In another thread Derakon asked that I outline what I think combat should look like. A justified request since I was saying some provocative things, some of which may have been poorly thought out. Anyway, I've thought about it a few days and tried to organize my thoughts.
What Angband does well
I find Angband to be the most interesting from many areas from dungeon level 5 to about 40. It general starts when the player find some secondary means of attack besides the weapon (or magic missile for mages), and it ends, well we'll get to that later. During this range, players tend to have several different viable approaches to attack. These include both damage wands with limited charges, valuable ammo, and status effect wands and staves. Furthermore, with the exception of out of depth monsters, and super low hp classes, there are few one-shot threats around.
I actually find Angband at this range to be one of the most engaging and rewarding roguelikes. It has interesting tactics and a very nice interplay between tactical and strategic considerations. More on that now.
Tactics versus strategy
I'm going to throw these terms around, so it's probably a good idea to define them. I think my definitions are standard, but I'll define them anyway. Tactics regards to player decisions in the shrot term, usually this refers to a given encounter or objective, like clearing a vault. Strategy refers to what decisions you should make to win the game in total. For Angband, which doesn't have character builds and skill trees, the strategic elements lie entirely in the decision of inventory decisions and use of valuable consumables.
Therefore, a given battle, although tactically focused, involves strategic decisions. Using a wand charge in one battle, means you do not get to use it later. The decision usually starts before the battle begins. Angband forces players to estimate what resources they'll need to use to defeat an enemy, and then decide whether its better to engage or not. This is one of the key decisions that Angband throws at the player, and it's one that's mostly unique to *bands. Other games expect players to clear all enemies on a level before progressing to the next one. Angband absolutely and emphatically does not expect this. The decision of whether to engage is neither strategic or tactical, but a mix of the two. Because it is something unique to Angband, it probably behooves us to ensure that it remains in the game.
Tactically dull situations
There are two types of situations that commonly crop up that are tactically dull. The first situation occurs if the player has a zero-cost combat option that straight up outclasses all others. Usually this is a powerful weapon, but it can also be a powerful launcher that can do loads of damage even with unenchanted ammo. Spells sometimes also fill this role, there is a significant range of the game where Priest Orb of Destruction is the best attack available by far, limited only by spell points. These tactically dull situations occur in every roguelike I've played. There's really no avoiding it. The random nature of drops means that at some point, in some games, you will find a weapon that is just dominant. However, we could consider trying to change up tactically dull situations for spell-casting classes if they're too prominent.
However, it's really the second dull tactical situation that bugs me more. It's what I'd prefer to focus on. The situation arises when the player is put in a situation where they need to take X or Y action immediately, or they have a chance to die before they get another move. Due to the asymmetric nature of roguelike combat, even 1% chances of death are unacceptable, and must be avoided. The player only has the full set of tactical choices when they are not in risk of dying next turn. Angband produces way too many situations where the player is at immediate risk of dying. These situations are often unavoidable. Morgoth (or Vecna even) summoning a single black reaver in LoS is enough to kill all but the most hardy of players on the next turn if both decide to cast Mana Storm.
So I said there were two situations that I wanted to talk about, but there's also a third situation. When monsters can outright kill you in one turn, the decision of whether to engage or not is removed. You absolutely cannot engage these monsters. A very common example are monsters that hit to paralyse. If you don't resist paralysis, you must flee. There is no choice.
Why the game gets less fun after level 40
In my opinion, after about level 40, the game starts throwing many situations at the player in which they go from a perfectly ok situation, to one where they are in immediate danger. This is when you start getting summoning monsters, and monsters with highly deadly attacks, both of which can cause forced move situations. Tactical combat then becomes, at most, a two turn affair. Thinking more than two turns ahead is pointless in many situations.
Because of the proliferation of these situations, Angband also gives the player the ability to handle them. There are many "get out of jail free" cards in Angband. A super-powerful one, the staff of teleportation, is available in town. It's not foolproof, but it's incredibly powerful. Things only get more powerful from there. Stuff like Destruction, teleport level, teleport other, and banishment are incredibly useful to get the player out of tricky situations. Even the lowly phase door would be a fairly powerful escape option in some games. Based on the way Angband works, these escapes are necessary. Because you are often put in a situation where not having a powerful escape could kill you next turn, you must make sure the player has access to these escapes.
There are many tactical avenues that are employed to great effect in other roguelikes that are not present in Angband, much to its detriment. One example is, if you've played Sil or DCSS you know how important it is to make sure you have a path to the stairs. Speed isn't as pervasive or as deadly as in Angband, so if you blunder into something you can't handle, you are usually perfectly free to walk back to the stairs and either reset the level (sil) or attempt a different approach (DCSS). This, of course, provided that you were cognizant of the terrain and made sure you had a safe path back to the stairs. In Angband, worries about paths back to the stairs are pretty much non-existent. Levels are huge, and many fast moving monsters (cats, hydras) will kill you before you ever make it back. Pretty much from an early stage in the game, teleport becomes a necessary escape, and phase door is necessary from the very beginning.
The situation gets much worse after level 40. And the main reason is that way too many monsters have attacks that do over half-hp damage to even the best-kitted character, and outright kill weaker characters. You absolutely cannot engage two or more of these monsters at once.
The fact that situations can go from full health to dire in a single turn really limits what attacks are available to monsters. Status effect attacks must either be mild or resistable. You can't have monsters that can confuse through resistance, for example. And you must give players the ability to resist confusion completely. There is also a requirement to avoid specific status effects. Teleportation resistance from either the monster side (resistant to TO) and the player side (prevent player teleportation) is pretty much out of the question.
Where should we be headed
A rule of thumb I suggested in another thread is to try to move from having lots of situations that look like, "If I don't do X,Y or Z now I may die next turn" into "If I don't do X, Y or Z now I may die in 3-5 turns" At first glance this looks similar, both require immediate action, but there's actually a huge difference here. It allows for situations where planning ahead is critical. If you can survive 3 attacks from a monster, you have a good chance of being able to run to the stairs (if stairs are close enough). You still need to start evasive maneuvers immediately, but it extends the range. Another example, in DCSS, teleports exist, but they work after a delay. They are also valuable consumables. What this means is that you may need to recognize the potential for bad things to happen and start teleportation in advance. This is only possible in DCSS because there are few monsters that can kill you in a small number of turns, and, the truly deadly monsters can often be avoided.
I'll list a few things that would help move the game in this direction, knowing full well that many of these are large scale departures. Most of this is theorycrafting, but a lot is informed from playing other roguelikes and trying to steal mechanics that work well.
I wrote this over the course of a few days, so I apologize if it's not entirely coherent. I'll probably come up with more things I should have said later too. Oh well. Better post this before my browser crashes or something.
What Angband does well
I find Angband to be the most interesting from many areas from dungeon level 5 to about 40. It general starts when the player find some secondary means of attack besides the weapon (or magic missile for mages), and it ends, well we'll get to that later. During this range, players tend to have several different viable approaches to attack. These include both damage wands with limited charges, valuable ammo, and status effect wands and staves. Furthermore, with the exception of out of depth monsters, and super low hp classes, there are few one-shot threats around.
I actually find Angband at this range to be one of the most engaging and rewarding roguelikes. It has interesting tactics and a very nice interplay between tactical and strategic considerations. More on that now.
Tactics versus strategy
I'm going to throw these terms around, so it's probably a good idea to define them. I think my definitions are standard, but I'll define them anyway. Tactics regards to player decisions in the shrot term, usually this refers to a given encounter or objective, like clearing a vault. Strategy refers to what decisions you should make to win the game in total. For Angband, which doesn't have character builds and skill trees, the strategic elements lie entirely in the decision of inventory decisions and use of valuable consumables.
Therefore, a given battle, although tactically focused, involves strategic decisions. Using a wand charge in one battle, means you do not get to use it later. The decision usually starts before the battle begins. Angband forces players to estimate what resources they'll need to use to defeat an enemy, and then decide whether its better to engage or not. This is one of the key decisions that Angband throws at the player, and it's one that's mostly unique to *bands. Other games expect players to clear all enemies on a level before progressing to the next one. Angband absolutely and emphatically does not expect this. The decision of whether to engage is neither strategic or tactical, but a mix of the two. Because it is something unique to Angband, it probably behooves us to ensure that it remains in the game.
Tactically dull situations
There are two types of situations that commonly crop up that are tactically dull. The first situation occurs if the player has a zero-cost combat option that straight up outclasses all others. Usually this is a powerful weapon, but it can also be a powerful launcher that can do loads of damage even with unenchanted ammo. Spells sometimes also fill this role, there is a significant range of the game where Priest Orb of Destruction is the best attack available by far, limited only by spell points. These tactically dull situations occur in every roguelike I've played. There's really no avoiding it. The random nature of drops means that at some point, in some games, you will find a weapon that is just dominant. However, we could consider trying to change up tactically dull situations for spell-casting classes if they're too prominent.
However, it's really the second dull tactical situation that bugs me more. It's what I'd prefer to focus on. The situation arises when the player is put in a situation where they need to take X or Y action immediately, or they have a chance to die before they get another move. Due to the asymmetric nature of roguelike combat, even 1% chances of death are unacceptable, and must be avoided. The player only has the full set of tactical choices when they are not in risk of dying next turn. Angband produces way too many situations where the player is at immediate risk of dying. These situations are often unavoidable. Morgoth (or Vecna even) summoning a single black reaver in LoS is enough to kill all but the most hardy of players on the next turn if both decide to cast Mana Storm.
So I said there were two situations that I wanted to talk about, but there's also a third situation. When monsters can outright kill you in one turn, the decision of whether to engage or not is removed. You absolutely cannot engage these monsters. A very common example are monsters that hit to paralyse. If you don't resist paralysis, you must flee. There is no choice.
Why the game gets less fun after level 40
In my opinion, after about level 40, the game starts throwing many situations at the player in which they go from a perfectly ok situation, to one where they are in immediate danger. This is when you start getting summoning monsters, and monsters with highly deadly attacks, both of which can cause forced move situations. Tactical combat then becomes, at most, a two turn affair. Thinking more than two turns ahead is pointless in many situations.
Because of the proliferation of these situations, Angband also gives the player the ability to handle them. There are many "get out of jail free" cards in Angband. A super-powerful one, the staff of teleportation, is available in town. It's not foolproof, but it's incredibly powerful. Things only get more powerful from there. Stuff like Destruction, teleport level, teleport other, and banishment are incredibly useful to get the player out of tricky situations. Even the lowly phase door would be a fairly powerful escape option in some games. Based on the way Angband works, these escapes are necessary. Because you are often put in a situation where not having a powerful escape could kill you next turn, you must make sure the player has access to these escapes.
There are many tactical avenues that are employed to great effect in other roguelikes that are not present in Angband, much to its detriment. One example is, if you've played Sil or DCSS you know how important it is to make sure you have a path to the stairs. Speed isn't as pervasive or as deadly as in Angband, so if you blunder into something you can't handle, you are usually perfectly free to walk back to the stairs and either reset the level (sil) or attempt a different approach (DCSS). This, of course, provided that you were cognizant of the terrain and made sure you had a safe path back to the stairs. In Angband, worries about paths back to the stairs are pretty much non-existent. Levels are huge, and many fast moving monsters (cats, hydras) will kill you before you ever make it back. Pretty much from an early stage in the game, teleport becomes a necessary escape, and phase door is necessary from the very beginning.
The situation gets much worse after level 40. And the main reason is that way too many monsters have attacks that do over half-hp damage to even the best-kitted character, and outright kill weaker characters. You absolutely cannot engage two or more of these monsters at once.
The fact that situations can go from full health to dire in a single turn really limits what attacks are available to monsters. Status effect attacks must either be mild or resistable. You can't have monsters that can confuse through resistance, for example. And you must give players the ability to resist confusion completely. There is also a requirement to avoid specific status effects. Teleportation resistance from either the monster side (resistant to TO) and the player side (prevent player teleportation) is pretty much out of the question.
Where should we be headed
A rule of thumb I suggested in another thread is to try to move from having lots of situations that look like, "If I don't do X,Y or Z now I may die next turn" into "If I don't do X, Y or Z now I may die in 3-5 turns" At first glance this looks similar, both require immediate action, but there's actually a huge difference here. It allows for situations where planning ahead is critical. If you can survive 3 attacks from a monster, you have a good chance of being able to run to the stairs (if stairs are close enough). You still need to start evasive maneuvers immediately, but it extends the range. Another example, in DCSS, teleports exist, but they work after a delay. They are also valuable consumables. What this means is that you may need to recognize the potential for bad things to happen and start teleportation in advance. This is only possible in DCSS because there are few monsters that can kill you in a small number of turns, and, the truly deadly monsters can often be avoided.
I'll list a few things that would help move the game in this direction, knowing full well that many of these are large scale departures. Most of this is theorycrafting, but a lot is informed from playing other roguelikes and trying to steal mechanics that work well.
- Reduce sight of both player and monster, and make levels smaller (which in turn makes level layout more important)
- Change speed to be movement speed (all attacks take 1 turn regardless of movement speed).
- Rework fast moving early monsters, Grip and Fang are big issues here. But also stuff like crows can kill an early character if they miss their one blow attempt.
- Phase door becomes a mid game escape option. Teleport is a very rare item. Teleport level is delayed
- Destruction damages monsters but does not remove them (kind of like earthquake)
- Teleport other is resistable (player can resist it as well)
- Highly damaging monster attacks are significant nerfed. Non-base element breaths don't do much damage (except maybe nether), the main issue is the status effect. Status effects however get more severe. No 500 damage disenchantment breaths from the Tarrasque anymore.
- Redesign high damage spells from monsters that are not Sauron and Morgoth
- Change INT to magic and have it govern spell points and spell damage
- Change WIS to something else, and have it govern device skill, mental saving through, and the ability to inflict status effects on monsters.
- Remove all resistances to confusion/blindness/stunning. Instead base everything on saving throw. Saving throw can be increased through items directly.
- Greatly nerf monster summoning. A common way of implementing summoning in other games is to have summoned monsters be timed effects that disappear after some number of time, or when the summoner monster is killed. Summoned monsters also don't give XP or drops. We don't need to do it this way of course.
- Recharging is a rare scroll only. Wands and rods are valuable.
- Lightning attacks drain charges from wands rather than destroy them
- Controlled blink is a valuable escape scroll, as in DCSS
- Allow monsters to wander, and go back to sleep.
I wrote this over the course of a few days, so I apologize if it's not entirely coherent. I'll probably come up with more things I should have said later too. Oh well. Better post this before my browser crashes or something.