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  • Gwarl
    • Jan 2017
    • 988


    Composite Poschengband and Kangband. I plan to make that list longer.

    I've been trying to adapt some old Kangband quests for inclusion into poschengband. I've also redone the layout of outpost, and mapped out a new town with shopkeeper names (although I haven't yet managed to get it to appear on the world map). There are new quests, and some of the old quests have been moved to other towns. Morivant has a new ruin just outside town that's been there longer than anyone can remember. Telmora has a quest relating to the volcano outside town. Angwil has tidied up the trees next to the roads.

    I've put what I've done so far up on but there will be a proper repo and binary downloads at some point. As I start running out of worthy Kangband content I'll start looking for things to pull from other variants and include more original work. It's 'forked' from elliposchengband (it's more of a mod that's compatible with various poschengs than a game as of yet) but I'll be looking to cherry pick some fixes from 7.x as well as making my own adjustements.
  • Derakon
    • Dec 2009
    • 8820

    Originally posted by Gwarl
    Morivant has a new ruin just outside town that's been there longer than anyone can remember.
    The phrasing of this sentence pleases me.

    The variant name, however, is perilously close to "compost band".


    • nikheizen
      • Jul 2015
      • 137

      To be fair, we've been dangerously close to for quite a long time with this stream of variants.


      • CyclopsSlayer
        • Feb 2009
        • 388

        Originally posted by nikheizen
        To be fair, we've been dangerously close to for quite a long time with this stream of variants.
        Umm, don't forget there was a Posband.
        Dead since like 2005 or so afaik.


        • wobbly
          • May 2012
          • 2577

          Gwarl - it appears the thieves guild in Morivant managed to take over the castle


          • Sideways
            • Nov 2008
            • 886

            Angwil doesn't load at all due to inconsistent line lengths. I've found other bugs, but that's the most serious.

            The Volcano (the quest, not the dungeon) has the map layout as part of the description; haven't checked yet whether that means the map doesn't load properly.

            After I completed Vapor Quest, the game was somehow confused about which building I was in and described the Outpost inn as being the Count's [whichever building the Count lives in]; with the associated commands like "identify item" etc.; until some time later, when the game remembered it was supposed to be the inn. (The Vapor Quest's description also needs to be updated; it still ties the quest to Morivant, even though it's in Outpost now.)

            I hope this heap of problems isn't discouraging - keep up the good work!
            The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


            • nikheizen
              • Jul 2015
              • 137

              Originally posted by CyclopsSlayer
              Umm, don't forget there was a Posband.
              Dead since like 2005 or so afaik.
              Yeah, so I don't think that compostband is going to be the worst it can get.


              • Gwarl
                • Jan 2017
                • 988

                I think I got all these bugs. Next step is to add a couple more quests to the new morivant plotline, figure out how to get the new town to show up, and create and host a repo.
                Last edited by Gwarl; October 28, 2017, 19:29.


                • Gwarl
                  • Jan 2017
                  • 988

                  I've rebased this off 7.0.2

                  There's a repository:

                  There have been some code changes, but mostly only to things that probably shouldn't be hardcoded. Here's a changelog:
                  • 'New' race, half-orc.
                  • Half-ogres have had their stats shuffled and gotten some powers. There should be more incentive to play as a mage now.
                  • Half-giants are worse with bows.
                  • Poison damage is applied much more quickly - 1/4 per turn instead of 1/10
                  • There are more tools available to combat poison. !slow poison and !cure poison are back in place of neutralise poison, the latter is very good but not perfect (,cure poison is still perfect). CCW will reduce poison
                  • Cure x wounds potions in generally have all been buffed slightly
                  • Most weapons have slightly increased base damage. The Big 3 are still better than the others, but less so. Chaos blades have an increased variance in damage.
                  • There are things made of mithril to wear in aux slots (head, hands, feet etc). They are not as rare or as powerful as dragon boots/gloves/helms etc
                  • Base armour for mithril chainmail, and mithril and adamantite platemail have increased
                  • New handwear that gives damage bonuses. Cesti renamed to Caestus and given a fair damage boost and reduced AC (find mithril gauntlets). Some footwear has been given small damage bonuses.
                  • Greater Hell Beast is back
                  • All the removed vaults and room templates have been returned
                  • All the quests I'd previously converted from Kangband are back
                  • There is a new town. Unfortunately it seems to be where Zul should be, and Zul seems to have gone. I'll try and fix that.
                  • More to come!

                  Note: Morivant quests are broken right now. I'll update the thread when things are more.. playable.
                  Last edited by Gwarl; November 1, 2017, 00:07.


                  • Antoine
                    Ironband/Quickband Maintainer
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 955

                    Will these changes get back into ellipos?

                    Ironband -


                    • HugoVirtuoso
                      • Jan 2012
                      • 1132

                      Originally posted by Antoine
                      Will these changes get back into ellipos?

                      Not sure if those changes from Gwarl or 7.0.2 will make it back into ellipos. Someone will have to remind ellipitic
                      My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on

                      If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

                      As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


                      • Gwarl
                        • Jan 2017
                        • 988

                        Originally posted by Antoine
                        Will these changes get back into ellipos?

                        I don't know whether elliptic is aware of this fork. I don't think he's maintaining his own fork. 7.x data files are incompatible with6.x files in some places. So it seems pretty unlikely.


                        • Gwarl
                          • Jan 2017
                          • 988

                          Updated to fix bugged quests.

                          (things are still really horridly buggy though, bear with me)
                          Last edited by Gwarl; November 2, 2017, 00:08.


                          • Gwarl
                            • Jan 2017
                            • 988

                            Lots of changes. The new quests should be working now and there are three more of them
                            • Two new brands - slay *good* and slay *living*. They can appear on weapons of slaying or rarely of death. Thanos slays *living* instead of good
                            • Gauntlets of slaying can appear with an off-weapon slay (but not *slay*)
                            • Weaponsmiths gain new 'special essences' - clarity combines rfear, rconf and rblind, vitality combines regen, slow digestion and hold life (and protection loses hold life). Slaying bonuses on armour now apply the full amount you paid for.
                            • Humans gain talents at level 20 and 40 like demigods. Dunadan, barbarians and half-orcs gain one talent at elevel 30. Amberites feel left out.
                            • More removed monsters have been replaced
                            • Some game constants have altered. Small levels are more common, as are out of depth monsters and out of depth items.
                            • Potions and scrolls appear in smaller piles


                            • Gwarl
                              • Jan 2017
                              • 988

                              Bugged quests addressed (again).

                              Maybe this time they'll work!

