Unangband - some testing results

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  • Bandobras
    • Apr 2007
    • 676

    Originally posted by Anne
    Tile "Impassable tree trunk" - In the description, "You can bash it to make it tree trunk and cover the surrounding grids with branches and expose the surrounding grids to daylight." is repeated twice.
    Reported. Something is fishy here. The double description stems from the fact that most trunks can be both opened and bashed (both via the DEFAULT action), which generate the same description twice, but does not have any game effect.

    Originally posted by Anne
    Leather Gloves of Power (+3,+1) [1,+1] (+4) - no description of its additional effects after using regular-identify on it. But it does appear once you wear them.
    Yes, you discovered the effect by wearing, but the bug is in that you should know the effect by the name alone.

    Originally posted by Anne
    Ring of Mind did not preserve my character's stats against attacks. Dexterity and agility were lowered from a Dungeon Crawler attack, Intelligence lost from a mushroom patch. I had fireproofed that ring, but as far as I know, that shouldn't have interfered with its abilities.
    Originally posted by darkdrone
    applying any other runes to a Ring appears to mess up the abilities, might even "curse" the item.... as happened to my Ring of SUstain Strength and Size after i applied a Rune to it from a Shrine.
    It the ring didn't change its name, the abilities should be fine. But yes, runes change rings into other rings (nonrandom). However, fireproofing by a scroll should not break anything. Added to the report about Shield of Sustain Wisdom.

    Originally posted by Anne
    Little typo - Noticed this on Brass Lantern of Man - "It may be an ego item or artifat." Should be spelled 'artifact'..
    I really can't find it. Must be one of those computer's moods. Could you tell me if it happens again?

    Originally posted by Anne
    In my inventory, I have:
    a Light Blue Mushroom of Mana
    a light Blue Mushroom
    I would imagine they should both be Mana since they're the same color. Maybe related to the arrow that unidentified itself after purchase and wouldn't stack with the others?
    Originally posted by darkdrone
    trust me, you wouldnt want to eat that NON mana Light Blue mushroom.
    Trust darkdrone, indeed, unless you want to find out if it's one of the healing mushrooms this game. Fixed.


    • Anne
      • Feb 2008
      • 134

      Well, that mysterious light blue mushroom was eaten by a glutton ghost before I could get it identified. lol.

      Thanks for that tip about finding those tiles - that'll at least make it easier to find them.

      Some more for today...

      It looks like the coding to sustain stats must be broken somewhere. I've been checking with various items, and I found yet another one that didn't work. Ring of Sustain Body did not preserve my character's strength or size against a jelly attack. This one was not fireproofed, no runes, nothing.

      Recharging a staff through a service - should it unidentify the item? Just checking since that happened to mine. If it had just stopped showing the number of charges, I would have assumed that's how it's coded to work, but it removed the name, going back to just showing the flavor.

      Master Zombified Orc - recall shows "It can hit to attack, hit to attack, and hit to attack."

      After quaffing a potion of Cure Disease, it did cure the character, but "Dise" still appeared on my status screen for a bit. Wish I'd paid more attention to how long it took to go away - it did over time. Is that normal?


      • Bandobras
        • Apr 2007
        • 676

        Originally posted by Anne
        Well, that mysterious light blue mushroom was eaten by a glutton ghost before I could get it identified. lol.
        Seems glutton ghosts don't attend our forums or are not yet convinced about darkdrone's skills as a player. Darkdrone, show them!

        Originally posted by Anne
        It looks like the coding to sustain stats must be broken somewhere.
        Yes, thanks to your reports I've found it yesterday and fixed. Actually, only temporary drain got through, but now both temporary and semi-temporary are blocked by sustains.

        Originally posted by Anne
        Recharging a staff through a service - should it unidentify the item? Just checking since that happened to mine. If it had just stopped showing the number of charges, I would have assumed that's how it's coded to work, but it removed the name, going back to just showing the flavor.
        Wow, how broken. Can't reproduce with the service "Recharge Item I". Which was yours? What staff?

        Originally posted by Anne
        Master Zombified Orc - recall shows "It can hit to attack, hit to attack, and hit to attack."
        Well, can't it?

        Originally posted by Anne
        After quaffing a potion of Cure Disease, it did cure the character, but "Dise" still appeared on my status screen for a bit. Wish I'd paid more attention to how long it took to go away - it did over time. Is that normal?
        Nope. Reported. Thanks a lot.


        • Anne
          • Feb 2008
          • 134

          Originally posted by Bandobras
          Wow, how broken. Can't reproduce with the service "Recharge Item I". Which was yours? What staff?
          I think it was Recharge Item II (but I do remember it said power of 40 if that helps) and the staff was Cure Serious Wounds. One of those 3am things where I should have written down more.

          Actually, if you need me to verify that, I could always buy another staff and test it out.

          Well, can't it?
          Yup, it's certainly accurate!

          Thanks a lot.
          You're welcome!


          • Bandobras
            • Apr 2007
            • 676

            Originally posted by Anne
            I think it was Recharge Item II (but I do remember it said power of 40 if that helps) and the staff was Cure Serious Wounds. One of those 3am things where I should have written down more.
            OK. I've just tested Recharge Item II and it's broken in some other ways, too. Reported. Don't bother.


            • Bandobras
              • Apr 2007
              • 676

              Ha, I've fixed the last (known) pickup bugs and made dungeon knowledge start at the current wilderness location thanks to Pete Macs arcane advice. I think beta2 is now ready. Of course, if anybody can fix some more pending bugs, this would be great. As for me, I'll now finally play a long melee game...

              P.S. Andrew, when your work on documentation for documentation is done and you feel like releasing beta2, please either nudge me to do the basic work and then, you know, sign it and update oook Variants page and publicize, etc. or just let me know so I can contribute the Linux package. Either way, the kind benefactors to this release are too numerous to mention (but big thank you!), except the mysterious Anne, whose contributions are too numerous to mention, in turn, so perhaps instead of marking every other changelog entry with her name we could create an NPC in her honor, or something. Or a shopkeeper? We need more shopkeepers now that we have so many races. Anne the Mysterious. What shop would that be? What race? What purse? A pity the documentation for shop_own.txt is not yet ready... Even worse if the shop owners are hardcoded at 4 per shop for some deep reason...
              Last edited by Bandobras; March 3, 2008, 00:17.


              • Pete Mack
                • Apr 2007
                • 6697

                I don't think that code is going to work. The init_obj value is never defined. (You don't need to tweak the object position if you are not passing in a zone, etc.) You can get rid of that block:
                /* Tweak the starting object position
                if(init_obj >= 0) {
                o_cur = init_obj - g_offset[g_cur];
                init_obj = -1;


                • Pete Mack
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 6697

                  Whoops, I missed the comments.

                  There is still a bug in that block, but it is harmless in the comment. (The else clause should be removed. o_cur is set by default to g_offset[g_cur], not to 0.)


                  • Pete Mack
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 6697

                    OK, I figured out why that if block is so wacky. I wrote it while looking at vanilla code, not at UnAngband code. UnAngband doesn't use the menu API; it uses display_object_list, which is replaced with menu API in V. That commented out if statement is just plain wrong for UnAngband.


                    • Anne
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 134

                      Awww, Bandobras, you're too sweet! You know that isn't necessary at all. By the way, I came in to tell you that I finally located some of those floors with embedded pebbles. I tried dropping and picking up several items and nothing odd happened. I didn't have any torches handy at the time, drat it. I'd have liked to try those, just in case it was specific to them. But it sounds like that might be what you mentioned that you've fixed anyway (the pickup bugs).

                      Enjoy your playing time, you've certainly earned a little R&R!

                      And wish me luck, because I came across Andrew's thread about compiling on Windows, and I'm going to give it a shot and start downloading tonight. On dialup, no less. If I go missing for the next month or so, I'm probably still downloading. My kingdom for some broadband!


                      • pav
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 484

                        /me dispatches a mule caravan to Anne's Kingdom with the sources, compiler and a mystic of the Cygwin circle to help you with the set up.
                        See the elves and everything! http://angband.oook.cz


                        • Anne
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 134

                          I love you, pav.


                          • Anne
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 134

                            Map to the door to Moria - "You can travel to the door to Moria (20 with this." Last parenthesis is missing there. Other maps I've found seem to show that part correctly.

                            When attempting to travel, it sometimes prevents you, saying that you don't have enough food. I've had that happen when I had plenty of cooked meat and scrolls of satisfy hunger. It may be purposely coded to ignore certain types of food, but I wasn't sure. Of course, it lets you travel once you've eaten to Full, no matter what type of food is in your inventory.

                            When trying to examine something in a pile, it lets you choose which one, but then it seems to shift into targeting mode. So far I've only been able to try this with things that would bring up a monster recall rather than an object description (hellcat scales, night orc head, etc). Don't know yet whether it would happen with other types of objects as well. If I choose A, it says "Target Selected" and if I choose B it shifts to another grid.

                            Those !proofing scrolls - should using one erase the last? Such as if I use a waterproofing scroll on something that was fireproofed, should it erase the fireproofing while giving it waterproofing? I assume it's supposed to work that way - just checking to make sure it's working right.


                            • Bandobras
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 676

                              Originally posted by Anne
                              Map to the door to Moria - "You can travel to the door to Moria (20 with this." Last parenthesis is missing there. Other maps I've found seem to show that part correctly.

                              Originally posted by Anne
                              When attempting to travel, it sometimes prevents you, saying that you don't have enough food. I've had that happen when I had plenty of cooked meat and scrolls of satisfy hunger.
                              It's OK. Meat can gorge you and scrolls are too expensive to auto-use.

                              Originally posted by Anne
                              When trying to examine something in a pile, it lets you choose which one, but then it seems to shift into targeting mode.
                              Does it say "Examine which item?"?
                              I guess you 'l'ooked at an item, not 'I'nspected it (sorry, I know you use roguelike keys). You can't examine from afar, I think, neither in old Un, nor in V.

                              Originally posted by Anne
                              Those !proofing scrolls - should using one erase the last? Such as if I use a waterproofing scroll on something that was fireproofed, should it erase the fireproofing while giving it waterproofing? I assume it's supposed to work that way - just checking to make sure it's working right.
                              Yes, this is a balance measure. Actually, I think most of the time the second branding fails. If not, sometimes it even asks for confirmation, e.g. when overwriting rune effects with scroll effects. The interface may be somewhat overhauled if/when all weapons are made explicitly water-proof, all books frost-proof, etc.


                              • Anne
                                • Feb 2008
                                • 134

                                Ah, I was 'l'ooking at it on the floor. I keep thinking of it as e'x'amine since the roguelike key is 'x'. I'll have to find another pile to make sure whether it asks "Examine which item". Shouldn't take me too long. Yay for corridor fighting. lol.

