[Un] Unangband 0.6.2 wip5a released

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  • andrewdoull
    Unangband maintainer
    • Apr 2007
    • 816

    [Un] Unangband 0.6.2 wip5a released


    Unangband 0.6.2 work in progress 5a has been released. This is a work in progress release so please save regularly.

    You can download the source code from http://download.berlios.de/unangband...-wip5a-src.zip

    Edit: the windows executable link now available at the link below.

    You can download a windows executable from

    For those of you compiling direct from the CVS, please note that I will be transitioning from CVS to SVN shortly. I am also somewhat 'ahead' of this release in CVS at the moment.

    Please report any bugs to http://developer.berlios.de/bugs/?group_id=331

    Changes follow:

    - Added some low level priest spells and defined some pre-requisites for basic priest

    - Dungeon generation has been comprehensively revised and improved for correctness.

    - You now dodge towards any monster you are attacking, which means ranged attacks can hit
    them instead, and that you can charge in the opposite direction the following turn.

    - Blocking now last two turns.

    - Added alchemical formulas. These allow potion specialists to inscribe a formula on a
    potion, scroll or lite object to modify how the object explodes. e.g. =1l causes any
    explosion to lite up the area it affects. =3r makes potion have radius 3. =2d makes potion
    do double damage. There are currently 15 different letters for you to discover, which can
    be combined. e.g. =3r2d.

    - Added a comprehensive set of death messages for various types of self-inflicted and
    unusual deaths.

    - You can now damage yourself with bolt and (more importantly) ball spells.

    - Thrown potions now explode with a fake 'nothing' effect if they have no effect
    (Suggested by Mikolaj).

    - Updated to allow radius 2 monster lites, improved glowing terrain and dropping a lit light to
    allow it to lite up the surroundings.

    - No ice-themed dungeons at shallow depth (Reported by Pete Mac). In general, dungeon
    features should be chosen a little more appropriately regards for depth.

    - Food descriptions improved (Reported by Pete Mac).

    - Dungeon connectivity should be greatly improved (Reported by Pete Mac and others).

    - Made staffs brandable (Requested by jevansau1).

    - Further work on allowing doors and walls to display different orientations in isometric mode.

    - You can now examine more items in shops. This now allows you to browse spellbooks
    (Requested by pebepe).

    - Fix bug causing guardian uniques to be accompanied by out of depth monsters (Reported
    by Matthias Rudolf).

    - Fix major bug with level_flags.

    - Adjust recommended classes to minimise very negative stats.

    - Improvements to allow player to be accidentally crushed by closing a sliding wall on themselves.

    - Fix a number of infinite loops and crashes in dungeon generation.

    - Fix strange messages for monster name display in various circumstances (Reported by

    - Fixed problems with monster escorts and monster summoning picking invalid monsters or
    too tough monsters (Reported by matthiasrudolf).

    - Fixed objects lost in stairs created by quests (Fix by Mikolaj).

    - Fixed exploit where player created traps would allow additional items to be created (Reported
    by matthiasrudolf).

    - Fixed bugs around room walls not being lit correctly (Reported by Mikolaj).

    - Fixed bug using repeat command and wands of wonder (Reported by matthiasrudolf).

    Last edited by andrewdoull; June 5, 2007, 19:40.
    The Roflwtfzomgbbq Quylthulg summons L33t Paladins -more-
    In UnAngband, the level dives you.
    ASCII Dreams: http://roguelikedeveloper.blogspot.com
    Unangband: http://unangband.blogspot.com
  • pav
    • Apr 2007
    • 484

    Funny that Windows download link points to src file again. I checked the win file on Berlios, it's corrupted.
    See the elves and everything! http://angband.oook.cz


    • Rasit
      • Apr 2007
      • 6

      Originally posted by pav
      Funny that Windows download link points to src file again. I checked the win file on Berlios, it's corrupted.
      Same thing for me, too bad I don't have any compilers on this computer.


      • andrewdoull
        Unangband maintainer
        • Apr 2007
        • 816

        Originally posted by pav
        Funny that Windows download link points to src file again. I checked the win file on Berlios, it's corrupted.
        Thanks. Didn't double-check this before release. I've updated the above message and will update tonight. Thanks for picking this up so quickly.

        The Roflwtfzomgbbq Quylthulg summons L33t Paladins -more-
        In UnAngband, the level dives you.
        ASCII Dreams: http://roguelikedeveloper.blogspot.com
        Unangband: http://unangband.blogspot.com


        • pav
          • Apr 2007
          • 484

          Originally posted by andrewdoull
          Thanks. Didn't double-check this before release. I've updated the above message and will update tonight. Thanks for picking this up so quickly.
          Yeah, you know, I actually managed to post a news item with wrong links on the Oook homepage before I noticed it. I only noticed when I was checking file sizes for the Variants page update
          See the elves and everything! http://angband.oook.cz


          • Nick
            Vanilla maintainer
            • Apr 2007
            • 9353

            Tried out a Vampire Warrior Mage. Sadly he thought he was a gardener (probably from starting with blood and bone), tried to disarm a pit, fell in and died. Should I be expecting him to claw his way out again?
            One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
            In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


            • andrewdoull
              Unangband maintainer
              • Apr 2007
              • 816

              Originally posted by Nick
              Tried out a Vampire Warrior Mage. Sadly he thought he was a gardener (probably from starting with blood and bone), tried to disarm a pit, fell in and died. Should I be expecting him to claw his way out again?
              I was thinking about letting player Vampires regenerate, but... I think dying in a grave he dug himself is a little, ironic, I guess.

              The Roflwtfzomgbbq Quylthulg summons L33t Paladins -more-
              In UnAngband, the level dives you.
              ASCII Dreams: http://roguelikedeveloper.blogspot.com
              Unangband: http://unangband.blogspot.com


              • Bandobras
                • Apr 2007
                • 676

                Congratulations on wip5a release! I'm glad you are moving to SVN, too.

                A quirk: Hobbit Mage, point-based, but no points assigned. The character screen says he has Hit Die 5, but his HP are 3 (2 less than expected). Moreover, after advancing to CL 2 (STR and INT raised) his HP are 10 (2 more than possible).


                Edit: Clarifying, in the previous version, with Hit Die 5, he would have starting 5 HP and would gain 1dHit Die hit points each level after CL 1. That was true throughout the game, regardless of CON and SIZ bonuses (they were factored in only in the Hit Die). Clarifying further, the intial 5 HP and the per-level increases would be linearly scaled by the CON and SIZ bonuses as they increase, so that eventually the order of stat and level gains is unimportant (and I'm not sure if it holds for wip5a).

                Edit2: By putting all points into SIZ and CON I could get a Hobbit Mage with 16 starting HP (Hit Die 18). Whoa! That was unheard of. Not that it's unbalanced, though --- a Mage without decent spell stats is toast in Un, fortunately...
                Last edited by Bandobras; June 4, 2007, 21:04.

