I'm trying to decide the best layout for the visible monster list in my variant. I want to support using the 32x32 tiles in the monster list. Which of the following layouts do you prefer? Feel free to suggest another layout if you have one.
Option 1 - Plain, flat list
The trouble with this option is that the 32x32 tiles are larger than the font size, so a lot of space gets wasted between the lines. Otherwise the monster tiles would overlap. Screenshot:

Option 2 - Staggered monster tiles
This option staggers the monster tiles so that the lines of text can be squeezed closer together without the monster tiles overlapping. Unfortunately it looks a little bit busy to me. On the other hand, you can squeeze a much larger list into the same space. Screenshot:

I have a strong preference for *not* displaying the monster tiles in a smaller size if possible.
Option 1 - Plain, flat list
The trouble with this option is that the 32x32 tiles are larger than the font size, so a lot of space gets wasted between the lines. Otherwise the monster tiles would overlap. Screenshot:
Option 2 - Staggered monster tiles
This option staggers the monster tiles so that the lines of text can be squeezed closer together without the monster tiles overlapping. Unfortunately it looks a little bit busy to me. On the other hand, you can squeeze a much larger list into the same space. Screenshot:
I have a strong preference for *not* displaying the monster tiles in a smaller size if possible.