I think I'll adjust that. I don't intend for it to spam you when you have no gold. You probably didn't notice anything because the item didn't tell the game to refresh your current gold in the display; I noticed a similar problem with gold-costing spells a while back and fixed it but didn't do the same for x of Greed. Also, on inspecting, you lose an average of about 5 gp per turn with a helm of Greed. That's too much; maybe .5 would be more like it... and then the messages would be 10 times less frequent, also.
It's not in the item description intentionally... but I see you figured it out.
The real question is, is the item good enough to make up for its disadvantage? I'm thinking now that I should add telepathy to it.
It's not in the item description intentionally... but I see you figured it out.
