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  • MWGE
    • Jul 2008
    • 27



    NPP 7.1

    A few winners with all the way to Morgy and

    How on earth do i kill him with a druid?

    It took ages to kill Sauron so i knew it would be tough but...

    None of my spells seem to even touch him. And between fending off his summons and healing i'm barely touching him even at speed 49 (hasted) and burning through healing and restore mana at a phenomenal rate. Am i really supposed to shoot him like a half baked ranger?

  • Pete Mack
    • Apr 2007
    • 6697

    Post your character. Morgoth is always unkillable in NPP until his mana goes to zero, at which point he goes down pretty quickly.
    Druid drain life arc does 255 damage/turn from short range, looking at the source code.
    Edit: Water and sand attack spells do 300.
    It'll take a long time.
    One other thing: you can draw down M's power more quickly by abusing the AI and accept splash damage by staying one square away in a circular ASC. His ball spells do only 50% damage that way, and are easy to heal.
    Last edited by Pete Mack; February 21, 2017, 06:52.


    • MWGE
      • Jul 2008
      • 27

      I've posted the dump on the ladder here:

      All advice welcome.

      I did stand and hit him with Sand and Water but only brought him down 2 stars for the use of 10 *healing* and 12 restore Mana...and all the time he's hitting me and summoning and his Mana is about half for him "gathering his power".

      It wasn't going to work....


      • PowerDiver
        • Mar 2008
        • 2782

        It's been a decade, but I sort of remember saving potions of drain mana all game to throw at him.


        • Pete Mack
          • Apr 2007
          • 6697

          Doesn't look like there's been a single Druid win since the venerable v0.5. Morgy used to starve himself of mana after a while, back in the day. Eddie's idea sounds like the only feasible solution. That, or get lucky with a sling of Buckland (+2), and go fully buffed.
          One thing I notice about the wins is a lot of the winning druid characters were extremely fast; at least one has base speed +35.


          • MWGE
            • Jul 2008
            • 27

            I could do that, but even when his Mana is low I'm just not damaging him fast enough to counter his "gathers his powers" so it's for naught.

            I think my main question is "what do i hit him with?"


            • Pete Mack
              • Apr 2007
              • 6697

              Huh. Looking at the other winning posts, archery and drain life arc are the only two common choices. Hadn't realized he's native to sand and water as well as the lower elements. Other winners reported having a very tough time bringing him down.


              • MWGE
                • Jul 2008
                • 27

                Nothing in 7.01 then...

                wondering if it's possible?

                Life draining arc just doesn't touch him and Sandstorm doesn't do nearly enough. He can simply "gather his powers" far faster than I can hurt him.

                I could spend ages finding seeker bolts of slay evil I suppose...just seems odd that I should become a ranger at the end when i'm a Druid...


                • krazyhades
                  • Jun 2013
                  • 406

                  this thread makes me sad on your behalf


                  • MWGE
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 27

                    I must too.
                    I worked really hard on this character. I love NPP and don't mind a hard fight. Sauron was hard. Cantoras was hard...but...

                    I just can't hit him hard enough. I have 49 speed, but even if i was a little faster it wouldn't help. I have resistances covered but...

                    I know Morgy should be VERY hard, but this is simply waiting to die while piling through my consumables.

                    Or at least to my skill level.

                    All suggestions gratefully recieved


                    • wobbly
                      • May 2012
                      • 2577

                      If you're looking for previous attempts there's also this 1 from a comp:

                      Looks like elliptic had the same problem. There's a couple of comments from elliptic & the variant maintainer on the fight.


                      • MWGE
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 27

                        Thanks for the heads up.
                        I don't want to believe it's impossible. Not after having gotten this far.
                        It would be deeply dissapointing, but i see no evidence to the contrary so far at least.


                        • MWGE
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 27

                          Got Him

                          Will post the winner report when i have a moment but...

                          Very happy.

                          I mostly used Seeker Bolts of Slay Evil, then ran out and used Sandstorm for a while but he can heal and keep level from that damage so it wasn't working (stalemate). Maneuvered him over water and tried Ulmo's but...was no real use either.

                          So kept him low and then went onto my other various seeker bolts...and finally, finally he went down.

                          Druid...very weak, then very powerful, then...a Ranger


                          • krazyhades
                            • Jun 2013
                            • 406

                            Congratulations! I'm glad you got this win.


                            • Pete Mack
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 6697

                              M is native to sand and water (I looked it up). The only druid spell that has a remote chance of working is drain life. Anyway, congrats! Falling back on weak ranger skills with full buffs is a time-honored tactic. Plenty of mages have won that way.

