NPPAngband/Moria QT Port (Windows) Beta-1 released

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  • nppangband
    NPPAngband Maintainer
    • Dec 2008
    • 901

    NPPAngband/Moria QT Port (Windows) Beta-1 released

    For anyone willing to playtest tor try out the new QT port beta, here is a link to a windows binary:

    This beta is for people who are willing to play around with it, and give feedback on how well it works on various machines.

    The zip file is about 43 MEGS. It includes a deployment package with all the .dlls and other dependencies necessary to play the game. To play, you just have to unzip the game in a folder of your choice, and click on "NPPGAMES.exe". This is assuming QT added all of the necessary .dlls and plug ins for all of the different versions of windows. Please let me know if any are missing.

    The game should be stable and not too buggy at this point. You can play a complete game of either NPPAngband or NPPMoria, however still to come are several vital features for an enjoyable game (macros, multiple windows).

    I need to create deployment packages for the MAC and LINUX as well. Although anyone who downloads QT can just download the source, compile and play on any platform.

    It will be interesting to see how well QT handles the large variety of screensizes out there.

    For any display bugs, e-mailing me a screenshot is probably the best way to let me know what is wrong.

    Thanks, and I look forward to seeing any constructive feedback.
    NPPAngband current home page:
    Source code repository:
  • getter77
    • Dec 2009
    • 210

    Congrats on the first beta release---2015 on a fine track in the land of *BAND!


    • Zireael
      • Jul 2011
      • 199

      Loving the interface and the effects so much!

      My only complaint so far is that the @ character looks a bit... squished? cramped? dunno, I don't like it for some reason.

      EDIT: There is a space missing in "amountto drop" line when you drop eg. ammo.

      EDIT 2: A 'click to move' functionality would be brilliant.
      Last edited by Zireael; March 11, 2015, 19:24.


      • Nick
        Vanilla maintainer
        • Apr 2007
        • 9353

        This is really impressive, Jeff.

        It took me a bit to realise many commands have changed, and I couldn't get mouse movement to work, but the overall effect is amazing.
        One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
        In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


        • nppangband
          NPPAngband Maintainer
          • Dec 2008
          • 901

          Originally posted by Nick
          This is really impressive, Jeff.
          Thank you, I want to deflect much of the credit to Diego. He has always been the much better coder, and this never would have gotten off the ground without him.

          Originally posted by Nick
          It took me a bit to realise many commands have changed, and I couldn't get mouse movement to work, but the overall effect is amazing.
          I guess I could have mentioned the new keymapping. {OOPS} Under the help menu, you can pull up the command list.

          With the ALT and CTRL keys opened up a whole bunch of options. I centered the movement around the "h" key (for 'H'old). You can use any object with 'e', and handle everything in your inventory with 'I'. All the spellcasting commands are under 'm'. ('m' to cast, 'M' to learn spells, and CTRL-M to browse). All the various rest commands are under "r". Simply pressing 'r' will rest the player until fully healed. All movement options use some form of modifier key and the direction. shift+direction looks around, ctrl+direction runs, alt+direction is the alter command, etc...

          Mouse movement isn't programmed yet. It is very high up on the list. Along with the start of a macro interface that will allow the player to cast spells or use an object. Inscribing objects don't help with macros any more. A macro will simply have the instruction to to quaff a potion of cure critical wounds, and the game will figure it out from there.
          NPPAngband current home page:
          Source code repository:



          • nppangband
            NPPAngband Maintainer
            • Dec 2008
            • 901

            Originally posted by Zireael
            My only complaint so far is that the @ character looks a bit... squished? cramped? dunno, I don't like it for some reason.
            Is that with the default font? You can select any font on your system, or change the font size as well.

            Originally posted by Zireael
            EDIT: There is a space missing in "amountto drop" line when you drop eg. ammo.
            Fixed, thanks.

            Originally posted by Zireael
            EDIT 2: A 'click to move' functionality would be brilliant.
            Soon, very soon. The arrangement will probably be left-click to move one square, double-click left to run to a square, and right click to see all the dungeon square information. I think right now any click just brings up the square info.
            NPPAngband current home page:
            Source code repository:


            • Zireael
              • Jul 2011
              • 199

              Default font. Haven't found the option to change it in the 20 mins I spent playing (and I went "damn you muscle memory" a few times lol due to all the changed keybindings).

              Will poke around the options to see what to do to change the font and size.

              EDIT: Changed the font and it looks much better.

              Also, there should be a log message on searching and hopefully a bar for search like the one for stealth or disarming because I don't really understand *band searching even though I've played a lot of variants and vanilla.

              EDIT 2: Please bind ? to command list.
              Last edited by Zireael; March 12, 2015, 12:52.


              • nppangband
                NPPAngband Maintainer
                • Dec 2008
                • 901

                Originally posted by Zireael
                Also, there should be a log message on searching and hopefully a bar for search like the one for stealth or disarming because I don't really understand *band searching even though I've played a lot of variants and vanilla.
                There are two Search fields on the player screen. One is search frequency. This is the one in X chance the player will search that turn. The other is the % chance, when searching, of finding something. If you mouse hover over the fields on the player screen, an explanation comes up.

                Originally posted by Zireael
                EDIT 2: Please bind ? to command list.
                Good suggestion. Done.
                NPPAngband current home page:
                Source code repository:


                • Thraalbee
                  • Sep 2010
                  • 692

                  Wow, this is nice. REALLY nice! Somewhat difficult to play with 20+ years of rogue-like keyset in my palms though, but if an old dog can be trained maybe I can too.


                  • buzzkill
                    • May 2008
                    • 2783

                    OK. I've been lured back in. If you don't hear from me in three days call the authorities.

                    Minor point on birth options. If an option such as ironman is selected, then incompatible options such as connected stairs should be greyed out.

                    Name your save file kinda comes out of nowhere. Can't NPP handle this for us based on character name, providing there is no conflict.

                    YOU DIE. Seems like a bit more could be done with this. Can we get a nice tombstone graphic a dry description of the event and perhaps an irreverent comment on one's banding skills.

                    After death and choosing to continue, you're presented with a mostly blank screen (as when the game is launched). Select an item from the menu or something to that effect would be nice.

                    Capitalization: It should be (according to me) "Giant Yellow Centipede" or "giant yellow centipede", not "Giant yellow centipede".

                    Re inscriptions (on the wall): Please discard use the qualifier "try" when I'm successful.

                    Center screen continuously is still described as "(very slow)" but it's not, hasn't been in ages.

                    When I restart REMEMBER my birth options from character creation from the last game (replicating name and starting stats) and offer a reset to defaults option.

                    Maybe offer to save save/load different birth option profiles.

                    THE TILE MULTIPLIER: some crazy settings there, 16:16= about 2 grids per screen. Some smaller settings might be nice instead, .75:.75 or .50:.50.

                    My first real issue. You seem to have co-opted the Fn key(s) that I use to simulate the keypad on my laptop (sans-keypad). That means I can't move diagonally (Fn+7, Fn+9, Fn+j and Fn+l and my diagonal movement keys).

                    I don't see where I can alter the movement delay. I like my @'s to walk, perhaps leisurely, not teleport.

                    I can resize the status bar, but I can't resize the messages area. Also, seems like a lot more could be done with use of colors and styles, maybe even font sizes in the message area.

                    Changing fonts doesn't seem to work unless it only affects the main window. I'm playing with tiles and wanted larger status bar text.

                    Ctrl-m, trying to bring up a map, produced repeating popup, "Lookup_kind could not find object (0,8)". Was blind at the moment if that matters.
                    Last edited by buzzkill; March 13, 2015, 17:52.
           - Get your 32x32 tiles here. UT32 now compatible Ironband and Quickband 9/6/2012.
                    My banding life on Buzzkill's ladder.


                    • nppangband
                      NPPAngband Maintainer
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 901

                      Originally posted by Thraalbeast
                      Wow, this is nice. REALLY nice! Somewhat difficult to play with 20+ years of rogue-like keyset in my palms though, but if an old dog can be trained maybe I can too.
                      The current keyset definitely isn't an optimum setup at present. When I play I am having trouble entering the correct commands too.

                      The main thing I want, though to have one keyset for all directional commands, making use of the modifier keys (shift, ctr, alt) to specify the commands. I am just trying to get out of having to separately enter a command and then a direction, as well as having a second roguelike keyset.

                      When I step back and look at it objectively, the improvements I like are: 1) the 'i' command, where I can handle all of my inventory management in one dialog, 2)being able to rest by simply pressing 'r'. 3) Tunneling with the windows key-{direction}

                      My end goals are to make it convenient to play with either the keyboard or the mouse (with an eye to towards the upcoming touchscreen for tablets) but also to greatly reduce the learning curve for new players. Balancing those 3 will be interesting. Suggestions are welcome.
                      NPPAngband current home page:
                      Source code repository:


                      • nppangband
                        NPPAngband Maintainer
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 901

                        Originally posted by buzzkill
                        Minor point on birth options. If an option such as ironman is selected, then incompatible options such as connected stairs should be greyed out.
                        The ironman options have always been separate. Either they should be named a little differently, or combined into a single option. But I suppose if the stores are closed, the NPP ironman options of no services and no quests don't make much sense.

                        Originally posted by buzzkill
                        Name your save file kinda comes out of nowhere. Can't NPP handle this for us based on character name, providing there is no conflict.
                        It should at least offer to use the character name so all you have to do is click enter. Is that no working?

                        Originally posted by buzzkill
                        YOU DIE. Seems like a bit more could be done with this. Can we get a nice tombstone graphic a dry description of the event and perhaps an irreverent comment on one's banding skills.

                        After death and choosing to continue, you're presented with a mostly blank screen (as when the game is launched). Select an item from the menu or something to that effect would be nice.
                        Much more to come. I want to have three splashscreens: 1 for the game start, one for being killed, and one for retirement. I was going to reach out to Shockbolt and see if I can compensate him to draw them, along with a rounding out his amazing tiles for NPP. Also, eventually some quality sound effects for various things, death being one of them.

                        Originally posted by buzzkill
                        Center screen continuously is still described as "(very slow)" but it's not, hasn't been in ages.
                        Is it fast on other machines? I play on an ultrabook and I occasionally notice small delays. I agree that note was probably written 20 years ago and needs to go.

                        Originally posted by buzzkill
                        When I restart REMEMBER my birth options from character creation from the last game (replicating name and starting stats) and offer a reset to defaults option.
                        Your stats and options from the previous game should come up automatically, unless you are starting a new savefile. Please let me know if this is broken.

                        Originally posted by buzzkill
                        Maybe offer to save save/load different birth option profiles.
                        On the to-do list.

                        Originally posted by buzzkill
                        THE TILE MULTIPLIER: some crazy settings there, 16:16= about 2 grids per screen. Some smaller settings might be nice instead, .75:.75 or .50:.50.
                        LOL. good point. 16x16 is for playing on a TV. It is also relative to font size. You can reduce your font to get the 75:75 and 50:50 effect.

                        Originally posted by buzzkill
                        My first real issue. You seem to have co-opted the Fn key(s) that I use to simulate the keypad on my laptop (sans-keypad). That means I can't move diagonally (Fn+7, Fn+9, Fn+j and Fn+l and my diagonal movement keys).
                        For keyboards without a numpad, movement keys are centered around the 'h' key (for hold). You should be able to move with

                        For the function keys, I had in mind reserving those for macros.

                        Originally posted by buzzkill
                        I don't see where I can alter the movement delay. I like my @'s to walk, perhaps leisurely, not teleport.
                        LOL. It is currently under the options screen, final tab. It is going to be moved to under the options section of the top toolbar. However it doesn't currently yet tie to anything, so changing it won't help you.

                        Thanks for the feedback, everybody. The UI definitely needs optimizing, but I wanted to see how it worked on everybody's screen before fine-tuning things. I am stunned the only true bug reported so far is spacing on the one dialog screen.

                        I am aware of a couple other issues:
                        *On the knowledge screens, numbers are not sorted as true numbers. So the score of 1150 is considered less than 999.

                        *At least on my screen, when the inventory or equipment/quiver is full, the equipment dialogs go off the bottom of the screen. I haven't found a good scroll-window setup yet.

                        * When casting detect traps, the green circles showing edge ends don't seem to update on the outermost squares of the screen.
                        NPPAngband current home page:
                        Source code repository:


                        • buzzkill
                          • May 2008
                          • 2783

                          Originally posted by nppangband
                          Re: name save file. It should at least offer to use the character name so all you have to do is click enter. Is that no working?
                          No. Win7.

                          Re movement delay: Is it fast on other machines?
                          I'm playing with tiles on an older laptop and movement is almost instantaneous.

                          Your stats and options from the previous game should come up automatically. Please let me know if this is broken.
                          It's broken.

                          RE tile size: You can reduce your font to get the 75:75 and 50:50 effect.
                          Noop. Changing fonts and/or sizes has no effect on anything AFAICT.

                          For keyboards without a numpad, movement keys are centered around the 'h' key (for hold). You should be able to move with <snip>...
                          For the function keys, I had in mind reserving those for macros.

                          I may have added a few more points to my original post (including some genuine bugginess). Post #10.
                 - Get your 32x32 tiles here. UT32 now compatible Ironband and Quickband 9/6/2012.
                          My banding life on Buzzkill's ladder.


                          • buzzkill
                            • May 2008
                            • 2783

                            Double Ugh! H-key movement is really awkward. I'm sure it's just a matter of getting used to it, but I don't know if I want to. The problem is the shiftiness of the keypad.

                            Normal pseudo keypad:
                            7    8    9
                             4    5    6
                              1    2    3
                             7    8    9
                              4    5    6 far so good, but then
                            1    2    3         ...arghhhhh!!!
                            M is for magic or map or whatever, I get it. I just don't know if that (ugh) is gonna cut it. It's so unintuitive that I at first suspected a key mapping mistake before I realized it was WAD.

                            On the constructive side, doing that thing where pressing two arrow keys at once will move @ diagonally would be a great alternative (IMO). Pressing two opposite directions at once could "hold".
                            Last edited by buzzkill; March 13, 2015, 18:35.
                   - Get your 32x32 tiles here. UT32 now compatible Ironband and Quickband 9/6/2012.
                            My banding life on Buzzkill's ladder.


                            • buzzkill
                              • May 2008
                              • 2783

                              Player information screen (previously character screen, ugh) presents as wider than my screen. The horizontal bar chart seem excessively long and thus a likely fix. I'm able be grab and move it to the left to see all the rest of the info, but still. Playing on a standard aspect ratio laptop, 13" or 15" screen (not sure).

                              As long as we're here, on many info screens hovering-over will bring up useful tool-tip info, but only if you hover over the title. Hovering over the info itself, which is what I find myself repeatedly doing, presents nothing. Can't it be both?

                              Phrasing: "One of y rations of food was eaten."

                              That should be all from me for the day. I actually have stuff I need to do.
                     - Get your 32x32 tiles here. UT32 now compatible Ironband and Quickband 9/6/2012.
                              My banding life on Buzzkill's ladder.

