Final NPPMoria and NPPAngband 7.0.0 released!

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  • bron
    • May 2008
    • 504

    Just now downloaded and built this on my linux box. I encountered two problems:
    1) The lib/help/Makefile does not have backslashes at the ends of the lines for the LIBDATA definition
    2) When I try to do a "make install", it complains that it can't find the file "m_combat.txt", which indeed does not seem to exist.

    The executable *does* seem to build and start (I haven't tried to play it for real yet).
    I'm using "./configure --with-no-install --disable-x11 --prefix=`pwd"


    • bron
      • May 2008
      • 504

      Originally posted by Derakon
      I thought half-trolls weren't even in Moria.
      Half-troll priests were my favorite UMoria character.


      • Malak Darkhunter
        • May 2007
        • 683

        Originally posted by bron
        Half-troll priests were my favorite UMoria character.
        I had a level 40 dwarf priest that I played for almost 2 years, my brother had a level 40 human ranger that he played forever as well, we had the best of everything I remember as far as equipment goes, back then you had the level drain HP trick, so my dwarf priest had 2 times the normal HP as was intended by the game, and back then with that version there was no last level of the dungeon, so I remember being at a level depth of 17,500 feet when I finally lost that old apple computer. Man adding that up I realize that is like 350 dungeon levels! lol
        This was during Robert Allan Koneke time as maintainer, and it was just called moria, probably version 2 or 3, (it was back in 1988) on Dos, and that may have even been an old version that I was playing at that time, I remember my neighbor bringing me copied floppy disk he got from a college.
        later on I found Druid Moria, (around year 2000) and I loved that version as well.

        Did anybody ever play Imoria? it was supposed to have had fountains, new terrain features and was supposed to be like an advanced version of moria, but development was done in secrecy and then It stopped


        • nppangband
          NPPAngband Maintainer
          • Dec 2008
          • 901

          Originally posted by bron
          Just now downloaded and built this on my linux box. I encountered two problems:
          1) The lib/help/Makefile does not have backslashes at the ends of the lines for the LIBDATA definition
          2) When I try to do a "make install", it complains that it can't find the file "m_combat.txt", which indeed does not seem to exist.

          The executable *does* seem to build and start (I haven't tried to play it for real yet).
          I'm using "./configure --with-no-install --disable-x11 --prefix=`pwd"
          Thanks. You are correct, m_combat.txt should be deleted from the makefile, and I will add the backslashes.
          NPPAngband current home page:
          Source code repository:



          • nppangband
            NPPAngband Maintainer
            • Dec 2008
            • 901

            I just uploaded new zip files at the NPP fan site with fixes for all reported bugs . I didn't want to change the version number or links because of the NPPMoria comp going on right now, but here are the fixes:

            NPP 7.1.0:
            Bugfix: Composite bows were not working properly.
            Bugfix: Fix swap weapons with the roguelike keyset
            Bugfix: Fix height and weight ranges for all Moria races.
            Bugfix: Fix shortened names for Orcs ad Orc Warriors
            Bugfix: Rangers could not read or cast from the mage spellset.
            Bugfix: Create food spell was broken.
            Bugfix: Equipment activations for were not working.
            NPPAngband current home page:
            Source code repository:

