Now that Norseband's alpha version is out, we're working on replacing the Valar with more appropriate gods. So far, I've figured out reasonable rules for two of them:
- Thor (besides being a thunder god) is also a monster-slayer and a protector of the common man; he's the closest Nordic parallel to ToME's version of Tulkas. He prefers human followers, but dislikes giants/trolls/half-trolls. (Warning to newbies: Thor also dislikes killing non-evil townsfolk!) I see Thor's priests as paladin-like, but with bonus access to Air and Nature magic--the two schools needed for the Thunderstorm spell.
- Ullr is a god of archery, hunting, and winter survival; he's got a vengeful streak but isn't outright evil. He doesn't mind players killing hostile animals, or using trees to create arrows--but does mind players damaging trees in other ways (fire and lightning attacks come to mind). He likes seeing other tree-killing creatures (like red dragons) destroyed; he especially likes players avenging dead ancestors (i.e., killing a monster that killed a previous character). He'd probably also give special bonuses for killing random-quest monsters--completing a hunt of sorts. I see Ullr's priests as a cross between Druids and Archers (more warlike than the former, but more magically skilled than the latter).
- Odin (prime creator god--associated with war, poetry and magic, especially rune magic)
- Tyr (another warrior god, but also associated with justice and law; he lost one hand while trying to bind the Fenris Wolf)
- Heimdall (watchman of the gods, known for his perceptive powers; also associated with light and with human social order, so he'd probably favor human followers)
- Njord (god of seafaring and trade; invoked for fair weather at sea, father to Freyr/Freyja)
- Freyr (god of fertility, peace, and prosperity; ruler of elvenkind; also associated with unarmed combat, since he killed a giant single-handedly that way. I could see Freyr protecting most breeders, so I'd probably script non-evil ones into being friendly--or at least neutral--to his followers!)
- Freyja (goddess of love, war, and magic; Freyr's twin sister; especially connected with mind-control, divination, and shape-shifting magic)
- Baldr (Odin's favorite son and successor after Ragnarok; "charisma incarnate", invulnerable to most attacks and friendly with most creatures)
- Hel (queen of the underworld, goddess of "ordinary" death and disease; ironically, she'd probably dislike undead appearing anywhere outside her world, considering them fugitives who needed to be brought home)
- Loki (god of chaos, deception and thieves--he may be one of the four end-bosses, but player characters can still worship him! Of course, they'd lose all piety and god-spell access for killing their own patron...