Pretty sure the answer is no, but:
Is there any way to restore a character from a text dump?
Is there any way to restore a character from a text dump?
[Angband 4.2.0 Character Dump] Name Aelkor Age 21 Self RB CB EB Best Race Half-Troll Height 6'4" STR: 18/83 +4 -2 +1 18/113 Class Druid Weight 14st 5lb INT: 15 -4 +0 +2 13 Title Earth Warder Turns used: WIS: 18 -2 +3 +3 18/40 HP 335/335 Game 214881 DEX: 15 -4 -2 +6 15 SP 52/52 Standard 21265 CON: 16 +3 +0 +2 18/30 Resting 1149 Level 32 Armor [60,+71] Saving Throw 57% Cur Exp 183225 Stealth Good Max Exp 183225 Melee 2d5,+37 Disarm - phys. 51% Adv Exp 240000 To-hit 43,+15 Disarm - magic 50% Blows 1.1/turn Magic Devices 49 Gold 12757 Searching 46% Burden 116.2 lb Shoot to-dam +6 Infravision 60 ft Overweight -63.7 lb To-hit 42,+11 Speed Normal Max Depth 2050' (L41) Shots 1.0/turn Your mother was a Cave-Troll Shaman. You have slime-green eyes, dirty sea-weed green hair, and black leprous skin. Resistances Abilities Acid:..+.....+.... pFear:............. Elec:........+.... pBlnd:........++... Fire:+.......+.... pConf:............. Cold:........+.... pStun:............. Pois:............! HLife:............. Light:+.......++... Regen:............+ Dark:........++... ESP:............. Sound:............. S.Inv:.........+... Shard:............. FrAct:.+....+...... Nexus:............. Feath:...........+. Nethr:............. S.Dig:++........... Chaos:............. TrpIm:...........+. Disen:............. Bless:+............ Hindrances Modifiers ImpHP:............. Stea.:.......+...+. ImpSP:............. Sear.:+............ Fear:............. Infra:......+.....+ Aggrv:............. Tunn.:............. NoTel:............. Speed:............. DrExp:............. Blows:............. Stick:............. Shots:............. Fragl:............. Might:.+........... Light:+....+...+... D.Red:............. Moves:...........+. [Character Equipment] a) the Broad Sword 'Glamdring' (2d5) (+10,+15) <+1> Dropped by Lugdush, the Uruk at 1350 feet (level 27) +1 searching skill. +1 light. Slays demons, orcs, evil creatures. Branded with fire. Provides resistance to fire, light. Cannot be harmed by acid. Slows your metabolism. Blessed by the gods. Combat info: 1.1 blows/round. With +2 STR and +0 DEX you would get 1.3 blows With +0 STR and +2 DEX you would get 1.3 blows Average damage/round: 67.1 vs. creatures not resistant to fire, 67.1 vs. demons, 67.1 vs. orcs, 59.6 vs. evil creatures, and 52.1 vs. others. b) a Short Bow of Lothlฤลrien (x4) (+6,+6) <+4, +2> Found lying on the floor at 1650 feet (level 33) +4 dexterity. +2 shooting power. Cannot be harmed by acid, fire. Slows your metabolism. Prevents paralysis. c) a Ring of Acid [+15] Found lying on the floor at 1950 feet (level 39) Provides resistance to acid. d) a Ring of Damage (+0,+11) Found lying on the floor of a cavern at 1950 feet (level 39) e) an Amulet of Wisdom <+3> Found lying on the floor in a vault at 1350 feet (level 27) +3 wisdom. Sustains wisdom. f) the Phial of Galadriel <+3> Found lying on the floor of a cavern at 1550 feet (level 31) +3 light. Cannot be harmed by fire. Intensity 3 light. When activated, it lights up the surrounding area, hurting light-sensitive creatures. Takes 11 to 20 turns to recharge. Your chance of success is 92.9% g) Augmented Chain Mail (Dwarven) (-2) [42,+7] <+1, +2, +3> Dropped by Uglรยฤนลบรยk, the Uruk at 1350 feet (level 27) +1 strength. +2 constitution. +3 infravision. Cannot be harmed by acid. Prevents paralysis. h) a Fur Cloak of Stealth [3,+11] <+2> Bought from a store +2 stealth. i) the Leather Shield of Celegorm [8,+20] Dropped by Shagrat, the Orc Captain at 1950 feet (level 39) Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, light, dark. Provides protection from blindness. Cannot be harmed by acid. j) a Golden Crown of Night and Day [0,+10] <+1> Found lying on the floor in a vault at 1750 feet (level 35) +1 light. Provides resistance to light, dark. Provides protection from blindness. Cannot be harmed by acid. Grants the ability to see invisible things. k) a Set of Caestus of Slaying (+2,+5) [5,+3] Dropped by Brodda, the Easterling at 700 feet (level 14) l) the Pair of Leather Boots of Wormtongue (-1,-1) [2,+4] <+2, +1> Dropped by Boldor, King of the Yeeks at 700 feet (level 14) +2 intelligence. +2 dexterity. +2 stealth. +1 movement speed. Cannot be harmed by acid, fire. Feather Falling. Gives immunity to traps. When activated, it teleports you randomly up to 10 squares away. Takes 20 turns to recharge. Your chance of success is 92.2% [Character Inventory] a) a Book of Nature Magics [Lesser Charms] {@m1} You can read this book. b) a Book of Nature Magics [Gifts of Nature] {@m2} You can read this book. c) a Book of Nature Magics [Creature Dominion] {@m3} Cannot be harmed by fire. You can read this book. d) 7 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds e) a Potion of Enlightenment f) 3 Potions of Speed g) 7 Scrolls of Phase Door h) 3 Scrolls of Holy Chant i) a Rod of Treasure Location {@z7} j) 3 Rods of Fire Bolts {@z4 63dam} k) 3 Rods of Light {@z1} l) a Rod of Recall (charging) {!z} Cannot be harmed by lightning. m) a Wand of Fire Bolts (13 charges) n) a Wand of Teleport Other (4 charges) o) a Staff of Teleportation (6 charges) {!u} p) a Ring of the Mouse (+0,-8) <+3, +4> Found lying on the floor in a vault at 1350 feet (level 27) +3 dexterity. +4 stealth. q) Blue Dragon Scale Mail of Craftsmanship [12,+24] Found lying on the floor of a cavern at 1650 feet (level 33) Provides resistance to lightning. [Character Quiver] 0) 3 Arrows (1d4) (+3,+2) Combat info: Hits targets up to 140 feet away. Average damage/round: 42.4. 35% chance of breaking upon contact. 1) 4 Arrows (1d4) (+8,+7) Combat info: Hits targets up to 140 feet away. Average damage/round: 63.2. 35% chance of breaking upon contact. 2) 7 Arrows of Venom (1d4) (+8,+10) Branded with poison. Combat info: Hits targets up to 140 feet away. Average damage/round: 132.1 vs. creatures not resistant to poison, and 75.4 vs. others. 35% chance of breaking upon contact. 3) 8 Mithril Arrows (3d4) (+6,+4) Cannot be harmed by acid, fire. Combat info: Hits targets up to 140 feet away. Average damage/round: 71.4. 35% chance of breaking upon contact. [Home Inventory] a) 4 Mushrooms of Clear Mind b) a Mushroom of Emergency c) 11 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds d) 2 Potions of Healing e) 4 Potions of Restore Mana f) 2 Potions of Restore Life Levels g) 6 Potions of Speed h) 29 Scrolls of Phase Door i) a Scroll of Teleport Level j) 2 Scrolls of Identify Rune k) a Scroll of Remove Curse l) 2 Scrolls of Recharging m) 6 Scrolls of Holy Chant n) a Rod of Lightning Bolts {@z2} o) a Rod of Slow Monster {@z5} p) a Rod of Hold Monster q) a Rod of Curing {@z0} r) a Ring of the Mouse (+0,-7) <+2, +4> Dropped by a young gold dragon at 1950 feet (level 39) +2 dexterity. +4 stealth. s) 10 Arrows (1d4) (+3,+2) Combat info: Hits targets up to 140 feet away. Average damage/round: 42.4. 35% chance of breaking upon contact. t) 20 Arrows (1d4) (+8,+7) Combat info: Hits targets up to 140 feet away. Average damage/round: 63.2. 35% chance of breaking upon contact. u) 23 Mithril Arrows (3d4) (+6,+4) Cannot be harmed by acid, fire. Combat info: Hits targets up to 140 feet away. Average damage/round: 71.4. 35% chance of breaking upon contact. [Player history] Turn Depth Note 0 0' Began the quest to destroy Morgoth. 248 0' Killed Father Christmas 367 50' Reached level 2 430 50' Found the Dagger 'Narthanc' (LOST) 626 50' -- Note: woo-hoo! 732 50' Reached level 3 909 100' Reached level 4 1208 150' Killed Grip, Farmer Maggot's Dog 1208 150' Reached level 5 1218 150' Killed Fang, Farmer Maggot's Dog 1275 150' Reached level 6 1339 150' Reached level 7 1684 150' Reached level 8 3086 150' Reached level 9 3390 250' Killed Bullroarer the Hobbit 3390 250' Reached level 10 3821 350' Reached level 11 4479 500' Reached level 12 5026 600' Reached level 13 5370 650' Reached level 14 5548 650' Reached level 15 6006 700' Killed Brodda, the Easterling 6050 700' Killed Orfax, Son of Boldor 6200 700' Reached level 16 6221 700' Killed Boldor, King of the Yeeks 6221 700' Found the Pair of Leather Boots of Wormtongue 6322 700' Reached level 17 6376 700' Reached level 18 6415 700' Reached level 19 6521 700' Reached level 20 6619 700' Reached level 21 6763 0' -- Note: Got 5 levels out of 1 arthropod pit 6871 950' Killed Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief 6875 950' Killed Grishnฤฤkh, the Hill Orc 7347 1200' Reached level 22 8024 1250' Reached level 23 8656 1350' Reached level 24 8726 1350' Killed Lugdush, the Uruk 8726 1350' Found the Broad Sword 'Glamdring' 8878 1350' Reached level 25 9106 1350' Killed Uglฤลk, the Uruk 9483 1350' Killed Ulwarth, Son of Ulfang 9499 1350' Killed Ulfast, Son of Ulfang 9628 1350' Killed Smฤล agol 9980 1350' Reached level 26 10812 1550' Found the Phial of Galadriel 10987 1600' Reached level 27 12328 1650' Reached level 28 12980 1650' Killed Ibun, Son of Mฤลฝm 14274 1750' Killed Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain 14332 1750' Reached level 29 15183 1800' Killed Ufthak of Cirith Ungol 15545 1800' Killed Sangahyando of Umbar 15581 1800' Killed Angamaitฤลค of Umbar 17059 1850' Reached level 30 17633 1900' Reached level 31 17966 1950' Reached level 30 17966 1950' Reached level 31 18393 1950' Killed Shagrat, the Orc Captain 18394 1950' Found the Leather Shield of Celegorm 19588 1900' Killed Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman 20946 0' -- Note: Bought pot of aug for 150! Pricey!! 21136 2050' Reached level 32 [Options] [User interface] Use the roguelike command keyset : no (rogue_like_commands) Use sound : no (use_sound) Show damage player deals to monsters : yes (show_damage) Use old target by default : no (use_old_target) Always pickup items : no (pickup_always) Always pickup items matching inventory : yes (pickup_inven) Show flavors in object descriptions : no (show_flavors) Highlight target with cursor : yes (show_target) Highlight player with cursor between turns : no (highlight_player) Disturb whenever viewable monster moves : yes (disturb_near) Show walls as solid blocks : no (solid_walls) Show walls with shaded background : yes (hybrid_walls) Color: Illuminate torchlight in yellow : no (view_yellow_light) Color: Shimmer multi-colored things : no (animate_flicker) Center map continuously : no (center_player) Color: Show unique monsters in purple : yes (purple_uniques) Automatically clear '-more-' prompts : no (auto_more) Color: Player color indicates % hit points : yes (hp_changes_color) Allow mouse clicks to move the player : no (mouse_movement) Notify on object recharge : yes (notify_recharge) Show effective speed as multiplier : yes (effective_speed) [Birth] Generate a new, random artifact set : no (birth_randarts) Generate connected stairs : no (birth_connect_stairs) Force player descent (never make up stairs) : no (birth_force_descend) Word of Recall has no effect : no (birth_no_recall) Restrict creation of artifacts : no (birth_no_artifacts) Stack objects on the floor : yes (birth_stacking) Lose artifacts when leaving level : no (birth_lose_arts) Show level feelings : yes (birth_feelings) Increase gold drops but disable selling : no (birth_no_selling) Start with a kit of useful gear : no (birth_start_kit) Monsters learn from their mistakes : yes (birth_ai_learn) Know all runes on birth : no (birth_know_runes) Know all flavors on birth : no (birth_know_flavors) Persistent levels (experimental) : no (birth_levels_persist) To-damage is a percentage of dice (experimental): no (birth_percent_damage)
[Angband 4.2.0 Character Dump] Name Aelkor Age 30 Self RB CB EB Best Race Half-Troll Height 10'4" STR: 18/83 +4 -2 +1 18/113 Class Druid Weight 16st 7lb INT: 15 -4 +0 +2 13 Title Earth Warder Turns used: WIS: 18 -2 +3 +3 18/40 HP 335/335 Game 214883 DEX: 15 -4 -2 +6 15 SP 52/52 Standard 21492 CON: 16 +3 +0 +2 18/30 Resting 21173 Level 32 Armor [60,+71] Saving Throw 57% Cur Exp 183225 Stealth Good Max Exp 188628 Melee 2d5,+37 Disarm - phys. 59% Adv Exp 240000 To-hit 43,+15 Disarm - magic 58% Blows 1.1/turn Magic Devices 49 Gold 12757 Searching 46% Burden 116.2 lb Shoot to-dam +6 Infravision 60 ft Overweight -63.7 lb To-hit 42,+11 Speed Normal Max Depth 2050' (L41) Shots 1.0/turn Your mother was a Stone-Troll Warrior. You have puke-yellow eyes, oily dark purple hair, and blue leprous skin. Resistances Abilities Acid:..+.....+.... pFear:............. Elec:........+.... pBlnd:........++... Fire:+.......+.... pConf:............. Cold:........+.... pStun:............. Pois:............. HLife:............. Light:+.......++... Regen:............+ Dark:........++... ESP:............. Sound:............. S.Inv:.........+... Shard:............. FrAct:.+....+...... Nexus:............. Feath:...........+. Nethr:............. S.Dig:+............ Chaos:............. TrpIm:...........+. Disen:............. Bless:+............ Hindrances Modifiers ImpHP:............. Stea.:.......+...+. ImpSP:............. Sear.:+............ Fear:............. Infra:......+.....+ Aggrv:............. Tunn.:............. NoTel:............. Speed:............. DrExp:............. Blows:............. Stick:............. Shots:............. Fragl:............. Might:.+........... Light:+....+...+... D.Red:............. Moves:...........+. [Character Equipment] a) the Broad Sword 'Glamdring' (2d5) (+10,+15) <+1> Created by debug option +1 searching skill. +1 light. Slays demons, orcs, evil creatures. Branded with fire. Provides resistance to fire, light. Cannot be harmed by acid. Slows your metabolism. Blessed by the gods. Combat info: 1.1 blows/round. With +2 STR and +0 DEX you would get 1.3 blows With +0 STR and +2 DEX you would get 1.3 blows Average damage/round: 67.1 vs. creatures not resistant to fire, 67.1 vs. demons, 67.1 vs. orcs, 59.6 vs. evil creatures, and 52.1 vs. others. b) a Short Bow of Lothlฤลrien (x4) (+6,+6) <+4, +2> +4 dexterity. +2 shooting power. Cannot be harmed by acid, fire. Prevents paralysis. c) a Ring of Acid [+15] Created by debug option Provides resistance to acid. d) a Ring of Damage (+0,+11) Created by debug option e) an Amulet of Wisdom <+3> Created by debug option +3 wisdom. Sustains wisdom. f) the Phial of Galadriel <+3> Created by debug option +3 light. Cannot be harmed by fire. Intensity 3 light. When activated, it lights up the surrounding area, hurting light-sensitive creatures. Takes 11 to 20 turns to recharge. Your chance of success is 92.9% g) Augmented Chain Mail (Dwarven) (-2) [42,+7] <+1, +2, +3> +1 strength. +2 constitution. +3 infravision. Cannot be harmed by acid. Prevents paralysis. h) a Fur Cloak of Stealth [3,+11] <+2> Bought from a store +2 stealth. i) the Leather Shield of Celegorm [8,+20] Created by debug option Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, light, dark. Provides protection from blindness. Cannot be harmed by acid. j) a Golden Crown of Night and Day [0,+10] <+1> +1 light. Provides resistance to light, dark. Provides protection from blindness. Cannot be harmed by acid. Grants the ability to see invisible things. k) a Set of Caestus of Slaying (+2,+5) [5,+3] l) the Pair of Leather Boots of Wormtongue (-1,-1) [2,+4] <+2, +1> Created by debug option +2 intelligence. +2 dexterity. +2 stealth. +1 movement speed. Cannot be harmed by acid, fire. Feather Falling. Gives immunity to traps. When activated, it teleports you randomly up to 10 squares away. Takes 20 turns to recharge. Your chance of success is 92.2% [Character Inventory] a) a Book of Nature Magics [Lesser Charms] {@m1} You can read this book. b) a Book of Nature Magics [Gifts of Nature] {@m2} You can read this book. c) a Book of Nature Magics [Creature Dominion] {@m3} Cannot be harmed by fire. You can read this book. d) 7 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds e) a Potion of Enlightenment f) 3 Potions of Speed g) 7 Scrolls of Phase Door h) 3 Scrolls of Holy Chant i) a Rod of Treasure Location {@z7} j) 3 Rods of Fire Bolts {@z4 63dam} k) 3 Rods of Light {@z1} l) a Rod of Recall {!z} Cannot be harmed by lightning. m) a Wand of Fire Bolts (13 charges) n) a Wand of Teleport Other (4 charges) o) a Staff of Teleportation (6 charges) {!u} p) a Ring of the Mouse (+0,-8) <+3, +4> Created by debug option +3 dexterity. +4 stealth. q) Blue Dragon Scale Mail of Craftsmanship [12,+24] Provides resistance to lightning. [Character Quiver] 0) 3 Arrows (1d4) (+3,+2) Combat info: Hits targets up to 140 feet away. Average damage/round: 42.4. 35% chance of breaking upon contact. 1) 4 Arrows (1d4) (+8,+7) Combat info: Hits targets up to 140 feet away. Average damage/round: 63.2. 35% chance of breaking upon contact. 2) 7 Arrows of Venom (1d4) (+8,+10) Branded with poison. Combat info: Hits targets up to 140 feet away. Average damage/round: 132.1 vs. creatures not resistant to poison, and 75.4 vs. others. 35% chance of breaking upon contact. 3) 8 Mithril Arrows (3d4) (+6,+4) Cannot be harmed by acid, fire. Combat info: Hits targets up to 140 feet away. Average damage/round: 71.4. 35% chance of breaking upon contact. [Home Inventory] a) 4 Mushrooms of Clear Mind b) a Mushroom of Emergency c) 11 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds d) 2 Potions of Healing e) 4 Potions of Restore Mana f) 2 Potions of Restore Life Levels g) 6 Potions of Speed h) 29 Scrolls of Phase Door i) a Scroll of Teleport Level j) 2 Scrolls of Identify Rune k) a Scroll of Remove Curse l) 2 Scrolls of Recharging m) 6 Scrolls of Holy Chant n) a Rod of Lightning Bolts {@z2} o) a Rod of Slow Monster {@z5} p) a Rod of Hold Monster q) a Rod of Curing {@z0} r) a Ring of the Mouse (+0,-7) <+2, +4> Created by debug option +2 dexterity. +4 stealth. s) 10 Arrows (1d4) (+3,+2) Combat info: Hits targets up to 140 feet away. Average damage/round: 42.4. 35% chance of breaking upon contact. t) 20 Arrows (1d4) (+8,+7) Combat info: Hits targets up to 140 feet away. Average damage/round: 63.2. 35% chance of breaking upon contact. u) 23 Mithril Arrows (3d4) (+6,+4) Cannot be harmed by acid, fire. Combat info: Hits targets up to 140 feet away. Average damage/round: 71.4. 35% chance of breaking upon contact. [Player history] Turn Depth Note 0 0' Began the quest to destroy Morgoth. 0 0' Reached level 2 0 0' Reached level 3 0 0' Reached level 4 0 0' Reached level 5 0 0' Reached level 6 0 0' Reached level 7 0 0' Reached level 8 0 0' Reached level 9 0 0' Reached level 10 0 0' Reached level 11 0 0' Reached level 12 0 0' Reached level 13 0 0' Reached level 14 0 0' Reached level 15 0 0' Reached level 16 0 0' Reached level 17 0 0' Reached level 18 0 0' Reached level 19 0 0' Reached level 20 0 0' Reached level 21 0 0' Reached level 22 0 0' Reached level 23 0 0' Reached level 24 0 0' Reached level 25 0 0' Reached level 26 0 0' Reached level 27 0 0' Reached level 28 0 0' Reached level 29 0 0' Reached level 30 0 0' Reached level 31 0 0' Reached level 32 1 0' Found the Broad Sword 'Glamdring' 35 0' Found the Phial of Galadriel 38 0' Found the Leather Shield of Celegorm 41 0' Found the Pair of Leather Boots of Wormtongue 188 0' Killed Father Christmas 189 0' Killed Grip, Farmer Maggot's Dog 189 0' Killed Fang, Farmer Maggot's Dog 189 0' Killed Bullroarer the Hobbit 189 0' Killed Brodda, the Easterling 189 0' Killed Orfax, Son of Boldor 190 0' Killed Boldor, King of the Yeeks 232 0' Killed Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief 232 0' Killed Grishnฤฤkh, the Hill Orc 233 0' Killed Lugdush, the Uruk 233 0' Killed Uglฤลk, the Uruk 233 0' Killed Ulwarth, Son of Ulfang 233 0' Killed Ulfast, Son of Ulfang (offscreen) 233 0' Killed Smฤล agol 236 0' Killed Ibun, Son of Mฤลฝm 236 0' Killed Sangahyando of Umbar 236 0' Killed Angamaitฤลค of Umbar 236 0' Killed Ufthak of Cirith Ungol 242 0' Killed Shagrat, the Orc Captain 242 0' Killed Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman 242 0' Killed Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain [Options] [User interface] Use the roguelike command keyset : no (rogue_like_commands) Use sound : no (use_sound) Show damage player deals to monsters : yes (show_damage) Use old target by default : no (use_old_target) Always pickup items : no (pickup_always) Always pickup items matching inventory : yes (pickup_inven) Show flavors in object descriptions : no (show_flavors) Highlight target with cursor : yes (show_target) Highlight player with cursor between turns : no (highlight_player) Disturb whenever viewable monster moves : yes (disturb_near) Show walls as solid blocks : no (solid_walls) Show walls with shaded background : no (hybrid_walls) Color: Illuminate torchlight in yellow : no (view_yellow_light) Color: Shimmer multi-colored things : no (animate_flicker) Center map continuously : yes (center_player) Color: Show unique monsters in purple : no (purple_uniques) Automatically clear '-more-' prompts : no (auto_more) Color: Player color indicates % hit points : yes (hp_changes_color) Allow mouse clicks to move the player : yes (mouse_movement) Notify on object recharge : yes (notify_recharge) Show effective speed as multiplier : yes (effective_speed) [Birth] Generate a new, random artifact set : no (birth_randarts) Generate connected stairs : no (birth_connect_stairs) Force player descent (never make up stairs) : no (birth_force_descend) Word of Recall has no effect : no (birth_no_recall) Restrict creation of artifacts : no (birth_no_artifacts) Stack objects on the floor : yes (birth_stacking) Lose artifacts when leaving level : no (birth_lose_arts) Show level feelings : yes (birth_feelings) Increase gold drops but disable selling : no (birth_no_selling) Start with a kit of useful gear : no (birth_start_kit) Monsters learn from their mistakes : yes (birth_ai_learn) Know all runes on birth : no (birth_know_runes) Know all flavors on birth : no (birth_know_flavors) Persistent levels (experimental) : no (birth_levels_persist) To-damage is a percentage of dice (experimental): no (birth_percent_damage)
skill = BOUND(player->state.skills[SKILL_DISARM_PHYS] - depth / 5, 2, 100); panel_line(p, colour_table[skill / 10], "Disarm - phys.", "%d%%", skill);