FAangband 0.3.1

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  • Nick
    Vanilla maintainer
    • Apr 2007
    • 9353

    FAangband 0.3.1

    FAangband 0.3.1 (new! bugfree! maybe) is now available as source or windows binary from
    the usual place.

    This is basically just a bugfix of 0.3.0, although I have also added Andrew Doull's easy_more multiline messages from UnAngband. I hope all crashes from the notes bug will now be over, although it's possible that converted 0.3.0 characters could have existing corruption that will result in a crash - if so, I'd be keen to get a copy of (and probably able to fix) the offending savefile. The good news is that any corruption should die with the character Thanks to everyone who has given me bug reports, and to Pav as always for hosting.

    Version 0.3.2 will probably be some time now, and contain major changes; see here for vague details.

    Full embarrassing list of changes below.


    Added Andrew Doull's multiline messages (easy_more option) from UnAngband.

    Player now loses target on being confused.


    Multiple level feelings on themed levels.

    Turn not noted properly if an artifact is IDd on the ground.

    Ammo not showed in 'i' inventory - reverted to old one.

    Crash on exit in windows.

    Rings of resist cold (etc) which give vulnerability have value, and stack
    despite different percentages.

    Cursed items shouldn't be throwable (except from the quiver).

    Specialty browsing screen - arrows don't scroll.

    SP_SHADOW shouldn't show "hurt by bright light".

    Speed display needs to update more often.

    Player placed in wall sometimes on entering river levels.

    Subwindow area map & dbl/trptile.

    Flags and percent resists in 'C' not matching.

    Autoinscriptions don't work.

    Dbl/trptile settings don't save in sdl.

    'I' screen indenting is bad.

    Nature's vengeance doesn't show damage on browsing.

    Notes-related crash on 'C' screen.

    Immunities not working.

    Proofing - will only do 1 item but then stacks and proofs multiple.

    AC appearing for inIDd rings of power.
    One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
    In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
  • Psi
    • Apr 2007
    • 848

    Well done for getting the release out!
    Originally posted by Nick
    This is basically just a bugfix of 0.3.0, although I have also added Andrew Doull's easy_more multiline messages from UnAngband.
    Not quite sure what is going on here. After I buy/sell things and then press something for example space or return (but not escape), I keep getting a prompt up saying Command:. I've turned easy_more off for now and I no longer get it.


    • Psi
      • Apr 2007
      • 848

      Just found some randart armour that a store won't buy - it is not cursed or anything! It gives telepathy but it does have a 20% vulnerability to confusion.

      It also activates for blinding ball of light (50+10) - why not 60?


      • Nick
        Vanilla maintainer
        • Apr 2007
        • 9353

        Originally posted by Psi
        Not quite sure what is going on here. After I buy/sell things and then press something for example space or return (but not escape), I keep getting a prompt up saying Command:. I've turned easy_more off for now and I no longer get it.
        What happens is the messages possibly go over multiple lines, covering the top bit of the map (or store table or whatever); you can then do your next command straight away, but if you want to see the whole screen first, you can hit space or enter and it will clear the messages and prompt for a command. Maybe the prompt isn't necessary.

        Just found some randart armour that a store won't buy - it is not cursed or anything! It gives telepathy but it does have a 20% vulnerability to confusion.
        The stores will currently not buy anything that gives a vulnerability. I didn't actually intend for it to be that strict, but I think maybe I like it

        It also activates for blinding ball of light (50+10) - why not 60?
        The ball has two parts - 50 light damage, 10 confusion damage.
        One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
        In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


        • Psi
          • Apr 2007
          • 848

          Thanks for the clarifications, Nick.

          I've now got a randart lance that only has telepathy (!) - all of a sudden it is on everything! It is a bit of a heavy swap at 30lbs, but is a bit safer than my telepathy chainmail swap for Mormegil. My post-Mim HE Rogue has got as far as Anfauglith 46 in 150k turns - I'll post him up soon if he doesn't die first...


          • Nick
            Vanilla maintainer
            • Apr 2007
            • 9353

            Win CE binary now available! Many thanks to Psi for this.
            One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
            In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


            • Seany C
              • Apr 2007
              • 261

              Wahey - 0.3.1 hasn't crashed once yet - the Windows movement bug seems to be fixed.

              Just one query - I've found Hithlomir (ta, Ulfast) and although it's not *ID'd* yet, my improved resistance levels are showing up on the char screen - "bug" or "feature"?


              • Nick
                Vanilla maintainer
                • Apr 2007
                • 9353

                Originally posted by Seany C
                Just one query - I've found Hithlomir (ta, Ulfast) and although it's not *ID'd* yet, my improved resistance levels are showing up on the char screen - "bug" or "feature"?
                That's a really good question. It was a bug in 0.3.0, but I decided not to fix it for 0.3.1. I'm considering ditching *ID* altogether, and so this is a small test, I guess. Any thoughts?
                One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

