While in town, enter a store. I don't think it matters which one. Press i to view your inventory. Then, rather than pressing / or esc e, to view your equipment, 'accidentally' press e.
This brings up the 'old' options menu, consisting of...
Pressing d, to drop will get you out of it, nothing dropped, no harm done. Pressing esc or almost any other key will cause the game to crash. All too often I press that esc key without even thinking about it.
IIRC this old menu isn't used for anything anymore. Why is it still hanging around.
Using Windows Vista, OA 110u, FAA 35a.
This brings up the 'old' options menu, consisting of...
Choose a command, or ESC: d) Drop k) Destroy I) Inspect {) Inscribe v) Throw r) Read
IIRC this old menu isn't used for anything anymore. Why is it still hanging around.
Using Windows Vista, OA 110u, FAA 35a.