The Angband Ladder: Mudd, Elemental Monster by Arjen

  [PosChengband 3.0.0 Character Dump]

 Name       : Mudd                         ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Male                               STR  :    18/***
 Personality: Lucky                              INT  :     18/87
 Race       : Elemental                          WIS  :        17
 Subrace    : Earth Elemental                    DEX  :     18/83
 Class      : Monster                            CON  :    18/212
                                                 CHR  :     18/50

 Level      :       50                           HP   : 1151/1151
 Cur Exp    :  9160169                           SP   :       0/0
 Max Exp    :  9160169                           AC   :       170
 Adv Exp    :    *****                           Speed:       +23

                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       :  1107581                     Melee      : Legendary[35]
 Kills      :     5723                     Ranged     : Heroic
 Uniques    :      147                     SavingThrow: Heroic
 Artifacts  :       88                     Stealth    : Good
                                           Perception : Good
 Game Day   :       12                     Searching  : Excellent
 Game Time  :    12:24                     Disarming  : Superb
 Play Time  :    13:07                     Device     : Superb

============================= Character Equipment =============================

a) The Long Sword 'Ringil' (5d5) (+22,+25) (+5 to speed)
c) The Heavy Crossbow 'Angrist' (x5) (+9,+17) (+3) {StIn;AcFiLiSo;FaSiXm}
d) a Ring of Speed (+6)
e) a Ring of Speed (+9)
f) The Amulet of Carlammas (+2)
g) The Jewel of Judgement (+3 to speed)
h) The Do-maru 'Living Wall' (-2) [20,+10] (+2 to speed)
i) The Shadow Cloak 'Doom Quest II' [6,+20] (+3) {St;AcPoBlNtFe;HlRg(St}
j) The Steel Helm of Hammerhand (+3,+4) [6,+20] (+3)
k) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg' (+8,+8) [1,+15] (+2)
l) The Pair of Dragon Boots 'True Champion' [5,+15] (+2)

              | }=="*[(]]]                              | }=="*[(]]]
              abcdefghijkl@                             abcdefghijkl@
 Acid       : ..+....+++.+.  77%           Speed      : +..++.++....+
 Elec       : .......+...++  72%           Free Act   : +.+.......+.+
 Fire       : ..+..+......+  72%           See Invis  : +.+...+.....+
 Cold       : +...........+  65%           Warning    : .............
 Poison     : ........+..++  72%           SlowDigest : +..........+.
 Light      : +.+.....+..+.  75%           Regenerate : +.......+...+
 Dark       : ........+....  50%           Levitation : ............+
 Confusion  : ......++....+  72%           Perm Lite  : +............
 Nether     : ........+....  50%           Reflection : .......+.....
 Nexus      : .........+...  50%           Hold Life  : ......+++....
 Sound      : ..+........+.  65%           Sust Str   : ........+....
 Shards     : ............+  50%           Sust Int   : .............
 Chaos      : ......++...+.  72%           Sust Wis   : .............
 Disenchant : .......+.....  50%           Sust Dex   : .............
 Time       : .............   0%           Sust Con   : .............
 Blindness  : .......++....  65%           Sust Chr   : .............
 Fear       : .....+..+..+#                Dec Mana   : .............
 Aura Fire  : .......+..... 6d7+2          Easy Spell : .............
 Aura Elec  : .............                Anti Magic : .............
 Aura Cold  : .............                Telepathy  : ...........+.

              | }=="*[(]]]                              | }=="*[(]]]
              abcdefghijkl@                             abcdefghijkl
 Slay Evil  : +............                Telepathy  : ...........+.
 Slay Undead: +............                ESP Evil   : .............
 Slay Demon : +............                ESP Noliv. : .............
 Slay Dragon: .............                ESP Good   : .............
 Slay Human : .............                ESP Undead : .............
 Slay Animal: .............                ESP Demon  : .............
 Slay Orc   : .............                ESP Dragon : .............
 Slay Troll : +............                ESP Human  : .............
 Slay Giant : .............                ESP Animal : .............
 Slay Good  : .............                ESP Orc    : +............
 Acid Brand : .............                ESP Troll  : +............
 Elec Brand : .............                ESP Giant  : +............
 Fire Brand : .............                Device Pow : .............
 Cold Brand : +............                Spell Pow  : .............
 Pois Brand : .............                Spell Cap  : .............
 Mana Brand : .............                Magic Res  : .............
 Sharpness  : .............                Infravision: .............  50'
 Quake      : .............                Stealth    : .........-...
 Vampiric   : .............                Searching  : .............
 Chaotic    : .............                Cursed     : .............
 Add Blows  : .............                Rnd Tele   : .............
 Blessed    : .............                No Tele    : .............
 Riding     : +............                Drain Exp  : .............
 Tunnel     : .............                Aggravate  : .............
 Throw      : .............                TY Curse   : .............

              | }=="*[(]]]
              abcdefghijkl@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
        STR : ..3....23322. 18/120  5  0 -2 15 18/***
        INT : ..3...32.....  18/77 -5  0 -2  8  18/87
        WIS : ......3......  18/29 -5  0 -2  3     17
        DEX : .........3... 18/113 -4  0 -2  3  18/83
        CON : .....2...32.. 18/102  6  0 -2  7 18/212
        CHR : 5......2.....     18  0  0 -2  7  18/50

==================================== Melee ====================================

 Hand #1: The Long Sword 'Ringil' (5d5) (+22,+25) (+5 to sp Accuracy
 Weight : 13.0 lbs                                           AC Hit
 To Hit : 22 + 81 = 103                                      25 92%
 To Dam : 25 + 47 = 72                                       50 89%
 Blows  : 5.00                                               75 85%
 Damage                                                     100 82%
 Crits  : 1.21x + 1.63                                      125 79%
 Normal : 455 (395-515) [1.21x]                             150 76%
 Evil   : 545 (425-665) [2.42x]                             175 73%
 Undead : 635 (455-815) [3.63x]                             200 69%
 Demons : 635 (455-815) [3.63x]
 Trolls : 635 (455-815) [3.63x]
 Cold   : 590 (440-740) [3.02x]

=================================== Shooting ==================================

 Shooting: The Heavy Crossbow 'Angrist' (x5) (+9,+17) (+3)
 Range   : 160'
 Shots   : 0.75
 Mult    : 6.00x
 To Hit  : 9 + 32 = 41
 To Dam  : 17 (Multiplier Applies)
 Xtra Dam: 0 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)

=================================== Powers ====================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc
Stone to Mud           1    1   0% 
Shard Bolt             7    5   0% dam 17d8
Stone Skin            10   10   0% 
Sense Surroundings    15   10   0% 
Earthquake            20   15   0% 
Shard Ball            25   50   0% dam 300
Wall of Earth         30   50   0% 
Earthen Healing       35    0   0% heal 250
Earthen Portal        42   75  31% 

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

 Angband         : level  54
!Camelot         : level  35
!Orc cave        : level  23
!Labyrinth       : level  28
 Dragon's lair   : level  63
!Forest          : level  32
 R'lyeh          : level  80
!Icky cave       : level  35
 Mount Olympus   : level  99
 Arena           : level  77

 Now, you are in Outpost.

==================================== Quests ===================================
< Completed Quest >
  Thieves Hideout                          (Danger  level:   5) - level  4
  Warg problem                             (Danger  level:   5) - level 11
  Hobbes the Tiger                         (Dungeon level:   6) - level 24
  Orc Camp                                 (Danger  level:  15) - level 24
  Doom Quest 1                             (Danger  level:  15) - level 24
  The Sewer                                (Danger  level:  15) - level 25
  Old Man Willow Quest                     (Danger  level:  22) - level 25
  Meng Huo, the King of Southerings        (Dungeon level:  12) - level 26
  Ulwarth, Son of Ulfang                   (Dungeon level:  24) - level 26
  Tengu and Death Swords                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 26
  Dark Elven Lords Quest                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 26
  The Mimic's Treasure                     (Danger  level:  25) - level 26
  Logrus Master                            (Danger  level:  25) - level 27
  The Vault                                (Danger  level:  30) - level 27
  The Cloning Pits                         (Danger  level:  45) - level 38
  The Old Castle                           (Danger  level:  50) - level 39
  The Barrow Downs                         (Danger  level:  35) - level 45
  Killing Fields                           (Danger  level:  50) - level 45
  Vapor Quest                              (Danger  level:  25) - level 47
  The Rise and Fall of Micro$oft           (Danger  level:  50) - level 47
  Doom Quest 2                             (Danger  level:  55) - level 47
  Yibb-Tstll the Patient One               (Dungeon level:  38) - level 50
  The King in Yellow                       (Dungeon level:  44) - level 50
  Eihort, the Thing in the Labyrinth       (Dungeon level:  50) - level 50

< Failed Quest >

 Arena: True Champion

============================== Defeated Monsters ==============================

You have defeated 5723 enemies including 147 unique monsters in total.

< Unique monsters top 20 >
  Hephaestus, the Smith God                (level  86)
  Ares, the God of War                     (level  86)
  Artemis, the Moon Goddess                (level  86)
  Apollo, the Sun God                      (level  86)
  Hela, Queen of the Dead                  (level  78)
  Eric the Usurper                         (level  76)
  Y'golonac                                (level  75)
  Atlach-Nacha, the Spider God             (level  75)
  Ungoliant, the Unlight                   (level  75)
  Gerard, Strongman of Amber               (level  74)
  Biketal of Fire                          (level  73)
  Caine, the Conspirator                   (level  71)
  Banor=Rupart                             (level  71)
  Rupart the General                       (level  71)
  Banor the Prince Regent                  (level  71)
  Flying Spaghetti Monster                 (level  70)
  Rhan-Tegoth                              (level  70)
  Iketa, the Brave                         (level  70)
  Julian, Master of Arden Forest           (level  69)
  Bleys, Master of Manipulation            (level  67)

=================================== Virtues ===================================

Your alighnment : Neutral

You are the polar opposite of Compassion.
You are the living embodiment of Harmony.
You are a great champion of Justice.
You are a champion of Sacrifice.
You are the living embodiment of Temperance.
You are the polar opposite of Honour.
You are an enemy of Valour.
You have strayed from the path of Diligence.

================================== Mutations ==================================

There is a white aura surrounding you.

============================= Character Inventory =============================

a) 11 Pieces of Elvish Waybread
b) 4 Rods of Perception {@z1}
c) 7 Rods of Recall
d) 12 Rods of Detection
e) 5 Rods of Healing
f) 4 Rods of Restoration (2 charging)
g) 6 Rods of Teleport Other
h) 8 Rods of Escaping
i) a Wand of Rockets (0 charges)
j) a Staff of Speed (0 charges)
k) a Staff of Destruction (0 charges)

================================ Home Inventory ===============================

 ( page 1 )
a) 2 Mushrooms of Restoring {!E}
b) 4 Scrolls of Teleport Level
c) a Scroll of *Enchant Weapon*
d) 10 Scrolls of Destruction {!*}
e) 3 Scrolls of Genocide {!*}
f) a Scroll of Mass Genocide {!*}
g) a Scroll of Weapon Branding
h) 4 Rods of Illumination
i) 4 Rods of Mana Balls
j) 4 Wands of Teleport Other (48 charges)
k) a Staff of Healing (3 charges)
l) 3 Staffs of Speed (3x 8 charges)

 ( page 2 )
a) a Staff of Destruction (5 charges)
b) a Staff of Destruction (3 charges)
c) a Ring of Combat (+0,+20)
d) an Elemental Ring {AcElFiCo}
e) an Amulet of the Magi (+2 to searching) {Sr;Dm~Tele(In}
f) a Torc of the Hero (+4,+3) [+5] {Sd}
g) The Amulet of Boromir (+0,+8)
h) The Feanorian Lamp 'Shadowbane' (+4) {StCh;Fi}
i) The Incandescent Light of Edison (+3 to infravision)
j) The Phial 'Corona' {Bl;Sd}
k) The Phial of Galadriel (+1 to searching)
l) The Star of Elendil (+1 to speed)

 ( page 3 )
a) The Stone of Lore
b) The Palantir of Westernesse (+3)
c) The Levitation Stone of Laputa (+2 to speed)
d) The Stone of Life (+3)
e) Multi-Hued Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+15]
f) The Chain Mail of Arvedui (-2) [14,+15] (+2) {Cf}
g) The Augmented Chain Mail of Caspanion (-2) [16,+20] (+3) {Dk}
h) The Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [19,+15] (+2)
i) Partial Plate Armour of the Demon-Lord (-3,+2) [22,+26] (+1)
j) The Metal Lamellar Armour of The Padre (+5,+5) [23,+17] (+2)
k) Full Plate Armour of the Demon (-3,+7) [25,+13] (+3) {Cf}
l) The Full Plate Armour of Isildur [25,+25] (+2) {Fe}

 ( page 4 )
a) The Robe of Eternity [0,+42] (+3)
b) The Robe of the Kamikaze Warrior (+10,+10) [2,-50] (+2)
c) The Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth' (-1) [11,+25] (+3) {Nt}
d) The Cloak 'Dal-i-Thalion' (+5,+3) [1,+16] (+1) {Dx;FiNtNx(Dx}
e) The Cloak of Jack of Shadows [1,+19] (+7 to stealth)
f) The Cloak of Thingol [1,+18] (+3) {Lv}
g) The Cloak of Merry (+1,+1) [1,+7] (+1)
h) an Elven Cloak [4,+8] (+3 to stealth)
i) The Ethereal Cloak 'Guardian' [0,+23] (+4 to stealth) {Sl;ShSoDi}
j) The Large Leather Shield of Celegorm [6,+20] {Di}
k) a Large Metal Shield of Elemental Protection [8,+13] {ElCo}
l) The Mirror 'Yata-no-Kagami' [0,+18] (+3)

 ( page 5 )
a) The Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+10] (+2) [+10%] {Di}
b) The Metal Cap of Thengel [3,+12] (+3) [+15%]
c) The Iron Helm 'Terror Mask' (+18,+18) [5,+10] (-1) {cursed, AgTy}
d) a Dragon Helm [8,+10] {FiCoLiSoDi}
e) The Set of Leather Gloves of Quaker, Master of Earth (+2,+5) [1,+19] (+2)
f) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim' [1,+10]
g) The Set of Leather Gloves of Pippin (+1,+1) [1,+7] (+1)
h) a Set of Dragon Gloves [4,+16] {FiLiCaFe}
i) The Set of Cesti of Fingolfin (+10,+10) [5,+20] (+4) {~Good}
j) a Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Speed [2,+10] (+5)
k) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Speed [3,+11] (+7)
l) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Speed [3,+10] (+5)

 ( page 6 )
a) The Pair of Hard Leather Boots 'Dal-i-Thalion' (+7,+11) [3,+9] (+1)
b) The Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Thror [6,+20] (+3) {Li}
c) The Rapier 'Silver Chariot' (3d6) (+17,+12) (+1 to speed)
d) The Small Sword 'Sting' (1d6) (+8,+8) (+2 attacks)
e) a Bastard Sword of Gondolin (4d4) (+10,+14)
f) The Executioner's Sword 'Crisdurian' (4d5) (+23,+24)
g) a Zweihander of Gondolin (4d6) (+16,+16)
h) The Blade of Chaos 'Stormbringer' (6d6) (+16,+16) (+2) {Ag}
i) a Poison Needle (1d1) (+0,+0)
j) The Sling of Buckland (x3) (+19,+15) (+3 to speed) {Sh}
k) The Light Crossbow of Brand (x5) (+10,+12) (+5 to speed) {~L}

================================ Last Messages ================================

> You instantly agree upon the price.
> Agreed!
> You sold The Short Bow of Robin Hood (x4) (+15,+17) (+2) {Di} for 30000 gold.
> You have no more Short Bows of Robin Hood (x4) (+15,+17) (+2) {Di}.
> You hit the Agent of black market.
> You dastardly villain!
> You have slain the Agent of black market.
> You collect 25 gold pieces worth of copper.
> You drop The Rapier 'Silver Chariot' (3d6) (+17,+12) (+1 to speed) (n).
> You have no more Rapiers 'Silver Chariot' (3d6) (+17,+12) (+1 to speed).
> You drop The Set of Cesti of Fingolfin (+10,+10) [5,+20] (+4) {~Good} (l).
> You have no more Sets of Cesti of Fingolfin (+10,+10) [5,+20] (+4) {~Good}.
> You drop The Pair of Hard Leather Boots 'Dal-i-Thalion' (+7,+11) [3,+9] (+1)
>  {In;ElFiCfNx;Lv[M(In} (l).
> You have no more Pairs of Hard Leather Boots 'Dal-i-Thalion' (+7,+11) [3,+9]
>  (+1) {In;ElFiCfNx;Lv[M(In}.
> Hand The Corpse of King Koopa {Wanted!k!k!k} over? [y/n]
> You have no more Corpses of King Koopa {Wanted!k!k!k}.
> Your sense of justice is impressive.
> You earned 14 points total.
> You get a Potion of New Life (b). 
> There is a permanent wall blocking your way. <x2>
> Really try a Potion of New Life {!*!*}? [y/n] <x2>
> Selling a Potion of New Life {!*!*} (b).
> You instantly agree upon the price.
> Really try a Potion of New Life {!*!*}? [y/n] <x2>
> Selling a Potion of New Life {!*!*} (b).
> You quickly agree upon the price.
> Accepted!
> You sold a Potion of New Life {!*!*} for 17775 gold.
> You have no more Potions of New Life {!*!*}.

=================================== Options ===================================

 Preserve Mode:      ON
 Small Levels:       ON
 Arena Levels:       ENABLED

  [Check Sum: "ba422df8d3027cd889"]

Posted on 23.11.2013 23:26
Last updated on 29.11.2013 08:59

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4251. on the Ladder (of 19032)
351. on the PosChengband Ladder (of 2395)
17. for this player (


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On 23.11.2013 23:26 Arjen wrote:
I heard something about playing Earth Elementals.

Clvl 26

I really want a new weapon, but still no luck with getting weapons. I did get a nice set of really nice armor. (I wish I was a Hydra.)

On 24.11.2013 07:20 Antoine wrote:
What's his name?

On 24.11.2013 14:55 Arjen wrote:
Clvl 31, Dragon Caves

Having wraith form makes the Dragon Caves doable with my crappy stealth. And the 3 -oDetection don't hurt either.

Biggest upgrade since last post. Speed boots +7! Byebye -1 base speed. Also did Sting Quest, with a big chance to die, A Fire Vampire was inside, stunning my ass. And no way to remove the stunning. Luckily I am a lucky character and the second teleport dropped me next to the right sword. Thanks you and bye. *recalls*

On 24.11.2013 16:26 Arjen wrote:
Clvl 37, Dragon Caves

Speedring +9! I was just about to recall when I saw a Hell Wyrm and wanted to kill him for the xp. Nice surprise when he dropped that ring. +16 Base speed now thanks to that new armor I got, which is also extremely powerful. My Earth Elemental is going great, I bet it's because of the lucky personality as my drops are insane!

Other great improvements:

- Ring of Combat +0+20
- Jack of Shadows Cloak
- Shield of Elemental resistance
- Gloves of slaying +3+8 (so 8x7 damage!)

And at clvl 35 I finally got a (powerful) way of healing. Unlimited amount of healing potions as long as I'm in a wall, ow and a high fail rate, but I don't care as I'm in the walls.

On 24.11.2013 18:06 Arjen wrote:
Clvl 41

Did CP and OC quests at clvl 38. Gained Ringel and Thror from CP! OC had nothing interesting.

Dived some more in DC, planning to leave it and go to the Arena. But what an nice interesting new set of ego's Chris. I like the deeper ones like the gloves of the Giant and those armors of the Demon(-Lord). With the right characters they will be fun!

On 25.11.2013 00:11 Arjen wrote:
Clvl 44

The healing feels a bit overpowered, I don't have to run for anything anymore, just create a comfy pile of granite and attack. If you need to heal, step one step back and do it. But we will see if I can win as Earth Elemental.

Gearwise, nothing new, just gained lvls.

On 25.11.2013 02:25 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
Ringil's speed got nerfed? :/

On 25.11.2013 02:27 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
If you're reading this, don't do the Royal Crypt quest. :)

On 25.11.2013 06:58 Arjen wrote:
Yeah, it was. But it has an extra 1d and +5 chr. ;)

On 25.11.2013 09:35 Arjen wrote:
Clvl 46

Champion of the arena, the fight with the Great Wyrm of Power as epic and contained a lot of Wall of Earth, Earthen Healing and Earthen Portal. The GWoP was kind enough to show his disentegration breath ever so many moves. Closest call was just above 100 hp left. Planning on killing the Metal Pebble after conquering the Forest. I'm just going to wall up the whole arena and let him have one square to stay in. Should be an easy kill as I can heal and he can't.

On 25.11.2013 09:42 Arjen wrote:
Clvl 47, true champion

LOL, ok that was even easier than I thought. While I was building my wall the j jumped next to me. I thought "what the heck" and attacked him. Fatal hit! The whole fight took like 2 minutes... Took me longer to dive down the Forest.

On 25.11.2013 10:05 Arjen wrote:
Ok, that sucks a bit. You can no longer Artifice jewelry, what to do with that ? and all that money I got. No idea, maybe I'll spend it on potions to get some more statpots.

On 25.11.2013 10:14 Arjen wrote:
Thought of something else, need some more Int now. :)

On 25.11.2013 10:31 chris wrote:
You can artifact average rings and amulets (These are rather plentiful early on). All other jewelry are "egos" so cannot be artifacted.

On 25.11.2013 10:57 Arjen wrote:

On 27.11.2013 18:32 Arjen wrote:
Clvl 50.

So far so good. Earth Elementals are pretty damn strong now. The wall creating and healing with a fail of 1% is a bit OP if you ask me. Fighting 90% of the monsters is perfectly save. Exceptions: wraith types, wall killers. The rest, too easy. :)

Trying to find my Boss, but Quaker is a hard to spot unique...

On 27.11.2013 20:02 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
Well, if you tried Mt Olympus, this char is considered 'just powerful' enough

On 28.11.2013 12:58 chris wrote:
Regarding Earth Elementals being OP, I feel strongly they should keep the Wall of Earth, but I don't mind if they lose Earthen Healing.

My initial thought with the healing spell was that they would have no healing source at all otherwise (since staves get drained and rods are too difficult unless used out of LOS) so they would need something for the end game. You've found 5 rods of healing? That's actually amazing as most of my characters don't find more than one all game.

Any thoughts on a replacement spell?

On 28.11.2013 13:11 chris wrote:
I did some checking:

On my top 10 Poscheng ladder characters (9 winners and 1 dead) only 5 ever found a rod of healing, and none ever found more than 1. So 5 rods per 10 characters (nearly 200 hours of playtime). How the heck did you get 5 rods in just 12 hours?

But the point is, how can you kill the Serpent with *no* healing?

On 29.11.2013 07:33 Arjen wrote:
I "found" 1 in the Arena GWoP. (Actually a hard fight) And the other 4 were "found" when I dropped 3m in the random rod gamble shop. So instead of creating a powerful $3m artifact I bought rods. Actually worked pretty well. So if you want healing, you can get it. Scrum money and buy rods. (But no rod of speed, are they even more rare than manaballs (4) and healing (3)?)

On 29.11.2013 08:59 Arjen wrote:
Clvl 50, killed Quaker

He was a hard one to find, just suddenly he just popped up and died a few turns later. His gloves are stored as they are not as good as mine.

Recalled to MO lvl 99 afterwards and had a lot of epic fighting with Zeus who just summoned everybody. Killed a few of them before I had to leave because of the mass summon of Olympians/Greater Balrogs/Archliches/Greater Kraken/Spellwraps. It was fun.

On 29.11.2013 22:36 chris wrote:
Early boss = weak reward. Though the quake brand might be interesting?

I forgot all about the gamble shop ... Hmmmm.

On 5.12.2013 14:56 chris wrote:
Actually, you got lucky in the gamble shop as well. I plunked 6M down with no rods of healing, but finally got 2 on my next 3M. So it can take a lot of gold to do it this way! Odds are you should get 1 -Healing every 141 or so attempts, so with 3M giving 150 attempts, you should get 1 on average.

The gamble shop uses custom table for allocation, not the rarity in k_info. Speed, Restoration and Healing are all equally rare. Manaballs are about 50% more common then either of these (about 1 in 90 odds).

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Artery Cutter, L50 Death-Sword Monster winner
169th in PosChengband (1.0.31) by Arjen (76%)

Seen 1245 times.

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