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  • wobbly
    • May 2012
    • 2577

    I also like the new SI & FA though SI probably needs tweeking so multiple levels of SI actually works. Free Action-wise my golem only had his 1 inherent level of FA in the final fight & had no-issues so certainly with Anti-magic shell & high AC it becomes a mute point. There's possibly some races & classes that need looking at here. I know deathswords for instance have an issue with getting enough FA/AC & there are probably others.


    • Gwarl
      • Jan 2017
      • 988

      • Harpies are slightly meaner
      • No more deep water in Thalos bay
      • Cloning pits are in Thalos
      • Some quest fixes/improvements
      • Easy lore is back
      • Easy id is back but muted. Just gives automatic pseudo-id now
      • Half orcs are in the helpfiles
      • Full home inventory in character sheet
      • Allowed browsing of spells that haven't been studied yet
      • The walk command accepts a target. Sort of. If you keymap something to *t;5 it translates to rushing at/hitting the nearest monster

      Easy id/lore might go away if I find some kind of compromise to become a new default.


      • nikheizen
        • Jul 2015
        • 137

        Moot point.
        Like entmoot.


        • CyclopsSlayer
          • Feb 2009
          • 388

          Originally posted by nikheizen
          Moot point.
          Like entmoot.
          Thank you for that. It always irks me when people use that.

          Although, in some ways, a moot point is indeed as unspoken as a mute point would be.


          • Gwarl
            • Jan 2017
            • 988

            Changed some more things:
            • There are couple of extra varieties of non-unique orc
            • The Forest has been replaced by the Witch Wood. There might be some nasty stuff inside
            • easy_id is back in all its glory. Playing without easy_id nets you auto_pseudo_id sooner (level 20 vs 35)
            • warriors of the dawn respawn slightly less often
            • chameleon cave crash bug should be fixed
            • Hafted weapons are allowed the sharpness ego
            • Snake quest might be worth the time sometimes


            • Gwarl
              • Jan 2017
              • 988

              • New monsters (plain gold ring is back too)
              • New artifacts
              • New quest
              • Energy randomisation down 15% to 10%
              • cure x wounds mostly just cures wounds. Curing are cheap and sold in town


              • CyclopsSlayer
                • Feb 2009
                • 388

                Any ETA on a binary? Not a huge fan of .live


                • Gwarl
                  • Jan 2017
                  • 988

                  Once Thalos has sufficiently many quests to justify its existence. I don't want to be doing the compile/upload dance for every update which are happening almost daily at this point. When things are a bit more stable I'll upload binaries somewhere. In the meantime, you can always compile it yourself


                  • Raajaton
                    • May 2012
                    • 273

                    You can download the source from GitHub and compile yourself. That's what I did, although I haven't really found the time to play around with it much yet.

                    There are instructions for compiling on multiple platforms. I can confirm that I was able to get it successfully running on Windows at least.


                    • CyclopsSlayer
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 388

                      Err... compile... that's what you do in the backyard with the eggshells and banana peels, right? LOL
                      Seriously though. The last time I had a compiler and did any coding, it was with BASIC somewhen in the 80's

                      I'll just wait patiently and leech...


                      • Gwarl
                        • Jan 2017
                        • 988

                        Thinking about this I plan to have a stable and complete release by the end of the month.


                        • Gwarl
                          • Jan 2017
                          • 988

                          • fixed many bugs the last update caused
                          • added more major demons from V
                          • Riding formula adjusted. Difficulty of riding has a traingular instead of linear relationship with the mount, and unskilled riders will get thrown less often. May need further adjustment


                          • Susramanian
                            • Feb 2010
                            • 53

                            I'm excited to see such active development! I'm extra excited to see that you've made a change to weaponsmiths, my favorite class. A while back I posted a big pile of weaponsmith feedback after playing through Poschengband 5.0.5 with one. I'll paste it here, just in case you find yourself with the time and inclination to make some more weaponsmith changes.

                            Paste from

                            First, thank you for this wonderful class. It got me my first Poschengband winner and kept me entertained for many hours after I killed the serpent.

                            In the early game, the class is underwhelming. You rarely get to use your smithing abilities except to absorb hit/dam/AC essences. It takes forever to accumulate enough essences from ego items to be able to afford adding egos with Smithing. By the time you accumulate enough early-game ego essences (fire resist, free action, etc.) to smith with them, they’re not going to do a whole lot of good; you’ve already found and equipped good gear with those qualities built in. To fix this, I’d suggest lowering the essence cost of early-game egos.

                            In the late game, the class is extremely powerful, but much of the Smithing abilities feel superfluous. The problem is that optimal gearing (armor-wise) is virtually always the same: apply slaying to powerful ego armor. You can get your resists and stats elsewhere. It would be much more fun if Smithing armor involved more interesting choices. To fix this, I would allow Weaponsmiths to affect +hit and +dam on armor just like +AC on armor-- separately from the single stat, bonus, resist, sustain, ability, or telepathy. Of course, the size of the hit and damage bonus would need to be lower than what is currently possible when applying slaying. So for any piece of armor you want to use, you max out its hit, dam, just like its AC, then choose something else to add… and that choice would be an interesting one with lots of options. Overall, this would result in weaker Weaponsmiths in the extreme late game, which is probably a good thing, but with much more interesting and frequent Smithing.

                            Weapons of sharpness don’t drop after a certain depth. As near as I can tell, they’re the only source of the *sharpness* essence in the game, which is one of the best endgame essences. Trying to accumulate enough *sharpness* essences to use in the endgame shouldn’t involve going back and grinding mid-game content for drops. In my copy, I just removed the max depth on the sharpness ego.

                            Late in the game I found myself resenting the extreme rarity of Crafting scrolls, and thinking that it would be really fun if Weaponsmiths had an ability that worked similarly. What if using the “Absorb all essences” ability on an artifact granted an “essence of crafting” or something, and those could be used to fuel a smithing ability that mimicked a Crafting scroll? Maybe five essences of crafting per use.

                            It would be nice if the “Remove added essence” ability actually gave you back the essences you remove, like the “Absorb all essences” ability. The fact that it doesn’t makes me hesitant to use Smithing in many situations.

                            Once again, tons of fun! I enjoyed it immensely, despite the wall of text above. Overall, I’d like to see changes that make Smithing something that Weaponsmiths use more frequently, because crafting stuff is great fun, and of course we want to do it more often


                            • poschengbandplayer
                              • Apr 2014
                              • 57

                              Hello guys. I am not very computer savvy and there seems to be no compiled version of composband on github? could somebody upload his already compiled folder? it'd be much appreciated!


                              • Sideways
                                • Nov 2008
                                • 886

                                Originally posted by Susramanian
                                I'm excited to see such active development! I'm extra excited to see that you've made a change to weaponsmiths, my favorite class. A while back I posted a big pile of weaponsmith feedback after playing through Poschengband 5.0.5 with one. [...]
                                In the late game, the class is extremely powerful, but much of the Smithing abilities feel superfluous. The problem is that optimal gearing (armor-wise) is virtually always the same: apply slaying to powerful ego armor.
                                That's interesting, because I've had two deep Composband weaponsmith runs, and the one slot where I used arts/randarts instead of smithed egos pretty much throughout was the armor slot. I stored a lot of ego armors at home but they never ended up being as good as the artifact armors; and there's plenty of places to apply slaying.

                                (Edit: in case you meant protective equipment in general rather than the armor slot specifically, I never applied slaying to more than two items at the same time, and usually just one. Even for an endgame character who really can get his stats and resists elsewhere - not necessarily a given - there are still other very strong options like life rating, immunities and speed. And Clarity somehow ended up making the discussion really often.)
                                Last edited by Sideways; December 11, 2017, 00:50.
                                The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.

