RFC: Middle Earth map for Un in ASCII; is it readable?

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  • Bandobras
    • Apr 2007
    • 676

    RFC: Middle Earth map for Un in ASCII; is it readable?

    I've just mangled Nick McConnell's ASCII map for FAAngband and made a map for the early section of Un in a similar style (thanks Nick!). I wonder if it's readable enough (warning, monospace fonts required) and if there are errors wrt Tolkienology and wrt Un plot and data. And I'm a bit proud of it so here you are:

    =================== "Map" of (northern) Middle Earth =======================
    Below is a rough diagram of the linkages between the regions of Middle Earth
    your character can visit.  Dungeons' depths are shown in brackets under 
    the region where the entrance lies.  Note that some wilderness areas have
    no dungeon underneath, but still have a guardian (usually a unique monster), 
    who may or may not block passage to another region.  Only passages 
    that are never blocked are shown on the map.  This is why only (most of) 
    northern Middle Earth is shown --- to get south to where the fate calls, 
    you need to fight your way through.
    Some towns of Middle Earth are widely known and these are marked by '*' 
    on the map; the others are for you to discover --- or perhaps help rebuild?  
    The regions change as you shape the fate of Middle Earth by your brave deeds;  
    only the initial situation is shown on this map.  Some passages are initially 
    one-way only; they are marked with an arrow.  For more information 
    about wilderness and dungeons, see "dungeon.txt".
                                                       ##           Lonely Mountain
                      Trollshaw Forest (5-6)            ###              (21-38)
                       /                 |               ##                 | 
                      /   Midgewater     |                #                 |
    Hobbiton*        /   / Marshes |     |          Misty Mountains      Lake-town*
     |    \         /   /  (12-19) |     |            path ##             /  |
     |     \       Bree*           |     |           (6-13)<---Beorn's   /   |
     | East Road-->(1-4)   Weathertop    |          /      #    House   /    |
     |                  \    (21-31) \   |  Rivendell*     ##       \  /     |
     |   Ferry           \      |     \  | /      \        ##      Mirkwood  |
     |         Buckland*  \     |      Ford        \      ##        (15-26)  |
    Maggot's               \    |                   \   ###        /   |     |
     Farm        Old Forest \   |                  Caradhras      /    |     |
     (3-6)                   \  |                 / (21-50)      /     |     |
                           Barrow Downs          /      ##      /      |     |
                              (5-20)            /      ###     /       |     |
                                            West gates  ##    /        |     |
                                             of Moria <--- East gates  |     |
                                              (7-24)  ####  of Moria   |     |
                                                |      ###             |     |
                                                |      ##            Dol Guldur
                                                |     ##Lorien*     /  (41-65)
                                                |    ##            /  
                                                |   ##            /
                                                |  ###    Fangorn/
                                                |   ##   /
                                                 (7--35)             Parth Galen
                                                   ##   \                  Marshes
                                      #################  Edoras*        of the Dead
                            ##############            ## (1-22)             
                                                 Paths #####
                                              of the Dead ######
                                                              ############## Minas
  • Pete Mack
    • Apr 2007
    • 6697

    That's very nice, and much better than the abstract map I once generated using Unix tools. (awk, viz, troff)

    However, it is missing the links for "The Hobbit" (Bilbo) quest.


    • Nick
      Vanilla maintainer
      • Apr 2007
      • 9351

      Cool. I think it's an improvement on the original - I might have to redo mine now...
      One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
      In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


      • andrewdoull
        Unangband maintainer
        • Apr 2007
        • 816

        Originally posted by Pete Mack
        That's very nice, and much better than the abstract map I once generated using Unix tools. (awk, viz, troff)

        However, it is missing the links for "The Hobbit" (Bilbo) quest.
        I think Mikolaj is suggesting that these links are not initially available and need to be 'opened up' by completing some dungeons. Also, some of the interconnections have changed since you played. But the hobbit quest was always Hobbiton -> Bree -> Trollshaw -> Rivendell ->Misty - > Beorn ->Mirkwood -> Lake-town. Its just now possible to get to Mirkwood via Isengard which means the Beorn -> Misty link may be easilly traversed in one direction (thus the one way arrow).

        Again, this is very, very cool. Thanks for this.

        Last edited by andrewdoull; November 18, 2007, 08:46.
        The Roflwtfzomgbbq Quylthulg summons L33t Paladins -more-
        In UnAngband, the level dives you.
        ASCII Dreams: http://roguelikedeveloper.blogspot.com
        Unangband: http://unangband.blogspot.com


        • andrewdoull
          Unangband maintainer
          • Apr 2007
          • 816

          Originally posted by Bandobras
          I've just mangled Nick McConnell's ASCII map for FAAngband and made a map for the early section of Un in a similar style (thanks Nick!). I wonder if it's readable enough (warning, monospace fonts required) and if there are errors wrt Tolkienology and wrt Un plot and data. And I'm a bit proud of it so here you are:
          I can see why you are justifiably proud. As I mentioned, this is great.

          Looking at the map, it's definitely a lonely place east of the mountains in the event you accidentally wake a certain someone.

          And maybe one way arrows to Hornburg? A warning next to Dol Guldur? I'd also like Moria to be explorable from the west without having to keep going through Caradhras - I know the geography matches this way better, but having to skirt a level 21 location every time is not great for early players.

          (spoilers follow - tried to hide them as best I can)
          I also suspect those capable of toppling Saruman at Isengard should be rewarded in Fangorn with attendence at an Ent Moot (and perhaps a redrawn Isengard, awash with water and with flooded dungeons underneath that need cleaning out). Or perhaps the Ent Moot might be needed earlier... hmmm...

          Last edited by andrewdoull; November 18, 2007, 08:59.
          The Roflwtfzomgbbq Quylthulg summons L33t Paladins -more-
          In UnAngband, the level dives you.
          ASCII Dreams: http://roguelikedeveloper.blogspot.com
          Unangband: http://unangband.blogspot.com


          • Bandobras
            • Apr 2007
            • 676

            Thanks a lot for the comments. I've not only had a lot of fun (having cold and staying home is sooo nice), but I'm also flattered.

            The map is for the current SVN (which is changed, in particular, while drawing the map, to fit it ;D), which will probably become wip7c when Andrew gets a cold, or something ;>. The Bilbo quest looks as Andrew said and indeed you can go around the obstacles of Misty Mountains, but this is a dangerous road, so beware. The one-way link from Beorn's to the eastern entrace of Misty Mountains is open, because you take the secret goblin entrance, not the East-West Road the goblins are hunting travellers on. In game terms, if you already took the south road via Isengard with all the consequences (or defeated the goblins), there is no point in harassing you again. Similary with Moria.

            Originally posted by andrewdoull
            Looking at the map, it's definitely a lonely place east of the mountains in the event you accidentally wake a certain someone.
            Well, and so it was, unless we add in some coarse Woodsman's village so that the player does not have to walk to Rivendell and back all the time (not really that far, BTW, 5 wilderness locations from said dungeon, as opposed to 2--3 locations to the Woodsman's village). Not to mentions secret town, which requires a WOR, though. And there is a warning just on the (only) doorstep of the certain someone.

            And maybe one way arrows to Hornburg?
            Great idea, that would prevent scumming. However, Hornburg would become a dead end, so we'd have to decide where it leads after victorious battle (Paths? Capital again? Isengard? moot?).

            A warning next to Dol Guldur?
            I've added one, but it's not enough. Either make it stronger or add an easy battle (crossing Anduin or just at Dol Guldur) with stats and exp draining monsters, you can attempt it many times and if you win you are probably ready for the trouble and you get it right away.

            I'd also like Moria to be explorable from the west without having to keep going through Caradhras - I know the geography matches this way better, but having to skirt a level 21 location every time is not great for early players.
            Especially with the guardian on the level... Done in SVN, though generally I think lots of linearity in the map helps new players appreciate the real branching points.

            Great ideas. Perhaps put the moot in place already when the evil is stirred (then you have to "win" it to get help) or make it the exit from victory in Hornburg (then it's more like a reward)? Just let me know what to draw.

            Here is the new version of the map. Actually, it's in SVN only now, because I've forgotten "svn add" before.

            =================== "Map" of (northern) Middle Earth =======================
            Below is a rough diagram of the linkages between the regions of Middle Earth
            your character can visit.  Dungeons' depths are shown in brackets under 
            the region where the entrance lies.  Note that some wilderness areas have
            no dungeon underneath, but still have a guardian (usually a unique monster), 
            who may or may not block passage to another region.  Only passages 
            that are never blocked are shown on the map.  This is why only (most of) 
            northern Middle Earth is shown --- to get south to where the fate calls, 
            you need to fight your way through.
            Some towns of Middle Earth are widely known and these are marked by '*' 
            on the map; the others are for you to discover --- or perhaps help rebuild?  
            The regions change as you shape the fate of Middle Earth by your brave deeds;  
            only the initial situation is shown on this map.  Some passages are initially 
            one-way only; they are marked with an arrow.  For more information 
            about wilderness and dungeons, see "dungeon.txt".
                                                                ##           Lonely Mountain
                              Trollshaw Forest (5-6)            ###              (21-38)
                               /                 |               ##                 | 
                              /   Midgewater     |                #                 |
            Hobbiton*        /   / Marshes |     |          Misty Mountains      Lake-town*
             |    \         /   /  (12-19) |     |            path ##             /  |
             |     \       Bree*           |     |           (6-13)<---Beorn's   /   |
             | East Road-->(1-4)   Weathertop    |          /      #    House   /    |
             |                  \    (21-31) \   |  Rivendell*     ##       \  /     |
             |  Brandywine       \      |     \  | /  |   \        ##      Mirkwood  |
             |  | Ferry  |        \     |      Ford   |    \      ##        (15-26)  |
             |  |        V     ?   \    |             |     \   ###        /   |     |
             |  V   Buckland*  |    \   |             |    Caradhras      /    |     |
            Farmer    |        V     \  |             |   / (21-50)      /     |     |
            Maggot's  Old Forest-->Barrow Downs       |  /      ##      /      |     |
             Farm       (7-10)        (5-20)          | /      ###     /       |     |
             (3-6)                                   West gates ##    /        |     |
                                                      of Moria<----East gates  |     |
                                                       (7-24)  ###  of Moria   |     |
                                                         |    ####             |     |
                                                         |     ##            Dol Guldur
                                                         |    ##Lorien*     /  (41-65)
                                                         |   ##            /  
                                                         |  ##            /
                                                         | ###    Fangorn/
                                                         |  ##   /
                                                          (7-35)             Parth Galen
                                                           ##   \                  Marshes
                                              #################  Edoras*        of the Dead
                                    ##############            ## (1-22)             
                                                         Paths #####
                                                      of the Dead ######
                                                                      ############## Minas
            Last edited by Bandobras; November 18, 2007, 16:14.


            • andrewdoull
              Unangband maintainer
              • Apr 2007
              • 816

              Originally posted by Bandobras
              Thanks a lot for the comments. I've not only had a lot of fun (having cold and staying home is sooo nice), but I'm also flattered.

              The map is for the current SVN (which is changed, in particular, while drawing the map, to fit it ;D),
              For the best, I think. The only problem is the description of the current Caradhras, which assumes that it blocks the misty mountains passage, whereas this has not necessarily happened yet. I'll put a fix in that'll amend this.

              Great idea, that would prevent scumming. However, Hornburg would become a dead end, so we'd have to decide where it leads after victorious battle (Paths? Capital again? Isengard? moot?).
              At the moment, everything is triggered by the same set of events, which players may not be aware of unless they read the appendix of the hobbit. There should really be several events - Saruman's betrayal, Gollum's capture by Sauron, and so on, that trigger darkening of Isengard, release of the Riders etc.

              I suspect Edoras -> siege may be enough for Saruman. Although later (with friendly monsters, quests) it should be the player encountering Radagast, then investigating Isengard.

              I've added one, but it's not enough. Either make it stronger or add an easy battle (crossing Anduin or just at Dol Guldur) with stats and exp draining monsters, you can attempt it many times and if you win you are probably ready for the trouble and you get it right away.

              Especially with the guardian on the level... Done in SVN, though generally I think lots of linearity in the map helps new players appreciate the real branching points.
              I'll do some additional work and update the map where relevent. Let me know what you think.

              Last edited by andrewdoull; November 18, 2007, 23:52.
              The Roflwtfzomgbbq Quylthulg summons L33t Paladins -more-
              In UnAngband, the level dives you.
              ASCII Dreams: http://roguelikedeveloper.blogspot.com
              Unangband: http://unangband.blogspot.com


              • Bandobras
                • Apr 2007
                • 676

                Originally posted by andrewdoull
                The only problem is the description of the current Caradhras, which assumes that it blocks the misty mountains passage, whereas this has not necessarily happened yet. I'll put a fix in that'll amend this.
                Great. I tried to fix it by making it vague enough, but I ended up with something absurd (Goblins constructed the ancient East-West road? I don't think so.). At the moment I'm not even sure the way was blocked by Gandalf or anybody else. IIRC he was to ask a giant to block the trap constructed by the goblins, not the road itself. Which makes me wonder why Frodo did not use the road. Hmmm.

                Edit: Actually the East Road goes only to Rivendell, close to Rivendell is the High Pass or Pass of Imladris over the Goblin-town, from it runs the Forest Road to Lonely Mountain. The High Pass does not seem to be made by goblins and it is said Beorinings guarded it during the War of the Ring. The only other pass, Redhorn Pass lies under Caradhras. I still have no clue why the Fellowship didn't use the High Pass --- perhaps the terrain from it to Lorien was too exposed to Dol Guldur forces or just Misty Mountains orcs.

                I suspect Edoras -> siege may be enough for Saruman.
                What I was pointing at was the it would be great to make Horburg unescapable until the battle is won (or make it disappear from the map if the character escapes) by making the road to Hornburg one-way, but, since Hornburg has no other exists, the player would never be able leave Hornburg again.

                I'll do some additional work and update the map where relevent. Let me know what you think.
                Wonderful. I'm done for now. It will be exiting to see you turn my work inside out . Feel free to tear out all the makeshift descriptions made with a dictionary in hand and write something witty. BTW, the system for dungeon.txt script is wonderful --- it's brain-damaged simple and yet it's enough for quite a nontrivial adventure game.
                Last edited by Bandobras; November 19, 2007, 00:48.


                • andrewdoull
                  Unangband maintainer
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 816

                  Originally posted by Bandobras
                  Great. I tried to fix it by making it vague enough, but I ended up with something absurd (Goblins constructed the ancient East-West road? I don't think so.). At the moment I'm not even sure the way was blocked by Gandalf or anybody else. IIRC he was to ask a giant to block the trap constructed by the goblins, not the road itself. Which makes me wonder why Frodo did not use the road. Hmmm.
                  Agreed. It's blocked by Gandalf - I've added a low-level pass location, which unfortunately makes the map use the boring 'Redhorn pass', as opposed to 'Caradhras'...

                  What I was pointing at was the it would be great to make Horburg unescapable until the battle is won (or make it disappear from the map if the character escapes) by making the road to Hornburg one-way, but, since Hornburg has no other exists, the player would never be able leave Hornburg again.
                  Done. You beat the bad guy - you get to go to the Ent Moot... otherwise you're stuck at the siege.

                  I'm still vacilating about Saruman. I think I'm going with several ways to darken Isengard: defeating the Fangorn guardian (who has changed), defeating the low-level Isengard guardian (who I'm making up at the moment). I'd also like a plain 'wandered into the wrong place' location to reflect Gandalf getting entrapped by Saruman, which will ensure that Hornburg is accessible from the start. Suggestions welcome (should there be a separate 'dungeons of Isengard' / 'plains of Rohan'?? I'm not sure. Maybe just getting to Edoras should be enough) or should I just continue to use Dol Guldur.

                  I also want a branch for tracking Gollum up until where he crosses into Mordor... but that'll require adding a 'unique is alive' test (no biggie), as I quite like the idea of being able to follow all the various side quests that fellowship characters took.

                  Wonderful. I'm done for now. It will be exiting to see you turn my work inside out . Feel free to tear out all the makeshift descriptions made with a dictionary in hand and write something witty. BTW, the system for dungeon.txt script is wonderful --- it's brain-damaged simple and yet it's enough for quite a nontrivial adventure game.
                  Indeed. I'm all about brain damaged hacks...

                  The Roflwtfzomgbbq Quylthulg summons L33t Paladins -more-
                  In UnAngband, the level dives you.
                  ASCII Dreams: http://roguelikedeveloper.blogspot.com
                  Unangband: http://unangband.blogspot.com


                  • Bandobras
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 676

                    Originally posted by andrewdoull
                    Agreed. It's blocked by Gandalf
                    I'm still not convinced, especially that somewhere (probably in the Histories of Middle Earth) they say Beornings kept it open through the War of the Rings. So, I've given hints in the description that the High Pass (this is the name of the one north-east of Rivendell) is too high (and possibly too much to the north?) to be attempted when snow falls, as opposed to Rehorn pass, which is generally worse, but depends not so much on the season, but on the weather. Let's say this is part of the reason the Fellowship did not try the High Pass and this is why we close it later in the game (but I've avoided mentioning seasons of the year too frequently or we risk drawing player's attention to the lack of syncronization of the plot with the in-game calendar ).

                    - I've added a low-level pass location, which unfortunately makes the map use the boring 'Redhorn pass', as opposed to 'Caradhras'...
                    Since Redhorn is just another name for Caradhras (a translation from elvish to Westron (represented as English), most probably), I've explained it in the description, so Caradhras is mentioned at least there. The pass is everywhere in Tolkien mentioned only as "Redhorn Pass", no elvish name here. Also in the real Caredharas location I've hinted at the character loosing his way and so not traversing the Redhorn Pass, but randomly wandering the mountain itself. Hence the new name (no pass in it) and hence the unexpected exit from the location.

                    Done. You beat the bad guy - you get to go to the Ent Moot... otherwise you're stuck at the siege.
                    Great, but you can still get away and return using any map and the siege remains also after you beat it; at least the siege should in both cases disappear. I can correct the problems and also block the way from west Moria to Darkened Isengard using new locations: Emptied Isengard, Flooded Isengard, Dunland, Dunland rallied by Saruman.

                    I'd also like a plain 'wandered into the wrong place' location to reflect Gandalf getting entrapped by Saruman, which will ensure that Hornburg is accessible from the start. Suggestions welcome (should there be a separate 'dungeons of Isengard' / 'plains of Rohan'?? I'm not sure. Maybe just getting to Edoras should be enough) or should I just continue to use Dol Guldur.
                    The last two sound best for me, but with the former don't ruin Edoras after a single visit there! Perhaps ruin Edoras only when you get into Horburg (siege has started, orcs roam Rohan). I can program that (I really like the dungeon.txt hacking:-).

                    I also want a branch for tracking Gollum up until where he crosses into Mordor... but that'll require adding a 'unique is alive' test (no biggie)
                    Well, there already is one. Actually, the only other test is "dungeon entered".

                    P.S. If you still feel the east side of Misty Moutains has too few towns, perhaps add Iron Hills? This is where on of the Five Armies come from... Once I cut off Darkened Isengard and west Moria I could also remove the one-way links from the east across Misty Mountains (I'd put the same dungeons to defeat there) and then the player, with some labor, can have himself trapped on the east side without any town and with deep dungeons to fight through, so Iron Hills would help, unless we want to be so cruel.

                    Edit: is it intentional that Fangorn aflame has the same guardian as Hornburg?
                    Last edited by Bandobras; November 19, 2007, 21:25.


                    • Bandobras
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 676

                      Originally posted by andrewdoull
                      At the moment, everything is triggered by the same set of events, which players may not be aware of unless they read the appendix of the hobbit.
                      Appendix to The Hobbit? Where is it? My 1999 edition of The Hobbit from Harper Collins has no appendix in it. ;<

                      Anyway, I've done most of what I proposed, at least on the map --- the script files still need a lot of work. I don't want the early game map to overcrowded, especially with unfamiliar locations, so I hope there'll be not much added in the future. Instead some content can be added to dungeon descriptions, level definitions, etc.

                      I've decided against Iron Hills, because the heroes did not even get there. Unfortunately this is also true about the Woodmen Village (3--4 stores, Small Goods, Potions, Food, available only after 3-level Canines dungeon explored and Great Grey Warg killed) even though it was saved thanks to Bilbo&Co warning Beorn about goblins and wolves. I can remove the village and add the Wargs to Beorn's House locations. About Dunland I'm quite sure it fits there on the otherwise empty part of the map. Here is the new map, please comment.

                      =================== "Map" of (northern) Middle Earth =======================
                      Below is a rough diagram of the linkages between the regions of Middle Earth
                      your character can visit.  Dungeons' depths are shown in brackets under 
                      the region where the entrance lies.  Note that some wilderness areas have
                      no dungeon underneath, but still have a guardian (usually a unique monster), 
                      who may or may not block passage to another region.  Only passages 
                      that are never blocked are shown on the map.  This is why only (most of) 
                      northern Middle Earth is shown --- to get south to where the fate calls, 
                      you need to fight your way through.
                      Some towns of Middle Earth are widely known and these are marked by '*' 
                      on the map; the others are for you to discover --- or perhaps help rebuild?  
                      The regions change as you shape the fate of Middle Earth by your brave deeds;  
                      only the initial situation is shown on this map.  Some passages are initially 
                      one-way only; they are marked with an arrow.  For more information 
                      about wilderness and dungeons, see "dungeon.txt".
                                                                         ##            Lonely Mountain
                                                                          ###              (27-42)
                                     Trollshaws Forest (5-6)               ##                 | 
                                      |                  |                  #                 |
                                      |   Midgewater     |            Misty Mountains     Lake-town*
                      Hobbiton*       |  / Marshes |     |              path ##              /|
                       | \            | /  (11-17) |     |             (6-13)<---Beorn's    / |
                       |  \          Bree*         |     |            /      #    House    /  |
                       | East Road-->(1-4)    Weathertop |  Rivendell*       ##     \     /   |
                       |                  \     (18-31)  |  /|     \         ##      \   /    |
                       |  Brandywine       \       |  \  | / |      \       ##     Mirkwood   |
                       |  | Ferry  |        \      |   Ford  |       \     ##    Road (14-26) |
                       |  |        V     ?   \     |         |        \    ###         |      |
                       |  V   Buckland*  |    \    |         |         \    ##         |      |
                      Farmer    |        V     \   |         |       Redhorn #     Woodmen*   |
                      Maggot's  Old Forest-->Barrow Downs    |       Pass (8-37)<--Village    |
                       Farm       (7-10)        (5-23)       |         /  ###      (11-13)    |
                       (3-6)                                 |        /  ####        /        |
                                                             | West Moria ##        /         |
                                                             |  entrance ## East Moria        |
                                                             |   (7-24) #### entrance         |
                                                             |    /    ####   (14-24)         |
                                                             |   /     ##                 Dol Guldur
                                                           Dunland    ##Lorien*          / (43-65)
                                                                 \  ###                 /
                                                                  \ ####  Fangorn Forest
                                                                   \ ##  /
                                                                   (4-35)               Parth Galen
                                                                     ##   \               Dead Marshes
                                                        #################  Edoras*        
                                              ##############            ## (9-27)             
                                                                   Paths #####
                                                                of the Dead ######
                                                                                ############## Minas
                      Edit: updated the map
                      Last edited by Bandobras; December 10, 2007, 23:52.


                      • andrewdoull
                        Unangband maintainer
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 816

                        Originally posted by Bandobras
                        Appendix to The Hobbit? Where is it? My 1999 edition of The Hobbit from Harper Collins has no appendix in it. ;<
                        Maybe I'm mis-remembering. I've done the entire Unangband design from memory of reading the Hobbit and LotR as a teenager + Internet, which is a great source of errors.

                        Anyway, I've done most of what I proposed, at least on the map --- the script files still need a lot of work. I don't want the early game map to overcrowded, especially with unfamiliar locations, so I hope there'll be not much added in the future. Instead some content can be added to dungeon descriptions, level definitions, etc.

                        I've decided against Iron Hills, because the heroes did not even get there. Unfortunately this is also true about the Woodmen Village (3--4 stores, Small Goods, Potions, Food, available only after 3-level Canines dungeon explored and Great Grey Warg killed) even though it was saved thanks to Bilbo&Co warning Beorn about goblins and wolves. I can remove the village and add the Wargs to Beorn's House locations. About Dunland I'm quite sure it fits there on the otherwise empty part of the map. Here is the new map, please comment.
                        Good additions. I always wanted to include the Warg, but wasn't sure how, and opening up shops is a nice reward (The ones in Mirkwood have a higher cost to access == WoR). Dunland is fine as well - any thoughts as to what to put there?

                        I have an idea: Helm Hammerhand himself - we've mentioned him in the tips and having him haunt Dunland may be right given it was fight against the Dunlending that made him famous. However, we may want to make him a lot tougher than is appropriate for the depth that he is at, and I quite like the idea of ultimately fighting his ghost in the snow somewhere.

                        The Roflwtfzomgbbq Quylthulg summons L33t Paladins -more-
                        In UnAngband, the level dives you.
                        ASCII Dreams: http://roguelikedeveloper.blogspot.com
                        Unangband: http://unangband.blogspot.com


                        • Bandobras
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 676

                          OK, I've almost finished the new dungeon.txt. Only a few TODOs remain, but I'm spent so I'll not touch this in a while.

                          Originally posted by andrewdoull
                          I've done the entire Unangband design from memory of reading the Hobbit and LotR as a teenager + Internet, which is a great source of errors.
                          It is, and it mixes the scientific elvish names with the nice common names people actually know. Anyway, you have great memory!

                          Dunland is fine as well - any thoughts as to what to put there?
                          Nothing, and after certain evil is stirred, place a deep dungeon there that cuts the road to Isengard. In this way the free trip to the east around the mountains is possible only once. To get east again, you have to fight your way through, and fight again after the mountain passes are upgraded. I have no idea for the Dunland guardian, nor for the dungeon art. Logic would imply some high-level Dunlending, perhaps a descendant of Freca the Half-Dunlending.


                          • andrewdoull
                            Unangband maintainer
                            • Apr 2007
                            • 816

                            Originally posted by Bandobras
                            OK, I've almost finished the new dungeon.txt. Only a few TODOs remain, but I'm spent so I'll not touch this in a while.
                            Thanks again for your help with this.
                            The Roflwtfzomgbbq Quylthulg summons L33t Paladins -more-
                            In UnAngband, the level dives you.
                            ASCII Dreams: http://roguelikedeveloper.blogspot.com
                            Unangband: http://unangband.blogspot.com

