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  • dhegler
    • Sep 2009
    • 252


    I have started playing this for a few weeks now and I have to say that it is a great change from vanilla. The various items that you can find and the options for squelching, etc are all very neat.

    But, I just found my first "graveyard", and it actually looked like a graveyard! And, the various terrains are really cool too. The only thing I am annoyed with is all the variations of rings and amulets, etc that I need to continually identify. Maybe I will find a mass identify staff or something eventually, but it kind of sucks to clear a pit and spend 10 minutes sorting through loot, although the squelching works relatively well for that.

    Anyway, just wanted to thank the FAAngband guy for the variant!!!
  • Nick
    Vanilla maintainer
    • Apr 2007
    • 9353

    Glad you're enjoying - a lot of the credit goes to the Oangband developers Leon Marrick and Bahman Rabii.

    Originally posted by dhegler
    IThe only thing I am annoyed with is all the variations of rings and amulets, etc that I need to continually identify. Maybe I will find a mass identify staff or something eventually, but it kind of sucks to clear a pit and spend 10 minutes sorting through loot, although the squelching works relatively well for that.
    Yes, I take your point. Rings and amulets are really like mini randarts - the names are the theme around which they're built, rather than being prescriptive. As far as identifying goes, Rods of Perception should be earlier and more common than in most variants; I usually end up with a stack of those.
    One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
    In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


    • Mondkalb
      • Apr 2007
      • 891

      I actually enjoy the variety of rings and amulets. It adds a bit of surprise and suspense to the game and gives some opportunities for juggling with the equipment.
      It is also not uncommon to get a piece of jewlry with activation for identify.
      My Angband winners so far

      My FAangband efforts so far


      • Qyx
        • Dec 2012
        • 62

        Torch radius 1 or 2?

        I suspect it's a typo in the store where it says the torch radius is 2?


        • Nick
          Vanilla maintainer
          • Apr 2007
          • 9353

          Originally posted by Qyx
          I suspect it's a typo in the store where it says the torch radius is 2?
          Oops, yes. Should be 1.
          One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
          In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


          • Qyx
            • Dec 2012
            • 62

            Pick pocket?

            Okay, next question, how do I pick pocket? (Couldn't find it in the command list, but it's in my class specialties...)


            • Qyx
              • Dec 2012
              • 62

              Got it...

              I think I got it... same one to set traps...


              • Qyx
                • Dec 2012
                • 62

                P.S. I like setting these traps...


                • Qyx
                  • Dec 2012
                  • 62

                  Starting gold for charisma bug?

                  Don't know if this is a bug, but it seems strange to me ...

                  Noticed while adjusting starting stats that if I spent a point on Chr, it would raise the gold by 10, but any more points would decrease the gold. But when I went the other way, decreasing points on Chr, the starting gold decreased until 0...

                  In other words, for this character, it went like this (while increasing charisma):

                  Chr: Gold:
                  12 366
                  13 376
                  14 366

                  But like this when decreasing charisma:

                  Chr: Gold:
                  14 366
                  13 356
                  12 366

                  Note the difference at Charisma 13 in the two tables...


                  • Qyx
                    • Dec 2012
                    • 62

                    Maddened weasel: typo?

                    Great creature, by the way...

                    Should this:

                    A utterly silent whirlwind of fangs and claws aiming straight for your

                    Be this:

                    An utterly...



                    • kaypy
                      • May 2009
                      • 292

                      I've been playing the Git head recently, and noticed a few things:

                      In x-spell.c, around line 1040, the SPELL_RESISTANCE case is missing a break statement. So every resistance spell comes with a free essence of speed.

                      In flavor.txt, around line 834, a typo in the Crimson potion definition makes it appear white

                      There is something wacky going on with Adamantite- it acts more like an object than a treasure. (This is with no-selling, which might make a difference)

                      Oh, and I got a destroyed level where half of a demon pit was destroyed, which was a little odd. "Wow, someone just nuked half the room. I guess we ought to... just chill out right here until someone else comes by."

                      Is there anything is place to stop stacks of ego throwing weapons from doing terrible, terrible things to the game economy? (In my case, no-selling made the point moot, but its a problem I've seen in a few 'bands)


                      • Qyx
                        • Dec 2012
                        • 62

                        Suspect this is a bug (in 1.3.1)?

                        Was taking off equipment and went over the inventory limit (past 'w'). Additional items appear to have been squelched? They show up in the ctrl-p list as (with the ` character at the end):

                        You were wearing a Set of Leather Gloves [1,+6] (`).

                        Should they have been dropped or a warning given possibly instead?


                        • Nick
                          Vanilla maintainer
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 9353

                          Thanks for all the bugs, guys - I am taking notice. Just slowly.
                          One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                          In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                          • kaypy
                            • May 2009
                            • 292

                            I was just digging through the spell code again and got a rather unpleasant surprise:

                            The descriptions of Channeling and Heighten Magic are incorrect. They should in fact read:
                            "This ability causes the spell info window to lie to you."

                            In do_cmd_cast, the spell is confirmed and then play-spell.c/spell_cast is called to handle the actual spell casting.

                            spell_cast calculates the bonuses and side effects of casting, then calls on x-spell.c/cast_spell to get the actual spell effects.

                            x-spell is completely oblivious to the bonuses calculated in spell_cast and goes back to using the unmodified player level...

                            get_spell_info, on the other hand, has its own set of bonus calculations, so it certainly gives the impression that those abilities are helping...


                            • kaypy
                              • May 2009
                              • 292

                              And another one:

                              In cave.c/multi_hued_attr you use randint1(BASIC_COLORS) a whole lot. Since randint1 has an inherent +1, this can fall off the end of the color chart resulting in a black on black display.

