9-Headed Hydras
All beholders destroy items, drain charges in melee, have lots of HP and drop nothing. Two bigger ones are also omniresistant to elements and summon stuff.
It is possible that a hive-mother is only monster I have never bothered to kill in vanilla. At least I don't remember fighting one ever.Comment
to go on a different tangent, how many "never fight this" monsters are we up to, now? although i am a d&d style murder hobo, and i CLEAR LEVELS DAMMIT, i understand the gameplay value in having to know when to hold em/ know when to fold 'em. but i think it would be worthwhile to have a clear policy on how many negative-value monsters the game should have.
1. Balrogs (unless I'm playing a paladin and have fire immunity, or even double fire resist. Then it's open season.)
2. Pretty much every other greater demon except Vrocks.
3. Many headed (typically seven and above) hydras.
4. Hounds of Tindalos.
5. Aether Houdns
6. Time vortices.
7. Beholders
8. Beholder Hive Mothers
9. Druj
10. Grand Master Mystic
11. Reavers
12. Liches of all stripes
13. Qulythugs (unless I'm a paladin)
14. Top tier Dragons (Great Wyrms, Sky Dragons etc, unless I have the appropriate immunity)
15. Impact Hounds
Now, granted I'm a very cautious player (for example, I almost never clear vaults as a non-stealth character until the endgame), and I tend to play standart games, so my character almost always has at least one hole in their higher resistance, and at most one elemental immunity (two if I'm *very* lucky).Comment
because daddy can't call daddy.
Oh you wanted a real answer?
This lies rooted in the (D&D) idea that summons FORCE another being into a form of submission; being summoned isn't being called on the phone, it's being forcefully removed from where you are, brought where you are summoned to, and, to some extent, under the control of the summoner. Ergo, only creatures who are substantially weaker than you will submit to the summon.
However, on the practical side, it's because summoners can grow exponentially. One horner reaper can summon another horned reaper, and two horned reapers can summon two more. Then 8, 16 and so forth. You really don't want to stick around for 256 horned reapers, trust me.
And, i agree. I like the idea to be able to deal with a summoner, while, in practice, there are a whole bunch of monsters in V that just don't matter because there is only one solution to them - teleport other. I don't like that, and you shouldn't either.
ALTHOUGH, i am partial to summoners being able to summon "daddy", *occasionally*. That ONE lucky summon. Hey, why not. Just, not the same way that reapers / balrogs do right now."i can take this dracolich"Comment
Was there a recent change in 4.2.0 in monster list?
I obviously miss time hounds from the list
In the early levels most of the jellies (especielly ochre jellies) and hummerhorns which come to my mind - i very rarely fight those if i have a choice.Comment
There's a cool mechanic in Sil where you get less XP for killing the same monster type over and over again. I don't love the formula, but I love the concept. Could make killing at least one 9 headed hydra worthwhile, and more interesting choices as the XP reward for various monsters changes.Please like my indie game company on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/RatherFunGamesComment
Eh, I take that back: I think the formula is good.Please like my indie game company on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/RatherFunGamesComment
Could be an interesting option, tho I know V is intentionally option-slim. I wonder what the corrective factor would have to be, and how you could take into account massed monsters like orcs vs solo monsters.Please like my indie game company on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/RatherFunGamesComment
What is Eddieband and do you only get 1 XP for each distinct type of monster and no other XP for kills?Please like my indie game company on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/RatherFunGamesComment