New player with probably stupid but easy question

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  • xXGhostSpyderXx
    • May 2018
    • 2

    New player with probably stupid but easy question

    So first off I would like to say how incredibly awesome this game is to play. I'm new to this type of game which is a little embarrassing considering how long I have been playing games but I never new about Angband before.

    Now I have never played and D&D games before so I dont really understand the damage system here. I have read the game manual and it doesn't make sense to me.

    If I have a dagger, let's say that its 2d6 (+0,+0), the way the game describes this if I'm reading it right is that it rolls 2 dice with 6 different sides on each so I can have an attack ranging from 2-12?

    Now what if it's the same deal but with a 2d6 (+3,+3) what would my attack be then and how do I go about figuring this out so it makes sense?

    Sorry if this is a stupid question you receive all the time it just doesn't really makes sense to me yet. Also I am mostly playing version 3.4.1 on my phone I have downloaded the latest version on my computer but haven't had a chance to play it much if this helps at all.
  • Nick
    Vanilla maintainer
    • Apr 2007
    • 9353

    You're completely correct about 2d6 (+0,+0).

    For 2d6 (+3,+3):
    • The first number increases your chance to hit with every blow (usually referred to as "plus to-hit")
    • The second number is a flat increase to your damage (usually referred to as "plus to-dam"), which will result in the range of damage values now being 5-15
    One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
    In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


    • Derakon
      • Dec 2009
      • 8820

      Your to-damage bonus applies on every strike you make with your weapon, by the way. With high STR/DEX and a lightweight weapon, you can make multiple attacks per round, each of which get the full damage bonus.


      • Pete Mack
        • Apr 2007
        • 6697

        What Derakon said. A starting warrior of a high dex/str race can get 4 blows (or nearly that much) with a dagger main gauche, or rapier. But a longsword will not generally get as much damage because it gets fewer blows. Damage scaling is pretty peculiar in Angband (and the old D&D it is based on.)


        • xXGhostSpyderXx
          • May 2018
          • 2

          Thanks guys that makes a lot more sense now. Another quick question about potions and scrolls, if I pick one up and I dont know what they are yet I'm figuring the only way to find out is to either read them or quaff them or sell them to vendors in town to learn what they are. However if my character dies does my next character know what they were automatically or do I have to go through this whole process again.

          I am still on my first character (elf, ranger) and have been playing extremely cautious cl14 dl17, but have gotten into some pretty difficult situations and have almost died.

          Just curious if there is a setting to make every character remember everything from the previous character or if you always have to go in blind.


          • Philip
            • Jul 2009
            • 881

            You can change the settings so that everything is fully id'd, but there isn't a way to make flavor memory persistent.


            • Gwarl
              • Jan 2017
              • 988

              Monster memory is persistent though.

              In older versions, there used to be both identify and *identify* and the latter would give persistent info about random higher resitances.


              • Timo Pietilä
                • Apr 2007
                • 3964

                Originally posted by Gwarl
                Monster memory is persistent though.

                In older versions, there used to be both identify and *identify* and the latter would give persistent info about random higher resitances.
                Persistent in a sense that you didn't lose that info when hit by amnesia attack, nothing like that transferred between games. Only monster memory, and even that was savefile-tied, if you started a new game without loading old game save you started everything from zero.


                • Derakon
                  • Dec 2009
                  • 8820

                  Originally posted by Philip
                  You can change the settings so that everything is fully id'd, but there isn't a way to make flavor memory persistent.
                  In other words, your next character will have to figure everything out all over again. The game shuffles which "flavors" (potion colors, scroll titles, wand materials, etc.) map to which effects in each new game, so in one game a Cyan Potion might be a Potion of Heroism and in the next it might be a Potion of Salt Water.

