Pyrel dev log

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  • Derakon
    • Dec 2009
    • 8820

    Pyrel dev log

    A few weeks back I described an approach to handling the object model for a roguelike in this thread. I wasn't able to let it rest there, so I started implementing that object model, discovered it worked well, and moved on to adding actual features. So far I'm still at it.

    I am legendarily bad at finishing big projects like this, but in the interests of keeping my motivation fresh I'm going to log my progress here. The ultimate goal is to rewrite Angband in Python -- a task several people have attempted in the past without success. I'm hoping that if I'm unable to complete it, I'm at least able to get it to the point that other people can start pitching in to help out. That in mind, eventually I should probably set up a GitHub repo for this project -- only problem is, I'm using Mercurial on my local machine (since I'm far, far more comfortable with it than with Git), and until there's an actual point in having GitHub up, I'd rather not disturb my workflow any more than necessary.

    Some high-level stuff: I'm working in Python 2.7, and so far the only external dependency is wxPython, which is doing my windowing, event handling, and display logic. In the interests of making it as simple as possible for new devs to get started, I'm going to try to keep it to just that one external dependency if I can manage it. Standalone applications for OSX and Windows can be made with py2app and py2exe respectively; Linux has apt-get and the like.

    I plan to have strong separation between the engine and display layers, so theoretically it should be possible to write e.g. a curses display mode so you can play over SSH or whatever. However, I'll leave that to others to work with. I'm only bothering to implement the "ASCII" display layer because I need it to be able to debug the code.

    The way communication between the engine and display layers work is that the display layers provide commands to the engine, the engine updates state, then it hands its state to the display layer to show. Some events will result in prompts to the user; in that case, the engine provides the prompt type, the relevant container of things being prompted for (e.g. items in inventory, monsters in LOS), and a prompt message. The display layer has a free hand in how to display those prompts. For example, the standard Angband UI is keyboard-driven via series of menus, but the display code could decide to show clickable buttons, or even pop up a dialog box instead. All the engine cares about is that a selection is made (or the prompt is cancelled).
    Last edited by Derakon; April 15, 2012, 06:04.
  • Derakon
    • Dec 2009
    • 8820

    My most recent work has been on loading monster records. I started out with the monster.txt and monster_base.txt files from v4, wrote a simple parser to load those into objects, and then serialized those objects using JSON. Then I removed the Angband files, replaced them with the JSON versions, and wrote a new (much simpler) loader to use them.

    There's a number of reasons to do this, but the big two are:
    * The old format doesn't cleanly allow for optional values
    * The old format is rather inscrutable

    There's a third reason which is mostly just a bit of a pleasant bonus: JSON's much easier for programs to load than the Angband file format (you don't need to write your own parser), so writing tools that can make it easier for variant maintainers to add/edit creatures isn't out of the question. It should be fairly easy to integrate into wizard mode, frankly.

    I wanted optional values because I want to be able to simplify how display is handled. The idea is that each display mode (e.g. ASCII, small tile, Shockbolt tile, etc.) can attach its own display metadata to each monster record, which the corresponding display module will read out when it needs to draw that monster. That should be more pleasant to work with than having a big mapping of monster index numbers to image files / offsets, which is what I believe is currently being done.

    Incidentally, index numbers are completely irrelevant so far.

    Anyway, here's an example monster record:
    {"index": 24, "name": "Small kobold",
    "display": {"ascii": {"color": [255, 255, 0]}},
    "templates": ["kobold"],
    "hitpoints": 8, "speed": 110,
    "visionRange": 20, "alertness": 70, "evasion": 0, "absorption": 0,
    "nativeDepth": 1, "rarity": 1, "experienceValue": 5,
    "blows": [["HIT", "HURT", "1d5"]],
    "flags": ["DROP_60"],
    "description": "It is a squat and ugly humanoid figure with a canine face."},
    And here's an example monster template:
    {"name": "kobold",
    "display": {"ascii": {"symbol": "k"}},
    "category": "Kobold",
    "type": "kobold",
    "flags": ["EVIL", "OPEN_DOOR", "BASH_DOOR", "IM_POIS"]},
    Basically everything except the symbol and color are ignored, incidentally -- I haven't implemented AI, combat, or even a speed system yet. But speaking of color and symbol, I get arbitrary color selection and UTF-8 support for free.


    • Magnate
      Angband Devteam member
      • May 2007
      • 4916

      Originally posted by Derakon
      The way communication between the engine and display layers work is that the display layers provide commands to the engine, the engine updates state, then it hands its state to the display layer to show. Some events will result in prompts to the user; in that case, the engine provides the prompt type, the relevant container of things being prompted for (e.g. items in inventory, monsters in LOS), and a prompt message. The display layer has a free hand in how to display those prompts. For example, the standard Angband UI is keyboard-driven via series of menus, but the display code could decide to show clickable buttons, or even pop up a dialog box instead. All the engine cares about is that a selection is made (or the prompt is cancelled).
      You do realise, I hope, that you're not *merely* doing the long-awaited python rewrite ... you're also doing the core-UI split at the same time ... :-)

      Good luck. If you've accumulated any wisdom over the years about what makes you keep going and what makes you give up, let us know if we can provide any of the former.
      "Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The Beatles


      • grinder
        • Mar 2012
        • 13

        Originally posted by Derakon
        There's a third reason which is mostly just a bit of a pleasant bonus: JSON's much easier for programs to load than the Angband file format (you don't need to write your own parser), so writing tools that can make it easier for variant maintainers to add/edit creatures isn't out of the question. It should be fairly easy to integrate into wizard mode, frankly.
        Consider using YAML instead, as it's a superset of JSON (so no need to worry about it right now) and allows for something valuable for human readers that JSON lacks: inline comments.


        • Derakon
          • Dec 2009
          • 8820

          Hm, I'd been using JSON because a) I got it working quickly, and b) it had built-in support in Python via the json module (whereas YAML would require a third-party library). The lack of comments is a problem though. Thanks for pointing it out. We could just have a dummy field in the record that acts as a comment, but that strikes me as rather hackish.

          On the flipside, if we assume that most modifications to these records will, in the future, be generated more often by editor programs instead of by hand, it's likely that comments that aren't embedded into the records as data would get blown away regularly anyway (insert comment by hand, someone else makes a change via editor -- boom, comment is gone). In which case, comments-as-data would be preferred, and YAML loses its major convenience.

          Incidentally, this morning I switched over object.txt to JSON. Objects and monsters were the roadblocks to implementing a bunch of stuff, so from here I should be clear to start working on inventory, a combat framework, level generation, etc. My plan here is to just sketch out rough details -- for example, for combat I'll be omitting hit chance, critical hits, maybe even multiple blows/round; the main thing is to be able to hit things and have them die. The details can be backfilled later.

          EDIT: ha! Writing a conversion from the old object file format to JSON does not equate to being able to create objects from those records! However, that is now working too, at least what I've tested of it -- I can load the records, tell the game to give me a stack of iron spikes, and get a random 6d7 spikes; I can also create daggers, potions, etc. Flavors haven't been implemented yet, and of course none of the items actually do anything, but it's progress.

          The codebase is currently 1768 lines long, of which 284 lines are comments and 310 are whitespace. That's a bit light on comments, but not unacceptably so; I've just been being uncharacteristically terse while banging out big structures, for the most part.
          Last edited by Derakon; April 16, 2012, 06:26.


          • Derakon
            • Dec 2009
            • 8820

            Objects can have object templates now, like creature templates. I spent a bunch of time manually creating a bunch of object templates, only to belatedly realize that Angband already had object templates in object_base.txt. They just aren't called out explicitly like the monster templates are. Oh well; I would have had to make adaptations anyway to handle templated display parameters and a few other things (like crowns always having a base AC of 0).

            Example object record:
            {"index": 238, "subtype": "Devotion",
            "templates": ["amulet"],
            "mods": [{"bonus": "1+M3", "flags": ["WIS"]}, {"bonus": "d6", "flags": ["CHR"]}, {"bonus": "1", "flags": ["LIGHT"]}],
            "flags": ["SUST_WIS", "SUST_CHR", "", "RES_DARK", "RES_LIGHT", "RES_FIRE", "HOLD_LIFE", "GOOD"],
            "allocations": [{"commonness": 10, "minDepth": 70, "maxDepth": 100}]},
            Corresponding template entry:
            {"type": "amulet", "template_name": "amulet",
            "display": {"ascii": {"color": "flavor", "symbol": "\""}},
            "weight": 0.3}
            The "flavor" color means that the color of the object should derive from its flavor. Once I get around to assigning flavors to objects, that will actually be used. I already have the map of flavor to color ready to be used.

            1824 lines, 408 are comments, 208 are whitespace. I'm...having trouble reconciling this count with my earlier count -- how did I manage to turn ~100 lines of whitespace into comments? The command I'm using, for what it's worth, is
            find . -name "*py" | grep -v data | xargs cat | grep -P "^\s*#" | grep -cv "#"
            The "grep -P" for some reason returns not just lines that have some amount of whitespace followed by a #, but also lines that have no # at all; oh well, I split them out after.


            • Derakon
              • Dec 2009
              • 8820

              I'm in the middle of making items equippable. The basic plan here is:
              • Each item (or item template) record may include an "equipSlots" field. This is a list of slots the item can be equipped to, like "weapon", "launcher", or "neck". Currently all items in Angband can only be wielded to one type of equip slot, but there are variants that e.g. allow a weapon to be wielded to the shield slot, hence the list.
              • Each creature (or creature template) record may include its own "equipSlots" field, which describes the slots the creature has available for wielding items. This is a mapping of slot descriptors (e.g. "on your back", "on your left finger", "providing light") to slot names (e.g. "back", "finger", "light source"). Thus we cover the equipment display as well as non-unique equipment slots (like the two ring fingers). This should make it fairly easy to let variants let the player play as different monster races.
              • Whenever a creature equips or unequips an item, we need to recalculate the flags and bonuses they get from gear. We store a cached version of this for ease of lookup; it's this cached version that we use for all other game logic.

              I'm also thinking about how to handle the melee/missile stat split. Specifically, there's some weirdness right now with how Rings of Finesse/Prowess apply to missile combat, and you can't currently get off-launcher/ammo slays to apply to missile combat. What I'm thinking is this:
              • Some flags and mods apply only to the item that has those flags/mods. For example, EASY_KNOW, IGNORE_ACID. Conceptually we could have items that are more or less resistant to elemental damage too, so flags with associated pvals could go here.
              • Some flags apply to the wielder. TELEPATHY, RES_ACID, etc. all go here.
              • Some flags apply to one or more equipment slots (or rather the items currently occupying those slots). So you could have a ring that gives you extra finesse but only in melee (a Ring of Fencing?), or a cloak that gives all your other armor slots IGNORE_ACID.
              I'm wondering if this is more complexity than gain though. The main benefits I can think of right now are:

              * Off-weapon combat bonuses are more obvious about what they affect
              * We have a few minor new items that we could create (c.f. anti-acid cloak)

              The cost of course is that the complexity of the mods system is increased. Currently mods implicitly affect either the item or the wielder; we can keep that implicit system and avoid having to specify weapon slots for 99% of existing mods. But the code will still need to handle it. Thoughts? Especially if you can think of other interesting things you could do with items that affect other items when equipped.
              Last edited by Derakon; April 19, 2012, 21:15.


              • Magnate
                Angband Devteam member
                • May 2007
                • 4916

                Originally posted by Derakon
                Whenever a creature equips or unequips an item, we need to recalculate the flags and bonuses they get from gear. We store a cached version of this for ease of lookup; it's this cached version that we use for all other game logic.
                How are you handling player knowledge of player state? Are you keeping two entirely separate caches, one of "real" state and one of "known" state, or are you adding a "known" flag to each element of state, or what? IMO this will be a big determinant of your ID code.
                I'm also thinking about how to handle the melee/missile stat split. Specifically, there's some weirdness right now with how Rings of Finesse/Prowess apply to missile combat, and you can't currently get off-launcher/ammo slays to apply to missile combat. What I'm thinking is this:
                • Some flags and mods apply only to the item that has those flags/mods. For example, EASY_KNOW, IGNORE_ACID. Conceptually we could have items that are more or less resistant to elemental damage too, so flags with associated pvals could go here.
                • Some flags apply to the wielder. TELEPATHY, RES_ACID, etc. all go here.
                • Some flags apply to one or more equipment slots (or rather the items currently occupying those slots). So you could have a ring that gives you extra finesse but only in melee (a Ring of Fencing?), or a cloak that gives all your other armor slots IGNORE_ACID.
                I'm wondering if this is more complexity than gain though. The main benefits I can think of right now are:

                * Off-weapon combat bonuses are more obvious about what they affect
                * We have a few minor new items that we could create (c.f. anti-acid cloak)

                The cost of course is that the complexity of the mods system is increased. Currently mods implicitly affect either the item or the wielder; we can keep that implicit system and avoid having to specify weapon slots for 99% of existing mods. But the code will still need to handle it. Thoughts? Especially if you can think of other interesting things you could do with items that affect other items when equipped.
                I have strong views about this (which you can of course ignore at leisure). I think that added complexity is fine, because it can always always be simplified later. Far better to design in capacity for complexity and ultimately not use it, than try to add it later.

                So I'd encourage you to code the mods framework in a way that is completely flexible:
                - any mod can affect any entity: @ or any monster(s) or any slot or item, including carried (not worn) items (combine your anti-acid cloak with Sangband's protection blankets), including not-self (dagger that boosts archery but not melee)
                - any mod's effect on its affected entities can be on-wield or on-carry (so an artifact rod in the backpack can provide a slowing aura which only affects demons)

                Just my 2p. Please keep up the good work. d_m and noz and I were discussing pyrel over a curry the other night and are all very excited about it.
                "Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The Beatles


                • Derakon
                  • Dec 2009
                  • 8820

                  Originally posted by Magnate
                  How are you handling player knowledge of player state? Are you keeping two entirely separate caches, one of "real" state and one of "known" state, or are you adding a "known" flag to each element of state, or what? IMO this will be a big determinant of your ID code.
                  I'm still working on properly handling equipping items to specific slots -- I haven't had much time to program these last few days and it took a bit longer than anticipated. So the ramifications of equipping items haven't been handled yet. However, here's my plan:

                  * Every trait of an equippable except for base AC, damage dice, weight, flavor, and of course its item category is considered a "mod" to the item. Some mods are binary (i.e. flags), some are parameterized (i.e. "pvals"). In the item record they're called "flags" and "mods" respectively. Yes, this means that +to-finesse and +to-prowess would be considered item mods.
                  * Flags are transparently mapped to +1 mods on load. The item has a list of mods that it has -- I'll probably create a new ItemMod class for this.
                  * Like ItemMods can be merged (e.g. a weapon with multiple Slaying affixes).
                  * ItemMods can be known or unknown.

                  Later on I/we can deal with affixes; they'll probably be approached as aggregates of Mods, and if every Mod in the aggregation is learned then the affix is learned too.

                  I have strong views about this (which you can of course ignore at leisure). I think that added complexity is fine, because it can always always be simplified later. Far better to design in capacity for complexity and ultimately not use it, than try to add it later.
                  Well, you can go two ways with this. If I tried to make Pyrel be capable of anything then I'd certainly never finish, for example.

                  So I'd encourage you to code the mods framework in a way that is completely flexible:
                  - any mod can affect any entity: @ or any monster(s) or any slot or item, including carried (not worn) items (combine your anti-acid cloak with Sangband's protection blankets), including not-self (dagger that boosts archery but not melee)
                  - any mod's effect on its affected entities can be on-wield or on-carry (so an artifact rod in the backpack can provide a slowing aura which only affects demons)
                  I have notify-on-pickup and notify-on-wield functions coded in, though of course currently they do nothing (and I'd also need notify-on-remove-from-inventory). I'm busy sketching out the framework, and plan to leave the detail work for later.

                  I spoke with d_m some about this yesterday evening; making mods targetable does significantly increase complexity even if we disallow second-order effects. I'm not certain I have a good idea for how to implement it cleanly yet; it'll bear some consideration.

                  Just my 2p. Please keep up the good work. d_m and noz and I were discussing pyrel over a curry the other night and are all very excited about it.
                  Oh dear, social pressure.


                  • Magnate
                    Angband Devteam member
                    • May 2007
                    • 4916

                    Originally posted by Derakon
                    * Every trait of an equippable except for base AC, damage dice, weight, flavor, and of course its item category is considered a "mod" to the item.
                    Do we need to distinguish between base AC and +ac? I guess you want the former to be a physical property and the latter magical? That works.
                    * ItemMods can be known or unknown.

                    Later on I/we can deal with affixes; they'll probably be approached as aggregates of Mods, and if every Mod in the aggregation is learned then the affix is learned too.
                    Sure. That's not quite what I was on about though. Consider regen: @ is healing (and getting hungry) faster than usual. There are at least two aspects of knowledge to this: (i) has @ noticed at all and (ii) is @ aware of the source of this change? The latter is the traditional "this property of this item is known", but the former is "this aspect of current state is known", which is different.
                    Well, you can go two ways with this. If I tried to make Pyrel be capable of anything then I'd certainly never finish, for example.
                    Hmmm. I see it a bit differently - you don't have to actually code every piece of complexity, merely keep your design able to accommodate it. But I guess we need to look at specifics:
                    I spoke with d_m some about this yesterday evening; making mods targetable does significantly increase complexity even if we disallow second-order effects. I'm not certain I have a good idea for how to implement it cleanly yet; it'll bear some consideration.
                    Please forgive me if I've misunderstood, but how does targetable (of entities) increase complexity more than targetable (of slots, which you said you already intended)?

                    I was thinking some more about this, and thinking that this is closely tied to how you implement effects (which in turn determines spell handling). Because although most item mods affect only attributes of something (usually @'s stats or resists), some of them affect the environment (OF_IMPACT, OF_TELEPATHY etc.). So it's probably worth thinking about effects at least a bit before making irrevocable conclusions about item mods.
                    Oh dear, social pressure.
                    But you asked for it :-)

                    If it helps, I'd happily volunteer to do Pyrel's item gen, if you want to outsource when you're happy with the mod framework. And I'm not sure if he told you this, but d_m wrote his dungeon gen code in python before porting it to V!
                    "Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The Beatles


                    • Derakon
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 8820

                      Originally posted by Magnate
                      Do we need to distinguish between base AC and +ac? I guess you want the former to be a physical property and the latter magical? That works.
                      That was my thinking. Base AC is also important for handling acid damage.
                      Sure. That's not quite what I was on about though. Consider regen: @ is healing (and getting hungry) faster than usual. There are at least two aspects of knowledge to this: (i) has @ noticed at all and (ii) is @ aware of the source of this change? The latter is the traditional "this property of this item is known", but the former is "this aspect of current state is known", which is different.
                      Don't we assume that if the player is aware of their condition then they also know which piece(s) of gear is causing that condition? Since otherwise @ has do to a bunch of tedious equipment swapping next to salamanders to figure out exactly what's giving him rFire, etc.
                      Hmmm. I see it a bit differently - you don't have to actually code every piece of complexity, merely keep your design able to accommodate it.
                      Well, my goal is to implement all of the framework stuff -- the "this is broadly what you are able to do with X". Once that's done I can open up the dev work to more people since the remaining work will mostly be filling in details (e.g. replacing the "generate a static room" code with "generate a random proper dungeon level" code). Item mods are part of the framework, IMO, because getting them wrong makes all aspects of item handling less pleasant. And items are a Big Deal in Angband.
                      Please forgive me if I've misunderstood, but how does targetable (of entities) increase complexity more than targetable (of slots, which you said you already intended)?
                      I was waffling on making mods slot-targetable, sorry; I should have made that more clear.

                      I was thinking some more about this, and thinking that this is closely tied to how you implement effects (which in turn determines spell handling). Because although most item mods affect only attributes of something (usually @'s stats or resists), some of them affect the environment (OF_IMPACT, OF_TELEPATHY etc.). So it's probably worth thinking about effects at least a bit before making irrevocable conclusions about item mods.
                      I suppose you could consider at some level an item mod to be a permanent passive effect...though I guess you could also have items that cast spells when they are equipped (and then can't be unequipped for awhile), or the like. But I think we can still safely delineate between passive and active mods, and leave the active ones for later.

                      Originally posted by magnate2 on IRC
                      <magnate2> But like you I want to brood on this a little further. I think we need some kind of ontological hierarchy of things in Angband. During my thinking about effects I had got as far as classifying different genui of effects
                      [04:29] <magnate2>
                      [04:30] <magnate2> So I think I can come up with similar thinking about mods (which you may or may not find helpful :-))
                      Thanks, I'll check out that page. And if I think of anything about Pyrel that belongs on the wiki instead of in the source documentation, then I'll make a node.

                      If it helps, I'd happily volunteer to do Pyrel's item gen, if you want to outsource when you're happy with the mod framework. And I'm not sure if he told you this, but d_m wrote his dungeon gen code in python before porting it to V!
                      As I mentioned earlier, my plan definitely is to get the framework in place so everyone knows how to interact with the different components of the engine, and then set Pyrel loose for others to hack on. To be more specific, here's what I want to get done:

                      * Item mods, and applying those mods to the player / other items / etc.
                      * Simple level gen -- just making a small room with some level-appropriate items and monsters
                      * Simple combat -- letting the player take a whack at monsters, letting monsters take a whack at the player (assuming their incredibly stupid AI lets them try, anyway). This is actually almost done; I just need to affect hitpoints.
                      * Usable items -- make a potion that can be used to print a message, something like that.
                      * Savefiles (which will probably be just a serialization of all extant objects, possibly gzipped)
                      * Character birth and death

                      That leaves a whole ton of stuff that's really important to gameplay but won't affect the basic engine. Proper AI, v4's combat model, all of the item effects, spells (including monster spells), etc...and honestly the last two items could probably wait until later, if only because we may well be changing the item and monster records and that would mean rewriting the (de)serialization code each time.


                      • Magnate
                        Angband Devteam member
                        • May 2007
                        • 4916

                        Originally posted by Derakon
                        Don't we assume that if the player is aware of their condition then they also know which piece(s) of gear is causing that condition? Since otherwise @ has do to a bunch of tedious equipment swapping next to salamanders to figure out exactly what's giving him rFire, etc.
                        I think you're correct, yes. I've tried to think of an example in current gameplay where @ is aware of a condition but not its source, and I can't. So never mind that!
                        I suppose you could consider at some level an item mod to be a permanent passive effect...though I guess you could also have items that cast spells when they are equipped (and then can't be unequipped for awhile), or the like. But I think we can still safely delineate between passive and active mods, and leave the active ones for later.
                        Yes, agree on all counts - I think item mods and effects are actually very closely overlapping sets of things, which I think is why I'm so exercised about the framework. I was surprised to see that spells aren't in your initial list of framework items, btw.

                        If I can come up with a conceptual framework that addresses mods and effects together I'll be interested in your views on it. If you do your item mods framework before I get round to that, I hope you'll forgive me stress-testing it!
                        "Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The Beatles


                        • Derakon
                          • Dec 2009
                          • 8820

                          Originally posted by Magnate
                          Yes, agree on all counts - I think item mods and effects are actually very closely overlapping sets of things, which I think is why I'm so exercised about the framework. I was surprised to see that spells aren't in your initial list of framework items, btw.
                          Okay, so, let's see if I can't talk my way through this. This could get a bit rambly.

                          We want to have an Effect class. Effects do "stuff" via their trigger() method; basically they're rules for mutating the game world. Effects can trigger at different times:

                          * "onUse": When an item is used (including spells -- spellbooks count as items)
                          * "onEquip": When an item is equipped
                          * "onEntry": When a square is moved into (traps)
                          * ...

                          Effects can also be marked as one-shots (also including permanent effects), indefinite, or temporary. Examples of one-shot effects would be dealing damage, identifying or enchanting an item, or revealing map information. They're simple.

                          More complicated are indefinite and temporary effects. In both cases, the effect needs to implement an expire() method, which specifies how to clean up when the effect ends. For temporary methods, we just set a timer, and when the timer expires, the effect removes its mutation to the world. For indefinite effects we also need to know when to call the expire() method:

                          * onEquip -> onUnequip
                          * onEntry -> onExit
                          * onPickup -> onDrop
                          * onUse -> onUse

                          Effects can also have targeting. We specify the following types of valid targets:

                          * Player
                          * User-selected direction / tile / other creature (i.e. standard Angband targeting)
                          * All inventory
                          * User-selected inventory/equipment/floor item
                          * Specific (non-user-selected) equipment slot(s)
                          * ...more?

                          Now, every entity that is a valid target of an non-instant/one-shot effect (Items and Creatures currently; possibly Terrain as well) must maintain a list of Mods that affect the entity. A Mod is a new class that consists of the following:

                          * A flag describing what effect the mod has. For example, STR, RES_FIRE, SPEED.
                          * A modifier amount (a simple signed integer)
                          * A link back to the Effect? Or to the entity that triggered the Effect? This is mostly for informative purposes (e.g. putting the text "This weapon is receiving a bonus to finesse from your Ring of Finesse +140" on the 'I'nspect screen)

                          The entity also maintains a cached "modified state" that sums up how these mods affect the entity. This thus includes things like:
                          * The totals of all stat-bonus Mods
                          * Which elements the entity is resistant/vulnerable/immune to
                          * etc.

                          It's this cached state that we refer to in the course of normal gameplay. Every time a mod is added to or removed from the entity, it is recalculated / updated.

                          So let's make some example records. First off, we're going to want not just Effect records (effect.txt edit file), but also Effect Template records (effect_template.txt), since a lot of effects, especially when it comes to attack spells, are going to look very similar. So here's an effect template:
                              "name": "bolt",
                              "duration": "instant",
                              "targets": ["free target"],
                              "procs": [{"type": "animate bolt"}]
                          The name is used to let specific Effects map back to this effect; duration and targets should be obvious. "procs" is how we map an effect to the code used to handle it. Somewhere in the code will be a function that maps "animate bolt" to a function that takes the Effect and its target as arguments and mutates the game state to handle display (e.g. by sticking a transient spell effect onto the appropriate tile).

                          Here's an Effect record using that template:
                              "name": "magic missile",
                              "templates": ["bolt"],
                              "procs": [
                                  {"type": "damage creature",
                                   "damage": "3d4"
                                  {"type": "display bolt",
                                   "display": {"ascii": {"color": (194, 0, 194)}}
                          Here we include another proc to actually deal damage to the target. The "damage" field is basically an arbitrary metadata field that gets passed to the proc-handling function. We could stick anything we want in there. We replicate the "display bolt" proc here so we can insert the appropriate display metadata (the "display bolt" code handler already knows what kind of symbols to use since it's displaying a bolt, after all).

                          Here's another effect -- providing resistance to an element, like you'd get from armor -- written out completely without resorting to templates, just for the sake of clarity:
                              "name": "resist elec",
                              "duration": "indefinite",
                              "trigger": "onWield",
                              "procs": [
                                  {"type": "permanent resistance",
                                   "element": "electricity"
                          Here we include the "trigger" field, which the magic missile effect didn't include (it'd have to be specified by the items using the effect). The target is the owner of the item. And of course we invoke a different proc with a different argument.

                          Now here's some item records with effects:
                              "subtype": "Magic Missile",
                              "templates": ["wand"],
                              "complexity": 3, "cost": 200, "charges": "6+d10",
                              "allocations": [{"commonness": 20, "minDepth": 20, "maxDepth": 60}],
                              "effects": [
                                  {"trigger": "onUse",
                                   "name": "magic missile"
                              "subtype": "Blue Dragon Scale Mail~",
                              "templates": ["dragon armor"],
                              "display": {"ascii": {"color": [0, 64, 255]}},
                              "weight": 10.0,
                              "armor": {"baseArmor": 12},
                              "effects": [{"name": "resist elec"}]
                          Note that the trigger can be stored in the effect record and/or overridden in the item record, much like anything in the effect template record is merged with and/or overridden by the effect that uses that template. Hierarchies on hierarchies on hierarchies, man. Turtles all the way down.

                          Okay, this is getting long enough as it is, and I think if I try to add any more to it I'll just confuse myself (and, ergo, everyone trying to understand me). Feedback?


                          • d_m
                            Angband Devteam member
                            • Aug 2008
                            • 1516

                            Originally posted by Derakon
                            More complicated are indefinite and temporary effects. In both cases, the effect needs to implement an expire() method, which specifies how to clean up when the effect ends. For temporary methods, we just set a timer, and when the timer expires, the effect removes its mutation to the world. For indefinite effects we also need to know when to call the expire() method:

                            * onEquip -> onUnequip
                            * onEntry -> onExit
                            * onPickup -> onDrop
                            * onUse -> onUse
                            As far as underlying implementation, I think a nice way to model this is to basically "give" the world to the effect instance every turn (or every place where the effect could end) and let it decide how it wants to do it. I think this is nice because it means the effect can do sanity checking (e.g. not just if the item is worn, but if the item still exists) rather than trying to do all that work in one gigantic "determine when to do callbacks for all effect types" mega-method.

                            Originally posted by Derakon
                            Effects can also have targeting. We specify the following types of valid targets:

                            * Player
                            * User-selected direction / tile / other creature (i.e. standard Angband targeting)
                            * All inventory
                            * User-selected inventory/equipment/floor item
                            * Specific (non-user-selected) equipment slot(s)
                            * ...more?
                            Is targeting an intrinsic part of an effect? For instance, taking 3d6 fire damage might be a particular effect. It sounds like in your system the effect that targets one monster, versus a beam, versus a ball, versus "all evil creatures" would all be different effects.

                            In one sense I think you're right, but for some reason I imagine effects as more like the thing that happens, and less like all the ways it could come about.

                            Originally posted by Derakon
                            It's this cached state that we refer to in the course of normal gameplay. Every time a mod is added to or removed from the entity, it is recalculated / updated.
                            For the proof of concept I suggest you don't do any caching for now. In the long run you may want to but in the short term it will create lots of correctness bugs (IMO). And you may need less caching than you think.

                            Originally posted by Derakon
                            Here's another effect -- providing resistance to an element, like you'd get from armor -- written out completely without resorting to templates, just for the sake of clarity:[code]{
                            "name": "resist elec",
                            "duration": "indefinite",
                            "trigger": "onWield",
                            "procs": [
                            {"type": "permanent resistance",
                            "element": "electricity"
                            I guess I find this to be shoehorning a lot of different concepts (and game logic) into one system. Is permanent resistance unrelated to temporary resistance at the effects level? Do they get to share names? What would the temporary resist's name be?

                            Sorry for being critical. Overall I am really excited about your work, I just feel like you're going down the same path that a lot of the Java/XML people did in the 90's and early 00's (trying to move program logic into data files). If the effects data files are going to be really heavyweight I'd want to be able to use more of a language to express them (sort of the way you could imagine a lisp programmer doing it) and otherwise I'd want to maybe build a bunch of simpler concepts that compose more naturally.

                            Anyway, please feel free to disregard to the degree this feedback isn't useful to you!


                            • Nick
                              Vanilla maintainer
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 9351

                              Excerpt from my stream of consciousness:
                              • This is the way Angband should be written
                              • I have done no real object-oriented development
                              • Angband is naturally OO
                              • I really should learn some Python
                              • I know C much better than any other language
                              • I have 189100 lines of C code
                              • plus edit files, pref files, help files...
                              • and that's just in one variant
                              • maybe I should have stayed in bed this morning
                              One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                              In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

