Attention, Verizon users

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  • pav
    • Apr 2007
    • 793

    Attention, Verizon users

    Verizon (the big american ISP), in it's eternal wisdom, decided to blacklist the whole non-US world from sending email to it. Thus, if you're trying to register an account here with email, the confirmation email will never reach you.

    You have two choices - use different email address (gmail, etc...), or mail me and I'll activate you manually.
    See the elves and everything!
  • pav
    • Apr 2007
    • 793

    Filled in some bogus data into Verizon's ISP contact form, and voila, just got mail that they will whitelist me in 72 hours.

    Ain't it cool?
    See the elves and everything!


    • DarkGod
      T.o.M.E. maintainer
      • Apr 2007
      • 130

      Originally posted by pav
      Verizon (the big american ISP), in it's eternal wisdom, decided to blacklist the whole non-US world from sending email to it.
      LOL, nice mentality they've got


      • ekolis
        • Apr 2007
        • 921

        Yeah, see, we in the United States tend to believe all foreigners are terrorists - well, not all of us believe that, but - Ack! Here comes the Re-education patrol! Hail Bush! Yessir, they ARE all terrorists, and we must wipe all the Linux-using smeg heads off the face of the earth to make way for new glorious society of capitalism and democracy!
        ^ the preceding was a political satire and is not intended to reflect reality in any more than a superficial way necessary to make levity of the situation :P
        You read the scroll labeled NOBIMUS UPSCOTI...
        You are surrounded by a stasis field!
        The tengu tries to teleport, but fails!


        • Atarlost
          • Apr 2007
          • 441

          No, you antiamerican lunkhead. Not terrorists. Spammers. We wouldn't bother blocking email from terrorists, but all foregners are spammers.

          In all seriousness, though, how many Americans have ever recieved legitimate email from a domain other than .com, .net, .gov, or one of the state government domains from an adress not in your contact list already? I'm guessing for most of you the registration email from this forum was the first.

          Now imagine all the Russian spam your ISP is blocking. And Spam from various small nations without internet connectivity that sell domains to spamhauses. Now. If you were a sensible Email provider you might figure the EU, Canada, Japan, and such were civilized nations where real people might have email, but we are talking an American telecom here. Probably the tech support is in India and managment isn't hearing about any problems because their emails are blacklisted.
          One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to bind them.
          One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness interrupt the movie.


          • pav
            • Apr 2007
            • 793

            They are not blocking domains, they are blocking address blocks geographically.

            And as a matter of fact, approx. 22% of the world spam originates on the US soil. Making thus US the biggest source of spam on the globe. Source:
            See the elves and everything!


            • zasvid
              • Apr 2007
              • 11

              Originally posted by pav
              They are not blocking domains, they are blocking address blocks geographically.

              And as a matter of fact, approx. 22% of the world spam originates on the US soil. Making thus US the biggest source of spam on the globe. Source:
              It's a sound strategy, really. They spam us and we can't fight back!


              • Neil Stevens
                • May 2007
                • 26

                Originally posted by pav
                They are not blocking domains, they are blocking address blocks geographically.

                And as a matter of fact, approx. 22% of the world spam originates on the US soil. Making thus US the biggest source of spam on the globe. Source:
                So you're saying that Verizon is using a single filter to block successfully 78% of spam all at once?


                • pav
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 793

                  Originally posted by Neil Stevens
                  So you're saying that Verizon is using a single filter to block successfully 78% of spam all at once?
                  78% is not impressive even if you ignore false positives. SpamAssassin alone does regularly 95% or better.
                  See the elves and everything!


                  • Neil Stevens
                    • May 2007
                    • 26

                    Originally posted by pav
                    78% is not impressive even if you ignore false positives. SpamAssassin alone does regularly 95% or better.
                    Heh, Oh I was just teasing. That's just the explanation I'm sure they'd give if you tried to argue with them using that logic, though.

                    I'm just glad I'd never trust an ISP with my email ever, since Verizon's what I'm on, heh.


                    • Malak Darkhunter
                      • May 2007
                      • 730

                      I have verizon as well, and my activation request e-mail hadn't been sent to my e-mail account. Pav had sent 2. I finally found them in my msn junk-filter ben, they had been sent they were just automatical sent to the junk pile, so to speak, thanks pav, I finally got the activation e-mail.

