Could have been a crystal drake or whatever the ancient dragon shards monster is; they have a lot of HP and can probably hit the shards damage cap. Angband loves throwing single huge attacks at you to keep you on your toes; learning which monsters you have to avoid and/or be very careful in dealing with is crucial to survival.
Note that breath damage is based on the monster's current HP, not its max, so once you hurt an enemy a bit its breath weapons will be less potent.
Yeah, time attacks bypass sustains. They suck. Fortunately there's only two enemies in the game that use them with any regularity, and they both have "time" in their name.
Note that breath damage is based on the monster's current HP, not its max, so once you hurt an enemy a bit its breath weapons will be less potent.
I am wearing a ring of bodykeeping yet some devilish thing drained some of my constitution just now. 
