Hello! Got a broken save file after clearing a vault. Was going through the loot and deciding what to keep/leave.
The crash message:
Playing with:
Angband 4.2.0
Linux 5.4.15-arch1-1
Save file attached.
Anyways. Have only played for ~1.5 years, but I love 4.2.0 so far! Haven't gotten close to my first win, but I'm always having fun
. After my first few @s, I've pretty much only been playing hobbit mages. I'm determined to at least lay my eyes on Morgoth before trying a different build.
The crash message:
angband: load.c:327: rd_monster: Assertion `c->objects[obj->oidx] == NULL' failed.
Angband 4.2.0
Linux 5.4.15-arch1-1
Save file attached.
Anyways. Have only played for ~1.5 years, but I love 4.2.0 so far! Haven't gotten close to my first win, but I'm always having fun
