Caught in a Necromance: A Victory and a Review

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  • Xaxyx
    • Feb 2010
    • 37

    Caught in a Necromance: A Victory and a Review

    (v. 4.2.1)

    I've acquired a handful of wins over the years, mostly mage as, admittedly, the other classes haven't appealed to my play style. Lately I've been questioning that philosophy, trying to goad myself into trying something outside my comfort zone and rekindle my interest in the game.

    Enter the Necromancer. It's a primary spellcaster, whose potential 0% failure rate appeals to me. I assumed that it would eventually have some powerful offensive spellcasting capabilities at high levels (spoiler: it does). And it was advertised as having some distinctive and flavorful utilities. So I gave it a whirl.

    And died horribly. Over and over again. My god, I thought early game was challenging for a mage. But this guy can't seem to get the ball rolling. Hell, he can barely find the ball, stumbling around in the dark as he does. And why do my @#%&*@% spells keep @#%&*@% failing so much?!

    Well, it was a combination of factors. Firstly, it turned out that the effect of being in a lit area is that it reduced spellcasting chance. This included standing next to a monster that radiates light. So most p's, some Z's, etc. Thus, my 6-7% failure rate would suddenly jump up to a ~30% failure rate just when I needed it the most -- when that paladin got right up in my face. Once I figured that out, things became a bit easier.

    A bit. Then, more unexpected spell failures. What now?! Oh... apparently the Afraid state reduced spellcasting chance as well. Huh. Okay. So we needed to take that into account, too. Actually, I ended up making a mental list of the Very Important Statuses that I had to take into account, above and beyond effects like blindness/dark/light and confusion:

    - Lit area: Darken lit rooms before attacking; stay away from light-emitting monsters; use Phase Door scrolls to get away from light-emitting monsters
    - Afraid: Carry stacks of !Boldness; look for items that resist Fear (early on it was =Dog)
    - Stun: Be wary of gold dragons and other sound-damage producing monsters; drink potions that cure stun; look for items that resist Sound/Stun (stun resistance can even show up on some non-artifact weapons)

    Did Afraid always reduce spellcasting chance? Was that why, every once in a while as a mage, I'd get a string of mysterious spellcasting failures for no seeming reason? Oh, well. I'm by no means an Angband expert.

    Anyway, above and beyond the casting, the early game necromancer still lacked in many ways. It lacked in reliable escapes, until the rather expensive Shadow Shift became viable. As a result, I carried stacks and stacks of Phase Door scrolls all game long. It also lacked reliable casting damage; Nether Bolt, the early bread-and-butter, go-to ranged nuke, would get a "resists somewhat" message against a wide slew of monsters, including orcs and kobolds, which are quite prevalent in the early levels. A roomful of snaga, ordinarily a tasty treat for a mage, would send my necromancer scurrying back to the shadows. And undead and constructs were just flat-out immune.

    I had to shift my mentality more -- much more -- in the direction of moving slowly, detecting often (Read Minds revealed the vast majority of truly dangerous foes throughout the game) and choosing my battles carefully. I also found myself relying on devices a great deal more, using wands and, eventually, rods of various sorts. Eventually, I lucked upon a Maul of Acid, which I wielded to great effect, even enchanting it up to +10/+10. I clobbered a great many nether-resistant, stubborn opponents with this weapon; I was saddened to replace it.

    I read a review recently by a mage player who took every opportunity to push their Con. I took the opposite strategy; I pushed Int, even wincing in begrudging acceptance when a !Intellect reduced my Con. Swiftly acquiring a more solid mana pool, as well as a dramatically reduced failure rate, I made my way into the mid-game, where I could solidly rely on Disenchant as my primary form of attack.

    Disenchant worked on *everything*. Alive, undead, construct, you name it. But what's absolutely fantastic about this spell, apart from its versatility, was its utterly astounding side-effect: it dramatically reducesd the target's chances to throw spells back at me. And that effect worked on every spellcaster in the dungeon. Including uniques. Including Sauron. Including Morgoth. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

    My mid-game consisted of searching for Int, and eventually Con, potions, to round out my primary statistics. This, along with equipment that would provide the key resistances to prevent casting chance reduction, plus bonuses to Int and Con. In this respect I got quite lucky, as I found myself absolutely overflowing with +Int, +Con, and eventually +Speed items of wide variety. I also took the advice of another necromancer thread I'd read on these forums, whereby I equipped a Lantern of True Sight and drained it to 0, gaining me its benefits (see invisible; resist blindness) while not radiating any light.

    At this point I should make note that my character was a half-troll; that indeed, all of my characters are always half-trolls. This is because I am possessed of the notion that this race possesses the one attribute that no other race can ever possess: extra hit points. Half-trolls enjoy higher hit point dice modifiers than every other race. Anything they sacrifice in return for this benefit can readily be made up for by wearing the appropriate equipment. As hit points are, arguably, the most important attribute, I find myself hard-pressed to justify giving up this bonus, no matter how much more difficulty I'm imposing on myself as an Int-based class.

    Necromancers also have another fantastic advantage: they resist both dark and nether intrinsically. This provides a terrific amount of versatility in finding and acquiring equipment. Dark resistance in particular is great early game, as spellcasters love throwing darkness effects (thanks, enemy spellcaster!) and darkness hounds become immaterial. Combined with the ability to cast See Invisible on demand, I found it much easier to build a set of gear that provides the important resistances and immunities for mid-game survival, such as fire/cold/acid/lightning/poison resistance; nexus; blindness; confusion; and as aforementioned, sound and fear.

    At some unidentifiable point I crossed over from surviving comfortably to absolutely kicking butt. My end game consisted of obliterating every unique on the level irrespective of the amount of intervening trash, and casually tossing artifacts over my shoulder if they didn't have the potential improve my setup in some fashion. Annihilate, and at level 50, Storm of Darkness, would dispatch enemies of any level of strength in no time flat -- so long as they were interspersed with the occasional casting of Disenchant, to ensure that my opponent rarely, if ever, got off a spell cast. I faced down both Sauron and Morgoth in the middle of empty rooms -- normally sacrilege against powerful summoners such as these -- simply because they almost never actually cast a spell.

    I saw a mage review that talked about each of the spell books in turn; so I thought I might steal that format to do the same:

    Into the Shadows
    Nether Bolt is a decent enough damage spell against some opponents, especially in the very early game. But there's eventually a gap between when this spell is reliable and when a caster can shift to the use of Disenchant.
    Sense Invisible is fantastic tool, eliminating the need to find a permanent source for quite some time.
    Create Darkness is occasionally handy when one finds themselves forced to fight in a lit room (or the preemptively prepare a room for combat).
    Bat Form seems like a gimmick; I found no real use for it. If other necromancers can provide advice to the contrary, I'm all ears.
    Read Minds is cast almost constantly in the early and mid-games -- basically, until one can find a reliable source of telepathy.

    Dark Rituals
    Tap Unlife is a decent damage spell against undead. It can be relied upon -- must be relied upon, really -- during the gap between the use of Nether Bolt and Disenchant. It's great that its cost is 0; it's even better that it net gains you mana in its use. There have been times during the mid-game that I found myself juggling two foes, one undead, one living, throwing nukes at the living foe and replacing my mana by draining the undead one. It didn't happen often, however. And eventually, once you're powerful enough, you'll end up just throwing Disenchant against undead foes, too.
    Miasma seems like an act of desperation, putting you in a dangerous situation of being confused and hallucinating, all to deal a ton of damage in an area around you. It even has a life draining effect on you. I avoided its use as much as possible.
    Sleep Evil is a spell I avoided as well, as I find control spells (sleep, confuse, hold, fear) notoriously unreliable against monsters, who oftentimes turn out to be flat-out immune to such effects in any event.
    Shadow Shift is the Necromancer's get away spell. Too far to be a reliable combat tactic, too expensive to be used frequently, it's an emergency use spell in the mid-game.
    Disenchant is the go-to mid-game damage spell. It's average damage is solid, though the damage range can sometimes make it esoteric and unreliable. But its side effect of lowering spell casting chance is unparalleled. Used all game long.

    Fear and Torment
    Frighten is another control spell that I shied away from.
    Vampire Strike is a surprisingly useful mid-game attack. It deals consistent damage, and you gain as much health as the damage that you deal. The downside is that you land next to the creature that you attack, so it gets to swipe back at you. But if the enemy isn't that dangerous, you can net gain more than you lose as you bounce around an enemy, gradually draining all of its health, ending the fight at full hit points. The attack costs a lot less than Disenchant, making it a very efficient spell. All told, a very solid and reliable mid-game spell. Can be a bit finicky depending on positioning, as sometimes the spell cast will be canceled because the game can't find a proper space for you to land on.
    Dispel Life is a convenient mid-game weapon to use against rooms full of living opponents. The damage isn't reliable, but if you have the mana pool, you can swiftly dispatch a large number of enemies. The only reliable area-of-effect mid-game attack.
    Dark Spear is the necromancer's first and only beam attack. Damage and cost are both slightly below Disenchant. Convenient for use in corridors and similar situations.
    Warg Form is, I believe, for extended durations of melee combat. By the time I acquired this spell, I was already shifting toward a style of pure spell casting. I never used it.

    Deadly Powers
    Banish Spirits is an absolutely incredible endgame spell, basically a -Teleport Other on steroids. It throws almost everything out of the room -- p's, P's, D's, A's, U's, W's, V's, L's, almost anything with a mind of its own. Sadly, Z's and other animals are excluded. But the ability to dismiss a huge swath of dangerous opponents with a single spell is simply incredible. A staple endgame tool.
    Annihilate is, until level 50, the standard endgame attack spell against everything except undead and constructs. Be sure to pepper in some Disintegrate castings to make sure nothing gets thrown back at you.
    Grond's Blow is an earthquake. Some players like to destroy an area before fighting particularly difficult uniques, such as summoners. With the avent of Disenchant, however, I found this totally unnecessary.
    Fume of Mordor is a wonderful endgame utility, mapping the whole dungeon, darkening every room, and detecting all objects. Always cast upon arrival in new dungeon level.
    Storm of Darkness is the level 50 attack spell. Works on both living and dead alike, with the extremely rare exception of explicitly darkness-resistant opponents. Fantastic damage. Huge area of effect. Same damage as Annihilate but slightly cheaper.

    Corruption of Spirit
    Power Sacrifice is a nice way to supplement mana in long fights against foes that aren't too dangerous. Can save you !Restore Mana sometimes.
    Crush is a convenient way to clear a room of small critters. Cheaper and easier to just use Storm of Darkness eventually.
    Vampire Form is another melee-oriented shapeshift. I didn't really try it.
    Curse deals, according to its description, extra damage against weakened opponents. However, it deals 100 to the caster, which I found too high a price to experiment with. I probably should have tried it just to see how effective it was against weakened foes. (I suppose I still can; I haven't quit with my character yet...)
    Command lets you take over a monster's movements for a turn or two. Seemed silly -- and dangerous, as I didn't see a way to abandon the control myself and go back to my own body.

    I'll include my character dump below, for any who are interested. I think the body armor in particular was a fantastically lucky find. And I'm now a rabid fan of Crowns of Serenity for spell casters.
    Last edited by Xaxyx; April 7, 2021, 20:42. Reason: Grammar
  • Xaxyx
    • Feb 2010
    • 37


      [Angband 4.2.1 Character Dump]
     Name   Slowslug     Age             28          Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
     Race   Half-Troll   Height       5'11"   STR! 18/100  +4  -3  +0 18/110
     Class  Necromancer  Weight    17st 6lb   INT! 18/100  -4  +3 +15 18/***
     Title  ***WINNER*** Turns used:          WIS! 18/100  -2  +0  +6 18/140
     HP     994/994      Game       1721722   DEX! 18/100  -4  +0  +6 18/120
     SP     399/399      Standard    255151   CON! 18/100  +3  -2  +9 18/200
                         Resting     105060
     Level                 50    Armor     [37,+126]    Saving Throw     78%
     Cur Exp          6991484                           Stealth         Poor
     Max Exp          6991484    Melee       2d3,+20    Disarm - phys.   66%
     Adv Exp         ********    To-hit       60,+22    Disarm - magic   89%
                                 Blows      4.0/turn    Magic Devices    106
     Gold              383896                           Searching        61%
     Burden          285.1 lb    Shoot to-dam    +20    Infravision    70 ft
     Overweight      105.2 lb    To-hit       28,+26    Speed      25 (3.5x)
     Max Depth   5000' (L100)    Shots      1.0/turn
     Your father was a Stone-Troll Warrior.  You have slime-green eyes,
     oily sea-weed green hair, and white scabby skin.
    Resistances         Abilities
     Acid:.+*...+.+.... pFear:+........+...
     Elec:..+...+....*. pBlnd:.....+.......
     Fire:.+*...+.+.... pConf:......+..+...
     Cold:.++.*.+.+.+.. pStun:.........+...
     Pois:+.+...+...... HLife:..+...+......
    Light:....+.+...... Regen:............+
     Dark:.+....+...+.+   ESP:+............
    Sound:....+.+..+... S.Inv:.....+....+..
    Shard:.......+..... FrAct:++..+...+....
    Nexus:......+...+.. Feath:+..........+.
    Nethr:............+ S.Dig:+.....+...+..
    Chaos:....+........ TrpIm:.............
    Disen:..+.......... Bless:+............
    Hindrances          Modifiers
    ImpHP:............. Stea.:.......+.....
    ImpSP:............. Sear.:.............
     Fear:............. Infra:....+.......+
    Aggrv:............. Tunn.:..........+..
    NoTel:............. Speed:++.+....+..+.
    DrExp:............. Blows:.............
    Stick:............. Shots:.............
    Fragl:............. Might:.+...........
      [Character Equipment]
    a) the Throwing Axe of Helor (2d3) (+10,+10) [+4] <+2, +3> {2i 3s FA fear TE}
         Dropped by The Queen Ant at 2550 feet (level 51)
         +2 intelligence.
         +3 speed.
         Slays dragons (powerfully), demons (powerfully), evil creatures.
         Provides resistance to Poison.
         Provides protection from fear.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
         Slows your metabolism.  Feather Falling.  Grants telepathy. 
         Prevents paralysis.  Blessed by the gods (combat bonuses for holy
         When activated, it restores your intelligence.
         Takes 227 to 252 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 95.3%
         Combat info:
         4.0 blows/round.
         Average damage/round: 175.2 vs dragons and demons, 121.2 vs evil
         creatures, and 103.6 vs. others.
         Average thrown damage: 364 vs dragons and demons, 145.6 vs evil
         creatures, and 72.8 vs. others.
    b) the Long Bow 'Glandi' (x5) (+14,+20) <+1, +4, +2> {1i 2c 1s FA AFC}
         Dropped by Smaug the Golden at 3200 feet (level 64)
         +1 intelligence.
         +4 wisdom.
         +2 constitution.
         +1 speed.
         +2 shooting power.
         Provides resistance to Acid, Fire, Cold, Dark.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
         Sustains intelligence, constitution.
         Prevents paralysis.  
         When activated, it deals five times your level's damage to all
         evil creatures that you can see.
         Takes 343 to 420 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 96.2%
    c) the Ring of Amaruinel <+4, +3> {4int 3con HL iA iF L C pois dis}
         Dropped by a dread at 2750 feet (level 55)
         +4 intelligence.
         +3 dexterity.
         +3 constitution.
         Provides immunity to Acid, Fire.
         Provides resistance to Lightning, Cold, Poison, Disenchantment.
         Cannot be harmed by Lightning.
         Sustains constitution.
         Sustains your life force.  
         When activated, it destroys an area around you in the shape of a
         circle radius 15, and blinds you for 1d10+10 turns.
         Takes 343 to 420 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 93.1%
    d) a Ring of Speed <+11>
         Found lying on the floor at 4250 feet (level 85)
         +11 speed.
    e) the Jewel of Lumen <+4> {iC light chaos sound FA}
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 1600 feet (level 32)
         +4 infravision.
         Provides immunity to Cold.
         Provides resistance to Light, Sound, Chaos.
         Prevents paralysis.  
         When activated, it creates a large fire ball with damage 120.
         Takes 315 to 385 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 97.0%
    f) a Lantern of True Sight (0 turns) {SI rBlind}
         Found lying on the floor at 1550 feet (level 31)
         Provides protection from blindness.
         Cannot be harmed by Fire.
         Grants the ability to see invisible things.  
         Intensity 3 light.
    g) the Black Dragon Scale Mail of Saladori (-2) [16,+22] <+6, +3, +4, +1> (chargin
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 3400 feet (level 68)
         +6 intelligence.
         +3 dexterity.
         +4 constitution.
         +1 light.
         Provides resistance to Acid, Lightning, Fire, Cold, Poison, Light,
         Dark, Sound, Nexus.
         Provides protection from confusion.
         Slows your metabolism.  Sustains your life force.  
         When activated, it allows you to breathe light or darkness for 200
         Takes 602 to 882 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 97.3%
    h) a Cloak of Aman [1,+25] <+2> {shard}
         Taken from a chest found at 3400 feet (level 68)
         +2 stealth.
         Provides resistance to Shards.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
    i) the Knight's Shield of Mendaina [15,+16] <+2, +3, +1> {2int 3spd F C A FA}
         Dropped by Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain at 2750 feet (level 55)
         +2 intelligence.
         +2 wisdom.
         +3 speed.
         +1 light.
         Provides resistance to Acid, Fire, Cold.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid.
         Prevents paralysis.  
    j) an Iron Crown of Serenity [0,+11] {sound fear conf stun}
         Bought from a store
         Provides resistance to Sound.
         Provides protection from fear, confusion, stunning.
    k) the Set of Caestus of Redhel (+0,+3) [5,+21] <+3, +1> {C nexus SI}
         Found lying on the floor at 3850 feet (level 77)
         +3 tunneling.
         +1 light.
         Provides resistance to Cold, Dark, Nexus.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
         Sustains wisdom, dexterity.
         Slows your metabolism.  Grants the ability to see invisible
    l) the Pair of Ethereal Slippers 'Voriathol' [0,+19] <+11> {11spd iL}
         Dropped by Itangast the Fire Drake at 3950 feet (level 79)
         +11 speed.
         Provides immunity to Lightning.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
         Sustains intelligence.
         Feather Falling.  
      [Character Inventory]
    a) a Necromantic Tome [Into the Shadows]
         You can read this book.
    b) a Necromantic Tome [Dark Rituals]
         You can read this book.
    c) a Necromantic Tome [Fear and Torment]
         You can read this book.
    d) a Necromantic Tome [Deadly Powers]
         Cannot be harmed by Fire.
         You can read this book.
    e) a Necromantic Tome [Corruption of Spirit]
         Cannot be harmed by Fire.
         You can read this book.
    f) 5 Mushrooms of Vigor
    g) 23 Potions of Healing
    h) 7 Potions of *Healing*
         It can be thrown at creatures with damaging effect.
    i) 2 Potions of Life
         It can be thrown at creatures with damaging effect.
    j) 26 Potions of Restore Mana
    k) 7 Potions of Restore Life Levels
    l) 29 Potions of Speed
    m) 22 Scrolls of Phase Door
    n) 6 Scrolls of Teleport Level
    o) 2 Scrolls of Banishment
    p) 20 Scrolls of Remove Hunger
    q) 4 Rods of Detection {@z1}
         Cannot be harmed by Lightning.
    r) 2 Rods of Healing (2 charging)
         Cannot be harmed by Lightning.
    s) 4 Rods of Teleport Other {@z3}
    t) 2 Rods of Recall
         Cannot be harmed by Lightning.
    u) 2 Rods of Speed (1 charging) {@z2}
         Cannot be harmed by Lightning.
    v) the Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth [0,+0] <+50, +1> {??}
         Dropped by Morgoth, Lord of Darkness at 5000 feet (level 100)
         You do not know the full extent of this item's powers.
         +50 strength.
         +50 intelligence.
         +50 wisdom.
         +50 dexterity.
         +50 constitution.
         +50 infravision.
         +1 light.
         Provides resistance to Acid, Lightning, Fire, Cold, Poison, Light,
         Dark, Nexus, Nether.
         Provides protection from fear, confusion.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid.
         Grants telepathy.  Grants the ability to see invisible things.  
    w) the Mighty Hammer 'Grond' (9d9) (+5,+25) [+10]
         Dropped by Morgoth, Lord of Darkness at 5000 feet (level 100)
         Slays undead (powerfully), dragons (powerfully), demons
         (powerfully), trolls, orcs, animals, evil creatures.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
         Grants telepathy.  Grants the ability to see invisible things. 
         Sometimes creates earthquakes on impact.  Aggravates creatures
         Combat info:
         You are too weak to use this weapon.
         1.0 blow/round.
         With +9 STR and +0 DEX you would get 2.8 blows
         Average damage/round: 433.9 vs undead, dragons, and demons, 281.8
         vs trolls and orcs, 205.7 vs animals and evil creatures, and 129.7
         vs. others.
      [Character Quiver]
      [Home Inventory]
    a) the Ring of Aerith <+4, +2, +5, +1> {2int 5spd iL AFC snd cnf FA}
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 2850 feet (level 57)
         +4 strength.
         +2 intelligence.
         +4 searching skill.
         +5 speed.
         +1 light.
         Provides immunity to Lightning.
         Provides resistance to Acid, Fire, Cold, Dark, Sound.
         Provides protection from confusion.
         Cannot be harmed by Lightning.
         Prevents paralysis.  
         When activated, it restores your strength.
         Takes 287 to 350 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 97.0%
    b) the Ring 'Iling' (+7,+3) <+3, +1, +6> {6con ps lt bl FA}
         Dropped by Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw at 3950 feet (level 79)
         +3 strength.
         +3 wisdom.
         +1 dexterity.
         +6 constitution.
         Provides resistance to Poison, Light, Dark.
         Provides protection from blindness.
         Cannot be harmed by Lightning.
         Slows your metabolism.  Prevents paralysis.  
         When activated, it increases your AC and to-hit bonus for 1d12+6
         Takes 171 to 189 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 95.3%
    c) the Amulet of Hamarsil <+4, +3> {4con light}
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 1950 feet (level 39)
         +4 constitution.
         +3 infravision.
         Provides resistance to Light, Dark.
         Provides protection from fear.
         When activated, it creates a fire bolt with damage 9d8.
         Takes 143 to 157 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 86.1%
    d) the Pendant of Herufin <+4, +2> {4int 2con A L light}
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 2750 feet (level 55)
         +4 intelligence.
         +2 constitution.
         Provides resistance to Acid, Lightning, Light, Dark.
         Sustains intelligence.
         When activated, it increases your AC and to-hit bonus for 1d24+12
         Takes 199 to 220 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 92.5%
    e) the Metal Scale Mail of Anninach (-2) [38,+12] <+6> {FCLA ps sn sh fr bl HL}
         Dropped by a nether wraith at 3250 feet (level 65)
         +6 dexterity.
         Provides resistance to Acid, Lightning, Fire, Cold, Poison, Sound,
         Provides protection from fear, blindness.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid.
         Sustains your life force.  
         When activated, it creates a frost ball with damage 100.
         Takes 287 to 350 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 94.3%
    f) the Cloak of Turocar [1,+14] <+4, +5> {4int L}
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 1300 feet (level 26)
         +4 intelligence.
         +5 stealth.
         Provides resistance to Lightning.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
    g) the Fur Cloak of Agolori [3,+12] <+2, +4, +1> {L F stun}
         Conjured forth by magic at 3650 feet (level 73)
         +2 dexterity.
         +4 stealth.
         +1 light.
         Provides resistance to Lightning, Fire.
         Provides protection from stunning.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
         Feather Falling.  
         When activated, it creates an acid bolt with damage 12d8.
         Takes 199 to 220 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 97.3%
    h) the Elven Cloak 'Sargor' [6,+18] <+3, +1> {3con 1spd}
         Dropped by Saruman of Many Colours at 3900 feet (level 78)
         +3 constitution.
         +3 stealth.
         +1 speed.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
    i) a Leather Shield of Elvenkind [8,+14] <+1> {FCLA chaos}
         Dropped by a balance drake at 1950 feet (level 39)
         +1 stealth.
         Provides resistance to Acid, Lightning, Fire, Cold, Chaos.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid.
    j) the Knight's Shield of Elegluin [15,+21] <+4> {4int}
         Taken from a chest found at 3900 feet (level 78)
         +4 intelligence.
         Provides resistance to Acid, Lightning, Fire, Cold, Poison.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid.
         Sustains dexterity.
    k) the Iron Crown of Huornen [0,+21] <+4> {shard tele}
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 2250 feet (level 45)
         +4 stealth.
         Provides resistance to Shards.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid.
         Grants telepathy.  
    l) the Set of Gauntlets of Lamrahtar [3,+10] <+3, +2> {3con iF C}
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 1550 feet (level 31)
         +3 constitution.
         +2 searching skill.
         Provides immunity to Fire.
         Provides resistance to Cold.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
    m) the Set of Alchemist's Gloves of Arande (+14,+17) [0,+24] <+3> {chaos fear}
         Dropped by a mature red dragon at 2300 feet (level 46)
         +3 wisdom.
         Provides resistance to Dark, Chaos.
         Provides protection from fear.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
         When activated, it teleports you one level up or down.
         Takes 430 to 577 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 97.0%
    n) the Pair of Leather Sandals of Umarain [1,+10] <+8> {8spd stun}
         Dropped by Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger at 3850 feet
         (level 77)
         +8 speed.
         Provides protection from stunning.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
    o) the Pair of Leather Boots of Uldaur [2,+17] <+3, +5, +1> {3int 5spd}
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 2000 feet (level 40)
         +3 intelligence.
         +5 speed.
         +1 light.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
    p) the Main Gauche of Giluth (1d5) (+8,+11) <+3> {3spd dis}
         Dropped by The Queen Ant at 2550 feet (level 51)
         +3 speed.
         Slays undead (powerfully), evil creatures.
         Branded with weak fire.
         Provides resistance to Acid, Disenchantment.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid.
         Combat info:
         4.0 blows/round.
         Average damage/round: 157.2 vs undead, 116.8 vs evil creatures and
         creatures not resistant to fire, and 103.6 vs. others.
    q) the Bastard Sword of Rante (4d4) (+11,+30) <+3> {shard dis fear HL}
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 3100 feet (level 62)
         +3 dexterity.
         Slays undead (powerfully), dragons (powerfully), demons
         (powerfully), trolls, evil creatures.
         Provides resistance to Acid, Fire, Cold, Shards, Disenchantment.
         Provides protection from fear.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid.
         Slows your metabolism.  Grants the ability to see invisible
         things.  Prevents paralysis.  Sustains your life force.  
         When activated, it removes all non-unique monsters within 20
         squares, dealing you damage in the process.
         Takes 717 to 1137 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 97.7%
         Combat info:
         4.0 blows/round.
         Average damage/round: 412.4 vs undead, dragons, and demons, 319.6
         vs trolls, 273.2 vs evil creatures, and 226.8 vs. others.
    r) the Executioner's Sword of Orondi (6d5) (+17,+18) [+10] <+6, +3, +1> {6i lt nx 
         Dropped by a spider of Gorgoroth at 3850 feet (level 77)
         +6 intelligence.
         +3 wisdom.
         +3 infravision.
         +1 light.
         Slays undead (powerfully), demons (powerfully), trolls, animals,
         evil creatures.
         Provides resistance to Light, Nexus, Nether, Chaos.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid.
         Sustains dexterity.
         Prevents paralysis.  Blessed by the gods (combat bonuses for holy
         When activated, it returns you from the dungeon or takes you to
         the dungeon after a short delay.
         Takes 430 to 577 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 98.3%
         Combat info:
         3.3 blows/round.
         With +3 STR and +0 DEX you would get 3.8 blows
         With +0 STR and +3 DEX you would get 4.0 blows
         Average damage/round: 473.5 vs undead and demons, 327 vs trolls,
         254 vs animals and evil creatures, and 180.8 vs. others.
    s) the Awl-Pike 'Adist' (1d8) (+7,+14) <+3> {3con tele SI F}
         Dropped by Uvatha the Horseman at 3850 feet (level 77)
         +3 constitution.
         Slays undead (powerfully), animals.
         Provides resistance to Fire.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
         Slows your metabolism.  Grants telepathy.  Grants the ability to
         see invisible things.  Blessed by the gods (combat bonuses for
         holy casters).  
         Combat info:
         3.8 blows/round.
         With +3 STR and +0 DEX you would get 4.0 blows
         With +0 STR and +3 DEX you would get 4.0 blows
         Average damage/round: 203.5 vs undead, 142.8 vs animals, and 122.4
         vs. others.
    t) the Morning Star 'Avannirim' (8d6) (+9,+20) {ps nx rBlind}
         Dropped by a dread at 2750 feet (level 55)
         Slays undead.
         Provides resistance to Poison, Nexus.
         Provides protection from blindness.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
         Combat info:
         3.8 blows/round.
         With +2 STR and +0 DEX you would get 4.0 blows
         With +0 STR and +3 DEX you would get 4.0 blows
         Average damage/round: 502.6 vs undead and 253.4 vs. others.
    u) the Great Hammer 'Quenen' (8d1) (+10,+11) [+3] <+3, +5> {SI rConf}
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 2000 feet (level 40)
         +3 strength.
         +5 tunneling.
         Slays animals.
         Branded with weak lightning.
         Provides resistance to Lightning, Fire.
         Provides protection from fear, confusion.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
         Sustains constitution.
         Grants the ability to see invisible things.  
         Combat info:
         3.8 blows/round.
         With +1 STR and +0 DEX you would get 4.0 blows
         With +0 STR and +3 DEX you would get 4.0 blows
         Average damage/round: 172.4 vs animals and creatures not resistant
         to lightning, and 136.3 vs. others.
    v) a Great Hammer (Blessed) (8d1) (+10,+5) <+1> {rStun}
         Dropped by a ranger at 1650 feet (level 33)
         +1 wisdom.
         Provides protection from stunning.
         Blessed by the gods (combat bonuses for holy casters).  
         Combat info:
         3.8 blows/round.
         With +5 STR and +0 DEX you would get 4.0 blows
         With +0 STR and +3 DEX you would get 4.0 blows
         Average damage/round: 98.6.
    w) the Long Bow of Rethad (x5) (+14,+19) <+4, +2, +1> {4int dis}
         Dropped by Ji Indur Dawndeath at 3900 feet (level 78)
         +4 intelligence.
         +2 infravision.
         +2 shooting power.
         +1 light.
         Provides resistance to Acid, Lightning, Disenchantment.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
    x) the Heavy Crossbow of Linar (x6) (+13,+5) [+6] <+2, +3, +1> {2con iA dis}
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 2250 feet (level 45)
         +2 constitution.
         +3 tunneling.
         +2 shooting power.
         +1 light.
         Provides immunity to Acid.
         Provides resistance to Disenchantment.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
    [Player history]
          Turn   Depth  Note
             0      0'  Began the quest to destroy Morgoth.
           284     50'  Killed Grip, Farmer Maggot's Dog
           284     50'  Reached level 2
           284     50'  Reached level 3
           284     50'  Reached level 4
           350     50'  Reached level 5
           410     50'  Reached level 6
          3703    100'  Killed Fang, Farmer Maggot's Dog
          3703    100'  Reached level 7
          6620    200'  Reached level 8
          8382    250'  Reached level 9
          8890    250'  Killed Bullroarer the Hobbit
          9572    500'  Reached level 10
          9881    500'  Reached level 11
         10085    500'  Killed Grishnákh, the Hill Orc
         10085    500'  Reached level 12
         10816    500'  Reached level 13
         10998    500'  Reached level 14
         11658    500'  Killed Lagduf, the Snaga
         11927    500'  Reached level 15
         13655    550'  Reached level 16
         15362    600'  Reached level 17
         16547    600'  Killed Mughash the Kobold Lord
         17981    600'  Reached level 18
         20674    700'  Reached level 19
         21407    700'  Killed Orfax, Son of Boldor
         21885    750'  Reached level 20
         23824    750'  Reached level 21
         24022    750'  Reached level 21
         24063    750'  Killed Ufthak of Cirith Ungol
         25406    750'  Killed Boldor, King of the Yeeks
         26857    800'  Reached level 22
         27233    800'  Killed Ulfast, Son of Ulfang
         27255    800'  Killed Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman
         27594      0'  Killed Farmer Maggot
         29787    850'  Reached level 23
         34026    950'  Reached level 24
         35763   1000'  Killed Nár, the Dwarf
         35895   1000'  Killed Bolg, Son of Azog
         35895   1000'  Reached level 25
         36875   1000'  Killed Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief
         40110   1100'  Killed Azog, Enemy of the Dwarves
         40310   1100'  Reached level 26
         40428   1100'  Killed Shagrat, the Orc Captain
         43815   1150'  Killed Gorbag, the Orc Captain
         45675   1200'  Reached level 27
         49739   1250'  Reached level 28
         51904   1300'  Found the Cloak of Turocar
         52148   1300'  Killed Sangahyando of Umbar
         52629   1300'  Killed Angamaitë of Umbar
         54228   1300'  Killed Ulwarth, Son of Ulfang
         55192   1300'  Found the Dagger of Valarn (LOST)
         56355   1300'  Killed Lugdush, the Uruk
         56355   1300'  Reached level 29
         56390   1300'  Killed Uglúk, the Uruk
         56391   1300'  Found the Main Gauche of Valennar (LOST)
         56875   1350'  Found the Lantern of Beleglob (LOST)
         57484   1350'  Reached level 29
         59914   1500'  Killed Sméagol
         60250   1500'  Killed Khîm, Son of Mîm
         60676   1500'  Killed Ibun, Son of Mîm
         71844   1550'  Reached level 30
         73395   1600'  Killed Draebor, the Imp
         88907   1550'  Reached level 31
         89406   1550'  Found the Set of Gauntlets of Lamrahtar
         92636   1650'  Found the Katana of Ranwen (LOST)
         98323   1600'  Found the Jewel of Lumen
         98742   1650'  Reached level 32
        100703   1650'  Killed Tom the Stone Troll
        100704   1650'  Found the Pendant 'Erithlur' (LOST)
        101803   1650'  Killed Bert the Stone Troll
        102361   1650'  Killed Bill the Stone Troll
        103619   1650'  Reached level 33
        112004   2000'  Reached level 34
        112344   2000'  Found the Pair of Leather Boots of Uldaur
        112345   2000'  Found the Great Hammer 'Quenen'
        117949   1950'  Found the Wooden Torch of Orlador (LOST)
        118031   1950'  Found the Amulet of Hamarsil
        119291   2000'  Reached level 35
        123259   2150'  Found the Pendant of Gorindor (LOST)
        126277   2200'  Reached level 36
        127310   2250'  Killed Ulfang the Black
        130926   2250'  Killed Vargo, Tyrant of Fire
        131195   2250'  Killed Old Man Willow
        131741   2250'  Found the Heavy Crossbow of Linar
        131883   2250'  Killed Castamir the Usurper
        132002   2250'  Killed Uldor the Accursed
        132989   2250'  Found the Glaive 'Eoldirdo' (LOST)
        133529   2250'  Reached level 37
        134836   2250'  Found the Tulwar of Elinie (LOST)
        134869   2250'  Found the Iron Crown of Huornen
        136237   2300'  Found the Cloak 'Cirin' (LOST)
        136985   2300'  Found the Set of Alchemist's Gloves of Arande
        137251   2300'  Killed Gorlim, Betrayer of Barahir
        137510   2300'  Reached level 38
        144519   2500'  Found the Glaive of Nelwen (LOST)
        146289   2550'  Reached level 39
        146350   2550'  Killed Rogrog the Black Troll
        148548   2550'  Killed The Queen Ant
        148557   2550'  Found the Throwing Axe of Helor
        148558   2550'  Found the Main Gauche of Giluth
        148559   2550'  Found the Katana 'Gorgina' (LOST)
        152485   2600'  Found the Pick 'Harmain' (LOST)
        153746   2650'  Reached level 40
        156071   2750'  Found the Ring of Amaruinel
        156097   2750'  Found the Morning Star 'Avannirim'
        156225   2750'  Killed Scatha the Worm
        157077   2750'  Killed Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain
        157078   2750'  Found the Knight's Shield of Mendaina
        158333   2750'  Killed Waldern, King of Water
        159248   2750'  Found the Pendant of Herufin
        160257   2800'  Killed Kavlax the Many-Headed
        160654   2800'  Killed The Phoenix
        161487   2850'  Reached level 41
        163062   2850'  Found the Ring of Aerith
        168205   3000'  Killed Ariel, Queen of Air
        171845   3100'  Found the Bastard Sword of Rante
        172815   3150'  Reached level 42
        176275   3200'  Killed Smaug the Golden
        176299   3200'  Found the Long Bow 'Glandi'
        179119   3250'  Found the Metal Scale Mail of Anninach
        183063   3300'  Reached level 43
        186914   3400'  Reached level 44
        187897   3400'  Found the Black Dragon Scale Mail of Saladori
        189414   3400'  Killed Beorn, the Shape-Changer
        196248   3650'  Reached level 45
        196613   3650'  Found the Fur Cloak of Agolori
        197220   3650'  Killed Quaker, Master of Earth
        201069   3750'  Killed Lorgan, Chief of the Easterlings
        201906   3750'  Killed The Balrog of Moria
        202838   3750'  Killed Lungorthin, the Balrog of White Fire
        202838   3750'  Reached level 46
        204752   3750'  Killed Omarax, the Eye Tyrant
        205272   3750'  Killed Makar, the Warrior
        207716   3750'  Killed Feagwath, the Undead Sorcerer
        209363   3850'  Found the Executioner's Sword of Orondi
        209702   3850'  Found the Lochaber Axe of Mirien (LOST)
        210350   3850'  Reached level 47
        211758   3850'  Killed Gilim, the Giant of Eruman
        212458   3850'  Killed Glaurung, Father of the Dragons
        212463   3850'  Found the Leather Scale Mail of Sorim (LOST)
        214824   3850'  Killed Tevildo, Prince of Cats
        214827   3850'  Found the Rapier of Ornor (LOST)
        215102   3850'  Killed Nan, the Giant
        216126   3850'  Killed Uvatha the Horseman
        216134   3850'  Found the Awl-Pike 'Adist'
        216421   3850'  Killed Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger
        216715   3850'  Found the Pair of Leather Sandals of Umarain
        217051   3850'  Killed Ren the Unclean
        217063   3850'  Found the Studded Leather Armour of Edendorn (LOST)
        217238   3850'  Found the Set of Caestus of Redhel
        219395   3900'  Killed Saruman of Many Colours
        219395   3900'  Reached level 48
        219712   3900'  Found the Two-Handed Great Flail 'Avaldain' (LOST)
        219715   3900'  Found the Elven Cloak 'Sargor'
        220511   3900'  Killed Ungoliant, the Unlight
        221032   3900'  Killed The Tarrasque
        221308   3900'  Found the Maul of Vinoegor (LOST)
        222922   3900'  Found the Knight's Shield of Elegluin
        224027   3900'  Killed The Mouth of Sauron
        224442   3900'  Killed Ji Indur Dawndeath
        224451   3900'  Found the Long Bow of Rethad
        225406   3950'  Killed Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw
        225406   3950'  Reached level 49
        225410   3950'  Found the Ring 'Iling'
        225732   3950'  Killed Maeglin, the Traitor of Gondolin
        226966   3950'  Killed Adunaphel the Quiet
        227803   3950'  Killed Kham&#251;l, the Black Easterling
        228679   3950'  Killed Akhorahil the Blind
        231178   3950'  Killed Hoarmurath of Dir
        231682   3950'  Killed Ancalagon the Black
        232106   3950'  Killed Shelob, Spider of Darkness
        232882   3950'  Killed The Witch-King of Angmar
        232882   3950'  Reached level 50
        233516   3950'  Killed Itangast the Fire Drake
        233795   3950'  Found the Pair of Ethereal Slippers 'Voriathol'
        234759   3950'  Killed Pazuzu, Lord of Air
        235123   3950'  Killed Ar-Pharazôn the Golden
        235569   3950'  Killed Baphomet the Minotaur Lord
        236206   3950'  Killed Meássë, the Bloody
        236506   3950'  Found the Ball-and-Chain of Huneth (LOST)
        237312   4000'  Killed Fundin Bluecloak
        237314   4000'  Found the Blade of Chaos of Belath (LOST)
        238495   4050'  Killed Eöl, the Dark Elf
        238502   4050'  Found the Mithril Shield of Earfindon (LOST)
        238936   4050'  Found the Blade of Chaos 'Teithmoth' (LOST)
        239232   4100'  Killed Wiruin, the Maelstrom
        240112   4150'  Killed Tselakus, the Dreadlord
        240710   4150'  Killed Ossë, Herald of Ulmo
        243211   4200'  Killed Draugluin, Sire of All Werewolves
        244311   4250'  Found the Mithril Shield 'Vaned' (LOST)
        244726   4450'  Killed Harowen the Black Hand
        244736   4450'  Found the Pick of Lohtarme (LOST)
        247527   4600'  Killed Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord
        248554   4600'  Killed Vecna, the Emperor Lich
        249346   4600'  Killed Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst
        249965   4650'  Killed Huan, Wolfhound of the Valar
        250164   4650'  Found the Executioner's Sword of Mindaiath (LOST)
        250165   4650'  Found the Metal Scale Mail of Belian (LOST)
        251773   4800'  Killed Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs
        251779   4800'  Found the Lucerne Hammer of Tanguil (LOST)
        254361   4950'  Killed Sauron, the Sorcerer
        254365   4950'  Found the Short Sword of Andor (LOST)
        254479   5000'  Killed Brodda, the Easterling
        254545   5000'  Killed Mîm, Betrayer of Turin
        255014   5000'  Killed Morgoth, Lord of Darkness
        255024   5000'  Found the Gold Dragon Scale Mail of Narethrie
        255025   5000'  Found the Mighty Hammer 'Grond'
        255029   5000'  Found the Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth
      [User interface]
    Use the roguelike command keyset             : no  (rogue_like_commands)
    Use sound                                    : no  (use_sound)
    Show damage player deals to monsters         : yes (show_damage)
    Use old target by default                    : no  (use_old_target)
    Always pickup items                          : no  (pickup_always)
    Always pickup items matching inventory       : yes (pickup_inven)
    Show flavors in object descriptions          : no  (show_flavors)
    Highlight target with cursor                 : yes (show_target)
    Highlight player with cursor between turns   : no  (highlight_player)
    Disturb whenever viewable monster moves      : yes (disturb_near)
    Show walls as solid blocks                   : no  (solid_walls)
    Show walls with shaded background            : no  (hybrid_walls)
    Color: Illuminate torchlight in yellow       : no  (view_yellow_light)
    Color: Shimmer multi-colored things          : yes (animate_flicker)
    Center map continuously                      : yes (center_player)
    Color: Show unique monsters in purple        : yes (purple_uniques)
    Automatically clear '-more-' prompts         : no  (auto_more)
    Color: Player color indicates % hit points   : yes (hp_changes_color)
    Allow mouse clicks to move the player        : yes (mouse_movement)
    Notify on object recharge                    : no  (notify_recharge)
    Show effective speed as multiplier           : no  (effective_speed)
    Generate a new, random artifact set          : yes (birth_randarts)
    Generate connected stairs                    : no  (birth_connect_stairs)
    Force player descent (never make up stairs)  : no  (birth_force_descend)
    Word of Recall has no effect                 : no  (birth_no_recall)
    Restrict creation of artifacts               : no  (birth_no_artifacts)
    Stack objects on the floor                   : yes (birth_stacking)
    Lose artifacts when leaving level            : no  (birth_lose_arts)
    Show level feelings                          : yes (birth_feelings)
    Increase gold drops but disable selling      : yes (birth_no_selling)
    Start with a kit of useful gear              : no  (birth_start_kit)
    Monsters learn from their mistakes           : yes (birth_ai_learn)
    Know all runes on birth                      : no  (birth_know_runes)
    Know all flavors on birth                    : no  (birth_know_flavors)
    Persistent levels (experimental)             : no  (birth_levels_persist)
    To-damage is a percentage of dice (experimental): no  (birth_percent_damage)


    • Sky
      • Oct 2016
      • 2321

      how are you using those cesti on your hands, and not getting a SP penalty ?
      "i can take this dracolich"


      • archolewa
        • Feb 2019
        • 400

        Originally posted by Sky
        how are you using those cesti on your hands, and not getting a SP penalty ?
        Pretty sure 4.2.x removed the spellcasting penalty for wearing gloves. The only armor-based penalty now I think is the reduction in SP if your armor is too heavy.

        EDIT: Sorry, misread your question, thought you were asking about fail rate, not max SP. They probably are getting a penalty? I don't think I've ever seen the penalty be big enough to really worry about.

        Back to the review, I wonder if pConf and pChaos will protect you from the Confusion and Hallucination effects from *Miasma*. I know that pChaos protects you from the hallucinogenic effects of Bloodlust for a Blackguard.

        I personally haven't played Necromancer, but I've heard that Bat Form can be very useful for scouting, since I think it increases your stealth and gives you a +1 to Moves, which is a *big* buff in how fast you can move.


        • bughunter
          • Nov 2019
          • 141

          I have not played Necromancer yet, Xaxyx, as I'm still mastering the traditional classes. (My only victories have been with Mage and Rogue, personally.)

          But I do want to share my appreciation of the effort you put into the review, and especially like the "how I learned" format. Even if you find that others have more to add, your post has made me look forward to playing a Necromancer soon.

          Well done. Very well done, friend.

          [edit: I'm a dork. Necromancer.]
          Last edited by bughunter; April 8, 2021, 11:11.


          • Selkie
            • Aug 2020
            • 434

            Thanks for the in depth review - I love these and I think you were referring to my recent mage spell review. I do play mages very differently to necromancers and didn't sink anything into CON at the start of my necromancer. Everything was INT and STR (cos you need muscles to carry spell books).

            I have been playing a necromancer this week. I'd never try a half-troll necromancer but you certainly made him work. High Elves to me are what half trolls are to you, they're my go to class when I want to win a game. The high INT is particularly useful but light resistance is great for a class of the dark arts.

            I didn't win - I got lazy at level 50 and died in a Mirrormere vault in a fight against Glaurung and Ancalagon. My fault, I had about 15 *healing* potions that I was farming for the end fight. They summoned too many high level dragons and I got so badly breathed on! I do love Mirrormere vaults though and can't help exploring them. Next time I'll banish spirits (I always forget this works on dragons).

            My absolute favourite spell is fume of Mordor. It's the best mapping utility spell in the game, nothing comes close. Shame it arrives so late. It's particularly good at spotting artifact rings. Usually by the time you get the spell all the amulets and elf stones are gone.

            I found myself relying heavily on a long bow of power for that tricky transition period until you can get disenchant reliable and with enough SP to deal damage to scary monsters. You'll need at least 120SP because it's not a cheap spell. Disenchant is wonderful, especially against stiffbeard mages and patriarchs.

            Can somebody explain exactly what the magic debuff to monsters is? How much does it reduce their spell casting and do multiple shots of disenchant stack?

            I found bat form useful once I had fume of Mordor and was making a smash and grab. Not for the +3 speed but for the stealth boost which put me into Legendary status and nobody would wake up. It's quite late in the game to be finally making use of a tier one spell, but it was nice to have.

            Vampire form I experimented with, and found useful against certain enemies but wasn't really reliable enough and would take further experimentation. When it worked I literally wouldn't lose HP in a fight. When it didn't things got very scary very quickly, and not to mention I was starting most fights losing half my HP before they even began.

            Warg form is great and as good as anything a druid can boast. There was a time in my game when I carried a weapon of slay animal for the INT boost alone and never swung my cutlass in anger. By the late game my melee was consistently better than my magic. So I found a nice blend of the two worked well. As a mage I never hardly ever use my melee weapon, so this gave the necromancer a more unique flavour.

            What I love about playing all the different classes is which uniques are easy to kill and which are a nightmare. Some of the magical uniques which give my rogues, rangers and warriors a total headache just vanished before my eyes. Sauron was so easy.

            One other thing I noticed is Banish Spirits works on uniques, unlike Mass Banishment of a mage. This wasn't always what I wanted, but could have saved me from death in my last game and is an interesting flavour. Also it's more like mass TO, because it doesn't technically banish the monsters. It would take a bit of working out which creatures were considered to have a spirit and I'd have to use read minds to be certain. Is there something in the flavour text to help me more easily identify who does or doesn't have a spirit?

            One final point, I found an artifact armour that had +1 light. I assumed I wouldn't be able to wear it, but when I did I discovered no light penalty. I was still at -1. So I'm guessing necromancers have an inbuilt darkness, am I right or was something else happening? Anyway, I'm glad I could wear it.


            • Cuboideb
              • May 2020
              • 196

              The description of the Command spell is somewhat cryptic. This was extracted from the source code: "Valid commands: move, stand still, 'd'rop, 'm'agic, or 'r'elease."

              This line is displayed when you type an invalid key. It would be nice to have it in the spell description.

              I must experiment with this spell. It seems promising for some alternative strategies.

              BTW, when the monster gets out of LOS, it's released.


              • Cuboideb
                • May 2020
                • 196

                Command doesn't work in the nightlies.

                Line 259 in cmd-core.c should be

                idx = (int)cmd_idx(CMD_COMMAND_MONSTER);

                BTW, it would be great if the player could pick the monster spell instead of getting a random choice. I was trying with a black reaver and a couple of times it summoned undead.

                Nick, if you are interested I can try to make the spell menu.
                Last edited by Cuboideb; April 8, 2021, 14:31.


                • Nick
                  Vanilla maintainer
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 9631

                  Originally posted by Cuboideb
                  Command doesn't work in the nightlies.

                  Line 259 in cmd-core.c should be

                  idx = (int)cmd_idx(CMD_COMMAND_MONSTER);
                  Bug now fixed in the latest release on the releases page (by backwardsEric - the whole report-fix cycle happened while I was asleep).

                  Originally posted by Cuboideb
                  BTW, it would be great if the player could pick the monster spell instead of getting a random choice. I was trying with a black reaver and a couple of times it summoned undead.

                  Nick, if you are interested I can try to make the spell menu.
                  I think it might be a bit too powerful - you could command a great wyrm of annihilation and make it breathe every turn. What do others think?

                  Agreed the commands should go in the spell description.
                  One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                  In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                  • Pete Mack
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 6883

                    How about just disabling summon spells?


                    • Cuboideb
                      • May 2020
                      • 196

                      Originally posted by Nick
                      I think it might be a bit too powerful - you could command a great wyrm of annihilation and make it breathe every turn.
                      You are right. NPP has something like that for druids (they steal spells from animals). The maximum damage is limited.


                      • Nick
                        Vanilla maintainer
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 9631

                        Originally posted by Pete Mack
                        How about just disabling summon spells?
                        I kind of like the way the current system requires art on the part of the player.
                        One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                        In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                        • DavidMedley
                          • Oct 2019
                          • 1004

                          Great review! Got me excited to play a Necro again. So little time...
                          Please like my indie game company on Facebook!


                          • DavidMedley
                            • Oct 2019
                            • 1004

                            I like the idea that Necros are better at making peace with evil creatures (sleep) that killing them (nether bolt). I agree that things like Sleep seem to fail when you need them most, while banish and TO are absurdly reliable.
                            Please like my indie game company on Facebook!


                            • DavidMedley
                              • Oct 2019
                              • 1004

                              Bat Form does not increase foot speed last I checked, but I think it should.
                              Please like my indie game company on Facebook!

