I'd like to make my modified edit directory available for anyone to play almost like a variant, and it's almost different enough to call a variant even though the /edit .txt files are the only thing that's changed. There's new races and classes and changes to make permanent see invisible a lot rarer (and less monsters invisible), in addition to a lot of different monsters. I have a few monsters native deeper than dL100 to make it interesting to keep playing a little after winning the game. (Not that I could take advantage of that for awhile..) Can I distribute this legally? If not, can I distrubute it legally if I get official permission from Takkaria? Is there any way to make the dumps different from vanilla dumps so there can be a separate section of the ladder for it? (I'd like to be able to dump characters on the ladder).
Also, I hope I can get people to tell me what they think of the deeper monsters. It's kindof hard to test stuff like that when I don't usually get past dL20 or 25.
I've heard suggestions in another thread to get rid of some of the artifacts, and I'd like to do that except I don't really know which artifacts to take out. any suggestions? (please don't ask me to take out the uber-good stuff, I don't want my semi-variant to be harder than vanilla -just different).
Also, there are a couple flags I still don't know what they do, can anyone tell me?
POWERFUL (someone said it increased breath damage, but in the monster blow spoiler it only says that it increases the radius of the breath, and I'd be a little surprised if that was all it did.)
(I think those are the only two I'm not sure about)
Is there a difference/ What is the difference between HURT and FIRE,ACID,COLD,ELEC besides the effect of the elemental damage?
(someone in a recent thread inplied there was a difference besides the effects of the elemental attack.)
Also, I hope I can get people to tell me what they think of the deeper monsters. It's kindof hard to test stuff like that when I don't usually get past dL20 or 25.
I've heard suggestions in another thread to get rid of some of the artifacts, and I'd like to do that except I don't really know which artifacts to take out. any suggestions? (please don't ask me to take out the uber-good stuff, I don't want my semi-variant to be harder than vanilla -just different).
Also, there are a couple flags I still don't know what they do, can anyone tell me?
POWERFUL (someone said it increased breath damage, but in the monster blow spoiler it only says that it increases the radius of the breath, and I'd be a little surprised if that was all it did.)
(I think those are the only two I'm not sure about)
Is there a difference/ What is the difference between HURT and FIRE,ACID,COLD,ELEC besides the effect of the elemental damage?
(someone in a recent thread inplied there was a difference besides the effects of the elemental attack.)