl 27, Sting quest}

              |)}=="*((]]]                            |)}=="*((]]]             

 Resistances  abcdefghijkl@              Abilities    abcdefghijkl@            

 Acid       : .......+...+.  65%         Speed      : ...........++            

 Electricity: .+........+++  75%         Free Act   : .+..+...+..++            

 Fire       : .+.........++  72%         See Invis  : .+......+...+            

 Cold       : ...........++  65%         Warning    : ....+........            

 Poison     : ...........++  65%         Slow Digest: .............            

 Light      : ....+........  30%         Regenerate : .............            

 Dark       : ..........+..  30%         Levitation : .+...........            

 Confusion  : .+..........+  40%         Perm Lite  : .............            

 Nether     : ..+.+.....+..  45%         Reflection : ............+            

 Nexus      : ....+........  30%         Hold Life  : .+......+....            

 Sound      : ....+........  30%         Dec Mana   : .............            

 Shards     : .......+.....  30%         Easy Spell : .............            

 Chaos      : .........+...  30%         Anti Magic : .....+.......            

 Disenchantm: ..........+..  30%         Magic Skill: .............            

 Time       : .............   0%         Spell Power: .............            

 Blindness  : .......+.+...  40%         Spell Cap  : .-.......+...            

 Fear       : .....+.......   1x         Magic Res  : .............            

                                         Infravision: ............+  50'       

              |)}=="*((]]]               Stealth    : ........+..+.            

 Auras        abcdefghijkl@              Searching  : +.......+....            

 Aura Elec  : .............                                                    

 Aura Fire  : .............                           |)}=="*((]]]             

 Aura Cold  : .............              Sustains     abcdefghijkl@            

 Aura Shards: .............              Sust Str   : .............            

 Revenge    : .............              Sust Int   : .............            

                                         Sust Wis   : .............            

              |)}=="*((]]]               Sust Dex   : .............            

 Slays        abcdefghijkl@              Sust Con   : .............            

 Slay Evil  : +............              Sust Chr   : .............            

 Slay Undead: .............                                                    

 Slay Demon : .............                           |)}=="*((]]]             

 Slay Dragon: *............              Detection    abcdefghijkl@            

 Slay Human : .............              Telepathy  : ........++...            

 Slay Animal: .............              ESP Evil   : .............            

 Slay Orc   : .............              ESP Nonliv : .............            

 Slay Troll : .............              ESP Good   : .............            

 Slay Giant : .............              ESP Undead : .............            

 Slay Good  : .............              ESP Demon  : .............            

 Slay Living: .............              ESP Dragon : +............            

 Acid Brand : .............              ESP Human  : .............            

 Elec Brand : .............              ESP Animal : .............            

 Fire Brand : .............              ESP Orc    : .............            

 Cold Brand : .............              ESP Troll  : .............            

 Pois Brand : .............              ESP Giant  : .............            

 Mana Brand : .............                                                    

 Sharpness  : .............                           |)}=="*((]]]             

 Quake      : .............              Curses       abcdefghijkl@            

 Vampiric   : .............              Cursed     : .............            

 Chaotic    : .............              Rnd Tele   : .............            

 Add Blows  : +............              No Tele    : .............            

 Blessed    : .............              Drain Exp  : .............            

 Riding     : .............              Aggravate  : .............            

 Tunnel     : .............              TY Curse   : .............            

 Throwing   : .............                                                    

              abcdefghijkl@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
       STR  : .4.........1. 18/108  1  0 -2  5 18/148
       INT  : .4.......2...  18/69  4  0 -2 -2  18/69
       WIS  : .........2...  18/40  1  0 -2  2  18/50
       Dex  : .....2.3...1.  18/20  5  0 -2  6 18/110  18/95
       CON  : 34.........1.  18/53 -1  0 -2  8 18/103
       Chr  : .4...........     18  4  0 -2  4  18/60     14

==================================== Melee ====================================

 Hand #1: The Broad Sword 'Tailbiter' (2d5) (+18,+9)         Accuracy   
 Weight : 15.0 lbs                                            AC Hit    
 Profic : !Expert (+15 To Hit)                                25 84%    
 To Hit : 18 + 30 = 48                                        50 77%    
 To Dam : 9 + 31 = 40                                         75 71%    
 Blows  : 5.48                                               100 64%    
 Damage                                                      125 58%    
 Crits  : 1.11x (8.7%)                                       150 51%    
 Normal : 254 (230-279) [1.11x]                              175 45%    
 Evil   : 290 (241-339) [2.22x]                              200 38%    
 Dragons: 399 (279-520) [5.55x]                                         
 Attack : Your Charge                                        Accuracy   
 Profic : Expert (+15 To Hit)                                 AC Hit    
 To Hit : 42 + 15 = 57                                        25 85%    
 Blows  : 0.50                                                50 79%    
          Steals                                              75 73%    
                                                             100 67%    

=================================== Shooting ==================================

 Shooting: a Light Crossbow of Extra Might (x4.45) (+9,+7)
 Range   : 100'
 Shots   : 0.83
 Mult    : 4.89x
 To Hit  : 9 + 15 = 24
 To Dam  : 7 (Multiplier Applies)
 Xtra Dam: 3 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)

 Ammo #1 : 19 Steel Bolts of Flame (3d5) (+9,+6)              AC Hit    
 Weight  : 0.4 lbs                                            25 84%    
 To Hit  : 9 + 24 = 33                                        50 78%    
 To Dam  : 6 + 7 = 13 (Multiplier Applies)                   100 66%    
 Damage                                                      150 54%    
 Crits   : 1.03x                                             175 47%    
 Normal  : 93 (68-118) [5.03x]                               200 41%    
 Fire    : 157 (115-200) [8.55x]                                        
=================================== Powers ====================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc            Cast Fail
Possess                1    0   0% Lvl 101            4    0   0%
Unpossess              1    0   0%                    1    0   0%
Eat Magic             17    1  27%                    2    0   0%

=================================== Spells ====================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc            Cast Fail
Create Minor Trap      5    1   5%                    0    0   0%
Scare Monster          5    3   5%                    0    0   0%
Detect Monsters        7    3   5%                    0    0   0%
Paralyze              10    5   5%                    0    0   0%
Drain Mana            10    5   5% 35+d105            0    0   0%
Magic Mapping         15   10   5%                    0    0   0%
Amnesia               15    3   5%                    0    0   0%
Teleport Other        20   13  36%                    0    0   0%
Nether Ball           25   18  41% dam 152            5    9  64%
Panic Hit             30   20  46%                    0    0   0%
Brain Smash           30   14  51% dam 12d12          0    0   0%
Cause Mortal Wounds   32   10  62% dam 15d15          0    0   0%
Create Major Trap     37   30 100%                    0    0   0%
Create Ultimate Trap  50  100 100%                    0    0   0%

================================ Recent Forms =================================

Most Recent Forms                 CL Day  Time  DL Location                    
Santa Claus                       22   9 14:00     Morivant       
Soul                              22   9 12:16  21 Orc cave       
Santa Claus                       16   5 10:12  20 Wilderness     
Soul                              16   5 10:12  20 Wilderness     
Santa Claus                       19   1  6:02     Outpost        
Soul                              19   1  6:01     Outpost        
Santa Claus                       49   1  6:01     Outpost        

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

 Angband         : level  46
!Camelot         : level  35
!Orc cave        : level  23
!Labyrinth       : level  28
!Forest          : level  32
 Numenor         : level  55
 R'lyeh          : level  84
!Chameleon cave  : level  45
!Icky cave       : level  35
 Mount Olympus   : level  80
!Lonely Mountain : level  40
 Giant's Hall    : level  40
!Stronghold      : level  15

You were killed by Jack of Shadows on level 40 of Giant's Hall.

 Last Message: I think this guy's a little crazy.

==================================== Quests ===================================

  Completed Quests
  Thieves Hideout                          (Danger  level:   5) - level  1
  Warg problem                             (Danger  level:   5) - level 11
  Orc Camp                                 (Danger  level:  15) - level 15
  Tengu and Death Swords                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 15
  The Mimic's Treasure                     (Danger  level:  25) - level 18
  Old Man Willow Quest                     (Danger  level:  22) - level 21
  Dark Elven Lords Quest                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 21
  Mauhur, the Orc Captain                  (Dungeon level:   6) - level 23
  Nar, the Dwarf                           (Dungeon level:  12) - level 23
  The Sewer                                (Danger  level:  15) - level 26
  Logrus Master                            (Danger  level:  25) - level 26
  Scatha the Worm                          (Dungeon level:  38) - level 26
  Grendel                                  (Dungeon level:  24) - level 27
  The Vault                                (Danger  level:  30) - level 27
  The Barrow Downs                         (Danger  level:  35) - level 29
  Doom Quest 1                             (Danger  level:  15) - level 31

  Failed Quests
  Ulik the Troll                           (Dungeon level:  44) - level 34

  Arena: Defeated by Wererat in the 6th fight

================================ Monster Kills ================================

You have defeated 8036 enemies including 80 unique monsters in total.

  Uniques                                  Lvl
  Smaug the Golden                          45
  Chameleon Lord                            45
  Scatha the Worm                           44
  Quaker, Master of Earth                   43
  Ubbo-Sathla, the Unbegotten Source        41
  Strygalldwir                              41
  Jasra, Brand's Mistress                   40
  Gwaihir the Windlord                      40
  Eol, the Dark Elven Smith                 40
  Ashram, the Ebony Knight                  40
  Moire, Queen of Rebma                     39
  Meneldor the Swift                        38
  Father Dagon                              38
  Loge, Spirit of Fire                      38
  The Queen Ant                             37
  Rogrog the Black Troll                    36
  Botei-Building, the Emperor               36
  The Greater Hell Magic Mushroom Were-Quy  36
  The Minotaur of the Labyrinth             35
  Sheer Heart Attack, the Bomb Hand         35

  Non-uniques               Lvl Count     Non-uniques               Lvl Count  

  Durahan                    45     2     Hill orc                    8   186  

  Warrior of the Dawn        45     2     Chameleon                  20   181  

  Lesser Balrog              44     1     Snaga                       6   180  

  11-headed hydra            44     1     Air hound                  20   179  

  Lloigor                    44     1     Cave orc                    7   174  

  High priest                44     1     Snotling                    4   153  

  Shoggoth                   44     1     Shadow hound               15   148  

  Vore                       44     1     Earth hound                20   138  

  Death leprechaun           44     1     Exploding ant              36   136  

  Ethereal dragon            43     1     Software bug               14   130  

  Dark young of Shub-Niggur  43     1     Water hound                20   121  

  Juggernaut of Khorne       43     2     Cold hound                 18   115  

  Greater basilisk           42     2     Light hound                15   113  

  Hunting horror             42     1     Cave ogre                  26   111  

  Dread                      42     2     Energy hound               18   108  

  Shadow demon               42    12     Dark elven warlock         23   106  

  Master lich                41     2     Mad bear                   15    98  

  Formless spawn of Tsathog  41     2     Novice mindcrafter          8    92  

  Byakhee                    41    19     White wolf                 12    90  

  Rock giant                 40     1     Fire hound                 18    83  



================================== Mutations ==================================

You can consume magic energy for your own use.

============================= Character Inventory =============================

a) 8 Pieces of Elvish Waybread
b) 8 Potions of Speed
c) 4 Potions of Resist Cold
d) 22 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
e) a Potion of Restore Mana
f) 6 Potions of Curing
g) 28 Scrolls of Teleportation {25% off}
h) 3 Scrolls of Teleport Level
i) a Rod: Illumination (7/7 charges)
j) a Rod: Enlightenment (3/3 charges)
k) a Rod: Detect Traps (8/8 charges)
l) a Rod: Detect Monsters (10/10 charges)
m) a Rod: Detect Doors & Stairs (6/6 charges)
n) a Rod of Simplicity: Recall (3/3 charges) (+4)
o) a Rod: Recall (4/4 charges)
p) a Wand: Teleport Other (17/17 charges)
q) a Wand: Stone to Mud (33/33 charges)
r) a Wand: Unbarring Ways (10/10 charges)
s) a Staff: Summon Hydras (1/6 charges)
t) a Staff: Cure Wounds (7/13 charges)
u) an Amulet of Trickery (+5) {SlSr;Cf}
v) an Amulet of Devotion {Li A:Curing}
w) 19 Steel Bolts of Flame (3d5) (+9,+6)

================================ Home Inventory ===============================

 ( page 1 )
a) 8 Pieces of Elvish Waybread
b) 4 Potions of Heroism
c) 2 Potions of Restore Mana
d) 2 Potions of Charisma
e) 2 Potions of Self Knowledge
f) 10 Potions of Clarity
g) 3 Potions of Great Clarity
h) 6 Scrolls of Remove Curse
i) a Scroll of *Remove Curse*
j) 9 Scrolls of Recharging
k) 2 Scrolls of Magic Mapping
l) 11 Scrolls of Protection from Evil

 ( page 2 )
a) 2 Scrolls of Forest Creation
b) a Rod: Getaway (3/3 charges)
c) a Rod: Clarity (2/2 charges)
d) a Wand: Plasma Bolt (8/8 charges) {90% off, Clvl 26, Angwil '7', damage: 
e) a Wand: Acid Ball (9/9 charges)
f) a Wand of Capacity: Drain Life (7/7 charges) (+2)
g) a Wand: Haste Monster (27/27 charges)
h) a Staff: Teleport (9/9 charges)
i) a Staff of Regeneration: Identify (26/26 charges) (+3)
j) a Staff: Probing (6/6 charges)
k) a Staff of Regeneration: Telepathy (8/8 charges) (+4)
l) a Ring of Protection {DkCfNtSo}

 ( page 3 )
a) a Ring of Combat (+0,+14) {Clvl 21, Dark elven lords quest}
b) an Elemental Ring [+11] {Sh[Sh}
c) a Ring of Protection {NxBlFe;Si}
d) a Ring of Protection [+12] {Ca}
e) a Ring of Protection [+21]
f) a Ring of Wizardry (+0,+8) {~p(In}
g) a Ring of Combat (+0,+8) (+2) {St}
h) a Ring of Combat (+0,+9)
i) a Ring of Combat (+3) {StDx}
j) a Ring of Protection [+8] (charging) {A:Stone Skin}
k) a Ring of Protection {Po;Si}
l) a Ring of Protection [+7] {Nt}

 ( page 4 )
a) a Ring of Combat (+9,+0)
b) a Ring of Archery (+0,+3) (charging) {A:Speed, Timeout: 150}
c) a Ring of Combat (+0,+3)
d) an Amulet of the Magi (+0,+19) (+1) (charging) {InSr;Es A:Speed}
e) an Amulet of Devotion (+1) {WiCh;LiSo;FaSiHl A:Restore Stats}
f) a Hell Harness (+3,+14) [-6] {cursed, -Co;CfFe;FaAg}
g) an Amulet of the Magi (+0,+6) (+2) {InSr;EsFaSi(In A:Alchemy}
h) a Sacred Pendant [+10] {CfNt;Bs}
i) an Amulet of Trickery (+1) {DxSr;PoDk}
j) an Elemental Charm {AcEl A:Resist Cold}
k) a Barbarian Talisman [+9] (+2) {St;Fe}
l) The Amulet of Ingwe (+3) {A:Dispel Evil}

 ( page 5 )
a) The Necklace of the Dwarves (+3) {Clvl 33, Mount Olympus: L80}
b) The Amulet of Carlammas (+2) {A:Protection from Evil, Clvl 33, Numenor: L55,

     stolen from Charybis}
c) The Incandescent Light of Edison (+3)
d) White Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+10]
e) Ring Mail of the Olog-hai (-2,+1) [12,+11] (+3) {Cn;Nx A:Berserk}
f) Chain Mail of the Uruk-hai (+1,+1) [14,+9] (+2) {Ca, Clvl 24, Camelot: L28, 
     Sir Gareth?}
g) Augmented Chain Mail of the Olog-hai (-2,+1) [16,+19] (+3) {Di A:Berserk}
h) Bar Chain Mail of the Uruk-hai (+0,+3) [18,+15] (+2) {So}
i) The Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [19,+15] (+2) {Nt}
j) The Splint Mail 'Shield of Water' (-2) [19,+12] {AcElFiCoPoNx, Clvl 33, 
     Lonely Mountain: L35, King Koopa}
k) The Metal Lamellar Armour of The Padre (+5,+5) [23,+17] (+2)
l) Haramakido of the Olog-hai (-2,+5) [17,+15] (+4) {Li A:Berserk}

 ( page 6 )
a) a Robe of Permanence [2,+7] {Nx}
b) The Soft Studded Leather 'Day of the Dove' (+3,+5) [5,+10] (+2) 
     {Ch;CoCfNxCaDi;Te, Clvl 20, Labyrinth: L20, Boldor, .}
c) The Hard Leather Armour of Himring [6,+15] {A:Protection from Evil}
d) Rhino Hide Armour of Elvenkind (-1) [8,+9] (+1) {Sh}
e) The Rhino Hide Armour 'Dasai' (-1) [8,+64] (+10)
f) a Cloak of Cowardice (-9,-1) [1,+3] (+3) {A:Teleport}
g) The Cloak 'Power Shield' [1,+13] (+4) {StWiCnIf;SoFe}
h) The Cloak of the Fairy (+4,+5) [1,+20] (+3) {WiDx;So[M(Dx Merry}
i) The Cloak of Arctic Ocean [1,+16] (+2) {WiDxCn;Sh[C~poU}
j) The Cloak 'Colannon' [1,+15] (+3) {A:Teleport}
k) The Cloak of Merry (+1,+1) [1,+7] (+1)
l) The Elven Cloak 'Holcolleth' [4,+15] (+3) {A:Sleep Monsters}

 ( page 7 )
a) a Fur Cloak of Cowardice (-9,-1) [3,+8] (+3) {A:Teleport}
b) The Fur Cloak 'Nuts of Wisdom' [3,+12] (+2) {Wi;PoCa, Clvl 33, Lonely 
     Mountain: L39, Ancient white dragon?}
c) a Large Metal Shield (Orcish) (+1,+3) [8,+18] (+2) {Fi, Clvl 30, Angband: 
     L41, ?monster}
d) a Knight's Shield of Night and Day [10,+16]
e) a Mirror Shield [10,+18]
f) an Iron Crown of the Magi [0,+9] (+2) {Dk;Fa}
g) The Iron Crown of Beruthiel [0,+25] (+20) <+153%> {cursed, Lv}
h) The Hard Leather Cap of Sam (+1,+1) [2,+7] (+1)
i) a Metal Cap of the Kobold (+0,+1) [3,+6] (+1)
j) The Metal Cap of Thengel [3,+12] (+3) [+15%]
k) a Jingasa of the Kobold (+0,+5) [4,+3] (+3)
l) The Iron Helm 'Springsleeper' [5,+16] (+2) {InWiCnSl;ShDi;Si, Clvl 34, Mount

     Olympus: L80, ground}

 ( page 8 )
a) The Iron Helm 'Holhenneth' [5,+10] (+2) {A:Detection, Clvl 18, Mimic quest}
b) The Steel Helm of Hammerhand (+3,+4) [6,+20] (+3) {Clvl 34, Angband: L46, 
c) a Set of Leather Gloves of the Thief (+4,-2) [1,+1] (+5) {Clvl 33, 
     mountainous '7' east of Lonely Mountain entrance}
d) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg' (+8,+8) [1,+15] (+2) {Clvl 33, Cloning 
     Pits, It}
e) The Set of Leather Gloves of Pippin (+1,+1) [1,+7] (+1)
f) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim' [1,+10] {A:Magic Missile}
g) a Set of Gauntlets of Slaying (+4,+4) [2,+2]
h) The Set of Gauntlets 'Pauraegen' [2,+7]
i) The Set of Gauntlets of Corwin [2,+15] (+4)
j) a Set of Cesti of the Wizard (-9,-5) [5,+11] (+5) {-St}
k) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots 'Camelot' [2,+13] {NtNxShDi;SiLv}
l) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Flora [2,+15] (+5) {A:Cure Fear and 
     Poison, Clvl 23, Angband 12 quest}

 ( page 9 )
a) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Elvenkind [3,+7] (+2) {Cf}
b) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of the Fairy [3,+6] (+1)
c) The Dagger 'Narthanc' (1d4) (+4,+6) (+1)
d) a Rapier (Death) (1d6) (+5,+4)
e) The Small Sword 'Sting' (1d6) (+7,+8) (+2) {Dk}
f) The Short Sword of Merlin (1d7) (+3,+7) (+4)
g) The Cutlass 'Gondricam' (1d7) (+10,+11) (+3)
h) a Long Sword of *Slay* Undead (2d5) (+4,+6) (+1) (charging) {A:Darkness 
i) an Executioner's Sword (Armageddon) (5d6) (+8,+18)
j) a Poison Needle (1d1) (+0,+0)
k) The Spear of Hagen (1d6) (+11,+13) (+3)
l) The Glaive 'Blue Steele' (2d6) (+19,+16) (+3) {Ch;Fe|ECa/L(Ch}

 ( page 10 )
a) The Halberd 'Osondir' (3d5) (+6,+9) (+3)
b) a Battle Axe of Gondolin (2d8) (+11,+13)
c) a Quarterstaff (Armageddon) (3d10) (+3,+16) (+2) {-Sl}
d) a Mace (Pattern) (2d4) (+10,+14) (+1) {Nt}
e) The Flail of Mind (2d6) (+13,+14) (+2) {Wi;Bl;RgBs/XU/L}
f) The Flail 'Totila' (3d6) (+6,+8) (+2) {A:Confuse Monsters}
g) a Tetsubo (Death) (2d7) (+7,+9) {Nt}
h) a Pick of Dissolving (2d3) (+7,+9) (+4)
i) The Long Bow of Bard (x4) (+17,+19) (+3) {Clvl 29, Angband: L40, ground}
j) 15 Arrows of Wounding (1d4) (+6,+10)
k) 25 Arrows of Slaying (2d4) (+7,+12)
l) 20 Arrows of Slaying (2d4) (+17,+17)

 ( page 11 )
a) The Arrow 'Cupid's Arrow' (1d4) (+0,+0)
b) 18 Seeker Arrows (6d4) (+0,+0)
c) 2 Corpses of Santa Claus

==================================== Museum ===================================

 ( page 1 )
a) The Phial 'Sungazer' (+4) {ChSr;SiDs(Ch Galadriel}
b) The Phial of Galadriel (+1) {A:Illumination}
c) The Corpse of Fang, Farmer Maggot's dog
d) a Snaga Corpse
e) 5 Hill orc Corpses
f) The Corpse of Nami, the Mate
g) The Corpse of The Wounded Bear
h) an Orc shaman Corpse
i) The Corpse of Bloodfang the Wolf
j) The Corpse of Lousy, the King of Louses
k) The Corpse of The Borshin
l) 2 Vorpal bunny Corpses

 ( page 2 )
a) The Corpse of Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief
b) The Corpse of Boldor, King of the Yeeks
c) 3 Black orc Corpses
d) a Warg Corpse
e) 2 Dweller on the threshold Corpses
f) The Corpse of Nar, the Dwarf
g) a Stone giant Corpse
h) 3 Huorn Corpses
i) a Sasquatch Corpse
j) a Dark elven lord Corpse
k) The Corpse of Sangahyando of Umbar
l) a White crocodile Corpse

 ( page 3 )
a) The Corpse of Sir Galahad
b) The Corpse of Sir Gareth
c) The Corpse of The Multi-hued Centipede
d) The Corpse of King Koopa
e) The Corpse of The Minotaur of the Labyrinth
f) The Corpse of Meneldor the Swift
g) The Corpse of Gwaihir the Windlord

================================== Statistics =================================

  Objects Found    :   7856
  Objects Bought   :    658
  Objects Destroyed:   2718

  Equipment            Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Weapons                668      0     0   255
  Shields                107      1     0    37
  Bows                    71      1     0    30
  Rings                   75      2     0    10
  Amulets                 78      1     0    15
  Lights                  14      1     0     2
  Body Armor             607      1     0   227
  Cloaks                 138      0     0    50
  Helmets                208      2     0    64
  Gloves                 125      2     0    50
  Boots                  188      0     0    75
  Totals                2172     10     0   778

  Devices              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Wands                  118      1   309    39
  Staves                  82      3   934    25
  Rods                    91      1   304    17
  Potions                828    270   436   264
  Scrolls                827    237   422   259
  Totals                1946    512  2405   604

  Other                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Shots                  912      0     0   310
  Arrows                 806      0     0   214
  Bolts                  481      0     0   142
  Spellbooks             139      0     0    33
  Food                   212    124   147    33
  Corpses                606      0     0    42
  Skeletons              519      0     0   519
  Totals                3675    124   147  1293

  Potions              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Cure Critical Wounds    57    258   247    26
  Curing                  34      0    24     5
  Speed                  100      0    87     5
  Healing                  5      1     6     0
  *Healing*                3      0     3     0
  Restore Mana             4      0     0     0
  Restore Life Levels     43      5     5    20
  Strength                 3      0     3     0
  Intelligence             5      0     5     0
  Wisdom                   4      0     2     0
  Dexterity                2      0     2     0
  Constitution             3      0     3     0
  Charisma                 4      0     1     0
  Totals                 828    270   436   264

  Scrolls              Found Bought  Used  Dest  Fail
  Word of Recall          78     10    26    10   2.4%
  Identify               101     14    63    11   2.3%
  *Identify*              13      0     9     0   3.5%
  Remove Curse            16      0    10     1   2.5%
  *Remove Curse*           1      1     1     0   3.8%
  Teleportation          170    212   269    69   2.5%
  Teleport Level          12      0     7     2   2.9%
  Destruction              3      0     2     1   4.2%
  Forest Creation          2      0     0     0   5.4%
  Acquirement              1      0     1     0   4.2%
  Totals                 827    237   422   259

  Wands                Found Bought  Used  Dest  Fail
  Stone to Mud            18      0   104     9   1.7%
  Teleport Other           9      0     5     2   1.7%
  Totals                 118      1   309    39

  Staves               Found Bought  Used  Dest  Fail
  Identify                 5      2   774     5   1.7%
  Enlightenment            4      0     1     1   1.7%
  Telepathy                1      0     0     0   1.7%
  Healing                  1      0    32     1   3.4%
  Totals                  82      3   934    25

  Rods                 Found Bought  Used  Dest  Fail
  Detect Traps             4      0    17     1   1.7%
  Detect Doors & Stair     7      0   146     3   1.7%
  Detect Monsters          8      0    30     2   1.7%
  Illumination             5      0    23     2   1.7%
  Recall                   3      1    31     0   1.7%
  Enlightenment            1      0     3     0   1.7%
  Totals                  91      1   304    17

  Spellbooks           Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Third Spellbooks         8      0     0     0
  Totals                 139      0     0    33

  Egos Found    :    624
  Egos Bought   :      6
  Egos Destroyed:     66

  Egos                 Found Bought  Dest
  Boots of Elvenkind       3      0     0

  Monsters             Kills   Pct
  Animals               3258  40.4%
  Breeders               384   4.7%
  Demons                 457   5.6%
  Dragons                189   2.3%
  Giants                 318   3.9%
  Hounds                1101  13.6%
  Humans                 719   8.9%
  Orcs                   953  11.8%
  Trolls                 347   4.3%
  Undead                 573   7.1%
  Uniques                 80   0.9%

  Evil Monsters         4034  50.0%
  Good Monsters          197   2.4%
  Neutral Monsters      3826  47.4%

  Good Droppers           74   0.9%
  Great Droppers          13   0.1%

  Resist Acid            881  10.9%
  Resist Elec            604   7.4%
  Resist Fire           1187  14.7%
  Resist Cold           1552  19.2%
  Resist Pois           2465  30.5%
  Resist Conf           1620  20.1%

  Totals                8057

================================ Last Messages ================================

You attack the Water hound: You hit. You hit. You have slain the Water 

You see a Water hound Corpse.
The Water hound attacks you: It misses. It misses. It misses. It claws.

You attack the Water hound: You miss. You hit. You miss. You miss. You 
hit. You have slain the Water hound.

You attack the Water hound: You miss. You hit. It was a superb hit! You 
hit. You have slain the Water hound.

You attack the Water hound: You hit. You hit. You have slain the Water 
The Water hound attacks you: It misses. It misses. It misses. It 

You see a Water hound Corpse.
There is a granite wall blocking your way.
You attack the Water hound: You miss. You hit. You hit. You have slain 
the Water hound.
The Water hound attacks you: It misses. It misses. It misses. It 

You attack the Water hound: You hit. You miss. You hit. You have slain 
the Water hound.
The Water hound breathes acid. Your Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil is 

You see 2 Water hound Corpses.
There is a granite wall blocking your way.
You attack the Water hound: You hit. You miss. You hit. You have slain 
the Water hound.

Rest (0-9999, '*' for HP/SP, '&' as needed): &
You feel yourself slow down.
Rest (0-9999, '*' for HP/SP, '&' as needed): &
You have 32 Scrolls of Teleportation {25% off}.
You have 31 Scrolls of Teleportation {25% off}.
You have 30 Scrolls of Teleportation {25% off}.
You have 29 Scrolls of Teleportation {25% off}.
You have 28 Scrolls of Teleportation {25% off}.
Jack of Shadows says, 'Be made to realize my darkness hold.'
Jack of Shadows invokes a darkness storm. <x2>
The Gug dies. You feel scared. You struggle to maintain possession of 
your current body! *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** Press Space to 
Jack of Shadows creates a mesmerising illusion. You disbelieve the 
feeble spell.
The Skaven shaman tries to cast a spell, but fails.
Jack of Shadows invokes a darkness storm. You stand your ground! You 
struggle to maintain possession of your current body!
########                #####                    #
.......#                #h..##                   #
.....Z.##              ##.#..### #######   #######
........##      u##    #.~##bO.###P....#####......
............d   #.m.####p#####..P..###....##.#####
 .......  .....  P#~.Pur.#   ####### ##......#    
  .....           O#######            #####..#    
   ...           uO                       ####    
  ##.#   u      Ou                                
  #..# #                                          
###.##.#      O                                   
......#        u                                  
 I think this guy's a little crazy. Goodbye, Santa 455!

=================================== Options ===================================

 Game Mode:          Monster
 Preserve Mode:      On
 Small Levels:       Sometimes
 Arena Levels:       Sometimes

Posted on 9.1.2016 03:57
Last updated on 11.1.2016 05:51

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3. on the Competition No.183 Ladder (of 26)

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You activate it...
Santa 455 meets Mt Olympus


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On 9.1.2016 03:57 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
Santa 455 initial post

Clvl: 16
Body: Santa Claus
Location: near swamp north of Outpost
Play time: 1:00 (1 hour mark)
Game day: 5 - Game time: 8:35
Unique count: 7

Current stats at the 1 hour mark / clvl 16 / Game day: 5 - Game time: 8:35
STR 16
INT 18/10
WIS 16
DEX 18/20
CON 14
CHR 18/10

No possession "outages" so far!

1 hour mark / Game day: 5 - Game time: 8:35
Currently at clvl 16 doing 57 Normal damage / 81 Slay Animal damage with The Short Sword of Merlin, with AC 47, +1 Base Speed, 165/165 HP, 37/37 mana, and 179 Au.

The story:
This is Santa 455's initial post at the 1 hour mark with 7 uniques down, not that great, for a start. This one is really an average start, in my opinion. I don't really have much going for this one except for The Short Sword of Merlin and the hell-of-an-encounter I had during the Tengu Swords quest. I messed up too early at the Telmora Arean too, which was my mistake.

Otherwise, we'll see how this one goes.

Notable events:
1) I messed up the Telmora Arena by taking on the Hill giant too early; dude relentlessly tossed boulders at me causing me to bleed to death in the Arena even though I killed the dude; shouldn't have happened in the first place knowing that I could have postponed the fight given that I had only 157 MaxHP and AC of 56 being at clvl 15(?) at the time. I even didn't get to collect the Speed potions either!

2) Completed the Tengu Swords at clvl 15 and it was hell. I started this one with only 4 !Speed and 12 !CCW. Well, the !Speed got used up very quickly. The random-mug-to-teleport business was very annoying and got out of hand because of it constantly sent me near the Death swords. This one (Santa 455) was very close to being left for dead. Somehow, the RNG was on my side and those Death Swords kept missing me. Well, after taking out the Tengus and Gelatinous cubes, I teleported out of the way and I used a Rod of Pesticide a fair bit. This rod was actually helpful at taking out the Death swords from the distance especially since I then ran out of !Speed and was down to only 3 !CCW. Well, after several repeat uses of that Rod of Pesticide, I was able to complete the Tengu Swords quest. Whereas, I really probably wouldn't have made it out alive if I didn't bring that Rod of Pesticide. Now, I know.

Key finds:
1) The Short Sword of Merlin (1d7) (+3,+7) (+4)
2) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Stealth [3,+1] (+3)
3) The Dagger 'Narthanc' (1d4) (+4,+6) (+1)
4) a Long Sword of *Slay* Undead (2d5) (+4,+6) (+1) {A:Darkness Storm}

On 9.1.2016 05:03 murphy wrote:
darkness storm activation! does it do a lot of damage?

On 9.1.2016 05:12 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
Oh yes! That Darkness storm activating Long Sword of *Slay* Undead does a hell lot of >300 damage (I'll confirm on this), with a >50% fail rate though.

On 9.1.2016 16:34 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
To confirm, that Darkness storm activating Long Sword *Slay* Undead activates for a Darkness storm with 331 damage!!

On 9.1.2016 16:37 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
AND that Darkness Storm activation has a timeout of only 100!

On 9.1.2016 18:59 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
Santa 455 post 1 hour mark

Clvl: 24
Body: Santa Claus
Location: Morivant
Play time: 4:00 (4 hour mark)
Game day: 10 - Game time: 16:35
Unique count: 40

Current stats at the 4 hour mark / clvl 24 / Game day: 10 - Game time: 16:35
STR 18/56
INT 18/10
WIS 18
DEX 18/80
CON 16
CHR 18/70

Key stat upgrades:
At clvl 18 upon defeating the Stronghold dungeon guardian: STR increased from 14 (drained) to 17
At clvl 20 upon defeating the Labyrinth dungeon guardian: STR increased from 18 to 18/39
At clvl 23 upon defeating the Orc cave dungeon guardian: STR increased from 18/39 to 18/56
At clvl 24 upon quaffing a !CHR from Camelot: L26(?): CHR increased from 18/80(?) to 18/90

Possession outage history:
1) Lost control of the initial Santa body (from game start) at clvl 16 while fighitng an Earth hound pack in the wilderness north of Outpost; body intact; re-possessed the same initial Santa body at clvl 16 in the wilderness north of Outpost
2) Lost initial Santa body while fighting a Living armor at clvl 22 in Orc cave: L21. Starting using 1st Santa reserve at clvl 22 in Morivant.

4 hour mark / Game day: 10 - Game time: 16:35:
Currently at clvl 24 doing 165 Normal damage / 198 Slay Animal damage with The Short Sword of Merlin, with AC 97, +4 Base Speed, 260/260 HP, 83/83 mana, and 8978 Au.

The story:
It's the 4 hour mark and I'm at clvl 24 with 40 uniques down. This is soon to be my best Compo 183 contender so far. Since the last time, I completed the Mimic quest, Old Man Willow quest, and Dark elven lords quest, though I have yet to collect the reward for the Mimics and Dark elven lords. I cleared out the Stronghold, Labyrinth, and Orc cave. The Camelot will likely be next. I've collected more goodies as well.

I did some experimentation with the Darkness-storm-activating-of-331-damage-Long Sword of *Slay* Undead and it worked great against non-resistant monsters, but not so well against orc uniques (most of which are dead anyways).

Notable events:
1) Dark elven lords quest was a bit annoying. But, I was able to wipe them out with the Darkness storm-of-331-damage activating Long Sword and a Wand: Fire Ball with 104 damage

2) Almost got killed at clvl 23 while fighting the Orc cave dungeon guardian because of a failed Teleportation. Dude has me down to 4 HP and then I barely survied with a successfully read Scroll of Teleportation.

Key finds:
1) a Ring of Combat (+0,+14) {Clvl 21, Dark elven lords quest}
2) Chain Mail of the Uruk-hai (+1,+1) [14,+9] (+2) {Ca, Clvl 24, Camelot: L28,
Sir Gareth?}
3) The Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+10] (+2) [+10%] {Ca, Clvl 18, Mimic
4) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Flora [2,+15] (+5) {A:Cure Fear and
Poison, Clvl 23, Angband 12 quest}
5) The Soft Studded Leather 'Day of the Dove' (+3,+5) [5,+10] (+2)
{Ch;CoCfNxCaDi;Te, Clvl 20, Labyrinth: L20, Boldor, .}
6) a Ring of Protection [+8] {A:Stone Skin}
7) a Ring of Archery (+0,+3) {A:Speed, Timeout: 150}
8) a Barbarian Talisman {Fe[M}

On 9.1.2016 22:04 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
Santa 455 post 4 hour mark

Clvl: 28
Body: Santa Claus
Location: Outpost
Play time: 6:00 (6 hour mark)
Game day: 13 - Game time: 5:43
Unique count: 56

Current stats at the 6 hour mark / clvl 28 / Game day: 13 - Game time: 5:43
STR 18/166
INT 18/31
WIS 18/10
DEX 18/50
CON 18/30
CHR 18/20

Key stat upgrades:
At clvl 26 after quaffing a !CON from Camelot: L31: CON increased from 18/30 to 18/40
At clvl 26 after quaffing a !INT from Camelot: L35: INT increased from 18/10 to 18/20
At clvl 26 after defeating the Camelot dungeon guardian: STR increased from 18/81 (drained) to 18/99
At clvl 26 after quaffing a !INT from Camelot: L35: INT increased from 18/20 to 18/41
At clvl 27 after quaffing two !STR from Angband: L24: STR increased from 18/129 to 18/140 to 18/149
At clvl 28 after defeating the Icky cave dungeon guardian: STR increased from 18/149 to 18/156
At clvl 28 after quaffing a !WIS from Angband: L24: WIS increased from 18 to 18/10

Possession "outage" history:
No new outages. Currently using 1st Santa reserve.

6 hour mark / Game day: 13 - Game time: 5:43
Currently at clvl 28 doing 207 Normal damage with The Small Sword 'Sting', with AC 114, +5 Base Speed, 320/320 HP, 107/107 mana, and 39705 Au.

The story:
It's the 6 hour mark and I"m at clvl 28 with 56 uniques down. Definitely making progress here. Took out the Camelot and Icky cave dungeon guardians. I completed a few more town quests, including the Sting quest. Soon, I might be taking on the Angband 38 quest. My resistances are looking good, covering everything except for Shards, Disenchantment, and Time. I might have get at least 3x coverage for Fire or Cold depending on whether if I am considering a fight with the dungeon guardian(s) of the Lonely mountains or Giant's Hall. I'm also amused that the Multi-hued Centipede had an artifact named after it.

Key finds:
1) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of The Multi-hued Centipede (+2,+3) [2,+10]
(+1) {Clvl 27, Sting quest}
2) The Small Sword 'Sting' (1d6) (+7,+8) (+2) {Dk}
3) a Mirror Shield [10,+18]
4) a Ring of Protection {DkCfNtSo}
5) Ring Mail of the Olog-hai (-2,+1) [12,+11] (+3) {Cn;Nx A:Berserk}
6) The Broad Sword 'Tailbiter' (2d5) (+18,+9) (+3)
7) a Ring of Protection {LiNtNxSo;FaWr}

On 10.1.2016 01:37 murphy wrote:
any plans for those corpses?

On 10.1.2016 02:39 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
Maybe later in the game, I might carry a Santa corpse reserve as a backup in case I lose my current Santa body.

The other corpses in the Museum are my "souvenirs".

On 10.1.2016 04:27 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
Santa 455 post 6 hour mark

Clvl: 29
Body: Santa Claus
Location: Angband: L41
Play time: 7:00
Game day: 14 - Game time: 2:15
Unique count: 58

Current stats at the 7 hour mark / clvl 29 / Game day: 14 - Game time: 2:15
STR 18/106
INT 18/41
DEX 18/20
DEX 18/10
CHR 16

Key stat upgrades
At clvl 29 upon quaffing a !WIS in Angband: L41: WIS increased from 18/10 to 18/40

Possession "outage" history:
No new outages. Still using 1st Santa reserve.

7 hour mark / Game day: 14 - Game time: 2:35
Currently at clvl 29 doing 149 Norma damage with The Spear of Hagen, with AC 117, +7 Base Speed, 323/323 HP, 83/83 mana, and 52959 Au.

The story.
It's the 7 hour mark and I'm at clvl 29 with 58 uniques down. Completed the Angband: L38 quest. Dude, fighting this quest monster was scary as hell. Hint: he breathes mega-damaging Frost. What saved and helped me succeed in defeating the dude were The Spear of Hagen, The Set of Gauntlets of Corwin, and a Chain Mail of the Uruk-hai which I brought me at the last minute. Even before this, I had a hell of a time because of a group of Star vampires was draining my STR. Fortunately, I found a Potion to Restore Strength when I needed it. Well, the Angband: L38 quest was worth it since the dude dropped the Stone of Lore. And oh yeah, I found the Spear of Hagen and The Cloak of Jack of Shadows on the same leve.

Right now I'm trying to find my back to a post-dlvl 38 special Angband level with Ashram, the Ebony Knight lurking in it.

Key finds:
1) The Stone of Lore {Clvl 26, Angband: L38 quest}
2) The Spear of Hagen (1d6) (+11,+13) (+3)
3) The Cloak of Jack of Shadows [1,+19] (+7) {Clvl 25, Angband: L38, ?monster}
4) The Set of Gauntlets of Corwin [2,+15] (+4)
5) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots 'Camelot' [2,+13] {NtNxShDi;SiLv}

On 10.1.2016 05:14 wrote:
Being coy about what the 1900' Angband quest monster was isn't going to work, Hugo--we can look just to the left and see what it was (coughcoughscathacoughcough)!

On 10.1.2016 15:05 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
I was trying to avoid spoiling the game. But that didn't work! :)

On 10.1.2016 15:56 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
@10.1.2016 04:27 posting:
*find my way back to a post-dlvl 38 special Angband level

On 10.1.2016 16:02 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
Santa 455 post 7 hour mark

Clvl: 33
Body: Santa Claus
Location: Morivant
Play time: 10:00 (10 hour mark)
Game day: 19 - Game time: 7:15
Unique count: 71

Current stats at the 10 hour mark / clvl 33 / Game day: 19 - Game time: 7:15
STR 18/178
INT 18/19
WIS 18/50
DEX 18/50
CON 18/40
CHR 18/60

Key stat upgrades:
At clvl 30 after quaffing a !INT from Angband: L41: INT increased from 18/21 to 18/39
At clvl 30 after quaffing a !STR from Angband: L41: STR increased from 18/126 to 18/134
At clvl 32 after quaffing a !DEX from Angband: L43: DEX increased from 18/50 to 18/60
At clvl 33 after defeating the Chamelon cave dungeon guardian: STR increased from 18/149 (drained) to 18/158
At clvl 33 after quaffing a !DEX from Mt Olympus: L80: DEX increased from 18/30 to 18/50

Possession "outage" history:
No new outages. Still using the same 1st Santa reserve as before

10 hour mark / Game day: 19 - Game time: 7:15
Currently at clvl 33 doing 245 Normal damage with The Broad Sword 'Tailbiter', with AC 113, +5 Base Speed, 397/397 HP, 96/96 mana, and 38161 Au.

The story:
It's the 10 hour mark and I'm at clvl 33 with 71 uniques down. I fought bit in Angband but decided not to pursue the Angband 44 quest given that I got hammered really hard at times with some close calls. After some point, I defeated the Chameleon cave dungeon guardian. Then, I went on an expedition to Mt Olympus and R'lyeh to see what artifacts I can scoop. I had some Stealth boosting equipment to get my Stealth as high as Legendary [12], enough to make those trips bearable. I think it's time for me to take on the Forest and Loneley Mountain dungeon guardians next.

Key finds:
1) a Staff of Capacity: Healing (9/9 charges) (+3) {Clvl 33, Mt Olympus: L80,
2) a Ring of Combat (+0,+18) {Clvl 32, Zul " store}
3) The Necklace of the Dwarves (+3) {Clvl 33, Mount Olympus: L80}
4) The Amulet of Carlammas (+2) {A:Protection from Evil, Clvl 33, Numenor: L55,
stolen from Charybis}

I lost track of the rest (between the 7hr and 10hr marks) given I had way too much fighting going on.

On 10.1.2016 16:11 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
Looking at my progress, I think I'm the farthest with the Angband quests (and I have yet to do the Angband 44).

On 10.1.2016 16:20 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
@10.1.2016 16:02 posting:
*Lonely mountain

On 10.1.2016 22:01 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
Santa 455 post 10 hour mark

Clvl: 34
Body: Santa Claus
Location: Angwil
Play time: 12:00 (12 hour mark)
Game day: 22 - Game time: 1:12
Unique count: 79

Current stats at the 12 hour mark / clvl 34 / Game day: 22 - Game time: 1:12
STR 18/108
INT 18/64
WIS 18/45
DEX 18/90
CON 18/103
CHR 18/50

Key stat upgrades:
At clvl 33 after quaffing a !CON from Lonely Mountain: L39: CON increased from 18/40 to 18/59
At clvl 33 after defeating the Lonely Mountain dungeon guardian: CON increased from 18/59 to 18/75
At clvl 33 after defeating the Forest dungeon guardian: CON increased from 18/80 (drained) to 18/94
At clvl 34 after quaffing a !INT from Cloning Pits quest: INT increased from 18 (drained) to 18/59
At clvl 34 after quaffing a !INT from Cloning Pits quest: INT increased from 18/54 (drained) to 18/69
At clvl 34 after quaffing a !CON from Mount Olympus: L80: CON increased from 18/94 to 18/103

Possession "outage" history:
No new outages. Still using the same 1st Santa reserve as before.

12 hour mark / Game day: 22 - Game time: 1:12
Currently at clvl 34 doing 215 Normal damage with he Broad Sword 'Tailbiter', with AC 125, +6 Base Speed, 402/462 HP, 94/94 mana, and 82139 Au.

The story.
It's the 12 hour mark and I'm at clvl 34 with 79 uniques down. My turncount getting high. I took out the Lonely Mountain and Forest dungeon guardians for CON boosts. I completed the Cloning Pits, but will wait out the reward until I find 'Crisdurian' first. I tried taking on the Angband 44 quest monster...Ulik...and I bailed. My hasted speed was only +16(?). I no longer had my Healing Stuff (one of the Cloning Pits Jurts destroyed it...Ugh!). Not happening. So, I sought out Angband for some more uniques. Took a few trips to Mt Olympus as well.

Key finds:
1) The Steel Helm of Hammerhand (+3,+4) [6,+20] (+3) {Clvl 34, Angband: L46,
2) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg' (+8,+8) [1,+15] (+2) {Clvl 33, Cloning
Pits, It}


On 11.1.2016 00:54 murphy wrote:
wow looking good!

On 11.1.2016 01:06 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
Yeah, though my melee damage and MaxHP could be far better than this. Getting rid of the "puny" mutation is on my to-do list.

On 11.1.2016 05:51 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
It's over. I had a hell of hard time trying to kill Utgard-Loke. But, Jack of Shadows proved to be the more unwanted guest in the Giant's Hall. I think I'm done with this Compo.

On 11.1.2016 05:53 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
> Jack of Shadows invokes a darkness storm.


On 11.1.2016 06:18 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
@11.1.2016 05:53
I meant this:
>Jack of Shadows invokes a darkness storm.
>The Gug dies. You feel scared. You struggle to maintain possession of
>your current body! *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** Press Space to
>Jack of Shadows creates a mesmerising illusion. You disbelieve the
feeble spell.
>The Skaven shaman tries to cast a spell, but fails.
>Jack of Shadows invokes a darkness storm. You stand your ground! You
struggle to maintain possession of your current body!

Jesus Christ

On 11.1.2016 06:19 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
Apparently, Jack of Shadows did a double-move darkness storm, then a missed spell, and then another darkness storm

On 11.1.2016 10:17 Arjen wrote:
That is very unlucky but possible, I think he is +40? So how many times as fast as you... That's really bad.

On 11.1.2016 12:21 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
I was not hasted. So, Jack was at least 6x faster....God damn! Even worse, I didn't realize he was already on the level.

On 11.1.2016 19:04 murphy wrote:
well maybe you were asking for it flaunting his cloak and all.

great job!

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