You know, you guys are right. Let people get pissed off. If the game isn't full of stuff that pisses people off, it wouldn't be fun. Maybe I'll make God flamboyantly gay just to irritate as many people as possible.
Realistically, anything I do is going to be relatively tame by modern standards anyways. It's not like I have a team of artists sitting around drawing animations of naked prostitutes being murdered by aliens, so my game will probably be less offensive than alot of others.
I'm still going to call the game UgaritRL though - since it really isn't an Angband variant.
Just do what what you want to do. If it pisses (unknown) people off, so be it. If you try to please everyone, esp. the "oh so easily offended crowd" you're going to end up with a pile of crap.
You know, you guys are right. Let people get pissed off. If the game isn't full of stuff that pisses people off, it wouldn't be fun. Maybe I'll make God flamboyantly gay just to irritate as many people as possible.
Flamboyantly gay transvestite black woman.
I think someone would have problems with that one.
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No matter what I do, I doubt the game will be so offensive that it will get press coverage anyways. I can't compete with Duke Nukem Forever in terms of offensiveness, though I might be able to compete with it in terms of development time.
I think the best thing to do is focus on making a game I would want to play. If I can do that, there's hope that other people might play it to.
The other option is to make really simple and addictive games quickly and hope that one of them becomes a fad. The artist I usually work with is doing that, but I'm aiming in the other direction. I'm not particularly concerned with making money anyways, which isn't going to happen with a freeware, open source game.