Is steamband still alive ?

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  • UnknownSoldier
    • Mar 2017
    • 3

    Is steamband still alive ?

    Hello Everyone,

    This is my first time posting here.

    I'm a long time roguelike player, but I did not get to angband till recently.
    The band that hooked me is steamband, mostly due to it's excellent fluff, but also due to it's skill system.

    I tried to found out if it is actively maintained but I did not find any indications that are not several years old.
    The version I'm playing on is 0.4.1, is there a more recent one ?

    On another note, what is the license for the code base ?
    I compiled the code and made a few modifications, mainly to make wonderland playable, under which condition could I share this ?

    Thanks for reading...
  • debo
    • Oct 2011
    • 2320

    People still play it once in awhile, but it has sort of run out of steam.
    Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'


    • getter77
      • Dec 2009
      • 210

      It looked like there was going to be an update awhile back after a great many years, twice via 2 different folks at that, but it unfortunately hasn't happened yet.

      It joins Halls of Mist in the Hopefully Soon, One Day... club.


      • UnknownSoldier
        • Mar 2017
        • 3

        Too bad, I got no answer on the licensing issue, I guess I'll keep my modifications to myself, then.


        • HugoVirtuoso
          • Jan 2012
          • 1132

          Any idea who is the 2nd maintainer of Steamband?
          My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on

          If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

          As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


          • Gwarl
            • Jan 2017
            • 988

            Originally posted by UnknownSoldier
            Too bad, I got no answer on the licensing issue, I guess I'll keep my modifications to myself, then.
            As a band isn't it Angband license?


            • Nick
              Vanilla maintainer
              • Apr 2007
              • 9353

              Originally posted by Gwarl
              As a band isn't it Angband license?
              Yes, a modified version can definitely be released under the Angband licence, which (for Steam) can be found in lib/help/version.txt:
              Copyright (c) 1989 James E. Wilson, Robert A. Keoneke
              This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research, and
              not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement are
              included in all such copies.
              It's possible that all the contributors to Steam have also agreed to release their stuff under the GPL following during the successful Angband OpenSource Initiative; certainly releasing under the Angband licence is safe.
              One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
              In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


              • UnknownSoldier
                • Mar 2017
                • 3

                Thanks for the information, I just need to set up a windows compile and will find a way to release the few modifications I did.

