The Angband Ladder: Simpleton, Noldor Fingolfin no-class by HallucinationMushroom

  [Sil 1.0 Character Dump]

 Name   Simpleton     Age    4,511       Str   7 =  3  +1      +3
 Sex    Male          Height   6'5       Dex   2 =  2      -1  +1
 Race   Noldor        Weight   183       Con   8 =  6  +2
 House  Fingolfin                        Gra   2

 Game Turn   25,369   Melee (+21,3d14)   Melee       21 = 20  +2  -2  +1
 Exp Pool     2,344   Bows    (+2,0d0)   Archery      2 =  0  +2  -1  +1
 Total Exp   71,044   Armor [+21,7-20]   Evasion     21 = 20  +2  -1
 Burden       119.9                      Stealth      9 =  7  +2
 Max Burden   358.0   Health     -1:85   Perception   9 =  7  +2
 Depth         1000'  Voice       1:28   Will        13 = 10  +2      +1
 Min Depth     1000'                     Smithing    10 =  8  +2
 Light Radius     2                      Song         2 =  0  +2

 No abilities.

  [Last Messages]

> It bites you...
> The Troll guard misses you.
> It fires an arrow.
> It hits!
> The Troll guard misses you.
> You end your song.
> It fires an arrow.
> It hits!
> Glaurung, the Deceiver notices you.
> It fires an arrow.
> It hits!
> You die.

  [Character Equipment]

a) The Greatsword 'Glend' (-1,3d6) [+1] <+1>
   It increases your strength by 1.  It sustains your strength.  
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  It requires both hands
   to wield it properly.  
b) (nothing)
c) a Jade Ring of Warmth
   It provides resistance to cold.  
d) a Silver Ring of Frost
   It provides resistance to fire.  
e) a Driftwood Amulet of Constitution <+1>
   It increases your constitution by 1.  It sustains your 
f) a Feanorian Lamp
g) a Long Corslet of Resilience (-1) [-4,2d5] <+1>
   It increases your constitution by 1.  It cannot be harmed by
   the elements.  
h) The Shadow Cloak of Luthien [+4] <+4>
   It improves your stealth by 4.  It sustains your grace.  It 
   creates an unnatural darkness.  It cannot be harmed by the
   elements.  It grants you the ability: Song of Lorien.  
i) (nothing)
j) a Dwarf Mask [-2,1d1]
   It provides resistance to fire.  
k) a Set of Gauntlets [+0,1d2]
l) a Pair of Steel Greaves of Free Action [-1,1d2]
   It grants you freedom of movement.  
m) (nothing)
n) (nothing)

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Russet Herb of Rage
b) a Pale Green Herb of Sustenance
c) 2 Mottled Herbs of Restoration
d) a Grey Herb of Emptiness
e) 2 Fragments of Lembas
f) a Sparkling Potion of Grace
g) an Elm Staff of Light (7 charges)
h) an Elm Staff of Light (0 charges)
i) a Yew Staff of Revelations (1 charge)
j) a Jet Ring of Sustenance
   It reduces your need for food.  
k) 2 Sapphire Rings of Strength <+1>
   It increases your strength by 1.  It sustains your strength.  
l) a Silver Ring of Frost
   It provides resistance to fire.  
m) a Coral Amulet of Regeneration
   It speeds your regeneration (which also increases your hunger).
n) a Mail Corslet of Permanence [-3,2d5]
   It sustains your strength and dexterity.  It cannot be harmed
   by the elements.  
o) a Great Helm of True Sight [-2,1d3] <+1>
   It improves your perception by 1.  It provides resistance to 
   blindness and hallucination.  It grants you the ability to
   see invisible creatures.  
p) The Longsword 'Orcrist' (+2,2d5) [+2] <+2>
   It improves your perception by 2.  It slays orcs and trolls.  
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
q) a Shovel (-2,3d1) <+1>
   It improves your tunneling by 1.  It requires both hands to
   wield it properly.  


Simpleton of the Noldor
Entered Angband on 01/13/2012 at 09:03 AM

    Turn     Depth    Note

   3,996    300 ft    (Power)
   5,153    400 ft    Found The Longsword 'Orcrist'
   5,214    400 ft    Slew Uldor, the Accursed
   9,073    550 ft    Slew Gilim, the Giant of Eruman
   9,905    600 ft    (Parry)
   9,909    600 ft    (Inner Light)
   9,936    600 ft    (Keen Senses)
  10,796    550 ft    Slew Ulfang the Black
  12,145    600 ft    (Blocking)
  12,271    600 ft    Slew Nan, the Giant
  12,291    600 ft    Found The Greatsword 'Glend'
  12,691    600 ft    (Heavy Armour Use)
  13,962    600 ft    (Hardiness)
  13,962    600 ft    (Poison Resistance)
  15,999    700 ft    (Lore-Keeper)
  16,310    750 ft    (Lore-Master)
  17,122    750 ft    (Disguise)
  17,122    750 ft    (Exchange Places)
  19,148    750 ft    (Jeweller)
  19,771    750 ft    Found The Shadow Cloak of Luthien
  21,144    800 ft    Slew Oikeroi, Guard of Tevildo
  21,145    800 ft    Slew Tevildo, Prince of Cats
  21,218    850 ft    Found The Dagger 'Angrist'
  21,791    850 ft    Found The Dagger of Nargil
  23,616    900 ft    Slew Dagorhir, the Elfbane
  23,633    900 ft    (Dexterity)
  23,893    900 ft    Slew Draugluin, Sire of Werewolves
  23,893    900 ft    Found The Wolf-Hame of Draugluin
  25,089  1,000 ft    Entered Morgoth's throne room

  25,369  1,000 ft    Slain by a Cat assassin.
  25,369  1,000 ft    Died on 14 January 2012 at 05:23 PM.

Posted on 13.1.2012 20:10
Last updated on 15.1.2012 01:00

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2182. on the Sil Ladder (of 2253)


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On 13.1.2012 20:10 HallucinationMushroom wrote:
Easily my most satisfying character to date. I've already violated my terms of service with Simpleton, however. I just wanted to see how far just putting a point in melee, a point in evasion, a point in melee, a point in evasion would take me. Pretty far, actually, with corridor fighting and wearing heavy armor as it comes along. I broke down at some point and nabbed power, then once my melee and evasion were both at 12 I started getting really annoyed by dark things so I pumped up will and perception to 7 or 8 or 9 or something like that. Then I grabbed keen senses, inner light and what-not to combat the damned frustrating "what the fuck is the fuck that is the fucking killing me". But seriously. After that, I threw the whole concept out the window and grabbed a sub-optimal heavy-armor, even though I'm only currently using about 40 lbs. My inventory reached critical mass so I chewed off some more exp and grabbed the auto-full identify, which unless I'm confused about how it works, just about paid for itself in all the experience rewards for the myriad of things I was carrying.

I had my best moment in Sil a little while ago. I was cornered by cat warriors, an oathwraith and was holding steady when a rock eating ringarenakawhatsit decided to start some beef. I drank a potion of strength and dexterity, and at 3d14 a strike, I just murderated everybody. It, was very satisfying.

On 13.1.2012 20:14 HallucinationMushroom wrote:
I've also learned that moving fast through the earlier dungeon rounds really pays dividends. It's nice feeling sitting at 500' rather comfortably knowing that I have lots of time to burn, with my min depth at 300'. I was holding on to 700' fairly comfortably and decided to head on down to 750' to keep a sort of edge on the clock.

On 14.1.2012 01:26 Scatha wrote:
Nice experiment. I think that the best approach is a balance between skills and abilities, but the abilities are more exciting so it's often tempting to take more of those than is optimal.

If you're not interested in playing the identification subgame normally I think Loremaster could very well pay for itself. I guess that optimal play doesn't involve Loremaster, as you can pick most things up by identify-by-use and some Staves of Understanding, but I could be wrong.

On 14.1.2012 04:18 HallucinationMushroom wrote:
Found the Shadow Cloak of Luthien just lying on the ground. Nice. I'll hafta try out my singing voice. Grabbed swap position and came across my first enchanted forge. Ever. I didn't know they existed. I piled up enough experience, barely, to make an amulet of constitution +1. And, 2 uses left! Certainly, I made the wrong choice. But, I decided that I wanted to die happy. So, I made 2 rings of strength +1, so I can hammer away with 3d13 until I drop. Maybe smarter was two +1 dexterity rings, or a mix of each, since my evasion dropped from 19 to 17. I probably also should've grabbed a ring of cold resistance, but I figured to hell with it. Darkness breath seems to be eating me alive, and I'm really unsure as to what to do about it. Maybe a brighter lantern? I dunno. When I'm getting pounded by darkness breath I just run and close the door. Whatever it is seems not to bother opening doors. It's like Amnesia, the dark descent... sort of.

On 14.1.2012 11:21 Scatha wrote:
That damage output is pretty incredible! But high damage is very important against some enemies, so I think you may have made a good decision there.

For darkness resist, it looks at the light level on your square. For every level above 2, you have a level of resistance. So a brass lantern in a lit room, for instance, gives you resistance. The Inner Light ability increases the light level on that square among others, so can also help, or you could go for Song of the Trees or something.

On 14.1.2012 12:37 half wrote:
You may also want to remove your Shadow Cloak when fighting such creatures.

On 14.1.2012 14:04 HallucinationMushroom wrote:
Okay thanks, good advice. I'm loathe to remove the cloak because of the -4 loss to evasion. I shouldn't have ditched my helm of brilliance.

On 14.1.2012 15:43 HallucinationMushroom wrote:
The heart race inducing good fights are at the bottom of this ice cream sundae. I came across the cat brothers that pretty much ensured my doom with Celebrex, and took them down one turn immediately after the other. Slice! Slice! Also, feanorian lamp! And, more better stats! And, those staves of light are much more important than I thought. I just cleared a 900' level with only a minor scare. I wish I had a little more healing options, but if see a big fight coming, like with Dragluin, I can buff up my hp to an incredible number with a con potion (140). I'm looking at a staircase up, and a staircase down and am going to contemplate while watching Man. U. stomp Bolton, likely.

On 14.1.2012 17:20 Scatha wrote:
Your stats are already pretty crazy. Do you think you'll pick up the extra Con from the Will tree? Or the extra Str from Melee (sadly there's a bug on that at present so it has Two-Weapon Fighting as a pre-req instead of Knockback)?

It may actually have been a mistake for you to ditch the artefact daggers, as they (Angrist especially) are pretty good for getting a Silmaril out of the crown. But I expect you'll do okay anyway. :)

On 14.1.2012 17:54 HallucinationMushroom wrote:
Oh yeah, I should've totally kept that. It slipped my mind that it was the dagger, what, iron-cleaver? or something like that, that prized the silmaril. I have a hard time staying in character, and remembering my middle earth facts. Nick never would've ditched that one.

I'm planning on going for melee to get the str bonus. So, my game says I need either something or two-weapon fighting. I hafta get two weapon fighting for the str?

On 14.1.2012 19:11 Scatha wrote:
You only need one of the pre-requisites, and I'd definitely advise Stun over Two-weapon fighting for you. (But Two-weapon Fighting shouldn't relate to strength at all -- this is a bug and will be fixed in the next version.) Knockback would probably be even better, so this is a pity.

Of course you might decide that you don't need any more strength, since you already get up past the max for Glend (!) when you use your potions.

On 14.1.2012 19:53 HallucinationMushroom wrote:
Ah, I see, thanks! I didn't want to grab stun to find out that I couldn't then get the str bonus... I now understand what you meant by glitch. I'm unsure as to how much more experience I can really expect to get at this point, but it will be interesting to see. Should I amass enough to get the str bonus, it would free up a ring slot, and should I get some gloves of str, well woo-hoo for me! I was actually sitting on about 7000 experience when I found a forge with 4 uses, but I hoped that I would find more artifacts instead of needing to make items and gambled on the always useful melee and evasion upgrades. If I see another forge soon I might consider forging some gauntlets of power.

On 14.1.2012 22:02 HallucinationMushroom wrote:
I'm at Morgoth's Lair, I'm so excited. I'm going to have to save this for tonight and I hope I didn't show up too early. While I've enjoyed and needed all the previous helpful hints, please don't let me know anything that would help me out... I'd like to find out the hard way!

On 15.1.2012 01:00 HallucinationMushroom wrote:
Hmm, that was interesting! I started singing the song of Lorien, and nobody much liked my voice... but, everybody left me alone! So, I started searching around for the silmaril. At some point, though, I think I picked something up and the tension was broken. Then things started getting hairy. I did a lot of swapping places and even did a little dash by Morgoth after he had woken up but just couldn't seem to find a crown or a silmaril. Perhaps I was supposed to walk up to him and try to take it off his head somehow? My death allowed me to see the entire level at least. I notice lots of chests behind doors... perhaps one has Morgy's crown in it? I'm not sure how many of these uniques are permanently in the throne room, but I probably should've used my bonus of time to hunt them down in the 900's. I guess I'm going to have to break out my silmarillion and re-read how Beren and Luthien did it! In any case, this character was a lot of fun. Sil seems to be a lot like my nethack experience... learn a little, die. Learn a little more, die. Learn yet some more, die. So, I consider this character a great success, though ultimately a failure. I'll have to do some thinking about what I should've done differently. Oh well, back to the start!

On 15.1.2012 01:40 Scatha wrote:
Do you play with the monster information window open?

On 15.1.2012 02:05 Scatha wrote:
Also, congratulations on getting down to the throne room!

On 15.1.2012 03:29 HallucinationMushroom wrote:
No, the first thing I did when I started Sil was to kill all the windows. I usually don't burden myself with knowing what the hell is going on, though it does seem to greatly help in Sil! For me, usually just making a burly warrior and playing simply is enough to have fun and occasionally win.

On 15.1.2012 03:47 HallucinationMushroom wrote:
I will admit, though, that after several dead first characters that I read the manual and then went through the tutorial. They were both very helpful.

On 15.1.2012 11:43 half wrote:
Very impressive! and I appreciate the attempt to get through the endgame unspoiled. There will come a time in the future where there is plenty of debate about how exactly to deal with the Throne Room, but for now enjoy the unknown!

On 15.1.2012 11:45 half wrote:
By the way, re-reading the Silmarillion (or the Lay of Leithian) is definitely a good alternative to spoilers and may well be helpful.

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